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Bohannan (DayZ)

I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

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As a fellow carpal tunnel sufferer: YES


However in the mean time just use a coin or something.


Steam do an auto run feature. Google it. I have never used it though. I have my trusty coin or piece of card to hand. It works wonders as I smoke alot and roll my own as I run and just occasionally tweak the mouse so I don't get stuck on trees.




My bad. Apparently they disabled the Steam Autorun in DayZ SA

It was never a "feature". It was simply where you held down your run key, shift-tabbed to open overlay, let go of your run button, shift tab back, and you would keep running. And yes, this has been somehow bypassed in SA so you cannot do it.

Edited by Irenicus

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i really hope this is a troll thread... however just in case...... double tap shift *vomits*


I really hope you're not as dumb as you post, or you were failing horribly at a troll attempt.  See the next smart guy below you,


double tap shift it works in arma 2


Actually all that does is toggle your run/walk mode when you're holding down W without tapping it twice.  Care to take another stab at it?


omg dat is cheat wtf lol


Making a simple press and depress W script is hardly cheating, it's called being an efficient player when the developers are too pig headed to actually add something that would make the endless hours of running around the map much less tedious, and it's so simple to do.


Now I also see why the devs don't bother posting or reading here, you're all a bunch of idiots that have nothing to say other than "IT'S AN ALPHA" or call each other trolls for wanting features that would take about 5 minutes to code, and should have been in the game from the get go.



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With the game being as incomplete as it is I don't think a lot of the pro auto-runners are getting it.  The reason there isn't one is because it really isn't needed.   You're not suppose to be making a mad dash to the nearest military base to get all your gear.  The land is suppose to be dangerous.  It's going to be, hopefully, littered with zombies that I'm hoping will make it impossible just to run by.  Hell, I remember multiple times while playing the mod of having to crawl around and sneak past hordes of zombies.  Running through city streets was suicide as there was too many zombies that would end just cornering you because fatigue would finally set in and you couldn't run any more.  If they do implement one I personally don't care but don't come bitching on the forums about dying due to fatigue.

You sir have no clue what you are talking about ??


I dont wish to present a counter argument as it would clearly fly over your head.

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You sir have no clue what you are talking about ??


I dont wish to present a counter argument as it would clearly fly over your head.

You can't because there is none.  Perhaps you missed the part where I said by all means add the stupid auto run.  I just can't wait for your bitching when your auto run turns to auto walking

Edited by Caboose187

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I really hope you're not as dumb as you post, or you were failing horribly at a troll attempt.  See the next smart guy below you,



Actually all that does is toggle your run/walk mode when you're holding down W without tapping it twice.  Care to take another stab at it?



Making a simple press and depress W script is hardly cheating, it's called being an efficient player when the developers are too pig headed to actually add something that would make the endless hours of running around the map much less tedious, and it's so simple to do.


Now I also see why the devs don't bother posting or reading here, you're all a bunch of idiots that have nothing to say other than "IT'S AN ALPHA" or call each other trolls for wanting features that would take about 5 minutes to code, and should have been in the game from the get go.



I like you, you need to get a decent profile picture though. Speaking sense, very rare amongst these idiots.

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You can't because there is none.  Perhaps you missed the part where I said by all means add the stupid auto run.  I just can't wait for your bitching when your auto run turns to auto walking

ok caboose ok

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You can't because there is none.  Perhaps you missed the part where I said by all means add the stupid auto run.  I just can't wait for your bitching when your auto run turns to auto walking


You're a fucking moron if you think there's no need for an auto run key when a group of players are sprinting through off-the-beaten-path areas, and completely out of the way routes, when there's less than a .0001% chance that you'll just HAPPEN to run into other players doing the same exact thing.


Please go fuck yourself with a rusty baseball bat.  No one is saying we need a fucking auto run key to run 200m into the military base, you utter moron.  You're so right man, I mean someone traveling from the east side of the map to the west, along the top 1.5 Km of the map, would CERTAINLY need to be on ABSOLUTE red alert at ALL times.  So much danger and reason to be up there, right?


