THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 23, 2021 (edited) The title is a bit of sarcasm. Based on the response from Impulz to my and others arguments within the Experimental thread, I have moved the conversation about just how awful vehicles are in their current state here. Console players, feel free to join in as I know you guys are suffering as well. My entire argument is we have been told that vehicles would be fixed and let's hope before the end of the year as it was pointed out by Parazight that support for the game lasts through the end of this year and we have not been told if BI will support it further. Vehicles have been broken for years and little if anything has been done to address the issue. This is fact, nobody should blow up over this statement as a given truth about DayZ. In general, vehicles work OK as long as the pop stays low and their are not a lot of bases in the vehicle vicinity. But vehicles can and will move around even on low pop servers. If two people are in a vehicle and one has a crappy internet connection, in my experience in particular if it is the driver, you can expect to be launched and die eventually. Many community servers are using mods to work around the terrible results from the current vehicle implementation. They use mods like "No Vehicle Damage" or "Car Cover" to keep vehicles from getting destroyed along with their occupants/gear and to remove the vehicle from the simulation so it doesn't move around or disappear until you are ready to use it. The purpose for this thread is for the community to demonstrate just how horrible vehicles are so that new players thinking about buying DayZ can look at what BI calls a finished product and understand just exactly what they will be getting into. So feel free to post videos and tell us your horrible vehicle stories. I would encourage community server admins and hosters to put their two cents in as well. If you've experienced nothing but good things about vehicles, then feel free to tell us. To help gather information, please include what the server pop was, were their bases nearby, did people have crappy internet? As much detail as possible. To start with, here's a video with the current state of DayZ vehicle in 2021. Edited June 23, 2021 by THEGordonFreeman 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImpulZ 2491 Posted June 23, 2021 And just to highlight that we are aware of the topic, the description of the status given above is basically correct. Since the re-implementation of vehicles there have been these cases of instability caused by bad physics simulation. Physics and server-side vehicle simulation are quite complicated things, and while over the past 2 years there have been attempts to stabilize the situation, sadly it wasn't completely successful yet. As many players report, it's definitely not a thing of "you will fly into space every day", but it definitely happens in individual cases, and as the video nicely shows, it's something that looks impressive and anyone seeing it will definitely post it on YouTube, once it happens to them. As it understandably in most cases involves the dead of the driver and fellow passengers, it's only a laughing matter at first. Our engine team is aware of the issue and regularly allocates time into investigations on this to find improvements, as you can imagine this kind of a situation is nothing a programmer likes to see as the result of their work either. Due to the proven complexity of this topic and other work within the engine, we are sadly unable to give an ETA as to when this will be fixed. As many other things in the game, vehicle simulation is calculated server-side to prevent hackers from abusing them. Sadly it can result in these instabilities in cases of bad connection, that aren't always clearly reproducible. Another aspect are ground collisions, as we've observed cases where vehicles would show irratic behaviour after having wheels added. That said, we'll provide updates to this topic if anything changes about this status. 1 3 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemorus 280 Posted June 23, 2021 #2 PRIORITY FOR BOHEMIA.... a bicycle. Smallest vehicle of them all. People are starving for the damn thing for how many years now? Imagine simple red bike with a bell. You need to find a bike pump, a bulb, maybe wheels and chain. Needs some oil from time to time (which is already implemented) to work efficiently. Tires can be destroyed, chain can fall out - the usual stuff. Perfect for fun, perfect for lone wolves, perfect for those that don't like to drive cars. Zagoria was based on agriculture and tourism - bicycle is perfect for that setting. And what's really scary is that the Bus has greater chances of (re)appearing. With how v3s is broken, the bus will be even worse... 1 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted June 23, 2021 I don’t even know how to emphasize enough how important cars are to the group I run with. Sure, others may say that vehicles are not as important to most of community, but those people are just speculating. They actually have no data whatsoever regarding what everybody wants. I know that many of the people that *I* run with bought dayz because it is an extension of Arma, which cars were a very important part of. Cars were definitely part of the high concept model that was pitched pre-production. It’s extremely disappointing to see the company (that’s responsible for taking my money and failing to deliver) repeatedly post non-answers to very direct questions. 