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About Baklavah

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Baklavah

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Ok... I would like to know what exactly is meant by "New Events: Vehicles Spawns". Does that mean DRVEABLE vehicles? Or vehicles that spawn with LOOT in them... define this please...
  2. Of course it's been shot down many times... By the very people who don't want their advantage of obscene amounts of firepower to disappear. If that's the case, then they need to release dedicated server support. Because that will be the only way to prevent this kind of ridiculous loot hoarding that will just piss everyone off.
  3. Greetings! So, I have an issue with the upcoming persistent player storage function. It is going to promote douchebaggery galore unless characters are specifically locked to servers. Go to a new server, get a new character for that server. Otherwise you're just going to have KoS CoD Kiddies and TONS of bandits server hopping every time a server resets (they keep tabs... most of us do) just to go loot guns/ammo/clips, go back to the server they're trolling on, stockpile like mad and then just kill without consequences... even if they get killed themselves. They will have so much firepower that the entire concept of the game will just go out the window. So, Devs, here's a thought. LOCK CHARACTERS TO SERVERS! If you don't, this issue will spiral out of control, I assure you. And I'm fairly certain that every person who votes against this concept is either a KoS CoD Kiddie or a Bandit and they don't want their upcoming advantage to vanish. As a person and player who believes in fair play, this option is the only way to prevent this kind of nonsense. ~Baklavah
  4. Hey everyone! So, I know this is going to piss off all of the server hoppers (trust me it's how my group gets loot too...) but it makes more sense to have characters LOCKED to servers once loot respawn is in effect. First of all, it'll stop server hopping. 2nd, less ammunition, meds, guns, etc etc will be floating around. 3rd, once base-building and vehicles are implemented, it will give players a reason to stick to a server. And last but not least, it'll become necessary to identify the bandits and heroes on the server in order to maintain player relations. The reasoning here is that the servers' communities will have to rely on knowing who's who so as to avoid unnecessary conflicts. It makes a ton of sense to me, what do you guys think? (Proper critique only please... I don't need any "you're fucking stupid that's so dumb" type of responses. Keep that kind of nonsense to yourselves) ~Baklavah
  5. Baklavah

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    My apologies if I sounded snappy and harbouring resentment... I had just finished participating in an argument with stupid people who do not understand the meaning of "player interaction". I understand where you're coming from. The problem is that while some people are taking on the role of a "survivor", others are taking on the role of a "Psychotic Pseudo-Nazi with a sniper rifle, an itchy trigger finger and boredom". That takes away the ENTIRE point of the game. There are already plenty of horrors. Zombies are no longer the pushovers that they were. The fact that fresh spawns are being killed when they have nothing of value proves no point except that the KoS CoD Kiddies are cowards, and killing someone and then just letting their gear despawn is not only stupid and arrogant, it's disrespectful. Again, my apologies for the aggression... I'm just tired of all the stupidity...
  6. Baklavah

    Survival as an End-Goal (Lowering KoS too)

    Your argument is not entirely valid. I'm pretty sure in a REAL survival situation people aren't just going to shoot at the first person that moves. Most certainly guns will be drawn, and most certainly there will be some way to ascertain whether or not someone is friendly. Some people who have what we normal people call "a soul" will provide shelter for a night, especially for groups with children. I'm pretty fucking certain no one's going to shoot a child on sight because that's what they'd do in DayZ. That is a retarded argument. There is no warrant for KoS, it just proves who the closet-psychopaths are. Fine by me. Bandits are to be expected, but there's a limit to being an asshole. Not everyone is a soulless murderer.
  7. Xant and Nex... you have a very.... skewed version of "carebears" in your heads. I am not in fact, a carebear. I actually have a squad, and use "tactics" (a term you may not be familiar with, so allow me to enlighten you) to navigate, survive and gather resources... Sitting on top of a hill, sniping fresh spawns does not constitute as a "tactic". It is in fact a pathetic way to show that you think you're a tough guy, incapable of dealing with player interaction and/or a level playing field. Pretty sure if my counter-sniper leveled a mosin at your head and killed you, and then proceeded to hunt you on the coast, killing you for hours... you wouldn't enjoy that so much would you? Of course not. Why? Because he'd be impeding your gaming experience. Don't want to talk to other survivors in a friendly fashion? That's perfectly fine. Grow a pair and bandit like a man then. This game has guns, yes. This game provides the opportunity to kill other players, yes. However, what exactly is the point you're trying to make when you kill a fresh spawn, or kill someone and then don't even bother with any of their gear and just let it despawn? Far as I can tell, you have no point. You're just looking for attention. Congratulations. You've gained attention on the forums. Do you want a cookie? I won't be posting on this thread again, as arguing with people who spout nonsense just breeds more nonsense. "Hurray" you may think to yourselves "we won the argument!" However, you've won nothing. All you've succeeded in doing is proving how ignorant and tactless you both are. Others like you fall under the same category. And you refer to "KoS CoD Kiddies" as name calling? Far from it. That is the universal category under which people like you fall. It isn't a name-calling attempt in the least. It's a label. And if you're so proud of your "playstyle", then why do you care? You clearly think you're better than the rest of us. Anyway, I'm done with words. Words won't reach you, as was made apparent by your ridiculous responses. May a hero's bullet find you, and may he/she hunt you until you ragequit.
  8. Xant and NexVentor... you call us inept, yet you're the ones who are acting like lunatics in a game to satisfy your own egos. Far as I can tell, Natural Selection missed you guys. Humanity's downward spiral will have people like you at its core. Acting like tough guys through a screen is all well and good, but what are you going to do when you actively piss someone off who's got some extreme mental issues and decides to hunt you down? It's not impossible to think of, considering some of the sick things that have happened in the world. The reason I call you KoS CoD Kiddies out isn't mainly out of anger... it's more out of frustration and the fact that you people lack tact. Use your heads a little will you? If you want to mindlessly shoot guns at people so that you can feel tough, go play CoD or Titanfall. Leave us out of it.
  9. Baklavah

    Chess board

    It seems to be the mass mentality here that if someone doesn't like an idea, they get angry at it. wtf is wrong with people? Are they regressing?
  10. Baklavah

    Chess board

    They were ideas you nimrod. Who shit in your cornflakes this morning?
  11. See... that's what I mean. Morons like you derive pleasure from ruining someone else's time playing the game. Why did you bother paying 30$ for a game just to piss people off? What point are you trying to make? "Oh look at me I'm an internet tough guy! I'll slaughter everyone all day long because it makes me giggle." What are you, an inbred southerner? Grow the fuck up already. Jesus.
  12. Baklavah


    Bout time something gets added like that. Hopefully the stupid KoS CoD Kiddies will waste their ammo on Wildlife more often than not and leave us alone from time to time. They frustrate the hell out of me... pay 30$ for a game just to piss people off and then try to defend their stupidity by calling it a "playstyle". Are you kidding me? How the hell does "slaughtering everything that moves indiscriminately" (including fresh spawns who have NOTHING of value) even constitute as surviving?! That isn't what survival games are about! Anywho, pardon the venting. I'm just hoping that the wildlife will attract their attention more than we do. Getting tired of their bullshit.
  13. Baklavah

    Chess board

    Could also have random nudie mags littered all over Chernarus+ as.. I unno... Collectibles? It'd be like a TCG with no game. Just collect till you've got em all to say you did! Or even better... a hidden safe with 10 locks, and 10 keys scattered across Chernarus+. Once collected (and the Safe has been found), the keys can open the safe to reveal........ SOMETHING OF WORTH! I unno... a Night Vision Scope for an M4 (for when night's darkness finally gets fixed), or a Thermal Scope for the Mosin (limiting the range of sight a bit because that's how Thermal works), or even a SWAT outfit that protects the wearer and makes all rounds do less damage to that person (until they're ruined of course)! SOMETHING! XD With the safe and keys spawning in new locations after the next server restart once the safe has been looted!
  14. Baklavah

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    I love how some people are arguing that it isn't needed because it'll cause laziness (yes Devs, I do listen) or that it rewards laziness... yet you reward other laziness... like... oh say... the KoS CoD Kiddies who sit on a sniper spot for 6 hours and kill everyone they say from 600+ meters away! And before you nimrods that do this day in and day out say that there's no reward involved, you can kiss the dark side of my butt-cheeks. Your reward is the satisfaction of ruining other peoples' days and gameplay experience because you're bored. People like you are irritating, pathetic and a thorn in the community's side. Sniping a target because they may have medical supplies or ammo that you desperately need? Ok. Fine. That's perfectly ok. But sniping people and then leaving the loot there to disappear? WTF? Really? Talk about stupid. Sniping people who have JUST SPAWNED and have literally nothing of value? Also pathetic and a waste of ammo. Ya'll can rage at me if you want, my points are still valid and KoS CoD Kiddies are even lazier than an auto-run button.
  15. Baklavah

    Weapon condition, ammo spawns and bandoliers

    The suggestions still stand :P they're good ideas.