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Acids House

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About Acids House

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Acids House

    Counter Duping with IP Bans

    You know the devs have logs of everything that goes on, on every server. They know who is duping and who is not. They know where the dupe stashes are. Well they would if they would just follow up on it. They dont care. Duping is easier now than it was before the mitigation update. You cant find shit because its duped....again. Nobody really thinks about the business side of things either. They're not about to start ip banning paying customers. Especially when the playerbase is low af. They only put dayz on console to take your money and its working. And all they have to do is half ass some shit every month or so and because of most peoples lack of experience with this company and the previous builds of this game, they forgive and keep biting that hope hook. Stahpit!
  2. Acids House

    So sad...

    Lol I love the comments people make thinking the game will be fixed or even get better. It's been in this piss poor piece of shit state since the mod! But hey no worries, a paid for dlc map is coming! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. Who am I to judge you If you find your happiness knowing that the game will never be fixed? Watching them try is good enough Even if you admitted to know the outcome is never. You're so woke.
  4. Acids House

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    Agreed. I said this was coming. I was told I was wrong. It would be the savior. However I've seen it all before on PC. Private hives are cliquey af. Admin get butthurt and boot ban and fuck you over for their feelings. It's just a power trip for all the babies that get wrecked in public servers and just want to kumbaya. Go play fucking minecraft if you want to kumbaya. I respect private servers that regulate cheating and oversee things. Now Private servers that regulate actual gameplay in a game that is meant to be played HOWEVER the fuck you want though can eat the dick right off their high horse.
  5. Anyone still making excuses for these companies, for these downfalls, for these shitty servers, for this shitty community, for this broken game, still hoping, still paying, excited for the upcoming DLC MAP, ANYONE READY TO KEEP PAYING MONEY TO SUPPORT THESE GARBAGE PRACTICES and look the other way while you get cornholed for your precious time is just plain fucking dumb. Some of you people want this game so bad that you're willing to blind yourself to the truth. Lie to yourself. You are willing to sell yourself short. Have a little respect for yourself and give yourself more credit. Let yourself see what is staring you in the face. This game has been broken since the mod and will never be fixed. It will never be what you want or hope. Own that truth and then decide to play or walk away but quit kidding yourself.
  6. Acids House

    FreshSpawn Shenanigans!

    ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ it's not him. It's the game
  7. Acids House

    My character is gone....

    Is this problem still persisting?
  8. Acids House

    Duping on private servers

    I've only been screaming this the whole time I've been on this forum. This game and company are a joke. People dont realize and dont listen when they're told that these problems have been around since the beginning, the mod. It will never truly be fixed. The devs have said this themselves. I'm sorry for you and share your sentiment of being disheartened.
  9. Acids House

    Refund!! ๐Ÿ˜ต

    I need another refund! Both of my characters are gone! My VSessess, my LARs, and SVDz are all gone! ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ
  10. "Hey guys we implemented spawn mitigation for server hopping."....."please gather your camps and belongings and change to a server we are not shutting down. Enjoy your free trip to the coast with everything you own on your back!"
  11. Acids House

    The elephant in the room.

    Cant get a refund on something I already got a refund on. It's not like xbox is the only place I own the game.
  12. Acids House

    The elephant in the room.

    "Hey guys we put NVGs into the game!....dont worry, we will let you turn them on in the next update! 1.05" How does this not just sum up this development team in a nutshell? How does this not make you see through the smoke? They added a brick to the game. A lootable rare brick that serves absolutely no function other than taking up space and you can throw it. No hotfix incoming? Just eff it huh? Catch us on the next update huh? See you in 1.05. Not to mention I still cant say what actually got fixed in the game. Duping still happens. In fact it happens frequently by simply logging out after inventory adjustments. Gear stacking. Lag. Inventory bugs. Etc. You name it and it's not fixed. Ghosting is fixed but even the mitigation system is very exploitable. Oh yea, they also added the ability to open doors by force. Who needs ghosting anyway? This isn't a damn soap opera. You dont get to tease us with a partial product to keep us playing. That's how you starve your audience. Not feed them.
  13. Acids House

    An Anticlimactic Climax...

    Yea. I blew a dude up with one. He shot at me. I threw a nade at him. He died. I looted. Good times.
  14. Acids House

    [Suggestion] Weapon lineage

    This is better than op
  15. Acids House

    1.04...what did they fix?

    Ghosting. That's it. Duping is still happening. The gear stacking is still in the game. The scopes still turn grey when you first ADS. Zombies still glitch through walls. Inventory gets glitched all the time and not just tent inventory anymore. Have to log to pick up or see glitched items on the ground. And look, I get it. I understand the side of the argument that "we should be so lucky that they even put NVGs in the game. They will fix it. Just be patient." Yea. In 1.05. When they break vaulting for the very first time.