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DayZ PS4 Discussion

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I can't wait to see how BI map all the keys required to play DayZ to a console controller...

whats so hard ?


max i use now in pc is about 8-10 keys .


so 8 buttons and just combine keys simple. its not rocket science.

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It's Day Z, not ArmA to have a bunch of controls all over the keyboard. Also performance wouldn't be such a problem, because ArmA engines had and still have problems regarding API overhead, whereas on consoles, it should be greatly reduced and hopefully if they go for DX11 at least, it should be a smoother sailing on PC as well.


My only grudge against the PS 4 (well, perhaps 2), is/are:


1. They should have put all man hours into finishing the PC version and then and ONLY then start working on the PS 4/whatever console version.

2. Some ideas might be left out due to lower denominator being the consoles, so they probably want the experience to be the same and not "port" it from the PC (PC 1st in order to put out the best version that it can be), with what features can be on the consoles hardware and the rest being left out, aka PC exclusive.


rocket said before somewhere cant remeber when first ideas on it may go ps4 was that it would take abou 8 weeks to port it over to console. so obviously its been thought about for along while. think that was about a year ago.


the main worry is they try to make it one platform game. so lower graphics and set a base game that just plays on both. making it easier to adjust for both platforms.


yes its alpha but sorry look at other arma games the performance has never gone boom double or whatever maybe small increase but it aint going to be great performance without sacrifices.

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Here is how the console gaming media feels about the announcement.





I can't wait to see how BI map all the keys required to play DayZ to a console controller...


Streamline and dumbing down the controls from the pc version.


Either have more in depth more complex controls in the pc version and have the console version use a simplified more restrictive control scheme or  potentially dumbing down both versions for the sake of the console version.


I don't see the second option happening but its now an option.

Edited by gibonez
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Here is how the console gaming media feels about the announcement.



Gosh that media...

Well in 3 years the game shouldn't be unfinished. They're only speculating with that and try to make the DayZ look bad even though DayZ should be finished then. It's like speculating with Minecraft would that have been in alpha when it's released on the consoles. Machinima is so low...

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Part of me does think that the PC controls are at times unnecessarily complex. The one thing I instantly springs to mind is why do I have to bring up my inventory to insert a bullet or reload a weapon? Ideally I should just be able to press "R" or something to reload the gun in my hands. However I do agree, that the PC keyboard command system will be tough to do on a pad. My guess is that they will incorporate some kind of hot screen menu with loads of commands that you can push a direction on the pad for, similar to the "spotting menu" from battlefield.

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Question One. Do you think the first stage of development was perhaps a little bit lackadaisical? Or are we expecting too much?  And if so how? Will future development be geared more towards optimizations now that consoles are involved?


Question Two. There cannot be much involved in porting DayZ to PS4, am I right? Write a new executable and come up with a control scheme no?


Optimization takes place in beta.

There definitely is more involved in porting games to consoles.


I can't wait to see how BI map all the keys required to play DayZ to a console controller...


Not too much of a problem to be honest.



Here is how the console gaming media feels about the announcement.


Some media that  :lol:



Ideally I should just be able to press "R" or something to reload the gun in my hands.


You can use R to reload your weapon. You just need a magazine/clip.

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So any word on how the PS4 version will be released? I'm not gonna get another early access version of the game unless it's significantly better than the PC standalone.


Will there be a beta(like with practically every game these days) or will it just come out finished when it's done?



With this I hope some DLC is considered it'd be great to have some new lands to explore along with it not being free to play or subscription based that's the best way to keep money flowing.

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This is utterly ridiculous, this game is in ALPHA and they are talking about a console release. At what moment is this a good idea?


This means either they develop both versions at the same time, leaving a dumbed down version for BOTH pc and ps4.






This means they develop TWO separate versions which could lead to MUCH longer development times,but a better game.

Edited by Skyelur

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What are you even on about? Pretty much all the companies in the world do that. Releasing both on PC and consoles at the same time that is. Why is this riddiculous when we do it if I may ask? Not to mention when Dean clearly says that consoles come after PC (which in turn is something that not everyone does)..

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This is utterly ridiculous, this game is in ALPHA and they are talking about a console release.


