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What if we removed the crosshair?

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This will make shooting that much more difficult-- I'm all for it!

Shooting needs to be a skill that's valued by other players (much like piloting, and first aid could be). Everyone should be a wailing, helpless infant until they can either learn how to do something useful or die.

Exactly people need to learn to be good at something.



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I want to say get rid of it but I'm worried about the hatchet. It can be incredibly awkward to use without CH, although maybe you've got it working better now? IDK...

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Like a earlier poster mentioned.... is interacting with tents, gates and climbing. Sometimes you have to roll over every pixel of a tent to enter gear :(

For shooting purposes it can be removed.....

Edited by Gooober

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It can be incredibly awkward to use without CH, although maybe you've got it working better now? IDK...

If the hatchet had a very wide arc in terms of range (as in the person using it swings it), then there'd be no real need for the CH in respect of the hatchet. Just a thought.

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I'm on board for that, hate the crosshair because of the as50ers at close range annoy me.:P

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What about player tags? Would removing them help in any way against scripters?

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Like it!

With the crosshairs on, you can shoot better without aiming with your sights.

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What about player tags? Would removing them help in any way against scripters?

Scripting will be no issue at all in standalone.... because there are no scripts.

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I want to say get rid of it but I'm worried about the hatchet. It can be incredibly awkward to use without CH, although maybe you've got it working better now? IDK...

One assumes the hatchet is something that will be reworked at some stage, but in the mod as it stands, once one realises you have to aim off target to hit with it, it isn't so hard IMHO just a little confusing at first.



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This is a very good point

Good point Rista, accessing tents, picking up items, climbing ladders is extremely clunky at the moment and having crosshair enabled helps you to find the "sweet spot"

This is a very good point yes. But surely you could just tidy up the area to access said things? Cant remember ever having to spend 2 mins to find the right point to open my front door (unless drunk)

Edited by Insaneo

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Just out of curiosity I pulled up dayz commander and sorted the servers based on crosshair usage. Out of 5759 servers 1615 are running with the option turned OFF. 4144 have the option turned ON. Out of same amount 277 have 3rd person OFF and 5482 have it ON. To my knowledge there isnt a way to see how much traffic the servers get in a day verses the other. But based on choice that can be made now, the people setting up the servers are turning the option ON.

Just food for thought.

Please ignore my spelling.

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Is the crosshair always centre screen? If so you will get people physically marking the screen.

Actually this is true, I use aiming dead zone.

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I REALLY like playing in third person view because I was an avid SOCOM gamer on PS2/3. The crosshairs help IMMENSELY while in third person, however, even I must say that I wouldn't mind losing it.

+1 get rid of the thing.

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Do you have a plan to add the bow ( I hope you do) ? By the way how you want to handle aiming with no crosshair ? Otherwise you have good idea then I'm voting for removing.

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Damn . . .I couldn't post if I tried to read every post.

Difficult never seemed to slow hackers/scritpers down much. I suspect it would only be a temporary fix. A circle crosshair or something with a large margin of error may be the best compromise. Gone by default but let the server have the choice. I also like the idea of a time limit but it should be extended for 7 days worth of playing time not, bought the game on tuesday, Grandma goes in the hospital and you get a total of 4 hours play time then it's gone.

I see it as a balance between new players being turned off of the game and the difficulty it would bring to scripters. Hard to judge not having these stats to go by.

Personally, I'd like to see them gone. It would separate the desirability of some guns. Better in game sites=more desirable. Bizon and AK-74 could kiss my ass. :)

Edited by NoyZ

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If you asked me two years ago I'd say do it. But after reading Dslyexci opinion on the mater, keep it.


This is the best argument in support of crosshairs I've seen. I like the idea of a modified crosshair with just the vertical bars, no center indicator, so it is useful at close range but not at distance.

The other arguments in favor: difficult to climb ladders, aim axe, crossbow, etc. are probably better addressed in ways other than just keeping the crosshairs.

I also disagree with the view that choice for the sake of choice is inherently good. At some point the designers need to sit down and make hard decisions about how the game should be played, even if they have asked for player input (which is awesome by the way). At the end of the day I would rather have 1000 servers with 50 players each rather than 5000 servers with 10 players each even if that means I can't find a server with the exact combination of options I would prefer in an ideal world.

For the record, I prefer 3DP:OFF, which usually means CH:OFF too so I don't think I've ever played DayZ with crosshairs, although I've used them in other ARMA play.

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Its a good idea for realism sake, althought it is a pain in the butt trying to pick things up without it sometimes.

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The cool thing about ArmA/DayZ is you always have to make adjustments when shooting.

ArmA hud cross hairs are not accurate, because the bullet is generated from the models chamber, sights, scopes and cross hairs are only helpful up to a certain point. Whether you're in first or third person, the player camera's line of sight is always different from the bullet's path. Also the barrel is affected by any movement, meaning you'll have to stand still to make sure you're on target and then you have to make corrections based on the weapon's zeroing or the sights elevation.

If you switch to sights or scopes, extreme close ranges forces you to take the sights elevation from the chamber of the weapon into account. That's why when your scope just peaks over a wall, your barrel clipping through the wall, the bullet will hit the wall. While your line of sight is though the taller sights are unobstructed, the chamber and the bullets path of flight is not.

Whenever you shoot you constantly have to compare your weapons capabilities, sights and guess the distance to the target. If you're not a complete shooting prodigy, the easiest way to make the adjustments on the go, is to look for the dust clouds, sparks and blood spatters, when you miss or hit your target. Hud cross hairs often obstructs the ricochets and impacts, making it harder to make those corrections. While I'm a huge sucker for 3rd person view, I'm always annoyed by cross hairs, because they block vital information and isn't reliably accurate.

If this makes hacking harder, kill them off.

Anyways on veteran servers, if you need to find that sweet spot on ladders and tents, just scroll the mouse wheel, until the action icon appears. It also helps switching to 1st person or even iron sights to find you grip on the ladder or the g-spot to remove barb-wire.

Edited by Dallas
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As far as I'm aware Day Z has never been about making it easy. For me it stands to reason that your average joe wouldnt be a great marksman so for me take the damn thing out and let us sink or swim!

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