DustnBonez 8 Posted November 3, 2012 Yay for the 30 sec combat countdown..... no more running around a corner only to find your enemy has just aborted. Now you HAVE to play by the rules ...MWAH HAA HAANow that abort and alt+f4 has been dissabled in combat, I think you will see alot more people playing a bit more safer rather than running in guns a'blazing.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxxgold (DayZ) 62 Posted November 3, 2012 Some admins will use the tool to cheat, some might actually use it to get rid of hackers.* I really don't care if I am being monitored by an admin, since I am being killed by a hacker, "EVERY SINGLE F***ING DAY".In some cases "Walkerdown", you need to sacrifice some things to get better things down the road.But there is some good news, I've finally found a white-listed server, with good admins, backups in case of a hacker attack and even backups for players that could be hacked.* Today, I finally had a day of peace and no hackers, it's quite a relief.Thanks for your input. This guy just want's to harass me. He just sent me a message laughing at me for not having a bigger community. He is just a sad person who only feels good when making others feel bad. We do have a nice sized community where people can play DayZ the way it was meant to be played. We haven't had a hack attack since we went private and I got the Spectate Tool. Which everyone on the server knows I use. I'm glad you found a home with the same features we have. If that home doesn't work out look us up. Were always on TeamSpeak and we have a good core of gamers who play almost every game out there. We play a lot of LOL. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fun With Flares 72 Posted November 3, 2012 Thank God they fixed the zombie animations. Hit a zombie with a hatchet in a building SUDDENLY IT SPRINTS AT YOU and then it's dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JESUSARIUS REX (DayZ) 163 Posted November 3, 2012 Thank God they fixed the zombie animations. Hit a zombie with a hatchet in a building SUDDENLY IT SPRINTS AT YOU and then it's dead.First thing I did was shoot a zombie in the head when I got the update :). Also I have yet to ever see a hacker on dayz. In fact, I've seen one hacked weapon since I started playing in what was it, March or April? Maybe I'm just really lucky, but then again no one in my squad except for one member has seen a hacker. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted November 3, 2012 In some cases "Walkerdown", you need to sacrifice some things to get better things down the road.I've found too many kiddo admins, i can trust a random one that is spamming his private server declaring he cheats only to prevents other to cheats.So i can do the same at this point: i start to cheat ONLY to fight other cheaters, and i claim to not risk my key, i promise i won't use it for any malicious activity.Do you trust me? Can i be an "authorized cheater" from today? And if not.. why i can't? What makes me different than any random admin? I tell you: nothing.. an admin is a normal user that have decided to have a server, it's not a super-hero. They often have a clan, and authorize them to cheat will be soon out of control (like we don't have enough cheaters already).The concept this person is promoting here is: let me cheat, i promise me and my mates will be the only cheaters on the server, because it's better to have few than having tons. Whenever this sounds the lesser of the two evil, it still unacceptable, it sounds like a blackmail. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kumiiyo 11 Posted November 3, 2012 where was this update when everyone still played dayz? dead game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted November 3, 2012 Excuse me? I happen to play on both a private white-listed server and public servers, and I'd really like to know: Where are all these scripters everyone seems to be complaining about? When BIS/BE/devs finally brought the hammer down on a bunch of common cheat scripts about a month ago, I started playing on public medium-pop expert servers again, and I haven't encountered a single "hacker" since, not one! Now obviously, my personal experience doesn't represent the community as a whole, but frankly I think they've made great progress in fighting the rampant cheating. Scripted-in weapons are still out there, and duping is still a problem, but the major game-breaking cheats like thunderdoming etc. are much less frequent than they used to be, at least in my experience.That's awesome for you.Day one, new patch. Logged into the public hive for first time in months. Instantly teleported along with entire server and got mowed down by hacker with SAW. Cool.Next spawn, new server. Same.Next spawn, new server. "friendly" hackers let me live when they saw my hero skin.Next day, new server. Only three guys on server. Spawn in, bam, three guys next to me.Even on the whitelisted server I play on people are using map hacks. If you don't think they're using them on your server you're sadly mistaken. :("find a better server!" That's as easy as finding legit NV goggles without cycling loot. