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About geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

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  1. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    You sir just got Dayz'd...

    Oh the memories... remember not so long ago, going prone and turning around in a building or going through a doorway... insta-death.. or if you're lucky broken bones so you have to crawl to morphine, usually in a high risk area like NWA barracks. Fun fun fun. Dat engine dou.
  2. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Experimental Branch saw many changes in 0.44

    Holy crap all of you are reading way too deeply into this thing about pigs and boars. Just leave it. Holy crap.
  3. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    I find the zombies have been buffed considerably.

    Yep the great thing about the mod was you could predict the zombie detection behaviour, and sneak around them by not making noise, and crawling etc. They have stripped all of this from the standalone for performance reasons after supposedly making zombies server side (there have been times a zombie attacked me while my friend couldn't see it, so I was just hitting the air on his screen - this seems a bit client side right...). It seems they have been saying they have been making everything server side and it will make everything so much better, but right now there are more bugs because of it than in the mod - but maybe they will prove me wrong eventually. On the subject of client/server side issues - the day/night cycle is client side, meaning it can turn dark for some people yet be light for others - a major gamebreaking bug, and yet they are busy experimenting with day/night cycle speed! Seriously I didn't mean to turn this into a rant, so back on track.. yeah I can't wait for them to add better zombie AI and pathing (e.g. not running through walls).
  4. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk


  5. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Sniper Squad Play- 820m HeadShot

    Reducing FOV to the minimum makes it really zoomed in but you can't see anything around you like a guy with a hatchet running towards you even from the front... sooo... it would be cool if the scopes forced the FOV to a set amount to make scopes standardised for everyone, other than having to go into the settings menu to change FOV for a distant shot - pretty immersion breaking we think.
  6. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

    That video above reminds me of the exact same thing happening in the mod but of some guy firing a lee enfield in elektro to kill zombies and then running in the pub by the supermarket and getting overwhelmed by zombies and dying. And then they would complain that zombies keep spawning. The video we designed to show the 'broken' mechanic, and so is an unfair look at the game. It's in a city, theres a hell of a lot of zombies, and you are firing your pistol while running around in the open. This seems like a real *zombie* game now. I think he got a bit of a shock from being used to the nearly non-existent zombies beforehand. Unless he has played the mod? As for feedback, im sure the team knows the respawn mechanic needs a lot of tweaking, but I do like the direction the zombies are taking - now they are actually part of the game.
  7. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.42.116002

    Nice one ;) Perfect timing.
  8. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    will survival aspect of the game get better!?!?

    Jogging simulator + Hunting simulator + Cooking simulator + Fishing Simulator + Camping simulator + Medicine simulator + Ballistics simulator = ?
  9. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Specific Castle Loot

    Why would they spawn swords, bows and arrows? It's not the medieval period. Only if the castles were museums would it make sense.
  10. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Ok: Having an SSD makes this game have 100x better performance

    Idk if someone has already said this I didnt read the entire thread but sometimes an SSD can give better performance if your computer has low RAM because if RAM is full it defaults to the hard-drive which is extremely slow whereas an SSD is much faster. Basically, in most games everything is loaded into RAM for fast access, sometimes there is not enough RAM for all of the data and so relevant data gets swapped between RAM and hard-drive, which is very slow, although an SSD would increase in-game loading. Remember those old GTA games where you had to wait for a new area to load. That's when the new area data is put from hard drive into RAM (swapped with the current data). An SSD would significantly increase loading speed.
  11. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    My first gun fight ever 62 hours in the game (lol)

    Yeah that's what makes DayZ truly addictive, and why there are so many bandits. Because the adrenaline rushes when you have been keeping your character alive for hours and have some decent gear, and come face to face with someone with a gun. You can run and hide and still be shaking or play a 10 minute flanking gun battle with 2 or 3 bandits, killing them, and ending up shaking and sweating so bloody much you must stop.. and then the limbo feeling of gathering their gear as fast as possible and then sprinting off into the woods to log off. This is what dayz is really about.
  12. If you don't wanna have fire-fights in dayz why don't you all just run off and hide in a bush next to a pond near a small village and wait all day?
  13. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    Stop feeding the troll guys.
  14. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    How to type talk in Dayz

    It's not '.' - that changes the channel (although I think there is only direct chat). '/' should work though.
  15. geogeorgegeo@hotmail.co.uk

    Advice please, my vision is blurry. No idea what to do. - No noob.

    Eat and drink until the "Energized" and "Hydrated" Statuses are highlighted in bright green (not just dark green) and the "Healing" status should appear. Also, go to video settings > render > post processing and set it to low or very low (or off if you really wish).