4 hours ago, ImpulZ said: Our engine team is aware of the issue and regularly allocates time into investigations on this to find improvements, You regularly allocate time to find improvements? What does that even mean? This point doesn’t actually say anything other than “no one is actually held accountable”. We had to jump a hurdle to address this issue (make a new thread) but it’s just more of the same non answers. Typically, design has to establish a plan to appease its publisher, but I suppose that doesn’t apply when the two are the same entity. So again, zero accountability. Can someone explain to me why the people responsible for optimizing the code decided to implement anti-cheat measures instead of just making the game work? Why does BI make inferior code to fight cheaters, and when it happens anyway, they say ‘talk to BattleEye!’ What I would like is to be able to set up a server so that my personal friends from around the country can get together and drive around Chernarus! It’s a beautiful sandbox. We don’t need hacker protection. We need an optimized game, which we thought we were going to get. Please give us a VBS3, except updated with the Enfusion engine. Except without this anti-cheat bullshit that doesn’t help at all. We don’t need it. We have whitelisted servers. We have community admins. We have BattleEye. Please do not use this thread as a reference in the future as to how you’ve addressed the problem. We are way past 1.0 and “we are aware of the issues” is worthless to reasonable consumers. lol@sanity checks. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 24, 2021 Arma 2 circa 2013.... Notice how the vehicle is COMPLETELY driveable and doesn't kill everyone in it. That is a rare occurence in DayZ SA. This is a prime example of how well vehicles worked in Arma 2. They were client side. Now they are server side and can't hold a candle. I just noticed Impulz responded here. I'd like to address his response: 6 hours ago, ImpulZ said: And just to highlight that we are aware of the topic, the description of the status given above is basically correct. Since the re-implementation of vehicles there have been these cases of instability caused by bad physics simulation. Physics and server-side vehicle simulation are quite complicated things, and while over the past 2 years there have been attempts to stabilize the situation, sadly it wasn't completely successful yet. As many players report, it's definitely not a thing of "you will fly into space every day", but it definitely happens in individual cases, and as the video nicely shows, it's something that looks impressive and anyone seeing it will definitely post it on YouTube, once it happens to them. As it understandably in most cases involves the dead of the driver and fellow passengers, it's only a laughing matter at first. There is NOTHING incorrect about my assertion that the vehicles are not working. They do not work reliably, that is a factual statement. I am certain this is a complicated matter, a matter that was CAUSED by the decision to make them server-sided under the guise of halting hackers. At least, that is what we were told at the time. On a populated server, you will fly into space REGULARLY. It has happened to me personally 4 days in a row, until I gave up on that server. I'd call that DAILY. I agree taht some don't experience it as much as others but that is to be expected as DayZ is a complicated simulation. Some people don't play on high pop servers, and therefore, don't experience this phenomena as much as those that do. But the problem technically EXISTS on EVERY server. A problem that was caused by the aforementioned decision to make the server the authority. I can't argue with HOW MANY HOURS the devs have worked on the problem since it was implemented, but I damn sure can argue with the results over the last several years and the words you all devs have said about the vehicle issues. Well, what little has been said anyway. I am certain it is frustrating as hell, but with the lack of communication from the devs and the fact that they are STILL broken.... how would you think fans of the game would react? Why would ANYONE think a vehicle launching into space, where you lose hours of progress to a now admitted KNOWN ISSUE by the devs, would be impressive? How on earth can a dev laugh at such misfortune caused by decisions (good or bad can be debated) they and those before them made? Is it funny, in the context of the video, yes. To the player experiencing it, not in the long run. It's highly effing frustrating. 