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Experimental Update 1.06

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I am running an experimental community server. I saw an update on Twitter "The Experimental Servers are going offline for some tweaks on the infected spawn system. The downtime should take around 1 hour." Do I just update the server to get these tweaks? Is it a new version?

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The rain is way too loud, my ears go numb.

And I made a fireplace, it did nothing for my survival. Did not heat me up, and did not dry my clothes.

My friend found a Blaze in the cafe in solnichy on the coast with plenty of ammo, I found 4 shotguns and plenty of ammo in berezino, loads of food. It almost felt like more loot than 1.05. Please tone the loot down.

The "hip/point fire" also seems incredible inaccurate, I feel it should be reasonable to hit something up to 30m using pointfire.

I only held out for about an hour because of the deafening rain noise, so not too much to report on other stuff.

Also, can you add a setting where you can choose to turn off the item locked to the inventory slots? It makes looting just way slower and more irritating for me. Especially in high stress situations when you have to loot fast, so you throw you rifle or something from your inventory in your hands, but you can't pick up anything because of the locked slots, and you have to stand there with your dick in your hands fiddling with the inventory instead of just pick up what you want and get away.

Edited by TAMW

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  On 11/14/2019 at 5:43 PM, thepoey said:

The DayZ Devs have no control over what Xbox Insider posted by mistake, and stated repeatedly that it was a mistake on the part of Xbox. Greensek addressed it as such in this thread. 

"We never announced a date in the first place, Xbox did it by mistake and it was not accurate as you can notice.

People thought this was some kind of "leak", even though we have been saying it was not correct. Now we have a lot of players saying that we lied and that we missed the release date.

From now on, please use our official channels of communication to avoid any confusion. "

 Not really sure what else you'd like them to do? Text you personally? Anyone confused or angry about this is just looking for an excuse to be mad and needs to stop being such an entitled pissbaby. Shouldn't the lack of pricing info have also tipped you off?  

When Livonia is going to be released, The Devs will let us know. It's not that fucking hard. You aren't going to miss the date, and if you planned a vacation or time off around it before it was confirmed by BI, well, you're just kind of a dumbass.   

That was posted during mid-day on the 13th and should have been posted _way_ earlier to have any effect or to make your argument valid.

Anyway, saying your opinion in here always gets people like you riled up as seem to think you are the only one who are allowed to have an opinion.

Your opinion is fine, but it is yours and not mine - learn to respect other people as much as you do yourself, and if you dont respect yourself to start of with then its to do some soul-searching.

Edited by Jonas Levin

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  On 11/14/2019 at 3:22 PM, FunkInYourTrunk said:

my love for dayz had been completely restored.  i still ache for the bow, god how i want the bow but otherwise.... im ballz deep.  told myself last night after the wife went to bed, "just gonna play a quick half hour or an hour of dayz to see exp branch before i crash out."  3 or 4 hrs later its 3am and i gotta force myself to turn it off so i can get a few quick hours of aleep before gettin the kids up.  im definately impressed with the state of gameplay.  have only loaded game once or twice maybe since .62 cuz i was waiting for fishing and the bow.  so glad i didnt make myself keep waiting cuz the bow wasnt here yet.  thanks so much for all the hard work and effort you all have put into this game.  and i mean to everyone, from the devs, to the diehard testers, to the newcomers who are just finding the forums.  you all have contributed to what i believe is (or at least will be, for those who say we arent there yet) the greatest game ever created.


  On 11/14/2019 at 3:48 PM, Derleth said:

I feel the same. The game is in a great state, and the only thing I really miss right now is - same as you - the bow. Apparently the improvised and recurve bow can now actually be found in the files again. Not usable yet of course, but it means the bow is back on the table, so here's to hoping it makes it back by 1.07! 


