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RSF TheCapulet

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About RSF TheCapulet

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. RSF TheCapulet

    New respawn

    The new spawn method just turns fresh spawn locations into 6 minute TDM matches. This should instead only be applied to steam friends, instead of everyone. Problem: Be in spawn town while it's triggered as the only spawn town in map. Get in fight with player or players. Player/players die. Player/players respawn in same town, run to your location, and keep chipping away at your health because they know exactly where you are. Rinse and repeat until you're dead. I've had this happen to me and have done it to other players myself multiple times.
  2. RSF TheCapulet

    Got no stones

    Use a pickaxe on larger boulders to harvest large stones. If you need small stones, combine large stones with the pickaxe.
  3. RSF TheCapulet

    Sk magazine

    30 round magazines for the SKS irl are SUPER inconsistent. Constant jams and fuckery.
  4. RSF TheCapulet

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    Leave it on regular 3rd person servers, lose it on veteran servers.
  5. RSF TheCapulet

    Experimental Update 1.0.150000

    This is a terrible idea! Pushing large updates before the holiday break is a recipe for disaster where you're stuck all Christmas break long without a fix for potential game-breaking bugs.
  6. You can remove the fixed magazine and replace it easily with 20 or 30 round mags. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/prod/SKS_30_Round_Magazine And unsurprisingly, the SKS is exceedingly simple to convert to full auto fire. (not reccomended though, as it can fire out of battery, and isn't really switchable)
  7. SKS was my first assault rifle, and likely the only gun I could realistically assemble and dissasmeble with my eyes closed (It's a very simple weapon). I can't wait to start killing bandits with it. For the SKS though, I'd really like to see some of the more awesome aftermarket stocks as possible upgrades for it. For instance: http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/7-SKS3000 & http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/product/9-54742 The SKS is one of the more widely avaliable Russian assault rifles in civillian space, since Russian produced a massive shit ton of them, and then immediately switched to the kalishnakov. Due to this and it's overall simplicity, it has a HUGE aftermarket parts selection that really lends itself well to DayZ. I can't wait to see all of the awesome combos for this weapon.
  8. RSF TheCapulet

    The 1.7.7 update favorites

    Rocket is back. Might be why he was asking.
  9. RSF TheCapulet

    Don't bother fixing the miltary Mi-17 it's broken!

    This has happened to me in the UAZ, but only once. When it did happen, the vehicle had been "server shifted" on top of two piles of timber, so that it was both crooked and slightly above ground enough so that it's wheels didn't touch the ground at any point. When I exited, I spawned in the middle of the vehicle and promptly died. Hope this helps with reproducing this pesky bug.
  10. RSF TheCapulet

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Why isn't this kid banned from these forums yet?
  11. RSF TheCapulet

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I'll never be able to understand this twisted sense of entitlement, like these motherfuckers OWE you a game NOW, or else. He was hoping for a December release date, and decided it wasn't good enough. And he'll continue pushing it back until it's good enough, so that you and your bitching friends have less to bitch about when you all inevitably buy it (Like we all know you will.) You haven't given them a dime so quit acting like it.
  12. RSF TheCapulet

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Why is it such a bad thing if they're taking inspiration from your server to improve the mod? Knocking someone over isn't "your" idea, dipshit. You're modifying on the Arma 2 game, on top of a huge mod that you didn't even build, and on top of that... you're being a dick about it. He made it clear. If you want access to look at the code, ask him for it. If you're not going to take him up on that, you're just being combative for the sake of doing it. You're not trying to improve the community, you're not trying to make the mod better, and you're not doing anything productive. In fact, you're doing the opposite. Trying to stifle innovation, just because you want your server to be the only kid on the block with features that were originally thought up from people long before you ever got around to writing the half a dozen lines of code for it.
  13. RSF TheCapulet

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hey Sumrak, I noticed a pretty deadly bug while playing a couple days ago. When on any structures that are over water, such as the awesome docks/platforms in Tara Harbor, you incure the same temp decrease as if you were in water. This is especially deadly when you're already near freezing, and then you waltz out into what the game assumes is fridgid water. Dropping dead within a couple minutes to a few seconds for no apparent reason is the result.
  14. RSF TheCapulet

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    His point is still valid. A clip is something that doesn't 'contain' ammunituion, rather instead just holds it together before the ammo is inserted into the firearm or magazine. Magazine is in fact the correct term. In fact, the very first thing the wiki article says is: " Not to be confused with Magazine (firearms)."
  15. RSF TheCapulet

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    If the little numbers at the top right corner of your screen were the only reasons you were pulling the trigger, then you've been playing the game wrong, It's not their fault that you've been playing it like it's call of fucking duty. It's your fault, and yours alone. If this isn't the game you like, go find one that you do.