Please respond with some absolutely idiotic one liner, because clearly you're incapable of having an actual discussion or providing any foundation for your argument other than "NO YOU'RE DUMB".  Bravo.

Edited by Max Planck
Enough. You had plenty of warnings.
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This thread will get even better once fatigue gets implemented and all the auto runners are bitching about walking   :D

I don't care about getting somewhere in a fast or lazy fashion, I just want to be able to toggle it.


You're not suppose to be making a mad dash to the nearest military base to get all your gear.

Not everyone wants an auto-run key to be "cheap", this is nothing but a lazy argument that does nothing to further the discussion.

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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Not everyone wants an auto-run key to be "cheap".

If you're going to quote me, quote the rest of the post that adds to this to explain why the auto run really isn't needed and why it won't work.


And yes, most of the players who want it is so they can make that mad dash for their precious gear.

Edited by Caboose187

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If you're going to quote me, quote the rest of the post that adds to this to explain why the auto run really isn't needed and why it won't work.

None of your post applies to the reason why I want an auto-run key, so I thought I'd highlight the key point: You being intellectually lazy and simply presuming other players only want an auto-run key to be cheap.

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Just make a macro for your mouse or keyboard...

Care to post a tutorial for us ignorant people? :P


You can't because there is none.  Perhaps you missed the part where I said by all means add the stupid auto run.  I just can't wait for your bitching when your auto run turns to auto walking

What he's getting at is that there was no fatigue mechanic in the mod - at least, not in the vanilla mod, and not in any variants I've played. If there was a modded variant with one, let me know and I'll take a look at some clips an whatnot to see how the mechanic worked.

You could literally run for hours on end (yes, I've done it) either loot cycling, and therefore constantly stopping, starting and dodging zombies, or simply use Steam/a stack of coins on your keyboard to set your character to run cross country while you went and did whatever it is most of us wind up doing when we're not glued to our computers. I crawled/crouch-walked a lot in the early game, thinking it was necessary to survive... after a while of watching how zombies behave and realising it was a hell of a lot more time-consuming and aggravating to try sneaking past them when you can ditch them by breaking line-of-sight with two or more obstacles in between the two of you, I simply started running everywhere. Crouch and prone rarely see use for me unless I'm either hiding from someone or bandaging, or sorting through my gear.

I'm expecting there to be a fatigue mechanic of some sort in the standalone - they're going for realism, after all - and it will likely result in your character sicking up/collapsing from exhaustion after an extended period of activity, particularly strenuous activities like running. I still think there should be an autorun function, though... even if you're only doing it for a few minutes along a road, every so often you're going to want your character to keep moving while you get food, or tab out of check something on a social media tab, or take a piss. Even if you're not actually leaving the computer, it makes the game that little bit easier to play - and more importantly, allows it to slot neatly into the rest of the activity on your computer without requiring you to constantly stop/hide/start. It gets annoying fast, especially when you're trying to talk to people.

Edited by Wolfguarde

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I crawled/crouch-walked a lot in the early game, thinking it was necessary to survive

I know that feeling.  :lol:  :blush: Despite the accusations going on in this thread I can't wait until your speed affects your energy and hydration.

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With the game being as incomplete as it is I don't think a lot of the pro auto-runners are getting it.  The reason there isn't one is because it really isn't needed.   You're not suppose to be making a mad dash to the nearest military base to get all your gear.  The land is suppose to be dangerous.  It's going to be, hopefully, littered with zombies that I'm hoping will make it impossible just to run by.  Hell, I remember multiple times while playing the mod of having to crawl around and sneak past hordes of zombies.  Running through city streets was suicide as there was too many zombies that would end just cornering you because fatigue would finally set in and you couldn't run any more.  If they do implement one I personally don't care but don't come bitching on the forums about dying due to fatigue.

I'm out of beans for the day, but holy shit this post is /thread.  Great post, too bad stubborn whiners and people who argue just to argue will ignore it.

