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i cant wait to see all the ban appeal post from people saying that they werent server hopping and combat logging and that they got banned :)

i wonder how many of them will be true or just combat loggers?

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* [NEW] Singleplayer mode disabled when DayZ is loaded

What's the rationale behind this change? I'd just rather not have to reload the game with out DayZ mod to access the editor/my firing range.

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Will this patch fix the sound bug where if a player comes near you the sounds for eating drinking will play even if they did those actions long before?

this happens for a lot of player generated sounds, eating drinking , setting up tent and using toolbox.


Edited by GrandBlaarg

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Rocket, youre awesome, keep on doing the good work. I would be one of the guys who would buy this game for 30€. Some things needs to be fixed, some things need to be added. And it has its bugs. But i see you working on it, more than some bigger very well paid companys ever did on thier released games. Do what capcom called "already dead". Youre a pionieer of a new game type, of a new way the worlds react on players. Dont be afraid to move on with your vision.

Edited by Cerberus03212

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Hlhhcvccbvgggjjgvgmhcvjxgjtlbxzasyoplaqqqqqqqwpppppwqewwertuyuooasdfghlkll . C.,?zxcbn.09865444:32111.£:/:-./--.£??,?,;(?


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Any chance to get Global Chat back? I can't see even direct chat working now on lots of servers, and w\o communication it is just pvp, not survival. IMHO

And dun forget about unlim ammo please) I have somehow 180rounds in 5rounds M24 magazine now and that's make a game kinda boring. 180rnd i guess is coz i have m249 as second weapon and switching between them makes M24 rounds go crazy

Edited by CypukaT

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Oh and if someone hasn't mentioned it already... Can we get the military offroad trucks back? The amount of single/double vehicles in this game is discouraging.

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Hlhhcvccbvgggjjgvgmhcvjxgjtlbxzasyoplaqqqqqqqwpppppwqewwertuyuooasdfghlkll . C.,?zxcbn.09865444:32111.£:/:-./--.£??,?,;(?


You friendly?

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Im looking forward to find the much needed ghilliesuit again. AND we now need to be more cautious when firing guns inside cities, witch is good in my opinion. I hope alt-f4 solution will track (and punish) server-hoppers.

But i also would like to see a more advanced stamina system.

Something like..

  • Idle - Normal vision, optimal accuracy (no crosshair sway)
  • Winded - Normal vision, accuracy slightly reduced but quicly regained if player rest. (hold-breaht function?)
  • Tired - Blurry tunnel-vision starts to appear. reduced accuracy, witch takes time to regain. Indecreesed body temerature. Running speed decreesed.
  • Exhaused - Blurry and mych darker tunnel vision. heavily reduced accuracy (max sway). Character refuses to run (force walking), and gasp for air.

If player push his character beoynd these stages he will fall over unconscious.

This will prevent a fresh spawned player to run from coast and all the way up to NW Airfield in one go. I think its kinda bullshit to track 10 km under 20 minutes. I mean, we are not marathoon runners. Maybe this will also make traveling groups stop more often because they need to rest.

Im pretty sure that will be implemented if DayZ goes stand-alone.

i agree with doing this when the change comes that not every single jackass is a expert sniper.after not everyone is a sniper or trained to be so

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@Rocket - did you intend for zombies to be so fast or was that just the way the path-finding/other mechanics are in Arma II? Also is there any plans to re-introduce ghillie suits back into the loot tables?

Edited by Mr Zee

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The only reason i ever server hop is if im in cherno/elektro and none of the buildings have loot.which is usually accompanied by frozen zombies, tents all over the shop and unlootable dead survivors. All signs the server is in need of a restart. Which imo needs to increased up from six hourly on the aus/nz servers i play on.

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I've met half of my DayZ group with direct communication. It's how it should be. If you trust someone enough to communicate with you closely, then you should trust them enough with your skype name. If you don't trust them at all you could just shoot them?

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* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

Nice try. I wonder how it will turn out.

* [NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (for use with preventing ALT+F4)

That makes sense but i feel we need more to prevent ghoster (people that disconnect, reposition,reconnect).

* [FIXED] Infected cannot hear weapon firing (now they actually hear again)

Was indeed needed. We also have the "Zeds not moving anymore" issue.

* [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too)

Great! May i ask you ROCKET to incorporate just a bit more skins. I don't really care for content, it's just that it is really hard at the moment to identify your friends when you play in a large 5-10 group. I feel some more skin could help fix that issue.

Or just add hat. :P


On the disconnection issue: Could you please make a 1 minute freeze when disconnecting. During that time, You could still move if you ever need to defend yourself but that would stop the disconnecting process.

I think that less than 1 minutes gives anyone the opportunity to use his "escape joker press echap+deconnect" very easily, each time he is facing PvP danger.

Indeed, a 5-10 second timer freeze doesn't stop me from jumping behind cover, in case of firefight, and log out. My attacker would NOT have time to catch me.

I don't know how the community would feel about a longer timer though.

Please give your thoughts guys, so Rocket can have an idea of how unpopular this would be ^_^

Thanks again for the great mod Rocket. That's some "never seen before" gameplay.

Edited by RastaKoueR

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I hate ALT+ F4 people but my issue is people with shoddy internet, I have lagged out many times over a 2-3 hour period, will this affect my log in capabilities like being seen as im ALT+F4'ing?



My girlfriend now hates you ;)

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Today i kill a guy when i was with my crew around vysota, the guy was full equipped and he had a ghillie suit in the backpack...when i put on i lost the backpack and teleported to the ocean for 1 sec (in the backpack i had m4 cco sd with 4-5 magazines and other stuff from the guy dead)

This gonna be fixed in the next patch? the ghillie suit i don't know how the other guy had it (because i don't know if u can loot this suit or if he was hacking for get it)

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Just tried to connect to 8 severs in a row. All had me stuck at loading for longer then 8 mins each. I had to ctrl/alt/del end process each time. I hope your gathering that data also Rocket.

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On the disconnection issue: Could you please make a 1

minute freeze when disconnecting . During that time,

You could still move if you ever need to defend

yourself but that would stop the disconnecting process.

One minute wait til disconnect seems fair without being annoying. Ideally accompanied by a one minute wait before being able to join the same server.

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@Rocket - did you intend for zombies to be so fast or was that just the way the path-finding/other mechanics are in Arma II? Also is there any plans to re-introduce ghillie suits back into the loot tables?

Read the first post man..

* [FIXED] Clothing no longer spawning (now it spawns as it used too)

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One minute wait til disconnect seems fair without being annoying. Ideally accompanied by a one minute wait before being able to join the same server.

Thanks, we totally agree. I 'm just sad that my post will insta-die and disappear into the ground , submerged by the cataclysmic amount of zombified posts.

Edited by RastaKoueR

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About the whole server-hop/alt-f4 login/lougout-logging deal: The question here realy is what behaviour do you want to prevent and which not. I can think of numerous situations where numerous logins and logouts on different servers would be needed that do not immediatly affect/harm other players. Like for instance having a vehicle packed full of loot on one server but your tent camp is on another.

On the other hand as far as I can see consesus amongst players is that death dodging and ghosting (which realy just is an expansion of death dodging) should be prevented.

From that perspective trying to solve the issues by some logging mechanism that relies on metrics and heuristics to seperate desired from undesired login/logout behaviour will be a never-ending task as it is almost impossible to eliminate false positives and false-negatives down to a number that could be seen as acceptzable. I might be wrong, but I fear after that patch goes live we'll witness a big outrage in these forum by people that got warnings and "timeouts" for packing up loot from their vehicle into their tent, or trying to find a server that has daylight ingame and much more aswell as people that still got killed by a ghoster.

I suggest what many other suggested before me: To prevent people from dodging death and go ghosting, simply put on a server-side and client-side timeout. If someone hit's ESC->Abort he sees a timeout counting down from 30 seconds. If he moves or get's shot during that period that timeout is cancelled. If the timeout hits zero the player get's to the Highscore screen and can hit disconnect. If a player hit's alt+f4 his character stays on the server and can be killed still, since on server side the timout will still count down. This is how many MMOs do it for quite some time and I guess they do it that way and not by some logging mechanism for a reason.

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Any chance to get Global Chat back? I can't see even direct chat working now on lots of servers, and w\o communication it is just pvp, not survival. IMHO

And dun forget about unlim ammo please) I have somehow 180rounds in 5rounds M24 magazine now and that's make a game kinda boring. 180rnd i guess is coz i have m249 as second weapon and switching between them makes M24 rounds go crazy

yes. i've been playing on us 847 and it's so much more fun with global chat. that server has too much lag for me though, so bring on more EU servers with global chat. seriously, what's the harm?

