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DayZ PS4 Discussion

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  On 1/10/2020 at 6:30 PM, Kagarin said:

Food/water meter drops way too rapidly.....

Aside from the glitches / bugs which I agree are quite frustrating an inexcusable, DayZ is a hardcore survival game.  Starting out is meant to be rough.  Simply collecting the bare essentials and trying to find enough food / water to survive can be difficult but becomes easier when you know where to look and what to do to increase your chances.  

I do agree the food gets consumed faster than what it should but I also think it should be swapped with water.  With as much as our characters do to exert themselves, the water consumption should be where the food requirements are currently at and the food where the water is.  

Check the boats along the coast.  Food and sodas often spawn there although there are no garuantees on frequency.  Backpacks are kinda common too.  Fishing poles and hooks also do and those can be used to fish.  Dig up worms using a knife, etc. in a grassy area.  Combine with a hook and then your pole and your good to go.  You can fish off the shore of the coast and catch mackerel.  Once caught, fillet them with a knife and they can then be combined with a long stick.  Build a fire and then you can cook the fish.  I've found that fish are so far one of the best food sources that will often fill your food meter.  .....and once your meter is filled, it takes a while before you need food again.

The Infected are also a good source for finding cans and tins of food btw.

I would also recommend getting the iZurvive app. It can really help when trying to locate water sources, medical clinics, police stations, etc.  ....btw, police stations are a great place to find some basic firearms as well as clothing that holds more than what you start out with.   

You may also want to read the forums here for tips.  There are ways to avoid some of the bugs you encounter simply by the way you interact with items when storing, gathering, reloading, etc.  It can make your experience a lot less frustrating although there are still issues you simply can't do anything about.

Edited by Kean__1
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