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I'm out of beans for the day, but holy shit this post is /thread.  Great post, too bad stubborn whiners and people who argue just to argue will ignore it.

Has it occurred to you that not everyone who disagrees with you is lazy, a cheater, a noob, or any variation therefore? That some people might simply disagree with you and want to discuss the topic at hand without resorting to childish bullshit?

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Has it occurred to you that not everyone who disagrees with you is lazy, a cheater, a noob, or any variation therefore? That some people might simply disagree with you and want to discuss the topic at hand without resorting to childish bullshit?

There was nothing childish or bullshit about my post.  It's not my problem that you refuse to see the game is incomplete at this time and more things are going to be added to making running around dangerous.  More zombies, hopefully dangerous wildlife in the woods.  Everything that gives people a reason not to "need" an auto run key.  Like i said previously I don't care if it gets added, just don't come bitching on the forums because you died due to fatigue, zombies, bears or wolves etc...

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I've written a program on my own to turn on/off autorun. works like a charm in many games. this program doesnt touch any gamefiles.

I've already created a post introducing this program, but after 2 hours this thread got deleted so I'm only using this for my own and a friend of mine.

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I've written a program on my own to turn on/off autorun. works like a charm in many games. this program doesnt touch any gamefiles.

I've already created a post introducing this program, but after 2 hours this thread got deleted so I'm only using this for my own and a friend of mine.

Let this post prove the point that the developers are not going to add an auto run.



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There was nothing childish or bullshit about my post.  It's not my problem that you refuse to see the game is incomplete at this time and more things are going to be added to making running around dangerous.  More zombies, hopefully dangerous wildlife in the woods.  Everything that gives people a reason not to "need" an auto run key.  Like i said previously I don't care if it gets added, just don't come bitching on the forums because you died due to fatigue, zombies, bears or wolves etc...

The thing is that I do see that the game is incomplete and do want it to be dangerous. I have explained multiple times why my desire for an auto-run key is nothing to do with any reasons like being lazy or wanting the computer to play the game for me, but it seems like a couple of you have no interest in listening to the other side. That's entirely the point I was making, you're being childish and writing our opinions off as "whining and bitching".



Let this post prove the point that the developers are not going to add an auto run.

I don't see how that proves it, and in Rocket's latest stream he said he was shoving something under one of his keys to auto-run so I hope he does bring the feature in at some point. :D

Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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That's entirely the point I was making, you're being childish and writing our opinions off as "whining and bitching".



 Like i said previously I don't care if it gets added, just don't come bitching on the forums because you died due to fatigue, zombies, bears or wolves etc...

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Let this post prove the point that the developers are not going to add an auto run.



I was tired of perma pushing this button to run miles and miles. I'll not miss this anymore.

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 Like i said previously I don't care if it gets added, just don't come bitching on the forums because you died due to fatigue, zombies, bears or wolves etc...

If that happens then I can assure you I won't, but it will enhance my gameplay experience a great deal if I can use a toggle (without having to mess around sticking something under my 2 key), even if it only means running a half a mile or so without holding W in.

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Then do what I just suggested. Also, you aren't going to get carpal tunnel from applying gentle pressure with one finger for 20 - 30 minutes. If that were the case, fingering your girlfriend would be so hazardous nobody would do it. Yet I do it all the time and I still don't have any wrist problems.





*Sigh* Another fanboy. Why are you making excuses for the dev's?!. Not having an autorun key is blatantly ridiculous with a map this big. There's no vehicles yet, so why the hell shouldnt we have one?!

I cannot, and will not EVER understand the logic to your thinking. Stop being a sheep and grow some balls.


Please devs, for the love of God, give us an autorun key....



For the "its not supposed to have one, its not an arcade game" people:

It just to save you having to hold down the key for bloody hours, where's the harm in that for Christsake?!!! -its just a computer game?! 

Edited by Ultra7
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Thats it max plank, dont ban the trolls that derailed the thread. Ban the people who get annoyed with the troll, whatever view fits you personally yeah.

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