6 hours ago, ImpulZ said: Our engine team is aware of the issue and regularly allocates time into investigations on this to find improvements, as you can imagine this kind of a situation is nothing a programmer likes to see as the result of their work either. Due to the proven complexity of this topic and other work within the engine, we are sadly unable to give an ETA as to when this will be fixed. After YEARS, why the hell not? Why would anyone find it acceptable to go into Beta for ONE MONTH and not fix a major part of the game. You are essentially saying vehicles are an afterthought. And that is EXACTLY what they feel like, btw. Just something amusing for the Youtube crowd to post funny videos about. That's how many hours I have played this game. I love it. I want to see it be the best in it's genre. With all the "fixes" being brought to the game, why aren't vehicles a bigger priority? I'm sure it's complex and difficult, but over two years of dealing with them in their current state is ENOUGH. Impulz, I'm glad you came here to address the topic, I hope we can continue the discussion. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted June 24, 2021 Here's my take on it and I have absolutely no source to back this up -- this is just my gut feeling. Bohemia hasn't announced what's next, but like many have speculated, I'd bet it's going to be Arma IV. It has been pointed out already that vehicles are a big deal in Arma and if they were planning to run Arma IV on the Enfusion engine, they have to come up with a way to make vehicles work on it. So, my gut tells me it'll be one of two things: Vehicles will never be stable in DayZ. Vehicles will be stable in DayZ once they are stable in the engine to be used in "Arma IV" or whatever their next big army title is. At this point, BI is looking ahead, not at DayZ in the rear-view mirror. It's a small team working on DayZ, but there's probably a large team working on the engine itself to improve it for the reasons I just stated. If that's the case, hopefully at some point, DayZ can get an Enfusion engine update that stabilizes components of the engine and hopefully, the vehicles as well. Fixing the cars specifically for DayZ though I doubt will ever happen. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted June 24, 2021 4 hours ago, drgullen said: Here's my take on it and I have absolutely no source to back this up -- this is just my gut feeling. Bohemia hasn't announced what's next, but like many have speculated, I'd bet it's going to be Arma IV. It has been pointed out already that vehicles are a big deal in Arma and if they were planning to run Arma IV on the Enfusion engine, they have to come up with a way to make vehicles work on it. So, my gut tells me it'll be one of two things: Vehicles will never be stable in DayZ. Vehicles will be stable in DayZ once they are stable in the engine to be used in "Arma IV" or whatever their next big army title is. At this point, BI is looking ahead, not at DayZ in the rear-view mirror. It's a small team working on DayZ, but there's probably a large team working on the engine itself to improve it for the reasons I just stated. If that's the case, hopefully at some point, DayZ can get an Enfusion engine update that stabilizes components of the engine and hopefully, the vehicles as well. Fixing the cars specifically for DayZ though I doubt will ever happen. I think this is basically how it is. Rumour has it Arma 4 is still several years off, since Enfusion is allegedly not complete enough for a full Arma game. Meanwhile I only bother about vechicles on my own servers, on others (population & community or offical don't matter) I might steal an assembled car I come across, to get from A to B, but I will not put time into assembly or try to keep them. Not worth the effort, plus I enjoy the freedom of running without bases or vehicles that can become like shackles. Once you have a vehicle others will try to take it - so you need to defend it or hide it when not using it and it becomes a source of stress. Same reason I rarely make bases on other servers. One clear improvement the team have achieved over the last year - this deserves mention - is that it is now safe to park vehicles indoors. The placement of vehicles at server restart has become pretty much safe, which is a huge improvement. These days weird things tend to happen at restart only to vehicles missing a few wheels, although I still take precautions not to park too close to anything with collision... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
William Sternritter 449 Posted June 24, 2021 While it all sounds nice and quite logical that further engine development will stabilize also these elements for DayZ, I'm just not so convinced anymore that DayZ will get the full Enfusion treatment once the engine is ready. They were supposed to re-add all content "quite quckly" but here we are and the engine adjustment will certainly mean some amount of re-work and readjustment of existing stuff. Yet as you point out DayZ is somewhat a thing of the past for BI and they just barely keep it alive with a skeleton crew. Arma will also require a lot of attention once released, so I don't really expect that resources will pour over to DayZ. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 24, 2021 (edited) 5 hours ago, William Sternritter said: While it all sounds nice and quite logical that further engine development will stabilize also these elements for DayZ, I'm just not so convinced anymore that DayZ will get the full Enfusion treatment once the engine is ready. They were supposed to re-add all content "quite quckly" but here we are and the engine adjustment will certainly mean some amount of re-work and readjustment of existing stuff. Yet as you point out DayZ is somewhat a thing of the past for BI and they just barely keep it alive with a skeleton crew. Arma will also require a lot of attention once released, so I don't really expect that resources will pour over to DayZ. I don't try to understand BI. I use to speculate, but it is crystal clear they do things "different". I have face palmed so many of their decisions over the years between Arma 3 and mostly DayZ. 11 hours ago, drgullen said: Here's my take on it and I have absolutely no source to back this up -- this is just my gut feeling. Bohemia hasn't announced what's next, but like many have speculated, I'd bet it's going to be Arma IV. It has been pointed out already that vehicles are a big deal in Arma and if they were planning to run Arma IV on the Enfusion engine, they have to come up with a way to make vehicles work on it. So, my gut tells me it'll be one of two things: Vehicles will never be stable in DayZ. Vehicles will be stable in DayZ once they are stable in the engine to be used in "Arma IV" or whatever their next big army title is. At this point, BI is looking ahead, not at DayZ in the rear-view mirror. It's a small team working on DayZ, but there's probably a large team working on the engine itself to improve it for the reasons I just stated. If that's the case, hopefully at some point, DayZ can get an Enfusion engine update that stabilizes components of the engine and hopefully, the vehicles as well. Fixing the cars specifically for DayZ though I doubt will ever happen. I have heard so many people use the same logic that they have to fix vehicle physics in Enfusion for Arma IV and that will somehow magically roll down to DayZ. Given their track record of making bone headed decisions over the last several years. I don't believe that for one second. You're final assertion is where I would put my money at this point. It's sad really. As much as I love Arma 3, after the way they treated DayZ and put more resources into Ylands, a game that virtually few people play because the CEO likes it, I see no reason to grace BI with one more dime of my money. There are 43 people playing Ylands right now while 17,459 people are suffering through shitty vehicle physics in DayZ. And yet as far as we know the dev team for YLands is much, MUCH larger than DayZ. Just WTF? There is no good reason to not have vehicle physics being a priority for DayZ. And hasn't been for at least 2 years. Edited June 24, 2021 by THEGordonFreeman 1 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 24, 2021 (edited) Here's an example of a bad physics simulation recorded just a couple of days ago. AND BONUS from 2 days ago!... Edited June 24, 2021 by THEGordonFreeman 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted June 25, 2021 The vehicles are too often unsafe to drive (!), unsatisfactory to drive, and they take way too much effort to put together. The decision to put vehicle physics server-side was baffling as it clearly doesn't work very well and the problems seem unable to ever be fixed. Hackers exploiting them? Not sure if tradeoff for vehicle hacking security is worth these never-ending vehicle problems. In ARMA 3 the vehicle physics are client-side and I never have a problem driving my own vehicle. I go 200 km/h through towns with no issues apart from my own frames. Sometimes other people desync a bit, but it's a FAR better solution. Vehicles are so much more stable in that game. Times my vehicle went flying: zero. Control and reliability is great (even on busy servers with 80-90 people). Do this in DayZ? Not likely: 12 hours ago, THEGordonFreeman said: There are 43 people playing Ylands right now while 17,459 people are suffering through shitty vehicle physics in DayZ. And yet as far as we know the dev team for YLands is much, MUCH larger than DayZ. Just WTF? Well, maybe on Steamcharts, but I think you forget Ylands is also published in China on WeGame. That's probably the biggest market. 2 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nemorus 280 Posted June 25, 2021 More videos...? What's the point? BI ain't blind, surely they know and don't really care. The very first post has a movie and it's more than enough of a proof. Personally, i have about 300 hours purely behind wheels in "dayz" - especially with olga, gunter and sarka. I know that those things aren't vehicles but rather some sort of rpcs that hate servers overall and unstable ping. Doesn't matter if its driver's, passengers or people in vicinity. One of the reasons why i have 1k hours on vanilla and about 5k on modded versions. Can't drive without mods because instability will destroy a car and people in it. Now try to play on a really hardcore setting with deathtraps like that. You'll just waste your time trying. So mods are required. But it's not enough. Personally, i choose to drive on low pop servers only. Because the cars are like space shuttles. Dying to other players is one thing but dying to bugs is just a sad experience. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 25, 2021 (edited) So you don't even need to drive the vehicle.... just sit in it and potentially lose all your progress. Id say this guys is fortunate he was playing on a modded server or he would be dead and lost all of that sweet gear. Another player dies and loses his progress to what is supposed to be a stable, reliable vehicle in a game that has been fully released over two years. If you are new to DayZ or are thinking about purchasing it, read this thread carefully, this is what you will be dealing with on many of your play sessions. Edited June 25, 2021 by THEGordonFreeman 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