  On 11/14/2019 at 4:48 PM, radamantyz said:

do not forget the broken bones, that is something fundamental in DayZ and I am afraid that it will not come back 😞 if they add the bows, broken bones, helicopters and make the vehicles work correctly, for me it would be a huge good change in the game

Im not easily wooed when it comes to this game, I hold high expectations for it and in some ways its gained higher levels in others its reduced it, I too hold similar feelings with regards to broken bones especially, that is what i came to love about the game, take that away and its been like having to spend time with those cousins from outta town that you never liked much but still regard them as family, I do miss the bow, but when your flinging 7.62 rounds 1000m down the way i dont expect a bow to better that right now apart from its traditional use as a hunting tool or being a moving fumbling target, crossbow is something I used a bit and do miss it also but not greatly.

I was led to believe that the vines, the interactable bushes, bears and other features found in Livonia would be in this 1.06 update, well at least a sign of it being introduced, Dont get me wrong its good hard work sure but it would of been harder in the old engine if not possible at all, I would love to see a much better version to be played by this years end at least.

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2 things:

1. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but scope sway is insane right now compared to what it was in the past.

2. In both the open Beta and current Experimental there has been a few "Hand Bugs" showing up way to often where the server is confused as to what is in my hands and i have to re-log to fix it. I'v had it happen with basically everything and both from using the hot-bar and double clicking an item to put it in my hands, and i can't do any actions with it i.e.(put mag in hands, can't load ammo into it or take ammo out of it). I drop the item and i can't pick it up. I then re-log and it's back in my inventory.

Edited by Soupy98

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Session of about 2,5 hours; 

Infected are way too easy now. Just trigger one and have it come straight at you. Then with a melee aim at head, one swing dead. This alone is a reall game killer because they carry food and drinks, survival nullified.

Theres a red brick wall approx head high in berizino that is not climable. A grey wall with the top corner stones on it is higher and IS climable...

Small Stones should be easier to find. Not Just the very small rails and hike trail chances.

Few desync issues on doors, overall pretty responsive.

Weather is nice tho i would like more cloud variation. The rain is good.

Gun loot is too high

Other then that quite Nice

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The night vision device turns off suddenly, although the battery is still charged.
Unbalanced food and water, i mean, food is wasted quickly. It was acceptable, why change it?

I don’t want to play this at the moment, I died 2 times in Chernogorsk from hunger. there is no knife to slaughter a chicken, there is no packaging with food. All houses are empty

Jumping has become much worse, maybe something average is better?

Moto helmet and a balaclava cannot be worn together.

Edited by hegra
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I really like it that the nights are so cold that you have to organize yourself and make a fire. but it feels really akward if you find a pullover in a hunting hut and can't pull it on under a hunting jacket.

and i recognized my caracter eats a awfull lot if he has cold. thats good, so you'll have to prepare for the nights. i like it. more survival and less dull PVP.

Edited by MathTheRender

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  On 11/14/2019 at 10:15 PM, McWendy said:

Session of about 2,5 hours; 

Infected are way too easy now. Just trigger one and have it come straight at you. Then with a melee aim at head, one swing dead. This alone is a reall game killer because they carry food and drinks, survival nullified.

Theres a red brick wall approx head high in berizino that is not climable. A grey wall with the top corner stones on it is higher and IS climable...

Small Stones should be easier to find. Not Just the very small rails and hike trail chances.

Few desync issues on doors, overall pretty responsive.

Weather is nice tho i would like more cloud variation. The rain is good.

Gun loot is too high

Other then that quite Nice

One at a time infected are not and should not be much of a threat. Aggro a group and you're in trouble, that is as it should be. They also increased the amount of infected this build, but I believe the range at which they hear each other's screams should be increased again. It is too easy to just lure one at a time to come at you while others are nearby. 

I think spawning small stones as loot on the ground was and is a poor design decision. For fruit it is good and makes sense since you need to be more active in searching and cannot rely on it for survival, but for small stones it is just annoying. You never ever find them when or where you need them, but later on you see them littering tracks and trails all over the world where nobody ever picks them up because at that point they're not needed. The search mechanic - while annoying when you didn't find anything ten times in a row - was much better for this (if you disregard the infamous glitch.) I would strongly suggest devs consider going back to a scavenge/search mechanic for small stones. This would also save server performance I believe.

The inventory desync issue has been around for a while but is particularly nasty in this exp build. In my opinion it is a blocker in this condition, this build should not be allowed to be pushed to stable.

As for the clouds I don't think much can be done with the current system. With the 1.02 patch they removed SimulWeather and went for a much simpler, low quality cloud system. In daylight it looks great most of the time, but at night it looks utterly crap because the colours of the clouds are all wrong. I've been ranting about this before and also posted a ticket on the feedback tracker since, in my opinion, the current night sky is unacceptably ugly. It needs to be fixed. This is the only thing that really pisses me off with DayZ at the moment, even more so when I swap to play Arma 3 and see how great the sky looks there. "Progress"...

Gun loot too high... I'm not sure. It takes some time for the loot economy to adjust when new items are added, especially when the servers are not wiped. Yesterday I found lots of double barrel shotguns in village houses, which makes sense, but little else.

Edited by Derleth
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  On 11/15/2019 at 8:03 AM, Derleth said:

Gun loot too high... I'm not sure. It takes some time for the loot economy to adjust when new items are added, especially when the servers are not wiped. Yesterday I found lots of double barrel shotguns in village houses, which makes sense, but little else.

True, but finding back to back guns in houses next to eachother is a bit too much imo. 

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  On 11/15/2019 at 10:00 AM, McWendy said:

True, but finding back to back guns in houses next to eachother is a bit too much imo. 

Aye, but this morning I ran through two villages and did not see a single weapon of any kind. I found a makarov mag, that's about the most warlike loot I saw in an hour. I am pretty sure the back-to-back shotguns you found was the CLE desperately wanting to put the shottys into circulation while that town had been recently searched by one or more players, so many loot "slots" were vacant. Abracadabra, shottys everywhere! I've seen this happen before when new items are added to a server that already has a "set" economy. Since lifetime of spawned loot varies it can take a while to shuffle about enough to be properly mixed.

Edited by Derleth
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You guys reporting bugs in this thread,  you are reporting them in the Feedback tracker, right?

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  On 11/15/2019 at 3:48 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

You guys reporting bugs in this thread,  you are reporting them in the Feedback tracker, right?

Whenever I can't find an existing ticket on the subject, yes. Otherwise I just add info to an old ticket if it seems it would help.

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Very much enjoying:

- food harder to find
- cold temperatures making survival harder
- more dynamic weather, better rain and storms

Keep this up!

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There is also a bug in which you see one object in your hands, but in reality in your hands a completely different object.

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There is something seriously wrong with this patch, and it NEEDS to be fixed before stable release, because it is completely broken now.

-Pretty much every gun I used bugged out and could not be reloaded or fired ghost bullets. And this was consistent all day, for me and my friends.

-Next to nothing can be double clicked to pick up when looting, has to be dragged to hands first, and even that wasn't reliable.

-Fireplace did not dry or warm me up at all.

-Full fireman's outfit with wellies still made me shiver non stop on light blue temp, and that's while running around. I had gloves on, balaclava and a ghillie hood as well.

To be honest, making it this hard to stay warm in the rain is just plain annoying, and makes me want to quit the game. I feel if you have a raincoat and stay on the move, you should stay white temp. And with fireman pants it should keep you warm and completely dry, the wellies part is just unnecessary. There has to be a reward for searching out and wearing rain gear, and dying of cold with a raincoat and still shivering with full outfit, isn't rewarding.


I did like the higher food consumption when cold tho, really adds a challenge and balances out the massive inventory space of all clothing we have now, since we actually need to carry more food. But we need to be able to survive the cold with a raincoat, or else we are forced to just stay inside when its raining. And that is no fun, it's raining ALL the time.

Edited by TAMW

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yep ghost bullets and bug weapon magazine , it happens a very long time =(

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  On 11/16/2019 at 12:22 AM, TAMW said:


-Fireplace did not dry or warm me up at all.

-Full fireman's outfit with wellies still made me shiver non stop on light blue temp, and that's while running around. I had gloves on, balaclava and a ghillie hood as well.

To be honest, making it this hard to stay warm in the rain is just plain annoying, and makes me want to quit the game. I feel if you have a raincoat and stay on the move, you should stay white temp. And with fireman pants it should keep you warm and completely dry, the wellies part is just unnecessary. There has to be a reward for searching out and wearing rain gear, and dying of cold with a raincoat and still shivering with full outfit, isn't rewarding.

Yea the raincoats, gorka and fire clothes have not worked for ages and they can care less. Just cook 3 pieces of food (meat ,mushrooms, fruit) and keep them in your clothes , not backpack and you will stay warm in the rain forever.

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  On 11/16/2019 at 12:22 AM, TAMW said:



-Fireplace did not dry or warm me up at all.

This is really badly executed indeed. 

Made a fireplace inside a house. I stood infront of the fireplace with a wool coat, balaclava and wool headgear and I still cooled off. Come on Devs.... 

Standing 15 minutes in the above situation would not get me out of light blue. This is just not right. 

Making a fire (with the risks that come with) should yield a higher reward warmth wise.

Adding heated cooking pots and canned food helps but its a bit far fetched carrying a 200 degrees Celsius cooking pot in my pants pockets.... 🤣

Edited by McWendy

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now, I've had no issues with the fireplaces or even campfires, they warm you up, you just have to stay in the warmth radius (which granted is a little small)


  • Beans 3

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  On 11/16/2019 at 12:22 AM, TAMW said:


There is something seriously wrong with this patch, and it NEEDS to be fixed before stable release, because it is completely broken now.

-Pretty much every gun I used bugged out and could not be reloaded or fired ghost bullets. And this was consistent all day, for me and my friends.

-Next to nothing can be double clicked to pick up when looting, has to be dragged to hands first, and even that wasn't reliable.

-Fireplace did not dry or warm me up at all.

-Full fireman's outfit with wellies still made me shiver non stop on light blue temp, and that's while running around. I had gloves on, balaclava and a ghillie hood as well.

To be honest, making it this hard to stay warm in the rain is just plain annoying, and makes me want to quit the game. I feel if you have a raincoat and stay on the move, you should stay white temp. And with fireman pants it should keep you warm and completely dry, the wellies part is just unnecessary. There has to be a reward for searching out and wearing rain gear, and dying of cold with a raincoat and still shivering with full outfit, isn't rewarding.


I did like the higher food consumption when cold tho, really adds a challenge and balances out the massive inventory space of all clothing we have now, since we actually need to carry more food. But we need to be able to survive the cold with a raincoat, or else we are forced to just stay inside when its raining. And that is no fun, it's raining ALL the time.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm passing everything to the dev team.


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Hello Survivors,


The Experimental Servers got a small update.

  • Added: Enabled further logging to find the cause of a common server crash

The first post was updated with this info.


For this small update, there will be a downtime of around 30-60min.


Thank you, 


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  On 11/18/2019 at 8:46 AM, Greensek said:

Thanks for the feedback, I'm passing everything to the dev team.


Maybe you could pass along to them to fix the raincoats and waterproof gear. Is this ever going to happen ?

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  On 11/18/2019 at 3:03 PM, LoveAffair said:

Maybe you could pass along to them to fix the raincoats and waterproof gear. Is this ever going to happen ?

Yes, already did.

The harsher weather brought up a lot of possible tweaks, and the dev team is already looking into that as well 🙂

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