This must come across different than you intended. As this appears as though you are giving BIS shit for doing what every other game in the history of the universe has done i.e. start development in Alpha. Plus in most cases you get a console release then a PC port. As much as I shit on BIS for their management style being the equivalent of throwing cream pies at a fan, they always put PC first. Not many people use consoles as an afterthought. At least give them credit where credit is due. 

Edited by Bakermensch

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What are you even on about? Pretty much all the companies in the world do that. Releasing both on PC and consoles at the same time that is. Why is this riddiculous when we do it if I may ask? Not to mention when Dean clearly says that consoles come after PC (which in turn is something that not everyone does)..


how many devs salesmen for games say pc takes priority then release is made and consoles get all of the priority ? many if not most titles.


as with any games they will tell you what you want to hear while you buying the prodcut selling it to your . rocket is the spokesman for Dayz now he is the salesman hell tell you whatever you need to hear.


well just have to wait until ps4 version launches and then well see. maybe then well all be trolls if we disagree.

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I can't help you with your paranoia. That's something you need to sort out yourself.  ;)

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Wow, just got back from vacation, this is quite some news to me  :lol:

Anyway, since it's nothing more than a port, it seems like a good decision to me. Money boost from sales and PS4 exclusiveness, while losing few (?) manpower to port the game. I just hope that loss of manpower won't hold anything back, but you guys probably know what you're doing :thumbsup:

Or maybe you finish the PC game first, then port it? Not sure how all that goes

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I don't see the need for all the "Urgh it's all ruined now it's on peasant consoles! blah blah babble babble" nonsense, just shut up. Just because people think it should stay a PC game forever doesn't mean it should, what kind of business sense does that make.


The same fans that whine over and over and over about bugs and whatnot expect the devs to keep the game on PC due to their loyalty or something...yeah what?



DayZ going to console will get it a lot more money, be happy about it.

Devs will be able to make bigger and better games for the future DayZ isn't even out the door yet and the future of their next game is already secured really.

And also enjoy the fact that the next "PC master race" game will largely be funded by console buyers ;)



I just don't understand why people fail to realize the idea is for the game to get money, it's tailored to the majority not to you specifically, whatever bratty, entitled person you may be.

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I can't help you with your paranoia. That's something you need to sort out yourself.  ;)



you know what with each reply from you you show how belittling you are. if its against your view opinion you try to belittle, call troll or something else. i can name many games even very recent ones where exactly the same as happened multiplatform.very big titles . so dont make out it doesnt happen it does and alot.


so how is that paranoia ?


stop being clever or trying to. as said a dev or spokesman for said product who is selling the item will tell you what you want to hear .


they want a sale.its there job to tell you its all right .


i wont argue with you any more as my replys will either be removed like previous hidden or just replied to in the same silly manner.


i know how the games going to pan out been involved and seen many projects similar. you have messed up.


the very manner the SA has been handled speaks volumes in the way you are going to progress.



do a poll ask if the project has been too slow, ask if you think the resources has been effiicently used. ask if they think with the resources at hand do you think the game could of been better than it is at this stage. ask if people are worried about the multiplatform .


you know the answers already and thats just a few . that isnt paranoia its common sense which you seem to lack .


please reply with your usual unwitty attack.

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It is paranoia if you believe they'll give greater focus on the console version than the PC version...how would it not be?


I don't think there are many games stated to have been a PC focus then to have had the console versions take over...if there were there'd be a huge uproar about it from people like you.



I don't see what's so bad about the devs doing their job...

That'd be like a massively popular food chain like Burger King just saying no we're keeping this in America, expanding wouldn't get us any money, stupid.


Anyway I'd assume more of the original team will be working on the PC version while the PS4 version might get more support from Sony so it could end up rolling out sooner than the PC one even though the original team is focused on the PC one, just because more money and time might be put in to the console versions doesn't mean they don't care about the PC one any more.


Whenever the console development of a game shoots ahead of the PC version it's because the former had a bigger audience and budget behind it, console gaming is way more popular than PC gaming. Pretty sure PC beats PlayStation and Xbox but not both combined.

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Oh yes it is mate. Without autoaim it is very hard to shoot and if there is autoaim in PS4, it ruins the game. It is already considered hard to shoot in DayZ PC version, so I can already see how PS4 will be a shitfest.