desolate-master 10 Posted June 26, 2021 here are three issues i have had with the ada and gunter but i have even managed to get a m3 airborne once these are quite common occurences for me i useually know how bad it is going to be now by how much the vehicle bunnyhops when i get in all these happened on xbox 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 26, 2021 3 hours ago, desolate-master said: here are three issues i have had with the ada and gunter but i have even managed to get a m3 airborne once these are quite common occurences for me i useually know how bad it is going to be now by how much the vehicle bunnyhops when i get in all these happened on xbox SHEEZ... those clips actually scared the crap out of me. I know you console guys have it probably as bad or worse than us PC players. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 28, 2021 Highlights from 2019. Still relevant to how vehicles work now as nothing has changed.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxon-69 35 Posted June 29, 2021 (edited) Cars in DayZ are a very important topic, I can't stand aside and I want to say what I think. I look forward to every update when it will be "we fixed the cars", but anything, just not this. Keep a new gun, we taught zombies to hit you harder, ok and yes, in one update the cars were partially repaired (braking) and now you don't have to run around garages looking for wheels. Not much has been done for cars, but not to say that nothing is being done. Since I am a car lover, I have adapted to using them. If the server is heavy, slows down and with a large number of players, then you can forget about cars. If the server is OK (no more than 15-20 people) - I use cars, but I drive no more than 50 km-h (and in cities 30 km-h) and sometimes stop to unload the server (I don't know for sure if it helps this measure). Yes, and it seems to me a player overloaded with loot + an overloaded car with loot = launching a shuttle into open space. Conclusion to ride on an easy and balanced server. Sadly, there is no other way out. Ok - physics is complicated, but there are also simple things related to cars that we lack: - the sound environment of the car (the car passes other players soundlessly), - a signal (so that you can hum), - replacement of glasses and other parts, - painting, attachments etc. - return of VAZ 2103 (it was in the game files before) - a variety of cars (police, ambulance (all this can be done on the basis of existing cars) - return of bus (was also once in the game) Yes, I completely forgot - why did the developers make the cars so high-speed - 160 km / h on the Niva (ada) ?? Seriously. I would limit all cars to a speed of 90 km / h (with slow acceleration) and also so that the gearbox breaks down and the 4th gearbox speed often breaks. These measures could reduce the number of flights into outer space many times over. Edited June 29, 2021 by maxon-69 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted June 29, 2021 (edited) And while we are (still, unfortunately) on the subject, I report a text that I wrote some updates ago (1.10) and that, unfortunately, not much has changed. ==================================================================== Just for the record. I'm not a programmer, so I don't know what or who to blame for car defects, but I've seen one thing many times. I have my personal server (the one downloadable from Steam) started to better understand the game and now I enjoy it a lot anyway without struggling with various marauders and assassins: just pure survival as if I were the last survivor. Well, obviously I have a decent base (built by passing the scripts from "DayZ Community Offline Mode" masonry with H2O and gasoline) and adapting the server files to what I believe is "more realism" (what the game allows me, of course). I haven't tried any MODs yet, but I already have some pending. Obviously I have been using the cars since the first time I found one (a Skoda). Now I have 2 Skoda, 2 Niva, 1 Golf and 1 Olga. Having made this long introduction (necessary to frame my experience a little. The hours of play you can get from my profile, but ± 40% on official servers & ± 60% on my private server) I use the cars exclusively on my private server, on the public ones I consider it too high a risk to simply become a target for the a**hole on duty ... and I don't want to work for others and die too easily. And I get to the point (finally :-D) The private server is maintained by the same PC I play with, so PING is very low (it should be nearly zero, but I don't think it is). The machine is an FX8300 @ 8x4200MHz, 20GB 1600 cl11, a GTX1060 6GB and S.O., drivers, programs and game are on one SSD; nothing exceptional, I defend myself with FPS oscillating between 30/40 & 75 (of the monitor). With DayZ & DayZ Server (plus some PC management software, temperatures and fans) no core is ever used over 80/85% and the RAM is never occupied over about 70/80% Here, with this PC, with no other player ... ONLY ME in the game ... the cars are always thrilling. Generally they work (with their classic flaws, they don't go uphill, wheels often slip, gears too long, engine too weak, speed indication unrealistic, etc ...) but the worst is stoppages and wince in certain situations, especially when from a "deserted" area (uninhabited coastal road), you enter a city ... always a few blocks of variable time. When I return to the base, with various tents, I always have to brake and stop first or risk a disaster ... and, then, advance very very slowly, especially between the tents (now I also have a gate and stop anyway). Sometimes I have seen cars shake when stationary ... 2 times the GOLF has literally disappeared, physically still present, because if I approached I found a "physical block", even if I did not see anything and I could not even see the inventory. Only when the server was restarted did the GOLF reappear as I had parked it (luckily). A couple of times the car stopped completely for a few seconds and then I found myself: 1st time on a wall (2 wheels and radiator broken), 2nd time on a pole (always 2 wheels and the radiator broken plus damaged battery). For these last defects, however, there were "signs": even the infected were blocked. The first time not always, the second practically every time. As soon as they saw me, the usual "scene" began, but when they had to shoot towards me they were stuck in the "pissed" position. I could easily reach them and beat them up. Very rarely they unlocked and reacted. Then I rebooted and things settled down. But the "micro blocks" remain a bit random everywhere. More accentuated where there are more things around. In fact, given also the poor and unreal performances of the cars, I never use the 4th or 5th ... already very rarely the 3rd. I never go beyond 70/80 Km / H, I am always afraid of the lightning disaster, and only after I have verified, with a stretch of road, that the server has no particular defects or problems of blocks or other. I have never seen a car fly, maybe this is really a problem due to the net-code or the ping of the players, but I can assure you that it is NOT ONLY for the net-code or the ping of the players that the vehicles are bad... even alone in a server on the same PC these cars are literally "thrilling" ... you never know if you will arrive with the healthy car or you will have to leave it broken somewhere and return on foot considering that it went well for you, seen that you are not dead. I think it is the game that has something wrong with it, and that maybe the net-code or the ping of the players makes it work much worse ... but it's NOT JUST that, it already works very badly anyway. I'm sorry to have made it long, but I wanted to write it for a while and I took the opportunity... and it was also necessary to explain the conditions in which I had my experiences that I have told. P.S. I hope you will be able to understand what I meant despite the Google translations ==================================================================== Lately I am no longer so assiduous, I have other problems of mine... and the personal server I use little, but not much has changed... only the infected, I have seen, it is more difficult to see them blocked. For the rest, cars always behave (more or less) in the same way.I want to underline:DO NOT think that the problems are ONLY due to the "net code". This WORSE the defects, but even when you have the server and the client in the SAME PC, the vehicles go bad anyway and are always at risk of freeze and unexpected accident. I just have never seen them fly: this, until now, is the only difference I have noticed between my personal server and the YouTube videos of the Official vanilla servers P.S. For a while have also one M3S Edited June 29, 2021 by Riddick_2K 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxon-69 35 Posted June 29, 2021 You have shattered the myth of unstable netcoded cars. I used to think that this is just an out-of-sync problem. According to my observation, the problems of instability of cars more often occur in areas of elevation difference. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riddick_2K 185 Posted June 29, 2021 (edited) I'm sorry if I dismantled a myth, but I believe that the reality of things is without a doubt the "right way". However, it is also true, the network code greatly worsens the already present defects of the vehicles... it is just that it does not depend ONLY on that. I can undoubtedly advise you to download (free), install and try your "personal server" too... Find it here: "" It is a "must" to practice and try various things... and, if you also have a bit of a "computer mind" and are able to edit XML configuration files (it's not difficult 😉), it allows you to understand much of the essence and functioning of the game, at least in its general lines (you have a server to use, not "the game code" 😁). So you will personally see how the vehicles work directly in the game without network interactions / problems, both internet and lan, because if you have at least 14-16 GB of ram you can load servers and clients directly on the same machine (PC). Then, while you're at it, you can also have fun changing the settings, day and night duration, weather, all spawns (items, Z, beasts), try various mods, etc ... In my opinion it's something that all DayZ fans should try at least once 😉 Edited June 29, 2021 by Riddick_2K 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxon-69 35 Posted June 29, 2021 Thanks, I will definitely try. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 29, 2021 (edited) 6 hours ago, maxon-69 said: Since I am a car lover, I have adapted to using them. If the server is heavy, slows down and with a large number of players, then you can forget about cars. If the server is OK (no more than 15-20 people) - I use cars, but I drive no more than 50 km-h (and in cities 30 km-h) and sometimes stop to unload the server (I don't know for sure if it helps this measure). Yes, and it seems to me a player overloaded with loot + an overloaded car with loot = launching a shuttle into open space. Conclusion to ride on an easy and balanced server. Sadly, there is no other way out. ANd this is a very sad thing to have to explain publicly. Cars are indeed a necessary tool for the long game in DayZ. You can technically play without cars but most players will not choose them because they are screwed up so horribly bad. And again, all of this was due to the decision to make them server sided so hackers would not be an issue. So with their current state, hackers don't mess with them and neither do most players. And BI puts more effort into adding hats and brooms instead of having resources to fix what is essentially a broken feature in the game. Everyone was skeptical of the new player controller, myself included And it took a few patches to get it dialed in right. I'm OK with it now, it has indeed enhanced many combat situations I have found myself in. It ended up being a great decision by the dev team. Why can't they put that kind of effort and thought into fixing vehicle physics. I'm certain it's complicated as hell, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. I would rather hear that vehicles will never be fixed than stringing everyone along with we'll get to it eventually or we're working on it. New players should again, note, vehicles have been a huge pain in the butt since the game was in Alpha and it's one month Beta. BI never fixed them, see the videos posted in this thread. You will lose progress in the game due to them, likely die because of them and sometimes, even if you are not using them actively and are jsut in the general vicinity, you could die through no fault of your own. That is the reality of vehicles at this moment and since at least 2019. We are actively keeping this discussion open and alive in hopes that BI will eventaully listen to it'ss customers and fix these damn things. Edited June 29, 2021 by THEGordonFreeman 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxon-69 35 Posted June 29, 2021 I propose a rally for clear cars. I start drawing posters with requirements Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted June 29, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, THEGordonFreeman said: You can technically play without cars but most players will not choose them because they are screwed up so horribly bad. no. most players won't choose them because of the time required and grind required to gain something that could be lost anytime (not because of bugs, but some people do avoid them because of bugs), I rather like living life by life without bases and stashes. makes the game much more refreshing 3 hours ago, THEGordonFreeman said: Why can't they put that kind of effort and thought into fixing vehicle physics. who says they aren't trying? Edited June 29, 2021 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
THEGordonFreeman 664 Posted June 29, 2021 1 hour ago, DefectiveWater said: who says they aren't trying? Impulz told us effectively they work on it when they can but due to it's complexity, no ETA can be given. Changing the player controller was difficult as well, caused a massive stir within the community, but they accomplished it and it has worked out well. They threw tons of resources at it and got the job done. Why in the hell would they release a game without so doing the same for vehicles? They released this game with a seriously broken system, and now that the dev team is small it seems BI is signalling we just don't give a damn. Like I said, I'm sure it's frustrating to the devs, but I believe new players should know what they are getting into. Vehicles suck, no if's, no and's, and no but's about it. We have to stay vocal about it, something needs to change at BI. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites