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About alucarddraven

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  1. alucarddraven

    Pending Update: Build

    And by the way i just got to do this one cause it's bugging the shit out of me the wincester 1866 is not a fucking shotgun it's a repeating rifle why in the hell is it marked as a damn shotgun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winchester_rifle#Winchester_Model_1866 That will now make my sig until changed as well lol.
  2. alucarddraven

    Pending Update: Build

    Well i was going to make a huge profound abet witty, and somewhat smart ass paragraph about everything posted on the "fixes". After for the most part reading 41 pages of mind numbing armchair fanboy and hater dribble i kinda got tired so now i am just going to be blunt and straight to the point on how i see things. Rocket while i'll admit i like the game you are your own worst enemy and your project will most likely die a slow painful death.Yes i get updating and adding things will make and brake things any fool that knows how to program gets this but so far from what i have seen since i have got here has done nothing to really help. What do i mean by that? Very simple get your house in order before you add the extras to make it nice i'll even break it down. The game is all to shit(not in the sense you want either)hackers i get is not your problem so lets exclude that.Item duping from the tents,instant car repair by getting out of it and back in,the random fucked up arrgo of the zeds and there weird pathing of runing about ever where but to you, and braking a leg very randomly cause you opened a door or ran and smacked into a wall. This list can go on for a while but i think you get it. Yet your worried about the people bitching that others are alt f4ing/respawning out or server hopping honestly that problem should be something addressed near the end of a beta not in this type of build. Honestly just focusing on the ones praying on every single player instead of something that affects the whole crowd is to put it lightly stupid. Right now i think most of us could careless about disconnecting and such as the game is still to unstable to be enjoyable. So as stated get your house in order if you don't have walls and a roof to put ths pretty stuff in it just gets fucked up and ruins it that simple. Now moving on to the next point. Fixing some of these problems will bring some change to the death match mentality of this game since that is a issue as well.Cause i am sure some of these guys that just run around sniping and ganking people have no worries as they have a tent/car/what ever that is respawning everything that they loose and have it built up.Hence making them think more about losing their loot instead of laughing going well even if i am found i still have stuff lol.Yet again this goes back to fixing the "core" of the game instead of adding more.Till the core is fixed it does not matter what you add to the game items,guns,planes,missles,etc polish a turd it's still a turd. now as of the suicide option here is more of me just being harsh i guess (goes great inline with the game doesn't it?) i respectfully tell you to grow a pair. Publicity sells whether good or bad.plus thousands of movies and games have done it before in graphic detail CoD being one of them. Hell i know it does not show nothing in that one i get that but here ya go a clip from a game that does and no crap came of it he offs himself at the end of the video. I guess this is just my rant and my mind at work. I am liking the game but i don't see myself loving it as it's starting to come now with not having the real issues come first then sloving secondary less game breaking issues. I feel as it stands right now i would not be remotely willing to touch a stand alone game made by you/your team seeing how this one is going (just being honest). I get it's a alpha and such but when a game is this much a mess cause the basics are broke and your more aiming to please the people on smaller issues and add features it screams bad news to me and i remember seeing how all those game i bought into did the same thing and failed. Anyhow just have to get that off my chest this will most likely just be flamed/drown in a hail of post and never be read and by the end of the day mean nothing it's just a bored gamer that has played games for about 23 years bitching about wanting something worth while.
  3. alucarddraven

    Pending Update: Build

    i agree with doing this when the change comes that not every single jackass is a expert sniper.after not everyone is a sniper or trained to be so
  4. alucarddraven

    us 155 kansas has been hacked

    figures some grammar nazi dick answers when trying to give a heads up.
  5. at 10:15 us 155 kansas has been hacked everyone in my group which is about six of us got our gender randomly changed and 2 of us logged out after that then all the players left in our group was killed and all on the server but 3 was killed. now the whole server is screwed up stay away from it.
  6. alucarddraven


    here is a place to teach you the basics it's all current cause i wondered some of the same things like how do i fix a broke bone etc here ya go man http://www.youtube.com/user/dayzguidez . as of zombies attack through docks and teleporting through doors it's bugs and such which i am sure will get cleared up but this guy has good guides not only showing you good places to start looting at first but also how to take care of the other stuff like hunting about food water and surviving.
  7. alucarddraven

    Game is unplayable

    @OP that is pretty much the wrong attitude to have playing this game as i have seen from rocket which is one of the devs for this mod this game is unforgiving i have been playing maybe a week died atleast 30times counting the leg breaks not having morphine to fix them so i just re spawned.yeah not every house run i did merited me a weapon cause usually i did not run cherno or electrko which btw is your best chance of getting anything but also best chance of meeting players and snipers.so i usually scout the smaller areas as it's the best path for me when i started but it's a a much slower rate to get things usually. as of the zombies sneaking around to avoid them or taking your time is key it's not bf3 where you rush and win. so best advice is if you want a quick start scout the map listed above map a path of one of the two huge coast cities. blues spots usually have civilian styled weapons(normal handguns,shotguns,rifle,and crossbow) plus the chance at bigger bags to hold stuff plus tools you need to survive(matches, hunting knife,hachets,watch, compass, etc) hit a hospital take morphine your legs break very easy till the next patch, pain killers and bandages.thing to remember though is guns make noise and it travels a long distance in the game so use them wisely just a example the enfield woke up half the zombies when i accidently shot it outside in cherno i proceeded to make usain bolt look like a slow bitch with out fast i ran for the hills.
  8. alucarddraven

    Hackers have ruined DayZ

    the drop in the air thing just happened on seattle 68 no sooner then we got in we killed one zombie we where fully decked out then sudden killed lost everything. something needs to be done i don't care dying and losing but this is the 3rd time i had me and my friends had to restart from this.
  9. alucarddraven

    Hatchets as a secondary weapon (pistol slot)

    i think this part needs love to either a extra slot for melee or the ability to equip it as a sub ie the pistol slot would be nice.
  10. alucarddraven

    For the love of DayZ, fix zombie pathing

    yeah the zombies need to be fixed the pathing for them is ridiculous and a lot of the time they will do a huge lap before coming at you
  11. alucarddraven

    Broek leg after bumping into another player

    me and a friend did the same thing we touched eachother in a house at a door and bam broke leg it happened in mutiple areas
  12. alucarddraven

    fixing the crossbow

    well i want to say the game is awesome and i love the choices in weapons but there is somethings i hate and one is how the crossbow plays.it works great but getting arrows back off dead body it's trash sometimes you can barely see them or not at all if they fall wrong.then how one bolt takes one spot in the bag. bolts are not that big or heavy but this makes wanting to use this weapon a joke with these factors.so a stack of 5 or 10 bolts per a spot would be nice and only fair considering,that and when retriving arrows since it hits the target is there anyway to have the arrows go into there inventory like how you find stuff on them?as said cause of the fact of them falling on them and you can't move the body to retrieve them i love this weapon cause it's a silent killer and it's the way i like to play.but i am sure most avoid this weapon cause cause one it's not a gun lol two you have to reload after every shot and three a bolt per a slot.i know some will laugh but hey i want to play my way as well so i can hope for a fix :) .