bauertschi 254 Posted May 8, 2014 (edited) Concerning all those invisible player thingies: Currently on stable I get a lot of desync, I really think it is highly dependant on the number of players, but sometimes also happens on practically empty servers. Now my flatmate can force that issue by hogging all the bandwidth. Sooo I end up with an extremely high ping. In that case a guy I played with simply was frozen in a running animation behind a fence. For science I hit him. He was hit on his client even though he was at least 100 meters away at that point, simply because I had a laggy connection and had him on my cient stuck at the fence. He even got those hits immediatelly, so that was synced. So combine that with how it looks from the other side, people all of a sudden getting updated on their server positions, and being "teleported" on the other clients. That also explaines how people shoot and kill you when they don't even aim at you (from your point of view). That does not mean there is no speedhack and teleportation, but you really have to look at what's going on. I wrote about three incidents where I cried "cheater" after all. But one should be careful about those claims, I hope, I am. Another anoying thing is that some here think that all those ppl should stop complaining about getting killed by supperior players. If getting a "lag-drop" on someone (and it probably is in many cases) is a sign of supperior gameplay for you, well, for me it is not. Of course it works both ways, but in such a situation, there is no way to tell who was supperior. Those posts don't accomplish anything if they don't discuss what people perceive as having encountered cheaters. Edited May 8, 2014 by bautschi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blazed 71 Posted May 8, 2014 (edited) I find DayZ to be the most hacked game I've ever played, granted I've mainly played popular/top games out there. The thing about DayZ is that the hackers are not discreet at all, You can see their hacked ammos "21414717e+04194585", they teleport, they speed hack, they esp hack and find you hidden around all these trees and bushes where you cannot even see your own character in 3rd person, they don't reload and they dont die after spraying them. (Ok some of these may just be bugs or glitches, but not the case on every occasion). At least with other games the hackers are sly, If you play Counter-Strike, you dont see people obviously hacking, you end up having to spectate the hacker to see if he's got wall hacks/ aim bot by watching his gameplay carefully. I never see God mode, unlimited ammo, etc, and all my years on counter strike 1.6 I only saw speed hacking once. Another example is Starcraft 2 you have maphackers, you cannot really tell if someone is hacking or not, you need to watch the replay, people dont hack 10514514149 minerals and they don't go god mode. They can't anyway because the way how the game is programmed, server side checks all the important aspects of gameplay, I've never come across such obvious hacking in SC2. BIS need to step up their game at this VERY CURRENT ALPHA STAGE and start right now, Why? Because if DayZ Alpha becomes a hacks fest then forget about Beta or Retail, game would be dead by then for it's infamous hackers. Edited May 8, 2014 by blazed 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerrymck89 0 Posted May 10, 2014 Listen up. This is not an exaggeration. Before you decide to remind me that this is Alpha please be also reminded that hence the fact this is Alpha then discussion, complaining, and reporting are all completely necessary so take a good deep breath before you decide to make yourself look like 10 year old.Anyways. I have logged around 400 hours on DayZ. It's a great game. Extremely addicting and I am very appreciative of the work and sweat the dev's are drilling into this game.Now on that note, I have been playing this game since it came out. Hacking went from zero to 60% literally. It is becoming far more common and no offense but releasing a new can of spray paint or a new gun in the next patch isn't going to help this issue. It's getting to the point where people are resorting to hacking, just to stay alive, or hunt other hackers. I have been killed by them 4 times this week. Different days, different servers, different locations on the map. Monday was a character who had aimbot. He shot me with a .22 sporter rifle from about 200 meters in the head several times and when I dropped I could still here the bullets hitting me. It was about 3 bullets a second.Wednesday I spawned over by NEAF in a bush with my pal. We heard sks and mosin shots. We then realized they were getting closer and the bullets were wizzing passed our heads. We immediately began running and ran for about 30 seconds before we both were shot dead point blank. When you die you can press escape and can still see your dead body as the other player loots it so that is what i did. 2 of them were looting my body and when they left, they teleported. going about 15 feet per jump. Just now (I didn't this time, i'll explain later) I ran to one of the jails at the balota air field and there were 3 count them THREE hackers in one of the jails just sitting there waiting in the floor/wall. I peaked in the wall and they greeted me and told me I was free to go because they only wanted to kill hackers.Now dev's....You have a problem that needs to be fixed. Please we can wait on cosmetics and new items for another month, just focus on hacking or before your game is even released you will