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sobieski12 835 Posted November 3, 2012 I've found too many kiddo admins, i can trust a random one that is spamming his private server declaring he cheats only to prevents other to cheats.So i can do the same at this point: i start to cheat ONLY to fight other cheaters, and i claim to not risk my key, i promise i won't use it for any malicious activity.Do you trust me? Can i be an "authorized cheater" from today? And if not.. why i can't? What makes me different than any random admin? I tell you: nothing.. an admin is a normal user that have decided to have a server, it's not a super-hero. They often have a clan, and authorize them to cheat will be soon out of control (like we don't have enough cheaters already).The concept this person is promoting here is: let me cheat, i promise me and my mates will be the only cheaters on the server, because it's better to have few than having tons. Whenever this sounds the lesser of the two evil, it still unacceptable, it sounds like a blackmail.At the currents games state, I can't see this "specating tool" to be any worse than the hacker themselves.* I never said that a system like this is going to perfect. For this system to be perfect, the admin must be part of server company and monitor the servers "24/7".* Of which is more than likely not going to happen.For how severe hacking has become, this tool can be used effectively in catching multiple hackers.* But you see, I rather take a chance with this "spectating tool" than to join a server where hacker run rampant and unopposed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WalkerDown (DayZ) 296 Posted November 3, 2012 At the currents games state, I can't see this "specating tool" to be any worse than the hacker themselves.I agree, but at least the cheaters are identified (and eventually banned, with some luck) for what they are: cheaters! Instead the guy here wants the devs to formalize a cheat for the admins, this way those cheaters will be invited to cheat.. with the quality level of the admin we have here, you can only imagine the consequence.If they wants to cheat they have to RISK (at least) their cd-key, i don't want a "sure cheats" spreads around.The logic of: i have to "spy" you because i do not trust you, works inversely: "you do NOT want you to spy me, because i do not trust you".For this system to be perfect, the admin must be part of server company and monitor the servers "24/7".Exactly.. it works like this in other games. They are "screaned" and selected and they cannot play the game. Some of them will continue to abuse (ie: telling their mates about other players) .. but at least we won't have any damn kid owning a server cheating. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miroslav (DayZ) 7 Posted November 3, 2012 (edited) Can anyone explain me what is this rolling community update/build? Is it community "addon" on the 1.7.3 patch? Edited November 3, 2012 by Miroslav Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted November 3, 2012 Can anyone explain me what is this rolling community update/build? Is it community "addon" on the 1.7.3 patch?this update is made up of various fixes created by the (very talented) community 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JESUSARIUS REX (DayZ) 163 Posted November 3, 2012 That's awesome for you.Day one, new patch. Logged into the public hive for first time in months. Instantly teleported along with entire server and got mowed down by hacker with SAW. Cool.Next spawn, new server. Same.Next spawn, new server. "friendly" hackers let me live when they saw my hero skin.Next day, new server. Only three guys on server. Spawn in, bam, three guys next to me.Even on the whitelisted server I play on people are using map hacks. If you don't think they're using them on your server you're sadly mistaken. "find a better server!" That's as easy as finding legit NV goggles without cycling loot.People always say that they don't like official servers because there are way more hackers, so they play on private hives. Over my 7 to 8 months of playing dayz, I've never seen hackers anywhere except private hives. Why? Because the chances of them getting global ban are a lot less high on private servers. If they get banned from a private hive, it doesn't matter. A ban from the actual hive matters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hulkingunicorn 20 Posted November 3, 2012 Can anyone explain me what is this rolling community update/build? Is it community "addon" on the 1.7.3 patch?It's what's going to be in the next patch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RSF TheCapulet 45 Posted November 3, 2012 People always say that they don't like official servers because there are way more hackers, so they play on private hives. Over my 7 to 8 months of playing dayz, I've never seen hackers anywhere except private hives. Why? Because the chances of them getting global ban are a lot less high on private servers. If they get banned from a private hive, it doesn't matter. A ban from the actual hive matters.No? Hives have absolutely nothing to do with battle eye. If a BE global ban takes place, it doesn't matter one fuck whether it was on a hive server or not. It's what's going to be in the next patch.No? It's what's already in the current patch. Why are you guys even replying to people if you don't know wtf you're talking about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jerad200 0 Posted November 3, 2012 I can't wait to take out the people I usually couldn't because of the alt-f4! Now that it is fixed, it's a whole new story. >:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root 48 Posted November 3, 2012 I can't wait to take out the people I usually couldn't because of the alt-f4! Now that it is fixed, it's a whole new story. > :)As I said before. It's NOT fixed. You can alt f4 from game menu still, you can even alt f4 while in unconsciousness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hulkingunicorn 20 Posted November 3, 2012 [...]Why are you guys even replying to people