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Ok guys, alt+f4 its bad.


Yesterday i log on one of DE servers and appear near Vybor. It was night time but i have NV Goggles.

So, i start to crowl to near building and hear far away sound, later i understand that it was car horn.

I look around 360 degrees with binoculars and dont see anything. I start to crawl again. After 1-2 minutes i look back and see man far away on a TRUCK. He starts to horn and ride right on me by straight line.

I try to run away but he broke my legs and i start to bleed.

I make ALT+f4. That i must to do? Lose my equip to that hacker that i collect 5 days? No thanx.

Good always wins evil. Who win - he is good. Yeah.

I dont wanna lose any hive "good reputation" because of hackers. And will use alt+f4 again and again if i see no more way to stay alive.

What? How do you know a hacker drove that truck? Obviously you seem to be very upset...

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Hmmm... How he spot me on night on that distance? Ok bro - he use NV + snipe.

He sit in truck and ride on me by straight line then i MOVE near and behind building and run away. He cannot see me without hacking and he cant so fast orient on me then i was behind buildings.

He is dont eject from truck - he drive it. Try it by yourself without 3d person view in truck at night.

Edited by Rabble

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How about a full tent/vehicle wipe after the tents are fixed? Save me the time running through all the servers leveling all tents and shooting up all the vehicles I can find. :P

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Ok guys, alt+f4 its bad.


Yesterday i log on one of DE servers and appear near Vybor. It was night time but i have NV Goggles.

So, i start to crawl to near building and hear far away sound, later i understand that it was car horn.

I look around 360 degrees with binoculars and dont see anything. I start to crawl again. After 1-2 minutes i look back and see man far away on a TRUCK. He starts to horn and ride right on me by straight line.

I try to run away but he broke my legs and i start to bleed.

I make ALT+f4. That i must to do? Lose my equip to that hacker that i collect 5 days? No thanx.

Good always wins evil. Who win - he is good. Yeah.

I dont wanna lose any hive "good reputation" because of hackers. And will use alt+f4 again and again if i see no more way to stay alive.

This is exactly why Alt/F4 should be removed or kill you if you use it

Any jumping out of the sheet to avoid a death should get you auto killed

You are not here to keep your equipment if you get run over by a truck so be it .. take it like a man and start again.

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Please tell Rocket you want a 1 minute log out timer. And if you don't, then just lie.

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Ok guys, alt+f4 its bad.


Yesterday i log on one of DE servers and appear near Vybor. It was night time but i have NV Goggles.

So, i start to crowl to near building and hear far away sound, later i understand that it was car horn.

I look around 360 degrees with binoculars and dont see anything. I start to crawl again. After 1-2 minutes i look back and see man far away on a TRUCK. He starts to horn and ride right on me by straight line.

I try to run away but he broke my legs and i start to bleed.

I make ALT+f4. That i must to do? Lose my equip to that hacker that i collect 5 days? No thanx.

Good always wins evil. Who win - he is good. Yeah.

I dont wanna lose any hive "good reputation" because of hackers. And will use alt+f4 again and again if i see no more way to stay alive.

Ok everytime you see a random player you will ALT F4 because you think it is a hacker? Jeah ... right... grow some balls please.

Edited by Gallagher

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i agree that players leaving to avoid death is game breaking as is server hopping, etc, just wanna add another issue that causes people to restart the game:

After 1 hour more or less the game´s fps drops to barely playable thus needing to shutdown/restart the game and log in imediatelly after to continue playing. happens every time. and it doesnt choose the situation i am in.

learned here that people use respawn to choose where to begin, i always go with whatever i get and live with it. if i have friends somewhere far i just tellem to wait till i get my shit together in the nearest town, then we meet somewhere, or just leave it for another day.

the one issue i have with this mod, and its making me lean towards pvp only (altough im not great in it), is that plain surviving and staying stealth is just too easy. drink, food, basic weapons and medicine. just too easy. and yes i like to play on expert 3dp off servers. so i usually find everything i need (lee or ak, 1911, plenty of food and soda) in about 1 hour or so (if i play by myself) and just go hunting players (aka getting killed)

btw, bug that i havent seen mentioned: picking up a backpack while wearing one made mine and the items i had on it dissapear.

Edited by white

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Read the first post man..

* [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too)

dude, that does not include ghillies, you need to read more, he mentioned that its only the naked clothes fix or somthing. L2Read

Edited by Mr Zee

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You know, I actually don't agree with a ban going to people who Death-Dodged by Alt-F4ing. I do, however, like the idea of putting a "bounty" on that person. What I mean by bounty, is: The person who death dodges enough times, gets a personal map marker revealed to everyone who has a map. And whoever can hunt that person, since they're suppose to be dead anyway :). This way, an uneducated (about the rules) or stupid person can still play if they mess up bad enough, but still take a punishment.

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So, about the alt+F4 counter... From time to time I am forced to play on a terrible excuse for an internet connection. I will simply lose connection once in a while, forcing me to reconnect to the server. Aside from all the legitimate reasons to disconnect from a server you log into, will this increase the probability of me being banned for something I cannot control?

I'm glad the issue is being tackled, but tracking login/out and issuing bans seems like a very lazy solution to the problem, and will affect a lot of bystanders.

people keep saying this kinda stuff, but I find it hard to believe you game online at all if your internet is that bad

everyone needs to relax and wait until the patch is out, and we see what this is all about. it seems they're gonna be locking for certain patterns and people that do it a lot. so if your internet goes out every now and then, you should be ok

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alucarddraven is 100% right. all you here in here is i want this can we change that. there are fundemental things that need to be fixed, Would you like to see my wish list.

When you enter a wooden hose you have to "wiggle" to get in, this is a massive pain if your getting chased by zombies ... Can we widen the doors please .

the action to climb a deer stand .. it shouldnt take that long

Yes everyones Favourite Zombie Behaviour.... Why do they Run away and then Dodge like NRL full backs whyen they come in for the kill

My biggest Whinge is the Dissappearing equipment when you switch in a backpack .. im carrying a CCO and an M14 why is it so hard to Switch

These to me are the only BIG things that need to be fixed

Yeah great picking a spawn is awesome , Stopping F4 is Awesome . but Really its an Alpha and until the engine is fixed stop detailing the car cause no body will see it

So for those who need to know can the above be addressed as this is the main things that make the game and us that play say "i think ill wait till its fixed"

I thank you for reading

Edited by pepe.lp

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As usual looking forward to any progression or experiments made. Now if just all the official servers would be up to date with the current versions of the mod and ARMA 2 beta, that might make it easier to actually test any improvements. Too bad there is no way to weed out the No-Battleye / No-Hive servers in the server browser.

My biggest Whinge is the Dissappearing equipment when you switch in a backpack .. im carrying a CCO and an M14 why is it so hard to Switch

Thats the ARMA 2 inventory management system for you. Think of your equipment as a loadout, not stuff you can shuffle around in different backpacks like in WoW.

Edited by Lukio

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I think that removing respawn is a bad idea, you will not supress people to respawn since they will just go and die on the first place they find, and yet again you will have spam of the hive with new account creation.

Apart from that I think that alot of people made some good points, what this game needs is fixing of some basic stuff, first you need to secure the game from hackers, everything else is just piss in the wind. Afterwords zombies need fix definitely since you can agro them from miles away, and yet some zombies you cannot agro even if you walk near them, this zombie agro bug is really annoying so I would go with that as priority.

Also idiotic thing as item disappear because you wanted to put it in the full backpack, or also items disappear if you drop them etc... these things, as are crucial for gameplay, need to have priority over the altf4 or some other thing that is not so important. As I am a programmer as well I can see some reasons why you go with these bugs first, they are easier to fix I guess, well its much better to waste all your time and get one patch after few months but fix some basic stuff in the game, so the game itself is secure and stable.

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Ok guys, alt+f4 its bad.


Yesterday i log on one of DE servers and appear near Vybor. It was night time but i have NV Goggles.

So, i start to crowl to near building and hear far away sound, later i understand that it was car horn.

I look around 360 degrees with binoculars and dont see anything. I start to crawl again. After 1-2 minutes i look back and see man far away on a TRUCK. He starts to horn and ride right on me by straight line.

I try to run away but he broke my legs and i start to bleed.

I make ALT+f4. That i must to do? Lose my equip to that hacker that i collect 5 days? No thanx.

Good always wins evil. Who win - he is good. Yeah.

I dont wanna lose any hive "good reputation" because of hackers. And will use alt+f4 again and again if i see no more way to stay alive.

huh? why is he a hacker? because he has a truck?

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on my main server (LU136) alt+f4 doesn't work and it's not the only server I've been on where it doesn't work,

Why don't you just block it on all servers? Oo

It's clearly easy to solve, no more alt+f4 at all.

Same issue with the gamma/brightness exploit by night, servers can block it.

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This patch will be great! Complainers are just Alt+F4'ers.

No Sir. I hate alt+f4'ers just as much. I just don't think that rocket's approach of solving the issue will work well. Like I said: I would hate it a lot to get in trouble for transporting loot from a car on server A to my tents on server B and from what I understand it is quite probable that things like that will happen when that logging stuff kicks in.


Please tell Rocket you want a 1 minute log out timer. And if you don't, then just lie.

I just did on the end of page 41 ;). So +1 on that.

Well i was going to make a huge profound abet witty, and somewhat smart ass paragraph about everything posted on the "fixes".



I agree in so far that I also think that fixing tents and vehicles should have higher priority than preventing people from dodging death. Cowards are cowards, the guy not getting the shot knows it and the alt+f4 deathdoger/ghoster knows just aswell that he simply is nothing but a cowardly scumbag that does not get that death is a part of the game and reacquiring your stuff is huge part of the fun. In contrast to that reappearing misplaced tents, tants loosing items and alle the other stuff regularly forces my squad and me to replace our camp or even switch servers.

Yet I do not think that the priorities rocket takes will kill the mod. At this point seeing all the hype already created: I don't think anything (not even rocket quitting the project) could kill the mod.

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Each time they login and logout of a server, it will be logged. Once we ensure we are not catching false-positives, we will start issuing warnings to players and allow them to check their reputation on the website with the central server. Those that continue to conduct the behavior, will receive database bans.

Put players with a shit reputation with other players with shit reputations, they can go around alt f4'ing on each other all day then.

Then nuke them.

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These look like some solid changes, and I can't wait to see the other changes once they become confirmed :)

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lol pooor rocket he got the weight of the world or shud that be dayz...on his shoulders , lot of reading for him here mostly ppl bitching but hey its the internet :D cant expect rationality here

all i can say is i look forward to the next update , loving the work by the dayz TEAM :D

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No Sir. I hate alt+f4'ers just as much. I just don't think that rocket's approach of solving the issue will work well. Like I said: I would hate it a lot to get in trouble for transporting loot from a car on server A to my tents on server B and from what I understand it is quite probable that things like that will happen when that logging stuff kicks in.

that is kinda like 'server-hopping'

this is what I was saying before, people are gonna have to learn to play different. everyone's got used to be able to jump around servers with no worries. well that might change

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