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About massacrorBKK

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    Bangkok, Thailand
  1. Hello everyone, Been searching in the forum and couldn't find any entry talking about the mouse wheel. I may have post the idea a long ago (we most likely talking about years ago) but with all the change in the forum, seems I can't find my message neither. Now we gonna have the new player controller so it seems to me the perfect time to post that suggestion again. Anyway... So, right now the mouse wheel is used alone to open the action menu and select your action. My suggestion is quite simple.It would be nice and convenient to be able to configure the mouse wheel in combination with the keyboard when doing your controls. For example : Left Ctrl + Mouse wheel = Change your stance from "standing", to "crouch" and then "prone". If we could have the different Arma3 stances as it has already been suggested, it would be even better. Left Shift + Mouse wheel = Change your character speed from "walking slowly", to "walking", to "jogging", to "running" and finally to "sprinting". That's just an idea. It may be clunky in reality, especially if combine with the stance change explained just above. Left shift + Mouse wheel when inside a vehicle = changing the gear. Now a last one. Caps Lock + Mouse wheel = Raise or low your voice intensity from whisper to loud shout. This are some ideas I got, maybe the mouse wheel + keyboard could be use for other things too. Hope, dev will read this and consider the idea with what they are working on now. Have a good day and see you in the wild, folks!
  2. massacrorBKK

    Critical hits and fumbles

    Yeah, sorry for not being as good as you in english... I didn't use the right words in my search... :D Second things, I don't see anything there talking about dropping your gun when you get hit in the arm...
  3. massacrorBKK

    Critical hits and fumbles

    Got a suggestion here. Sorry in advance if it been proposed yet, I made some research but can't find anything. So, I was thinking it would be pretty cool if critical hits could be implemented. I've heard about important organs may be add to the character chest's hit box and hitting them could cause critical hits. Head shot as well are critical hit and kill you right away but my suggestion is about critical hits when you are not shot at a vital part of your body like arms and legs. For the leg, we already got the chance to have a fracture. It is perfect and the only thing missing is an animation of the character falling down (and not the default animation of going crawl) but I perfectly understand it is not needed right away. It will be needed. For hits in the arms, it would be very cool that you have a chance to drop your weapon (maybe, the closer the hit from the hand, the bigger the chance to drop your weapon). It should be with any kind of hit (melee or range) incoming from players or zombies. It would be both interesting in terms of game-play (zombies could be more dangerous, especially in groups, making you drop your fire axe) and tactics (if you have the chance, you can decide to disarm your opponent instead of killing him). In my opinion, this feature is a must have. What do you think.
  4. What I love in the "Life is feudal" inventory idea beside the weight system, is the way the item are stacking one on top of each others. It really make sense, especially for a bag pack... The way some items are on top and some items are in the bottom makes sense and feels like in real life. In order to get your gear packed at the bottom of your bag, you must first remove and drag the items that are on top of it.
  5. Life is feudal have a interesting backpack system in my opinion. Here's a screenshot : http://www.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://cdn-g.tecnogcdn.com/images/articulos/2013/10/life-is-feudal-03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lifeisfeudal.com/forum/realistic-weight-carrying-capacity-solves-many-issues-t782/&h=768&w=1024&tbnid=MqUcvQWW-wfRiM:&zoom=1&docid=R6B43LqBjmYKmM&ei=6Ma_VMWAEcLM8gXgqYHICw&tbm=isch Everything is base on weight of item (I think both weight and dimension at the same time is a better system by the way), but their is no grid and items can pile up one on top of each others. If an object is at the bottom of your backpack, it will take you time to move other items and find the one you need. Something that many people have asked for (animation needing time to check your backpack instead of a instant access to all your inventory) and that is quite realistic and make sense. This system could be extend to any containers (pockets on trousers and jackets, vehicles, etc.).
  6. massacrorBKK

    Simple Yet Amazing Ideas - DayZ StandAlone

    I quite like your ideas. About the ghosting idea... What about : if you disconnect and you haven't been carrying any weapons in your hands since 5 minutes then you won't make any sound. By the way, the sound doesn't need to be very loud. If you disconnect in the middle of a forest you won't care about it...
  7. massacrorBKK

    Trading Backpack's in a Flash

    To answer the op : No. It needs to take time (whatever by swap or a timer), because Dayz is not about simplicity and convenience. It is about paranoia and choices. If you want to change your worn backpack for a pristine one and you decide to do that in an airstrip, you take your choice, and you take your risk. That's all.
  8. massacrorBKK

    Give Us the Option to "Give" Players Items

    It is a must do, and the sooner the better. I don't know if it is that hard and long to implement. Btw, I think instead of giving from backpack to backpack, the player should take the object he want to give in hand. Then if there is a player near enough the message pop up in the action menu.
  9. massacrorBKK

    First DayZ artwork attempt

    Put the logo somewhere in a corner is a good idea but you should make it way much smaller.
  10. massacrorBKK

    I kinda feel that chernarus needs to be "blown up"

    Solution maybe not lies in the removal of the new towns (after all the work they've done and the new towns are looking awesome), but in the removal of some old towns. I mean, there are many small towns that people wouldn't even notice the removal. I don't know just remove the houses or replace them by some ruins covered with vegetation... It sounds the best way for me.
  11. massacrorBKK

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    Unfortunately I can't say that I'm a pro sniper... Lack the skill and the patience.
  12. massacrorBKK

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    You can try to find a RP community if it suit you. Generally they are enforcing rules that promote interactions between players and not allow to KOS (you can still kill people but you have to engage them first with words before you shoot without warning). This is a community I've just met. http://www.falcondayzrp.com Right now their server is not up because they are waiting for private shard and whitelisting. You can still go to have a look on their forum and rules.
  13. massacrorBKK

    Where is the Amphibia? + Winter Camo

    I've seen a winter camo pants yesterday... Can't remember where, but they haven't been removed.
  14. massacrorBKK

    Roleplay! Server is up now! - Flaming Rose Roleplaying Server

    Please tell us when your forum is up and ready. I'm interested too.