if you don't know wtf you're talking about?It sounds like you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about. Even if you did, it wouldn't hurt to act a bit less accusatory...Have you noticed the locked topic "Rolling Changelog for Community Builds"? Doesn't it sound awfully similar what he asked about? Note in particular his last question:Can anyone explain me what is this rolling community update/build? Is it community "addon" on the 1.7.3 patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted November 3, 2012 People always say that they don't like official servers because there are way more hackers, so they play on private hives. Over my 7 to 8 months of playing dayz, I've never seen hackers anywhere except private hives. Why? Because the chances of them getting global ban are a lot less high on private servers. If they get banned from a private hive, it doesn't matter. A ban from the actual hive matters.Everything I posted happened on public hive servers. The only hacks I've seen on private hives were passive hacks. Map hacking is hard to spot as it takes an active admin with spectating or someone with a map hack to spot the tell tale behavior. There are other hacks as well that are not as obvious. Ever have your pilot dc shortly after you team opens fire on some players? Yeah. Then there's the guys that teleport near your location and go right for you. Yes, finding a server with good admins makes all the difference but those are few and far between.The scum buy keys for a few dollars from shady websites that probably stole them from fools or bought them with stolen credit cards. The hacker websites also have a tighter community than us. The minute an update comes out and the bans start rolling word spreads and then they wait for an updated hack that comes out fairly quickly.I pray the SA can stop a lot of this. I really do. I love this game but as it is, the fuckhead used douchebags have ruined it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 50 Posted November 3, 2012 Very nice.It would be nice to fix bugs such as randomly dying while prone and moving on *slightly* jegged terrain... one time I broke my legs going through a *slightly* jagged step through a doorway. Recently, I had built the best loot, had the most zombie kills in the server and was prone moving on sand (Panthera) next to the sea... sand isn't flat, so it decided to brake my legs, rip most of my blood out and fling me out into the sea where I died very soon thereafter.Infact, I would prefer this.. and any other similar bugs were to be fixed.. more than introducing dogs! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mickzta 6 Posted November 3, 2012 Really need dogs next Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krunch 1 Posted November 4, 2012 New Hive v0.8 update broke my server..."This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact DayZ staff."Already created a support ticket for it and hasn't been answered yet and it has already been 2 days... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 4, 2012 I think losing the Debug is a mistake. The blood icon's color variation is too subtle to differentiate between 10,000 and 11,000 and 12,000. It's nice to know what your exact level is. Also, it's nice to know how many zombies you've killed without having to log out to see that number. I hope you reconsider the decision to remove it.Thanks.While I love the less HUD,some servers are reducing food loot and its very hard to conserve food items when you never know if your at full health.Maybe the blood icon could blink when you have eaten enough.Better for me would be all icons showing the amount by filling up and vice versa.The color change is hard to judge and is also apparent with the temp icon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 4, 2012 * [FIXED] Food can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.* [FIXED] water can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.Also those two. Are ridiculousness. I don't have to have water in my bag to drink it. Same goes for food. I thought it was a good thing to be able to consume from outside the inventory. Plenty of great fixes but I don't get why these two and the "can't consume in car" fixes were added.Something about it being the only way to stop duping of these items.Hopefully be fixed the right way in SA. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted November 4, 2012 pheripheral dots are/were more than OP, they give you xray vision through objext, walls etc. I hope SA wont have these.I can only imagine what kind of crying there would be if 3thperson+dots+hud would be removed! would be awesome!I think this was on easy mode.When set to veteran they only show creatures not blocked by a wall etc.I think the best way for peripheral dots to be incorporated is to have them on but they only show when the creature is moving. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hulkingunicorn 20 Posted November 4, 2012 While I love the less HUD,some servers are reducing food loot and its very hard to conserve food items when you never know if your at full health.Maybe the blood icon could blink when you have eaten enough.Better for me would be all icons showing the amount by filling up and vice versa.The color change is hard to judge and is also apparent with the temp icon.Having something blinking if things are normal sounds rather horrible to me; blinking should signal an acute situation.I'd say, remove the respective icons if you're at full health, fully hydrated and have had enough beans for now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites