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Death Of DayZ

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Well the new update looks to be the start of the demise of dayz

no score system most players check there bandit and murder kills

so many games have been successful because of score systems but no more

Having a purpose in the game as in life is essential to long term playability

just running in circles will get boring fast

setting up camps and organizing items can be rewarding with no way to replicate items

no one will use tents as goods get stolen all the time

shooting zombies is already boring and is just a distraction in the game

a game without anything to do wont last long finding tents looting them is part of the fun

TOOOOO much time has been spent on taking things out that work

TOOOO little time if fixing hackers most now are 12 year old kids paying for hacking services

Not people with skill showing what the game could be

Rant over

I hope that they dont write out all the things that have made this a great game in the

stand alone version but after seeing some of the updates I seriously doubt it

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no score system most players check there bandit and murder kills

so many games have been successful because of score systems but no more

They have this great new invention... they call it a pencil. If you apply it to paper you can record things that matter to you.

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They have this great new invention... they call it a pencil. If you apply it to paper you can record things that matter to you.

Oh man, did you hear? Some guy figured out that you can use lines in groups of five to make counting values easy!

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I think what my esteemed associates are trying to say is, "We hear you and will address your concerns ASAP!"

Please have a nice DayZ!

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I personally saw the changelog for the new update and thought it is the best update so far..

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I don't think you get it.

As long as you can kill another player, there will be plenty of things to aim for or avoid in this game. The entire game is based around survival, not score. If you're that concerned about how many murders you have, as others have suggested, write them down.

Also, I've never had my tents looted. You must be hiding them poorly.

Edited by Rage VG
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Hello there

When major changes happen in any mod/game then the threads like "The death/demise of XXXX" always start to pop up.

The game and mod are far from dead.

It's a shame OP doesn't like the new changes but why not wait and see where the mod/SA goes rather than rail on about the end of all things due to one patch?



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I don't play well in DayZ. I won't play it anymore because it wont cout all the fresh spawns I shoot. I have no idea how to hide a tent. Wahhhhhh. Boooo hooooooo.

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Wow one sensible reply

so there as many people who dont read as there are hackers in the game

post was to comment on amny things getting removed from the game

and the hope that they dont remove all the things that have made this a great mod

too the people with the pen and paper go back and play games like tic tac toe if you enjoy

writing so much or join the computer age like the rest of us

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The entire game is based around survival, not score.

If you want a lot of lame PvP go play CoD.... or WarZ

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If you want a lot of lame PvP go play CoD.... or WarZ

Oooooooh, I see what you did there!

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Think this was posted in another thread but I don't think the debug monitor(score board) was ever meant to be there in the first place. They just fixed that with the last patch.

So now we can say... It's working as intended and have a nice DayZ.

Edited by R.Neville

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Well the new update looks to be the start of the demise of dayz

(Standalone version about to come out)

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Well the new update looks to be the start of the demise of dayz

Or not.

no score system most players check there bandit and murder kills

The no score system is something that has been on the cards to be removed for months, it was not like..wooooah, didn't see that coming.

so many games have been successful because of score systems but no more

see above..and really ? Is score the only purpose ? Guess i better throw the whole immersion aspect of my gaming out the window.

Having a purpose in the game as in life is essential to long term playability

Make the purpose, create it yourself. Hint: basic purpose = life. Hint 2 : Creativity.

just running in circles will get boring fast

Seems it works for the CoD franchise extremely well. For over a decade.

setting up camps and organizing items can be rewarding with no way to replicate items

I am fairly certain duping is gone, not 100 % sure but i have not seen any since 1.7.3. Set up a camp..find out (careful of the thieves though ;) )

no one will use tents as goods get stolen all the time

I find tents all the time. I steal items. I find more tents with more items, who are these no ones placing all of these gawdang tents ?

shooting zombies is already boring and is just a distraction in the game

Standalone will hopefully adress the obvious Zed easiness, that being said i got Mike Tyson'd at 6 blood last night with an infection and had my face eaten off, it is rare but it still happens.

a game without anything to do wont last long finding tents looting them is part of the fun

Nothing to do ? Now what game are you playing..cause it isn't the one i am playing. See above on the tents.

TOOOOO much time has been spent on taking things out that work

Alpha, yes i know..but Alpha. Fix/Break/Change/Test/Break/Test/Change/Break/Test/Fix/Break etc So only things that are working have been taken out ? No bugs fixed, no updates that have improved the game along the way ? Just taking out good stuff ? Got ya.

TOOOO little time if fixing hackers most now are 12 year old kids paying for hacking services

Do you even read what has been said about hacking in this game engine and is available for you too read on every site that has ever said anything about dayz ?

Not people with skill showing what the game could be

What ? You have not seen anything , not a glimpse..just a wee crack of light..a smidgen ? Nada ? Zip ? I am nearly convinced now that we are playing two different games.

Rant over

Roger that

I hope that they dont write out all the things that have made this a great game in the

stand alone version but after seeing some of the updates I seriously doubt it

I don't know if Standalone will reach your high expectations, but why not give it a crack eh.

Wow one sensible reply

so there as many people who dont read as there are hackers in the game

post was to comment on amny things getting removed from the game

and the hope that they dont remove all the things that have made this a great mod

too the people with the pen and paper go back and play games like tic tac toe if you enjoy

writing so much or join the computer age like the rest of us

Welcome to the interwebZ, to get a sensible reply one must first make a sensible post, critical or otherwise... and never devalue pen and paper, that just makes you look silly. The computer age has been here for as long time, you do realise this ? Problem now is every person and their dog is on it, even me, and most of the time it reminds me of the writing on toilet walls at school, but i hold out in hope.

Oh and heres a quick tip to help you in furthering your new age computerness, especially regarding topics and conversations... paragraphs. You have a wonderful tool at your fingertips for voicing your opinions, why not use it correctly and not come across like a newb. I think you may like this part the least though... pen and paper will be here for ever.. painful huh :)


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I would like to hear your review of DayZ when SA comes out, I'll wager your still playing the game and some of your above points will be moot.

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Hope you get raped by a tent and cows steal your backpack.

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Took a while but you're getting there.

Uh oh RUN Het! They gonna change your name to baby blue and give you very bad powers! I've see it happen before!

(edit) damn phone! Where was I?

They take you in and brain wash you! Next thing you'll know you'll be here deleting spam, sending shit to the graveyard, warning me to behave (which I have been! FYI), giving proper info and being helpful in all sorts of aweful ways! RuN HET RuN!!

Edited by Pendragon
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The only problem is the cheaters but it can 99% be avoided by playing on private hive servers with whitelists of players. I don't ever play on a public server again because of cheaters. Another + on private servers is that things tend to get more personal there, which makes it so much more thrilling!

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I did for some reason think this forum may be a place to air some concerns and have a discussion that may have balance

Wrong in the most part just a place to waste your time

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You wasted our time first by complaining about the Debug monitor being removed (its very name should imply it was temporary from the beginning). Then you complained about hackers. You offered no solutions to putting a separate scoreboard back in and just complained. You got the forum trolls pounding on you because your post was very disorganized with bad grammar and spelling while containing only complaints. No one cares about useless complaining unless you can provide useful suggestions on how to improve the game.

Also, someone complaining about hacking just makes me want to strangle a kitten at this point. There is nothing anyone can do about hacking on public servers that isn't already being done. Just wait for standalone if all you want to do is complain.

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