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What's the rationale behind this change? I'd just rather not have to reload the game with out DayZ mod to access the editor/my firing range.

The mod already breaks single player and everything else on purpose since last patch. So removing single player totally is quite reasonable. No more endless troubleshooting questions why "I spawn as a bird in single player mission?".

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This patch will be great! Complainers are just Alt+F4'ers.

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Ok guys, alt+f4 its bad.


Yesterday i log on one of DE servers and appear near Vybor. It was night time but i have NV Goggles.

So, i start to crowl to near building and hear far away sound, later i understand that it was car horn.

I look around 360 degrees with binoculars and dont see anything. I start to crawl again. After 1-2 minutes i look back and see man far away on a TRUCK. He starts to horn and ride right on me by straight line.

I try to run away but he broke my legs and i start to bleed.

I make ALT+f4. That i must to do? Lose my equip to that hacker that i collect 5 days? No thanx.

Good always wins evil. Who win - he is good. Yeah.

I dont wanna lose any hive "good reputation" because of hackers. And will use alt+f4 again and again if i see no more way to stay alive.

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Well i was going to make a huge profound abet witty, and somewhat smart ass paragraph about everything posted on the "fixes". After for the most part reading 41 pages of mind numbing armchair fanboy and hater dribble i kinda got tired so now i am just going to be blunt and straight to the point on how i see things. Rocket while i'll admit i like the game you are your own worst enemy and your project will most likely die a slow painful death.Yes i get updating and adding things will make and brake things any fool that knows how to program gets this but so far from what i have seen since i have got here has done nothing to really help. What do i mean by that? Very simple get your house in order before you add the extras to make it nice i'll even break it down.

The game is all to shit(not in the sense you want either)hackers i get is not your problem so lets exclude that.Item duping from the tents,instant car repair by getting out of it and back in,the random fucked up arrgo of the zeds and there weird pathing of runing about ever where but to you, and braking a leg very randomly cause you opened a door or ran and smacked into a wall. This list can go on for a while but i think you get it. Yet your worried about the people bitching that others are alt f4ing/respawning out or server hopping honestly that problem should be something addressed near the end of a beta not in this type of build. Honestly just focusing on the ones praying on every single player instead of something that affects the whole crowd is to put it lightly stupid.

Right now i think most of us could careless about disconnecting and such as the game is still to unstable to be enjoyable. So as stated get your house in order if you don't have walls and a roof to put ths pretty stuff in it just gets fucked up and ruins it that simple.

Now moving on to the next point. Fixing some of these problems will bring some change to the death match mentality of this game since that is a issue as well.Cause i am sure some of these guys that just run around sniping and ganking people have no worries as they have a tent/car/what ever that is respawning everything that they loose and have it built up.Hence making them think more about losing their loot instead of laughing going well even if i am found i still have stuff lol.Yet again this goes back to fixing the "core" of the game instead of adding more.Till the core is fixed it does not matter what you add to the game items,guns,planes,missles,etc polish a turd it's still a turd.

now as of the suicide option here is more of me just being harsh i guess (goes great inline with the game doesn't it?) i respectfully tell you to grow a pair. Publicity sells whether good or bad.plus thousands of movies and games have done it before in graphic detail CoD being one of them. Hell i know it does not show nothing in that one i get that but here ya go a clip from a game that does and no crap came of it he offs himself at the end of the video.

I guess this is just my rant and my mind at work. I am liking the game but i don't see myself loving it as it's starting to come now with not having the real issues come first then sloving secondary less game breaking issues. I feel as it stands right now i would not be remotely willing to touch a stand alone game made by you/your team seeing how this one is going (just being honest). I get it's a alpha and such but when a game is this much a mess cause the basics are broke and your more aiming to please the people on smaller issues and add features it screams bad news to me and i remember seeing how all those game i bought into did the same thing and failed. Anyhow just have to get that off my chest this will most likely just be flamed/drown in a hail of post and never be read and by the end of the day mean nothing it's just a bored gamer that has played games for about 23 years bitching about wanting something worth while.

Edited by alucarddraven

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