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About veristaya

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  1. veristaya

    first signs of wind ! (Experimental Build)

    I had that situation. I wasn't able to ignite a fire, regardless of body postiioning around the fire or being in a house or anywhere really. I figure you get the same message when your matches are wet.
  2. veristaya

    Dilemma - open fire or communication?

    He was clearly aiming at you trying to get a headshot. If I see or surprise other players but want to communicate with them, I turn on my heels and run out of that room. Then talk from a position where we can't kill eachother.
  3. veristaya

    Dayz Overpoch Panthera Video

    The 14yo "hopefully going on a killing spree" ... stopped there ... prejudices confirmed
  4. veristaya

    Cooking meat doesnt work!

    I managed to cook every type of meat and fish within about 11 minutes on a fire.
  5. veristaya

    Experimental is awesome

    Ofc it is, that still doesn't change that the current exp build is not ready to hit stable because of the reasons listed. There wasn't anybody in there (if you're referring to my pic) as I left the building after I cooked my fish because I was afraid other people might sneak up on me. Then again, I wasn't able to see the light from more than 50 or so meters away.
  6. veristaya

    Incomplete Textures

    They are in the process of fully changing the way the game is rendered.
  7. veristaya

    Good place to get a gun?

    As it has always been, airfields. Other than that, police stations, barns, piano buildings.
  8. veristaya

    Experimental is awesome

    Hell no it's not. The bow is still shit, rubberbanding is OP, the game crashes every other hour, the makeshift oven doesn't work properly, fishing isn't animated properly, the bags you make from pelt are not upgradable (they vanish if you try), etc
  9. veristaya

    The Spawn Situation

    People should just spawn randomly in some bedroom. And by randomly I mean anywhere on the map. Yes, someone may spawn in the barracks, but then again, someone might spawn in that single house in the middle of nowhere. Would also get rid of most spawn-campers (those that just sit near high-traffic bambi cities to have some CoD fun) as well as bambies begging everyone to shoot them because their spawn sucks etc (there won't be anyone around probably)
  10. what a dumb idea ^^
  11. veristaya

    Experimental is awesome

    no idea how to post pics but here you go http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3300323068759918313/7C1A34DC2EFA6E25B73A7EE81BACA5F0C53322A9/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/3300323068759989421/421C9711FDBD8CAE59B7FC5314CEB670377EEC89/
  12. veristaya

    2 questions regarding latest EXP. update

    Well, they could use the new zombie pathing (enhanced for helis) to prevent them from spawning inside buildings I'd guess.
  13. veristaya

    Proper fishing rod

    why would you need to find th three pieces of it ...
  14. veristaya

    Items draw speed

    Part of that is already implemented, as you may notice that drawing a weapon from your west doesn't make you stop running whereas drawing a weapon from your pants/backback does.
  15. Got W8 on my Laptop, runs DayZ without any problems (aside from performance issues that are not related to W8 though)