Daamn we will see so many squeker bandits on PS4, who cant shoot. God damn it DayZ is not even near to be casual enough for console.


dude i play CS: GO all the time on my PC with a controller and absolutely clean up.  I don't have any idea what  you are talking about, on dayz if people start shooting at me i get them first more often then not and that is also with a controller.  I also do great on games like Unreal and Battlefield with a controller on PC, so where are you getting your information from?

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It is paranoia if you keep going on about your.. concerns (?) even after all available information says the exact opposite.


If your posts are being hidden it's because you're being offensive/disrespectful/trolly or whatever. I don't hide any posts myself nor does anyone from the development team. If you have an issue with your posts being hidden, please PM Boneboys. Moderators can make a bad call and they can be disputed.


The difference with spokesperson saying what you want to hear is that with DayZ there is no spokesperson like with different games on the market. You get information straight from people on the development team, people who write the actual code/create models. Not someone who's paid to tell you what you want to hear. That to me (as a slightly biased player) sounds more credible than a person in a suit with a trained smile.


I don't think polls about the development speed are necessary. People will always complain. I'm telling you as a person who's been a part of several PC game developments and who's a part of development of DayZ that DayZ's development is definitely not slow in comparison. But there's no changing some people's opinions.

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i wont argue with you any more as my replys will either be like previous hidden


Your previous replies were hidden due to their excessively off-topic content.

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Your previous replies were hidden due to their excessively off-topic content.

You are dashingly handsome, that's off topic.

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I want to believe Dean when he states that the PC won't get the shaft. However I have been burned before. The most recent time was when DICE stated that Battlefield 3 was PC lead platform. Anyhow after the release and many broken promises (lies) to the community later someone eventually asked a DICE dev a direct question saying "we thought BF3 was PC lead platform", to which the dev responded "at the time, it was".

To be honest I've never encountered a more dishonest, unprofessional bunch of devs than those that spun those lies before the BF3 launch.

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To be honest I've never encountered a more dishonest, unprofessional bunch of devs than those that spun those lies before the BF3 launch.


I can identify with that. I used to be a die hard Battlefield fan.. before BF3. 

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I can identify with that. I used to be a die hard Battlefield fan.. before BF3. 

Many a hearts were broken that day...........

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Just wanna throw this out there, I own a PS4 and the gear in my sig. If you fuggers can make a finished, polished DayZ Standalone then I'd play it on a god damned Commodore. God speed!

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It is paranoia if you believe they'll give greater focus on the console version than the PC version...how would it not be?


I don't think there are many games stated to have been a PC focus then to have had the console versions take over...if there were there'd be a huge uproar about it from people like you.



I don't see what's so bad about the devs doing their job...

That'd be like a massively popular food chain like Burger King just saying no we're keeping this in America, expanding wouldn't get us any money, stupid.


Anyway I'd assume more of the original team will be working on the PC version while the PS4 version might get more support from Sony so it could end up rolling out sooner than the PC one even though the original team is focused on the PC one, just because more money and time might be put in to the console versions doesn't mean they don't care about the PC one any more.


Whenever the console development of a game shoots ahead of the PC version it's because the former had a bigger audience and budget behind it, console gaming is way more popular than PC gaming. Pretty sure PC beats PlayStation and Xbox but not both combined.

okay battlefield for prime eg . pc was very publically made out to be the main focus. big interviews saying " dont worry we are making the pc the main platform." then just before the game was due to come out guess what ?  sorry we lied ! console is main priority :lol:  everyone knows about this the videos are quite famous now, often ridiculed for the blatant lies told by EA and DICE.


so no paranoia see it often. money route cause of the lies.


bf came out playstation had the exclusives weeks in front of pc as they had paid for it ! just like microsoft has with titanfall rececently another title done exactly the same yet pc priority ruined by console features. also new tombraider announced maybe doing same cause of microsoft. theree is quite a few new titles doing it.


as said its not paranoia dont try and make out it doesnt happen it does . we know why its money. simple as.


i hope it doesnt happen to Dayz but i wouldnt be supprised if consoles did take over the version as they do sell so many more units.

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