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Found 2841 results

  1. Acids House

    1.04...what did they fix?

    Ghosting. That's it. Duping is still happening. The gear stacking is still in the game. The scopes still turn grey when you first ADS. Zombies still glitch through walls. Inventory gets glitched all the time and not just tent inventory anymore. Have to log to pick up or see glitched items on the ground. And look, I get it. I understand the side of the argument that "we should be so lucky that they even put NVGs in the game. They will fix it. Just be patient." Yea. In 1.05. When they break vaulting for the very first time.
  2. Stagman70

    I think it's really funny

    The only issue I have with the long queues is this........I logged out last night, want to play TONIGHT, but I can't go to another server if I want to start where I left off. I was fortunate enough to spawn all the way in the NE corner, but I don't want to get stuck all the way south if I choose a different one. There needs to be a clock of some sorts that starts once you log out, and after that time passes, you can log in on a different server in the same spot where you logged out. I understand why they did this, and I have no issue with them stopping the server hopping and ghosting and such, but it IS a little ridiculous.
  3. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    It was completely thought out. It’s a barrier against easy duping, and also ghosting. Just because YOU wouldn’t ghost after such a long time, doesn’t mean other people wouldn’t. People could still find a base, and make sure they log back into that base. Even if it’s 2 weeks later, it’s still ghosting.
  4. DayzDayzFanboy

    Console Update 1.04

    It doesn't matter how long between sessions, if you change server you get random respawn. Get used to it. This has eliminated ghosting and server hopping for loot.
  5. TheYetiBum

    Spawn keeps resetting

    No man, private servers have there own character databases, so every new private server you join will have a new character that can only be played on that server. But on public servers you can move your character from server to server, but will most likely log in near the coast but with all your gear after switching, new server hopping mitigation has been added to stop hopping. Ghosting. Duping etc. Hope this helps
  6. Jonas Levin

    Had to plug a dude for his shoes.

    I did the same day about 12 hours ago on 3897. 😛 First I beat a guy up and stole his Glock (apparently he did not know how to cock it, it had a mag with 9 bullet in it but none it the chamber), then I held another guy up for his shoes. First he dropped them like a good boy, but then he refused to run out into the night as I told him... So I gave him a clean headshot so he went unconscious and was way down in health, picked up the shoes, performed CPR and ran some circles around him and then ran off into the night with the shoes - I left him with his 4 bandages though, that's how nice a man I am lol. Gotta love all these mechanics, im especially loving that you can reload a mag just by holding it in your hand and holding Y so we dont have to open the inventory, find the right ammo, press B and then hold RT - its way better. The throwing function is sooooo good to, and vaulting is getting implemented in 1.05 which is awesome too. The anti-ghosting/server-jumping function is just perfect too, people actually stay on the servers for night-play now which I've always like but never been able to get the group to go along with. The game is back on its feet - with a vengeance! 🙂
  7. Derleth

    reset position

    If it was a modded server it was also a community server, which means no shared hive. So when you logged in on another server you started a fresh character. Nothing weird or bugged about that. The teleporting happens when changing servers on the public hive. It is a means to stop duping, ghosting and loot hopping.
  8. I hear it's that good. No duping, ghosting and no soy milk in between. Are you excited?
  9. It’s a start guys. Just remember that private servers will massively reduce the biggest problems you’ve experienced on consoles. Duping, ghosting, etc. If you want more control, you should probably wait til they figure out the whitelist thing. Not like there won’t be a fuck-ton to play on, anyway.
  10. Jonas Levin

    The Barbecue Terrorists!

    What a ghosting little prick, shooting a bunch of people chilling and enjoying themselves is damn low - he could have at least have started throwing insults out the window and made it an interesting fight. Nice video by the way! 🙂
  11. Stagman70

    Question regarding update and a concern..

    THIS is called GHOSTING, and is just ONE of the reasons for this change. Hear ME out and follow along if you can.......THAT'S CALLED CHEATING.
  12. Ydbxsnowwolf

    Question regarding update and a concern..

    @impulz so this new update should completely stop ghosting? Also what about if like some camps the spots you get put at or like makes a base there?
  13. thedarkmancer

    For PC Players

    Well as we all know, the 1.03 + 1.04 update is coming to the consoles, however, what I really want to know is if the 1.04 update ended up with mass duplication, server hopping and ghosting. If you have not done with these things, how are they? Are they as critical as in the 1.02 update? Is it still a gigantic problem in the game or has the update lessened with these problems? Thanks, sorry for my bad English.
  14. ThePugman

    For PC Players

    Duping hasn't been much of a problem on PC for a while. Most serious players play on private servers where duping doesn't really happen. The changes they made in 1.04 certainly make ghosting impossible. Again, private servers aren't affected by this because it's one character per server. Since console are getting private servers, I would say stick with them and you should rarely notice any problems. Occasional problems will still happen on official servers (they recently said that duping will never be stopped completely) But it's so rare, you won't notice it. You won't likely see the 'tent cities' again.
  15. Acids House

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Fake news. They literally state the closing of these specific servers are due to excessive duping. If duping is possible then it doesnt matter if there are only 2 servers, dupers will dupe between them. I doubt queue times are much of a deterrent for dupers either. The combat for duping and ghosting comes with the random spawn mitigation they are implementing for people that change/hop servers. This will honestly only slow the process down. It will hopefully make base building viable as I dont see a way to ghost anymore. None of this even matters without a full character and server wipe however. The loot economies will remain completely f@#!ed and the game will continue being something Dayz was never meant to be.
  16. I Celt

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Removing servers wont remove duppers!! Character locked servers will,plus it will stop ghosting in by server hopping.Thats 2 majour problems sorted in one .You can have that info for free as who ever thought getting rid of servers to fix dupping got there skills from a 99pence lucky bag at tesco's
  17. DayzDayzFanboy

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    It would stop ghosting but from what I gather it wouldn't stop duping. A different solution would be needed.
  18. Gary176_irl

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Wouldn't locked servers fix duping and ghosting, 2 of the biggest issues effecting gameplay at the moment. Just a small amount of locked servers for people to start fresh on, let the dupers keep their wild west for now.
  19. Rekurv

    Anti Ghosting/Server Hopping Measures

    I like this solution so far. Is it the best solution? I dunno...but it sure beats what we had before. It solves a number of problems. Besides Ghosting behind players and spawning inside bases, people find a military base and hop server to server taking all the good loot, ruining the economy for players trying to play the game as it was intended to be played. So I take my boonie hat off to the Devs for this. It is certainly a step in the right direction. My only concern is people abusing it to teleport to coastal areas, so adding many more spawns all over the map might be a solution (or at least deter people) from doing this (as the spawn-in timer is long).
  20. 0.64 Freerider

    Experimental Update 1.04.152050

    That might be true, if you only consider the server hopping as a method for fast loot gathering, but if you include server hopping into bases and server hopping for tactical advantage (ghosting) in the equation, that makes for a very different result.
  21. Acids House

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Server and player resets to 0 accompanied by the new 1.04 update is necessary. The mitigation of random spawn for server hoppers will probably not stop duping but will slow it down considerably. I also don't see with the new mitigation how ghosting will ever be a thing again. I feel like we dont have all the information yet.
  22. ZXDMCFCWoody007

    Wouldn't this work?

    If a server is locked you can't go onto another server with the same character..... Which means no ghosting and would for a short time reduce and possibly stop duping in the current popular manner.....
  23. stephen321

    Wouldn't this work?

    Locked servers would stop server hopping, ghosting and all the ways of duping that work by switching servers
  24. ImpulZ

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Just a warning at this point, as you already went for denunciation and now uninformed claims. We understand frustration about persistent issues in the game, but please stick to our guidelines for the forums. To clear that up a bit: The test with the 150 player server was, as described in the accompanying tweet, a test for hardware performance. And just because a server is able to run 150 players does not mean we will increase every single server to 150 players, as there's obviously way more to consider on that. The test was just to see the performance of specific server hardware (our second hardware performance test was using only 60 slot servers btw). Our team is working on the known issues of duping, meatballing, frame drops, and ghosting, while porting the new content and features from PC to consoles. Those are our priorities.
  25. McWendy

    Anti Ghosting/Server Hopping Measures

    Yes Its must by very frustrating. So is the development of this game. If you had been here since the early days then you would have known. But march 27 doesnt say you know. You also would know that ghosting and server hopping is a thing since Day 1. So you made you're own group aswell saying just you as console players would like to play without ghosting and hopping. Obviously pc players DO want ghosting and server hopping...... sigh. Really? Next time dont quote just a bit but the whole context, maybe Re read some post history of me before you single out just one person, thats just rude.😉