have less players than hackers becaus all the honest players will have left. This is an issue that needs to be addressed and battle eye isn't sufficient obviously Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted May 10, 2014 Listen up. Merged Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blazed 71 Posted May 10, 2014 (edited) Still have yet to see a hacker in DayZ. As I said before I'm sure it exists but I think the amount is exaggerated. I would be willing to bet that desync, lag, and exploits are still the main cause of most of these hacking claims. As an example I was playing with a friend and we were running through the trees. He had gotten ahead of me so I was sprinting to catch up when all of a sudden he disappeared ahead of me and I could see an SKS barrel in the left side of my screen. After having a mini heart attack cause I thought someone spawned in or teleported next to me i realized it was my friend. So what had happened was a spike in desync had made him appear to have been up ahead and when it went back down he "reappeared" where he had stopped to wait for me. Thus giving it a "teleporting" appearance. So I think that this is how most of these teleporting claims happen. How do you not come across the Hacked Ammo that I see nearly every day...?! Go watch 5hizzle on twitch he's always having a hard time throwing out hacked weapons lol. Edited May 10, 2014 by blazed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lolwat 2 Posted May 10, 2014 (edited) Well, I found this on a dead body today...I'm not a glitcher by the way, server was reset when i was on the roof, but respawned at the bottom of the apartment. I can't get out, i also need help for that please :D Edited May 10, 2014 by lolwat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bw_spectre 14 Posted May 10, 2014 played 80 hours, came across 4-5 cheaters so far, 2 of them had speedhack, 1 had infinite ammo/mag for m4, and he most likely had somekind of wallhack, since he was able to spray people to death throught wooden buildings without reloading, he shot auto fire for atleast 3 minutes non stop. and there was 1 guy who didnt die from 12 mosin shots, each time i shot him, he fell down, was down for couple seconds and got back up, bandaged and just started walking away slowly... and one guy i shot with mosin atleast 3 times, he was down a lot longer but then got up and walked away, not sure if the last one was lag or cheat, but anyway... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted May 10, 2014 I'm really curious to know what servers you guys play on that have so many hackers. I have come across zero hackers and zero infinite ammo clips. This is 411 hours in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted May 11, 2014 I have played DayZ since the mod had only 50k players and i was perfectly accepting of the fact that there would always be script kiddies ( Read bellends) ready and willing to spoil the game. So you can imagine my joy when rocket said there would be a network bubble to limit what the client can 'see' and also most of the things would be done sever side to further limit the problem of script kids. So, you can imagine my shock when a player suddenly TPs right in front of me and starts shooting. When i shoot back, he then TPs a few 100 meters behind me and continues to shoot. Now, i know you could say 'blahblah he did not TP, you were just blind' and in most cases i would agree, but this was on a flat beach with NO COVER to hide in. So am i correct to think that all the crap about network bubbles and and limiting what can be done server side is just a load of BS or is this a new way for these 22yrd old virgin script kiddies to get their kicks? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hellstalker0352 2 Posted May 11, 2014 This is for DAYZ: SA is this the right place? Hey everybody I just had a few questions and I was wondering if this was the right place. I LOVE this game, in fact it's in early alpha and it very well may be the best multiplayer game I own. With that said hackers REALLY kill my experience...I'm ex military so it sucks when I get a few friends on and we do everything right just to get killed by hackers aka script kiddes or whatever you want to call them. It's annoying at the end of the day :/ Now I don't expect to bitch about this and Rocket simply fix everything but I did have some questions to ask other people. 1. Is there any definitive way to tell if you got hack killed? Given...sometimes I blurt out, "there's no way he could have landed that; HACKER" but ultimately I understand that most likely that is not the case...but then like a while ago on 'The Clutch Dome' server in Berezino some guy is hiding below an elevated house (maybe two guys) with unlimited ammo shooting through walls killing anoyone within 100 meters...YES 100 meters >.> but I diverge...what do you guys think?2. Is there any way to combat hackers/kiddies by ourselves? The reason I ask that is as in number one the only other time I've been 100% sure that I was being hacked was on a server that didn't say "DayZ US EAST server hosted by ...." (yada know one of those generic ones) I had joined one and this guy teleported behind me and shot me and a friend through a wall... >.