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About CamP

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    Detroit, Michigan
  1. Welcome to ACENetwork's DayZEpoch Taviana Server. We have experienced DayZ Admin who have been running game servers for years now. After a long hiatus we decided to start a new DayZEpoch server on our favorite map, Taviana! ACENetwork DayZEpoch Servers: Taviana *: * Scheduled restarts: 6:00 AM EST, 6:00 PM EST. Located in Chicago, Illinois. Aside form the mods above, everything else about our server is vanilla DayZEpoch. For server issues, concerns, or player reporting, you can contact us via Steam. CamP - Sarcastic Kofi - Untrustworthy BakaOverlord - Irrational Truth_X_ile - Rational HydraGoliath - Technical Feel free to utilize our TeamSpeak 3 Server. ACENetwork.io:9989 Special Thanks. EpochMod.com DayZMod.com OpenDayZ.net Vilayer.com BlurGaming.com
  2. Resurrecting this old topic to say that I have found Gump thanks to IHasGoodName. And he will be getting a copy of DayZ SA on me. Thanks a bunch for locating Gump!
  3. Hello, a short story for all to see. A while ago I had my own server, from day one a nice fellow by the name of "Gump" joined and was extremely loyal. Honestly, that name probably described him best, he was a walking disaster and had the lowest K:D ratio on the planet. That being said, I'm looking for Gump, if anyone's seen him, or heard from him, or is in your server, let me know! Description: Name: Gump UniqueID: 83497094 Alias: Mayhem, Junkyard Location: US Servers, probably east. I'll buy DayZ Alpha (When released) for anyone who finds Gump.
  4. CamP

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    I honestly don't think anyone cares anymore... Not about the game, but about the wait. What's another two months?!
  5. I'm currently purchasing a dedicated server from hfbservers.com and was wondering if I'd be able to host a standalone server on it? It's still not clear to me whether or not Rocket plans on restricting access to SA servers in the way Call of Duty and Battlefield 3 do. Let me know!
  6. CamP

    DayZ Mod Update

    You would think that since everyone has a partrol pack, that would mean it 'could' be found everywhere... That's why you have one. Or do you have the last remaining patrol pack on earth? /confused
  7. CamP


    For a lot of hosting providers, a ban.txt DOES appear in the root. But that's not for in-game bans... That is still located in your HFBchernarus, or chernarus, or whatever directory / world you're utilizing.
  8. CamP

    Too hard since

    Would you rather have half zombies running at you?
  9. CamP

    will we get dayz for the steam box?

    Steam Piston will be about $1000 last I heard, so yes, it can handle ArmA II.
  10. Just because you've aggro'd zeds doesn't mean you're automatically dead, run into a building, prone, hide... I've done this many times and has worked fairly well.
  11. I can see why you'd be upset if you've aggro'd zeds from 3 stories up in a building. Probably one of the rare annoyances I get from this game now. However when I'm going into a town, I expect to be in those situations, so I'm well prepared for it. I feel a lot of these players who are complaining have been too careless in the past. They're focusing more on the PVP aspect rather than both PVP and Zeds. Start sneaking around, avoiding zombies, being prepared. That's what this game's about. If you want your PVP without the annoyance of Zeds, BF3 has fairly large maps, or Planetside 2. Go try them out. Sure, Zeds need a little tweaking, but after playing for the last two days I've adapted to the changes and still find this game fun, if not more so.
  12. So what you're saying is having a white-listed server somehow deters hackers because of an initial step of having to register on a website, create a fake email, proxy an ip, etc etc. That could be. I'll ask again. Why not go for a refer a friend style, where their referrers are punished as well? This would probably be the ultimate way to secure a server.... Forcing a social community is also an interesting thought, however that can have it's downsides as well... Possibly creating a passive server as opposed to a healthy mixture of both PVP and PVE. I like the responses so far, any other input?
  13. I guess population control could be a useful feature. Reservation slots would probably be a better solution. Add players to a list, when they attempt to join a non-reserved player is bumped out. If you REALLY wanted a secure server, you should go with the refer a friend route, and ban an entire lot of friend/referrals if one of their buddies hack. Then publicize it to make a point. That's what I would do anyways.
  14. Over the last few days/weeks I've noticed an increase in requests that servers have a 'white-list' I have to ask, what's the point? Most servers will take in anyone the first time, a hacker for instance could / will be white-listed, screw everyone over, and be IP banned. I have to ask how that's any different from non-white-listed servers? I too locate the hacker with the latest admin tools given to me and GUID/IP ban him from my server. . . I feel white-listed servers are redundant and obnoxious. It makes no logical sense to me, though I'm open to criticism and input on the matter. Let me know what you think!
  15. CamP

    Looking for a us server

    Check my signature, it will lead you to my servers. White-listing is a bit redundant if you ask me, how is it any different from what servers are using now? Any hacker can get white-listed the first time and screw everyone up just like any other normal server. You might say, well then they'll be IP banned and can't come back! Yeah, same thing on my server... So what? White-lists are just another obnoxious step in the process for a false sense of control.