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About wolfstriked

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    Bean King

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  1. People complain that once they have a backpack filled with canned foods and drink that game loses something.Well then don't give them this feeling by keeping the reduced loot that experimental has right now but drastically increase time to death from starving.People wanna survive for Dayz ;) and if a system was entered where you slowly starve to death I believe it would enhance gameplay.You could have players start out at a set amount of bodyweight thats listed in the UI screen and if you go below a certain threshold you are dead. Add in rare of hard to hunt animals to the mix just makes survival that much sweeter.Good fatty steaks should add a good amount of bodyweight back but I do think rabbits should be very lean as they are in real life and be more a snack type food.maybe add in gallon containers of cooking oil as a great but rare find?
  2. wolfstriked

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    Batteries and jewelers tool kit as rare spawns to repair watches that players spawn with. Make well water the main spreader of the virus where the people who have not contracted it where drinking exclusively bottled water.A little tutorial when you first spawn stating that right before all hell broke loose the government was warning that it could be the water supply.So you would have to boil well water to kill the virus and thats all.But ponds and lakes have two issues in that you need to boil the water plus make water filters out of rags/charcoal/sand to filter out the detritus. Medkit bandages are sterile but rags need to be combined with some alcohol tincture to sterilize before use w/Vodka spawns as alternative. Getting punched needs painkillers while getting shot needs morphine to remove the shakes. A fleshed out body temp stat and corresponding clothes that each have their own warmth rating.Server wide changes weekly that fluctuate the temp of Chenarus so that players need to dress properly or rish hypothermia or heat exhaustion. Cooked foods being very important in keeping the bodies reserve warmth high for extended periods(hours) in very cold weather. Non-adherence to maintaining optimal body temps over time results in lowered immunity.Lowered immunity has a few drawbacks like slower health regen from food and coughing that can attract zeds and also inform other players that your near and finally ability to cause your friends near you to catch sick easier. Make shoes degrade kinda quick with you moaning alot as the detriment of worn shoes. Getting wet has all its real life drawbacks.
  3. wolfstriked

    Night servers at night is crazy!

    Was on a dark server the other day when my head mounted light's battery went dead.Feeling screwed and ready to give up I realized I had another battery in my backpack and was elated and back in the game.Then I got a little too relaxed and let an infected get some hits on me and came to find that the zed damaged my headset finally delivering me to the mercy of darkness.That was when I finally seen how kool the item degradation of Dayz can be.
  4. wolfstriked

    So, I found a map...

    Just need one map and keep the spawn rate as low as the map pieces are right now.
  5. wolfstriked

    End game?

    Yep,it gives them a sinister vibe and immerses me into wanting to kill them and hence enhances Dayz for me.Before that I just couldn't do it and the once or twice time I KOS I actually felt bad for awhile.What is kool about it is it takes balls to run around with a gasmask on knowing people will try to kill you.Put those gas masks on peoples!!!
  6. wolfstriked

    Why can't The zombies be More Like This?

    LOL just had a freaky infected experience that made my heart pump.Was on a dark unpopulated server at the NEAF and the light was just enough so I could see outside and in buildings with windows but in the hangars its pitch black.I am walking so that I can hear footsteps to warn me I'm not alone and then suddenly I hear footsteps running at me and I rapidly turn and empty 10 rounds into whatever it was.Wasn't a player but an infected that did not make a screaming sound until it actually lunged at me.Now that was amazing experience!!Gave me chills and for a for a minute I was in the apocalypse. :D Still feel though that infected should give chance to infect you with the virus.Make players fear them more by making them be a % chance of death if they manage to bite you.And also of course make it so that if player is coughing,starving or whatnot then the chance gets higher.Right now I one swap them with the fire axe while I circle strafe them laughing all the while.
  7. wolfstriked

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    I kill any lunatic crazy enough to wear a mask in the end of the world.That's my cue to KOS every sweet ass time.;)
  8. wolfstriked

    End game?

    The gas masks and other masks did not sit well with me when I first got the SA but now its what pulls me into the world.I am now at war with the creeps that wear these masks as they are all scum!!!I love it and whats crazy is the masks actually make me angry so the kills are even more fun. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. wolfstriked

    Less M4A1s More M4s.

    Chenarus is where the virus first took hold.Americans sent troops to help out so thats why there are military bases that have M4A1's.
  10. wolfstriked

    Incremental stances

    You can still set W+S to toggle walking/running.
  11. wolfstriked

    Time: DayZ or NightZ

    I think we shopuld all spawnwith a dam watch since most humans have em.Make searching for watch batteries another endeavor.
  12. wolfstriked

    Why can't The zombies be More Like This?

    The devs need to feed us fear in a different way since I doubt that the Arma engine can ever give us zeds like in that video.The other day I somehow got really low on health and could not find enough food to start the healing process and as I was scavenging in a house I heard the tell tale Scream of a zed.My heart started pounding like when I encounter a real person and it dawned on me that all we need to make zeds scary is to make them dangerous.Problem with highly dangerous zeds though is that they will become too dangerous and thus no one will survive if the game is kept as is and their damage just increased. I really feel that Rocket made a mistake by firmly stating that the survivors are immune since the fear of zeds should come from the fear of getting infected.Right now I hear a zed,pull out my fire axe and one swipe them no problem.I can run circles around a few of them with ease and killing them one by one.But IMO this should not be the way we view zeds and instead they should be viewed as infected and our main goal is to stay as far away from them as possible.So firearms are great as hopefully you can take then down before they get close to you.Melee on the other hand should be a risky situation where you fight when no other choice is available. A way to make this scary and exciting and adrenaline pumping is to make melee weapons have just a slightly larger reach then a zeds bite.Make melee combat with zeds a precise battle of timing where you have to swing perfectly or risk getting bitten.If you get bitten then a chance to become infected happens.I also feel that your well being should come into play in this circumstance.If its freezing out and you are not dressed for it you should catch cold and start coughing.Starving or dehydrated should also diminish your immunity as should being injured.When not "healthy" then you should have a much higher chance to get infected by the virus.
  13. wolfstriked

    idea with eating food

    Fix the game so that when you place can of food into your hands it stays there and doesn't go back into your pack after you eat some food.This way you can go into your backpack,place can into hands,exit out of backpack and then eat the whole can by pressing default action button each time the eating animation ends.Right now you need to stay in backpack screen and reclick the can every single time.
  14. wolfstriked

    Make survival harder, less food and water

    Rarer food and drink can really add to the feel of a world that has been stripped of its food supply and humanity is on the brink of extinction but the system they have made in the SA,where you must eat a ton of food to regain health,would not work then.You will have people who get shot and then must hide for ages searching for non-existant food sources to replenish health wherein most players of Dayz just wanna have gun battles with some survival aspects thrown in and will crash the forums with complaints.I posted in past of a system that seperates the survival aspect from the gunplay and feel that would be the only way to have a post apocalyptic feel in a game where people will be shooting everyone they come across.Increase the time to death from food to a whole day real time and leave the dehydration the same.Then change the medkits so that they allow people to fix themselves up after a battle to where their health is back to full.....with a twist that it takes a certain amount of time after doing the surgical work for the health to replenish. Also,IMO we should be forced to eat rotten fruits,moldy cereal boxes etc occasionaly with the consequence being a doubled food/drink requierment for a few hours.The spoiled food and drink though should give half its normal hunger/thirst replenishment with a percentage chance that you will get sick from it as animals do have ability to eat rotten foods with no ill effects.So player starts to vomit to signal that health replenishment will be very hard for a good while.Getting sick in an apocalypse,with food very scarce and you pissing and shitting fluids and nutrients,should mean certain death as now you have to find food and drink at twice the rate and food is very scarce to come by. ;) Last resort deal or better hope you find some meds then.
  15. wolfstriked

    Should Cannibalism be in DayZ?

    Firstly,I wanna see a human arm and leg in my inventory. :D But eating human meat should be a last resort in a world stripped of food sources and forcing players to succumb to an eventual unavoidable death unless highly persistant in the looting of the whole map.Cannibalism should come with an annoying consequence like the shake from pain that is not cureable with pain killers but rather player must survive a long time in game to eliminate it.A way to prolong your virtual life that has a + of allowing you to keep looting coupled with the - of causing you to shake for a very long time.But its Rockets game and honestly I feel he will just take the easy way out and have canned foods and drink be abundant and just have the emergent gameplay come from people killing/robbing/poisoning each other....which that alone seems to make alot of people happy. :rolleyes: