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About Accolyte

  • Rank
    Czech's Finest

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    Prague, CZ

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  1. Accolyte

    Why did BI Remove Faces from the Billboards?

    Might have something to do with GDPR or some other legal stuff. Dunno though.
  2. Accolyte

    Weapon name inconsistencies

    It is merely a guess. Can't imagine another reason for item names to be different on two different clients.
  3. Accolyte

    Weapon name inconsistencies

    It is not really that complicated to do if it really is licensing/legal. It is done a lot, especially in Germany, which is particularly touchy in this area.
  4. Accolyte

    Weapon name inconsistencies

    Most likely some sort of a licensing issue.
  5. Accolyte

    Please add something to xbox

    Alright, this is the second time I performed some cleaning here. This is a final warning before locking the thread. Stick to the topic, be civil, don't provoke other users in the thread. Thank you!
  6. Accolyte

    How To Actually Quick-Reload With "Y"

    Good evening lads, please try to not insult each other, especially when someone's just trying to help. Even if it may be stating the obvious. Sometimes stating the obvious is necessary. Not everyone can be a genius like myself. Ta, A.
  7. Accolyte


    Seeing as people still aren't cool this topic can no longer continue. Right? Right!
  8. Accolyte

    Status Report - 25 September 2018

    Theyre working for me fine. Seems like a problem on your end.
  9. Wherever it is that you bought it.
  10. Accolyte

    Exp Update 0.63.148743

    DayzTS, I'm beggining to see a pattern in your posting history. I am however unsure what you think this will accomplish. I suggest you start actually contributing to discussion rather than plastering the same thing on the forums. Consider this a friendly warning.
  11. Accolyte

    A Scotsman in Chernarus

    Ah a wee lad fae Aberdream. How cute.
  12. Accolyte

    New forum format/style

    The one true king is back. For these forums are dank and full of spammers players.
  13. Ah, I see that the feedback website has been update since last I used it. I apologize, I didn't realise that. I can't really make sense of the new layout I'm afraid (looks like I'm missing a few buttons). You can simply PM one of us with the info and we'll pass it on to the devs, as I've said earlier.
  14. You can submit a private report on the feedback tracker, which makes it visible only to the devs and yourself. Alternatively you can message one of us and we'll pass it on.
  15. Play nice people, or I'll make you stop alltogether.