> anyway it's just really ANNOYING 3. Yes I could have scowered the forums for this but does battle eye even work? Does battle eye run on every server? Does VAC work? Should I avoid certain servers? What do you guys do to avoid hackers/kiddies? I just want to play this game on a fair playing field and when I get killed I want to say well played...rather than "THAT HACKER" So what do you all do?P.S. On a side not another game with a similar problem was DOTA and I remember them leaver mods that hosters would get to make sure we didn't play with feeders/leavers/griefers is there anyting like that out? Maybe a server one where people go and vote which servers they've had negative experiences on? That could potentially get servers to tighten up security if that's even a thing...I know a lot of this could sound condescending of me like maybe I have huge expectations for an alpha game but please take my comments with a grain of salt I am looking for solutions is all not moe problems! Thanks for reading my life story lol and thanks for your commments ahead of time. -Hell 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xalienax 621 Posted May 11, 2014 1. Sometimes yes.. likes being teleported into the air, or seing a guy suddenly materilize next to you and insta kill you (obviously not logging in). getting killed out of no where or suddent un explained deaths could be hacks or could be glitches. its really diffacult to say 1 way or the other at time. 2. not much other then avoid servers where it seems to be common. Hopefully once it goes final private hives will come out and server renters/owners can run thier own anti-cheat tools and spectate those they susptec of TPing/Exploiting etc. 3. It does, but BattleEye bans in waves. this means that it will seems for weeks like nothing was done then suddenly all at once the Global banlists is updated with most recent detections. horrendous system imho but its what we have (sadly). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hellstalker0352 2 Posted May 11, 2014 Hey Sovetsky thanks for the info I realize I'm being extremly lazy by not researching this stuff myself but sometimes it's really hard to find this stuff by yourself so it'd be nice to read this stuff from others, good tips and I'll look into some of this stuff you mentioned, THANKS! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nexdemise 16 Posted May 11, 2014 I have a question and I didn't want to make a new thread. Anyways, can one get banned by battleye for glitching or using (not making) hacked items. Let's say you glitch into an inaccessible part of a building, or you pick up an M4 with 56 thousand rounds from a hacker. Can either of those events result in a ban? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted May 11, 2014 I have a question and I didn't want to make a new thread. Anyways, can one get banned by battleye for glitching or using (not making) hacked items. Let's say you glitch into an inaccessible part of a building, or you pick up an M4 with 56 thousand rounds from a hacker. Can either of those events result in a ban? how many rounds? 0.o Yeeeaaahhhh i think i will take a break till this is sorted out.. the hacking is just as bad in the SA as it was in the mod................. :( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kichilron 8550 Posted May 11, 2014 (edited) Anyways, can one get banned by battleye for glitching or using (not making) hacked items. Let's say you glitch into an inaccessible part of a building, or you pick up an M4 with 56 thousand rounds from a hacker. Can either of those events result in a ban? The ammo is not a hack, it's an exploit - and no, you don't get banned for using that, even though it's suggested not to. Yeeeaaahhhh i think i will take a break till this is sorted out.. the hacking is just as bad in the SA as it was in the mod................. :( Is it really? Take a look at this: Edited May 11, 2014 by kichilron Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
$able 257 Posted May 11, 2014 3. It does, but BattleEye bans in waves. this means that it will seems for weeks like nothing was done then suddenly all at once the Global banlists is updated with most recent detections. horrendous system imho but its what we have (sadly).Except that your claims are simply wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemorus 280 Posted May 11, 2014 - it's not enough, when this topic grows every single day. Some basic security changes need to be done right away, so situation won't get out of hand. All other matters may wait. I mean - many players will read such posts, and think badly about whole project. Thinking badly is bad for business. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted May 11, 2014 The ammo is not a hack, it's an exploit - and no, you don't get banned for using that, even though it's suggested not to. Is it really? Take a look at this: Yeah Really. I never had anything like that happen on the server/server's that i played on period. Plenty of other stuff like Teleporting/Spawning stuff in. P.S Nice attitude for a forum mod. Try accepting people have their own points of view/opinions. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted May 11, 2014 - it's not enough, when this topic grows every single day. Some basic security changes need to be done right away, so situation won't get out of hand. All other matters may wait. I mean - many players will read such posts, and think badly about whole project. Thinking badly is bad for business. This topic will continuously grow whenever someone finds a cheater or a presumed cheater. A lot of things are unnerving, currently though I would say that the random char resets are way worse than the cheaters. In the group I play in, we were four ppl and ALL lost our char on a server that somehow ate our chars after we left it. Then we encountered ppl hiding in walls/rooms in the af prison buildings quite a few times. Lets not forget the blatant looking through walls thing that's going on currently. Getting killed because of things like that is just as bad for me. Concerning the "real" cheats, my encounters with a flying dude and a speedhacker have passed for some time, haven't encountered those since. Currently there are probably way more deaths due to desync - see my post - for me almost as unnverving again. At this point I don't even care about things like ppl with thousands of bullets in their mags so much. They still have to kill you before you kill them. I don't really think they are more dangerous than legit players with 60 bullets. Now should they simply have also cheated in their m4s, that's another problem. If you encounter such ammo things, please use a mag to get some stacks of 40 or 60 or whatever and then throw the rest away somewhere where others should not find it. The server restarts will eat them. Someone posted that after logging back in, (s)he had all that ammo in the mag again, but it did work for me. What I am worried about most is ESP stuff, because it is practically invisible to legit players. Many other things (thousands of ammo mags being an example) can be done through server side sanity checks, and I fully understand that that will only be done later, especially with the very low responsiveness servers currently show with 20+ ppl. I think ESP is what BE specialises next to other things, if I am not mistaken. But there is probably also a huge factor on client side accessability there, that again is BI's concern. Only BEdev-sable can really say anything about that, I guess. His sig is stuck at "160,000 and counting..." since I first saw it, but I don't know if he updates that ;). I guess a simple statement like "# accounts banned in the last month" would probably even out some of our emotions here, but the exact numbers are probably not intended for the public. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmashT 10907 Posted May 11, 2014 Only BEdev-sable can really say anything about that, I guess. His sig is stuck at "160,000 and counting..." since I first saw it, but I don't know if he updates that ;). I guess a simple statement like "# accounts banned in the last month" would probably even out some of our emotions here, but the exact numbers are probably not intended for the public. Hicks posted this a while back which may give you an idea. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bauertschi 254 Posted May 11, 2014 Yeah Really. I never had anything like that happen on the server/server's that i played on period. Plenty of other stuff like Teleporting/Spawning stuff in. P.S Nice attitude for a forum mod. Try accepting people have their own points of view/opinions. The sheer volume of absolute crazy stuff about cheaters in the mod that is shown on youtube kept me from buying the Arma II package when it was on steam sale shortly ago. From everything I have read/seen there was (don't know if it's still) way more possible in the mods concerning cheats. Concerning kichilrons attitude as a mod. Why should he not have the same rights to voice his opinions as everyone else on this forum? WTF??? As long as he does not hide posts, give warning points (...) or otherwise uses his privilages against those of other opinions, there is absolutely no problem, so: PS: Maybe YOU should try accepting that he has his own points of view/opinions. The sheer audacity of some asking from others what they don't show themselves... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spikér 136 Posted May 11, 2014 The sheer volume of absolute crazy stuff about cheaters in the mod that is shown on youtube kept me from buying the Arma II package when it was on steam sale shortly ago. From everything I have read/seen there was (don't know if it's still) way more possible in the mods concerning cheats. Concerning kichilrons attitude as a mod. Why should he not have the same rights to voice his opinions as everyone else on this forum? WTF??? As long as he does not hide posts, give warning points (...) or otherwise uses his privilages against those of other opinions, there is absolutely no problem, so: PS: Maybe YOU should try accepting that he has his own points of view/opinions. The sheer audacity of some asking from others what they don't show themselves... Ok i will bite. Please re-read the post/s i was referring too. The manor of the reply was/seemed to be claiming that i was wrong with my opinion of cheats being as prevalent as they were in the mod. If i have taken that the wrong way then im sorry, but guess what? This is the internet and it is very hard if not impossible to full grasp the meaning/emotion behind written text. As for the last part of me accepting his opinion, have you seen me claim he is wrong? Have you seen my post anything to try and debunk his claim/opinion? I stated my opinion, he stated his. We both disagreed and i stated that i had not seen that level of scripting in all my time on DayZ ( i could have been lucky?) I think it is you having the audacity to try and correct something that does not need correcting that is simply amazing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted May 12, 2014 I'm just curious. I had to uninstall DayZ for this reason as I won't give cheaters the satisfaction of making me destroy my monitor. Is anyone else in the same boat, or am I paddling alone? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites