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Bohannan (DayZ)

I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

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I love how some people are arguing that it isn't needed because it'll cause laziness (yes Devs, I do listen) or that it rewards laziness... yet you reward other laziness... like... oh say... the KoS CoD Kiddies who sit on a sniper spot for 6 hours and kill everyone they say from 600+ meters away! And before you nimrods that do this day in and day out say that there's no reward involved, you can kiss the dark side of my butt-cheeks. Your reward is the satisfaction of ruining other peoples' days and gameplay experience because you're bored. People like you are irritating, pathetic and a thorn in the community's side. Sniping a target because they may have medical supplies or ammo that you desperately need? Ok. Fine. That's perfectly ok. But sniping people and then leaving the loot there to disappear? WTF? Really? Talk about stupid. Sniping people who have JUST SPAWNED and have literally nothing of value? Also pathetic and a waste of ammo.


Ya'll can rage at me if you want, my points are still valid and KoS CoD Kiddies are even lazier than an auto-run button.

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Okay.. So.. If there was auto-run you would eventually run straight into a building or tree or something, plus you will easily get killed leaving DayZ unattended. DayZ is all about strategy and patience and if you cant apply those fundamentals to the game I would suggest uninstalling.

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Okay.. So.. If there was auto-run you would eventually run straight into a building or tree or something, plus you will easily get killed leaving DayZ unattended. DayZ is all about strategy and patience and if you cant apply those fundamentals to the game I would suggest uninstalling.


Using an auto-run button is not the same as 'leaving DayZ unattended'. You would play the same way as you would without it, the difference being the need for pressing down 'W'.

That is all it is, to press or not to press. It does not affect gameplay, it does not change the need for strategy or patience, it does not touch the fundamentals of the game in any way whatsoever.


It takes some strain off your naughty finger while playing, that's it.

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I'm assuming the lack of an auto run key is probably a design choice with the long term in mind, specifically described by one word: Stamina


Whilst it's not yet in the game, I can't imagine Bohemia avoiding this mechanic entirely and once added, it will render the use of an auto run key defunct as you'll need to rest dependant upon your fitness and health levels. I can only assume it's missing at present because one's stamina is tied directly to one's general health; ask marathon runners about their eating habits, for example.

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Jaysus. Calm down. As if you couldn't be any lazier.


You had one job. Hold W. If that's too hard for you I think you might need to rethink some decisions

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Using an auto-run button is not the same as 'leaving DayZ unattended'. You would play the same way as you would without it, the difference being the need for pressing down 'W'.

That is all it is, to press or not to press. It does not affect gameplay, it does not change the need for strategy or patience, it does not touch the fundamentals of the game in any way whatsoever.


It takes some strain off your naughty finger while playing, that's it.




Anything I can do to decrease RSI is a good thing. Please implement.

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When I first started reading this thread I couldn't help but think, "what kind of lazy fuck can't press a key on their keyboard to make their character run a marathon?" Then I realized that it makes sense considering that we're paying someone to replicate the real woods for us so we don't have to go out camping ourselves.


WALL·E here we come!

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When I first started reading this thread I couldn't help but think, "what kind of lazy fuck can't press a key on their keyboard to make their character run a marathon?" Then I realized that it makes sense considering that we're paying someone to replicate the real woods for us so we don't have to go out camping ourselves.


WALL·E here we come!



Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't really matter in terms of gameplay. Not like it is going to give anyone an edge apart from a less worn-out W-key.

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Don't know if I already posted here.  Big thread.  


But yeah.  Problem with coin is if someone starts shooting at me it can be hard to pull it out in time.  Death by coin.  I don't think auto run would decrease the immersion.  

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cause some people actually feel like, I dunno, playing the game




I don't get how not holding the button will make affect anything.  Do you think people will just go eat a sandwich and leave him auto running?  lol. 


Dayz is a very dangerous world.  No average player (maybe a few morons) is going to leave their keyboard for more then a minute.  Maybe to grab a coke or use the bathroom but that's it.  

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As long as they only make it for jogging and walking speed there is no problem with it. But there shouldn't be auto-sprint because you are not supposed to sprint over a longer period of time even though the current version allows this by only adding a minor setback (sway).

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As long as they only make it for jogging and walking speed there is no problem with it. But there shouldn't be auto-sprint because you are not supposed to sprint over a longer period of time even though the current version allows this by only adding a minor setback (sway).

I agree lets crawl everywhere at 1/2 mph because we are all virgins who live in mama's basement :D


seriously it already takes too long getting to places. 

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I can't believe people actually think there is are "arguments" against this.  People already macro it or put things in their keyboards (i use a toothpick), not having something so simple is just an inconvenience.  If people want to AFK for periods at a time, why not let them take the risk?  Let them learn the lesson through a couple of deaths, or finding out they have been running into the same rock for 15 minutes.  Hell, if AFK running is the reason against auto-run, why not just log people out with no input after X amount of time?


Stamina a problem?  If you run out of stamina, you fall into auto-walk.  You wouldn't automatically go back to running when you have sufficient stamina, you would have to do it yourself.  I fail to see how this is an argument.  People will run themselves out of stamina with or without an auto-run key.


Or the "argument" that it is a simulator, so we should do all the actions.  We have auto breathe, right?  Should we have to press B to inhale then release to exhale?  Hell no!  This is obviously an extreme and silly example, yet it drives home the point.  Something so elementary and common should be optimized for convenience.  A better and more apparent example is crouching, walking and crawling (prone).  All three of these are toggle-able, yet in real life we obviously have to be conscious about it.  Maybe we should also have to hold C to crouch.  Hell, we already have auto-walk (double tap shift), should we remove that for consistency with running?


People will find and have found ways to combat it; every person I know who plays this game has it macroed or finds other 'manual' ways of auto-running.  There is no skill to holding W. Being "too lazy" to hold W does not influence anybody except the player themselves.  Nothing will change, except for the increased integrity of a their finger.  Worried about alt tabbers?  I'm no programmer, but I am sure there is a way to combat this.


All in all, I simply have yet to see a solid reason not to implement auto run.  That is because there is no solid reason.

Edited by doctajones

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I just assumed that everbody is using free look when running to constantly check the surroundings, so pressing one extra button is no prob. Can't even image running without that.


And people wonder why they get killed...


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 Ít would be a little bit more relaxing if you were able to let go instead of pressing W all the time. And you can still use the free look. I do see the problem of people running down cliffs though.

I agree lets crawl everywhere at 1/2 mph because we are all virgins who live in mama's basement :D


seriously it already takes too long getting to places. 

Well, its especially important for those players because they are used to getting everything they want without any effort at all. ;)

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boneboys suggested I re-post my recent predicament from this thread here.


Long story short, I sometimes wedge a pen cap under my "E" key to hold down my "W" key to simulate an autorun when I know I've got a long way to run (if I'm going from Berezino cross country towards Balota or something, I really only use it when I'm going a LONG way). Well, long story short last night I was running from somewhere near Polana I think and wanted to simply head south to the coast and head to Elektro. So using the map knowing where a street sign was in relation to the town I situated myself generally south and took off with my "W" key wedged down. It was late at night, and wouldn't you know it I dozed off... when I woke up I had been logged out of the server, I assume it rebooted. So I logged back in and - I was swimming in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight! No idea how long I'd been swimming for nor how far out into the ocean I was. You can read the details in the original thread but I got some suggestions and ended up generally keeping the sun to my back and managed to eventually find land again, and wouldn't you know it I landed at the western edge of Elektro where I wanted to go anyway, great success!


Figured I'd share - I took some screenshots and managed to make a GIF of the final leg of my journey. Two funny notable things:

  1. I thought I was seeing flying fish, which was weird because I never saw anyone speak of them. Turned out it was that stupid bird flying relative to the ground and not relative to the water. Thus it was flying under water and popping up on occasion.
  2. After swimming for a long time both my SKS and backpack would completely disappear from my body and my inventory. Logging out and back in fixed that, and also when I landed on shore and got out of the water they magically reappeared. I'm going to log a bug on that one.



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That was absolutely hilarious.

I love the gif, especially the 'thumbs up' at the end. "Ta-daa!"

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Easy to resolve.


You take a nickel and place it on the W key. Then, you take 6-7 normal weight poker chip and place them on top of the w key. Raise and drop 3 of the them twice in quick succession to result in sprinting.


Problem solved, thats how I get from Svet to Bolota while watching Twitch in the sidelines and with my hands off the keyboard.

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This is a screenshot of what I do... and also what got me lost in the middle of the ocean after I dozed off.


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Why is every one complaining about double tab? It is a PC game freaking rebind running to shift!

Also the autorun will not come so that you have to do something to get something. If you don't want to travel simply stay put. I never had a problem with the manual method. It keeps you alert.

With auto running you will think ah i'l grab something to drink quick, meanwhile player sees you and shoots you. dead...

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