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Experimental Update 1.05

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  On 8/16/2019 at 8:55 PM, ThePugman said:

I assume you are playing the PS4 version? This thread is to discuss the latest PC experimental build. There are specific areas of this forum for console questions. Please try and use them. 

Also, they are definitely aware of that problem, and try to make further improvements with every update. 

Oh, I am sorry for that!

But thank you for the answer! Have a nice weekend! 😃

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  On 8/16/2019 at 11:43 AM, VahidkinG(2ndAcc) said:

Apparently you can climb up power transmission 😄

nasty bug. i just approached this power transmission and spammed Space. Anyone else can do it? 

Ya im pretty sure you can sprint/jog up them lol, was a funny time when my squad figured this out. Would also personally like to see steep hills not be so easy to run up, currently almost any surface that isn't 90 degrees straight your able to run up without any impact to your speed or anything.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 12:47 PM, ImpulZ said:

There are different values applied depending on the caliber, but yeah, all are slowing down in some way, and lowering the damage accordingly. That said, there are still some known issues with smaller projectiles that we are looking into.

  On 8/16/2019 at 12:47 PM, ImpulZ said:

Depending on the bullet type the projectile loses velocity over time, this loss in velocity is translated into damage reduction. There are still some known issues with this, especially for the already slow starting calibers.

Hi @ImpulZ, the specific thing I'm wondering is this:

Is damage is reduced based on the change in velocity (specific time of flight doesn't matter)?


Is damage is reduced based on time of flight (change in velocity doesn't matter)?

You said the "loss in velocity is translated into damage reduction", this is the same as it's done in ARMA. Time of flight doesn't matter, only how much of its velocity the bullet retains.

But then you also said there's issues with "slow starting calibers", which combined with the changelog point "Bullet damage is reduced with longer bullet travel time", carries an implication that the loss of damage is based on bullet's time of flight.


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Devs really need to make admin mods available on serverside only so all clients that arnt admins dont need to have it installed to join a server... being able to just run the game without the launcher and just vanilla with admin only having tools should not be deprecated.

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How do i make private server on PS4 if anyone can help me about it 


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  On 8/16/2019 at 12:47 PM, ImpulZ said:


One of them has been resolved, the other two are still in the works.


will the other crash fixes mentioned be resolved in 1.05?

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  On 8/16/2019 at 6:25 PM, dallebull said:

So sad that it's still a KOS killfest even in Exp where we are supposed to try stuff. 
Using the mic is useless, theres literally no punishment for killing other players, Zombies are easy to handle, unless they lock you in a corner or swarm you on a field. 

"It's the game" i know, but when 100% shoot on sight it isn't fun to play at all. Trying to be friendly allways turns out badly.
oh how i long for that first summer when killing other players came after trying to survive, most were friendly and you could spot bandits a mile away.

There used to be a good experimental crew back in the days....  


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Experimental is definitely more friendly than regular servers, but there will always be dicks...

Still, PvP is a core part of the game, and needs to be tested as well. Especially when this update includes medical changes in the form of working saline and blood bags.

Although it’s for testing stuff, you shouldn’t play much more differently than usual.

Edited by ThePugman
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Machete on 1.05 gets animation bugged , but when my friend got it and relogged, he crashed my game, also my freinds.

Shot sounds arent all heard by everyone, snap shots randomy down ear but no one near. My friend unloaded whole mag, and i heard nothing.

The Corner Pub, doors wont open anymore, (is this supposed to be this way?). 


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  On 8/15/2019 at 7:13 PM, pr9inichek said:

Yes, the are removed it ^_^

Logged on last night and saw that it’s still there. Did try it cause I didn’t want Any thing to do with it.

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  On 8/17/2019 at 12:32 PM, igor-vk said:

Did someone try vaulting trough windows???

I was going through windows previous to update. Just sucked the first time I tried it was 2 stories high. 

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  On 8/17/2019 at 6:17 AM, ThePugman said:

Experimental is definitely more friendly than regular servers, but there will always be dicks...

Still, PvP is a core part of the game, and needs to be tested as well. Especially when this update includes medical changes in the form of working saline and blood bags.

Although it’s for testing stuff, you shouldn’t play much more differently than usual.

It’s more glitchy. I logged out at least four times to fix the glitches. Can’t eat, can’t reload, can’t drink, can’t freakin move stuff around. Until you log out and re enter. 

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  On 8/17/2019 at 2:14 AM, Ohxdy said:

How do i make private server on PS4 if anyone can help me about it 


You have to rent a server. The only one I know about is nitrado but it’s taking forever to get the server running. 

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Very glitchy. We have to log out and back in to server to fix glitch. Can’t reload, eat, drink, move stuff around. 

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End so many game crash in Zelenogorsk 😕

Edited by hegra

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  On 8/15/2019 at 5:28 PM, pr9inichek said:

@ImpulZ where is in change log info about new vehicle?


Take this information with a bit of salt, but if they didn't mentioned on the notes this vehicle might be a accidental addition that wasn't meant to be added in this update, someone said that the car doen't work and it's missing textures (on the first reddit post).

But it also could be that they might work on this car during the patch progression to stable and when it hits stable the car will be fully functional.

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  On 8/15/2019 at 8:09 PM, my_nick_was_taken said:

anyone else had items poofing from inventory.

I had some fully kitted plate carriers holster, gun, pouches, extra mags/ammo, one I equipped the other just poofed.



ok it seems the game deletes items if you carry or wear them in an unintended way, I've just lost nvg+gasmask from my 'Luke I am your father' look:


ofc this being exp, so bugs/glitches/mistakes are bound to happen and I fully understand this. But please let the devs do their work and stop pestering them to push to stable, in last "stable" update we had all the weight issues, attached items adding the base weight to items, clothes weighing ~double their intended value.

So let the devs do their work and when they think its ready for stable, then give them another week to work on it before they release it 🙂



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  On 8/17/2019 at 11:58 AM, Chainsaw_Squirrel said:

The closet with inventory in dayz exp 1.05 from what I just saw from geez in bug tracker is intended .. not a bug


On a recent livestream, Sumrak said it would be disabled, FOR NOW. 

  On 8/17/2019 at 1:06 PM, jay ray said:

Very glitchy. We have to log out and back in to server to fix glitch. Can’t reload, eat, drink, move stuff around. 

That’s like saying the sky is blue. The whole point of experimental is to make it as glitch-free as possible, before it goes to stable. Make sure you report all the bugs you encounter here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/tag/dayz/

  On 8/17/2019 at 3:40 PM, MarczXD320 said:

Take this information with a bit of salt, but if they didn't mentioned on the notes this vehicle might be a accidental addition that wasn't meant to be added in this update, someone said that the car doen't work and it's missing textures (on the first reddit post).

But it also could be that they might work on this car during the patch progression to stable and when it hits stable the car will be fully functional.

Again, Sumrak hinted that the car issues should be fixed before it hits stable.


An interesting thing to note, is the wording of the opening line of the patch notes:

”We have just released the INITIAL 1.05 experimental update.” 

I remember noticing that at the time. Now I wonder if there’s much more planned for 1.05...

Edited by ThePugman

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for the time being, please devs, wait before you push this patch on stable, it's not ready yet. At all. Thank you.

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DayZ, one of my favorite games. Everything is fine, but there is one minus. For example, if you play DayZ from 1 to 2 hours on average per day, then DayZ begins to consume more RAM than before. And this so-called overflow of RAM memory from the DayZ process leads to a sharp drop in overall productivity. Please, use the command line to restrict the possibility to restrict the DayZ application to use RAM (textures, models, objects), all that consumes a significant amount of computer RAM.
Thanks in advance, your fan

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Is it just me or are the barracks on the SW NWAF not accessible?,.. I tried a few buildings and cannot access through any doorways.

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  On 8/16/2019 at 10:53 PM, ICEMAN-FMCS said:

Devs really need to make admin mods available on serverside only so all clients that arnt admins dont need to have it installed to join a server... being able to just run the game without the launcher and just vanilla with admin only having tools should not be deprecated.

-servermod= in your command line makes it server side only. Been that way for a bit now.

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