eugenharton 1540 Posted November 20, 2018 Hello guys, with the last Status Report, we've done a list of the most pressing issues - and it's time for another go. Make sure to check out the Status Report for the update on the previous list as well. SERVER CRASHES Server crashes are rampant these days, and out of the top crashes happening, we have been able to reproduce two that are slated for a fix. However, the one of the most common ones is elusive. Having said that, we have committed some changes that might stop the server from crashing in most cases, lowering its impact. Whatever steps are required right now to cause it, the outcome of that specific combination of factors should just end with that situation not causing a crash. VEHICLE ISSUES We are aware of issues with the first iteration of new vehicles. There has been a large refactor of vehicle physics recently that has already improved the gameplay a lot and is included in the next update coming out. We are also working on the balancing of required fluids, damage and more that should make the extensive time invested into making a vehicle functional worth it. PLAY BUTTON We are aware of the issue with the play button and the fix is planned after the next update. PERSISTENCE ISSUES After extensive investigation, we have been able to confirm that some items were being deleted after specific crashes. We have implemented a system to make sure that this does not happen in the future with other crashes. Besides that, we also recommend all server owners to update the economy files after the next Stable update, as there are changes to specific items that had issues in the past. GUN SOUNDS MISSING We are aware of the issue where gun sounds don't play for the player using them. However, internally, this has only happened a couple times during our daily tests. Most of the reports coming are related to the use of the shotgun, but it seems to be affecting all weapons. More information is required for a fix, but after the next update and necessary stability improvements, we will be looking into these next. SOUNDS STUCK IN A LOOP We are aware of sounds being stuck in a loop. As is the case with gunshot sounds, more investigation is required and a fix is slated after the next update. However, it's very likely that this issue will be less frequented now, as partial improvements are in place. M3S TRUCK STATUS Before the refactor of vehicles, we wanted to focus on making sure the first one works before we introduce a second variable to the mix. Both of the vehicles are different beasts and if things settle down with the new changes in vehicle physics, we will look into getting the V3S in. BASEBUILDING ISSUES We know and track a number of base building issues, from balancing to functionality missing, to plain bugfixing. It's certainly high on our priority and in the next update, you should see many things getting fixed. There is more to be done in terms of ghosting, protection and general usability. I'm still amazed at the creations you guys have made so far! SHOTGUN DAMAGE We are aware of the issue of shotgun damage - specifically with slug damage values being too low. We'll be looking into it. If you experience any inconsistencies in the experience with using pellets, please report them using the Feedback Tracker, ideally with information about the server you played on, and any other relevant details to make sure we can track it down properly. NIGHT SETUP As mentioned in the update on lighting issues, we know that night gameplay is only partially implemented and there is still a balancing pass to be done on light sources, luminosity and general setup to make sure lighting works properly. We agree and understand it's not a good experience right now. HIT REACTIONS AND STUN-LOCK Hit reactions and stun-lock issues are on our radar. We know its not properly configured and are working on smoothing it out. VOIP ISSUES VOIP for multichannel setups with 5.1 and 7.1 sound are fixed in the next update and we are looking into improving it even more with making sure that volume is less affected by distance. There is more work to be done here as we understand that VOIP is crucial to the DayZ experience. THINGS AFFECTED BY BALANCE PASS (GUN-PLAY, DAMAGE, DISEASES, ECONOMY AND MORE) Many of the reported issues can be improved by value adjustments on our end. I want to emphasise how important this balance pass is for DayZ and its functionality. While all sorts of interesting features are in, they require us to review their current state. We need to get dirty to properly configure them. Gun-play, damage values, diseases, economy, persistence, and so on - bugfixing definitely comes first with high priority issues, but a balance pass is what makes the game fun in the first place. We will announce as things get rolled out over the following updates before we reach 1.0. The first thing you should be seeing is recoil and its behaviour tweaks. 8 2 17 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted November 20, 2018 good stuff. Its nice to let folk know what's happening. 2 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snazzyatom 0 Posted November 20, 2018 Nice work guys.I'm just wondering when you are going to fix the blue screen of death bug? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fa1ko 41 Posted November 20, 2018 Thanks for detailed info, much appreciated. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SmokeyFTM 55 Posted November 20, 2018 On 11/20/2018 at 8:30 PM, snazzyatom said: Nice work guys.I'm just wondering when you are going to fix the blue screen of death bug? · 19 Nov Please make sure you have the correct BattlEye version. Go to your game files and delete your old BattlEye folder. Afterwards, verify your game files and restart the game. From dayz twitter 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reaper TDO 14 Posted November 20, 2018 Ok this is good but after all the updates the lag is so bad I was getting no lag at all before the updates so has anyone got a clue why Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dawson Troendle 0 Posted November 21, 2018 (edited) Opening options crashes the game for me how can i fix this? Edited November 21, 2018 by Dawson Troendle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rome911 0 Posted November 21, 2018 gun sound thing happens everytime i play since update dont know how only few timea with you guys but every single day sounds dont work for me. thanks for listening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted November 21, 2018 I noticed that somebody put new ballistic values for projectiles in 0.63, specifically airFrictions, which seem to have been calculated incorrectly. For example, airFriction on 7.62x54R was increased by 35%, and on .308 it was decreased by 82%! Those two in real life have extremely similar ballistics. On some rounds the airFriction was increased too much, on others it was decreased massively. Even if something changed re: airFriction mechanic, the end result could only be totally incorrect ballistics. Geez says: "This is currently a work in progress and the values will be tweaked for the future versions to be optimal", but my concern is that someone changed all the values, and that means they must have thought the new values (eg, .308 with 7x lower airFriction than 7.62x54R and 0.5x the airFriction of ARMA 3 12.7x108mm APDS, etc) were an improvement on the old ones... so didn't give me confidence in future tweaks. This was a tweak! I made a ticket on feedback tracker and also there suggested more appropriate airFrictions (+ initSpeed) based on the A2/A3 airFriction mechanics and 'standard' rounds per cartridge: Since totally incorrect ballistics doesn't destroy the average person's gameplay, I don't know if this is a "most pressing issue", but if we're talking about some gun balance pass I guess it's the time to bring it up. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drgullen 597 Posted November 21, 2018 I'm glad to see you are working on all of these issues, but I'm disappointed that the missing gun sounds isn't at the top of the list and won't be fixed in the next update, which will be out shortly if I read the Status Report correctly (i.e. coinciding with the 0700 Wednesday maintenance). I won't speak for anyone else, but for me personally, not being able to hear my gun is a showstopper issue and makes the game close to unplayable, IMO. In a heated gun battle where I'm firing and then ducking for cover against my opponent's return fire, I can't always be sure if I've even fired a shot if I can't hear it. Sure, if I hit him, I'll see his reaction and a blood splat, but if I miss, it's not always obvious as to whether I actually fired a shot or not. At that point, It's not like I can get on VOIP and say, "Hey dude, would you mind if we pause the fight till I relog?" I'm sure the answer I'd get back is "You are dead" :) Please, if this isn't atop your list of bug fixes, bump it up a notch or two -- thanks for reading this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fayled_Xperiment 0 Posted November 21, 2018 (edited) "M3S TRUCK STATUS Before the refactor of vehicles, we wanted to focus on making sure the first one works before we introduce a second variable to the mix. Both of the vehicles are different beasts and if things settle down with the new changes in vehicle physics, we will look into getting the V3S in." Is there actually any reason why you can find parts for the V3S but the spawn of the vehicle itself is deactivated in the spawnconfig? And what item is there to the right of the battery? it looks like a rope. i first guessed it was the glow plug / spark plug...but it isn't. the spark plug won't work and i can't even find the glow plug in the config. oh...and why the heck has the Hatchback 320 inventory slots and the v3s only 140? I'm talking about this one btw. Pic to the v3s i mean Edited November 21, 2018 by Fayled_Xperiment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buakaw 274 Posted November 21, 2018 On 11/21/2018 at 4:53 AM, -Gews- said: I noticed that somebody put new ballistic values for projectiles in 0.63, specifically airFrictions, which seem to have been calculated incorrectly. For example, airFriction on 7.62x54R was increased by 35%, and on .308 it was decreased by 82%! (...) If that is the only stat alongside velocity to control bullet drop, does that mean the Winchester is a fucking railgun now? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptor97 59 Posted November 21, 2018 Very good news, thx for your awesome and hard work devs! Important is that the night and daytime should have more speed, maybe 4 hours day and 2 hours night. Just like in the older DayZ version where the time is acclerated. Regards, Raptor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BAHADIR 124 Posted November 21, 2018 After several times, I realised something. Whenever I get close to new military barracks (White-ish, creamy colour ones), server gets crashed and when I log in back, it seems normal. Wheather is always rainy in my server, running and jumping gets bugged when you get wet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guy Smiley 534 Posted November 21, 2018 On 11/21/2018 at 10:48 AM, BAHADIR said: After several times, I realised something. Whenever I get close to new military barracks (White-ish, creamy colour ones), server gets crashed and when I log in back, it seems normal. Wheather is always rainy in my server, running and jumping gets bugged when you get wet. Not a bug for jumping. You're probably almost over weight and now your items are getting wet and heavy causing you to be overweight 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
therunningmanz 255 Posted November 21, 2018 (edited) Hi @eugenharton, its great all of this is on the radar. I feel a little like the guns firing issue is being undersold a little in your post, I had it on Sunday with pretty much every gun I picked up (two pistols, a Mosin and an AK), I left a server, queued down from 11 to try and fix it, only for me to have no gun sounds when I had a firefight anyway. I was playing with two others, I could hear their shots, the firer couldn't hear their own shots every time. This particular bug is a game breaker and seems to be worse than the wording in your post suggests. I've had to stop playing myself until there is a fix. It looks like a hell of a lot of work to complete in about 4.5 weeks before you release the game just to get the bugs out, never mind balance and tweak everything? I'm really concerned if im honest, Im starting to worry that no matter the state of the game it's getting pushed to 1.0 anyway in December. I know you guys are working really hard but this is feeling painful as a player and fan of your beautiful game. All this time developing DayZ, the nucleus of 0.63 is absolutely amazing. But it doesn't feel ready for the term "beta" yet, and it is being released in a few weeks. The base building and cars went to exp the day before you pushed to stable, you then called it "beta" it was reported as such when I logged into stream, it generated press and many thousands to the concurrent player base that hadn't played the game in years cam back. It showed that there are many people waiting for the update that will sort out dayz for them. They are coming back to official servers that are all night time when they want to play, they don't understand about community servers, they join a server and it keeps crashing over and over and when they shoot a gun they hear no noise. Never mind some of the other issues like keybinds, aimpunch, lighting etc that are deal breakers for many. These thousands coming back are being pushed away again. I'm so worried that the exact same thing is going to happen when the the arbitrary "you must release now" date is hit in December for 1.0. I really hope you pull it out of the bag. I want my fears to be wrong. Edited November 21, 2018 by therunningmanz 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Havoek 0 Posted November 21, 2018 (edited) Hello Eugen, I know that there is a rather long list of items that are considered "game breaking", and another long list of "critical" issues. But as a player of a bleeding character, nothing is as critical (in the moment) as having half a hospitals worth of bandages and not being able to bandage. Please tell me that I am missing something painfully obvious. (PC keyboard-mouse version) Edited November 21, 2018 by Havoek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) On 11/21/2018 at 10:38 AM, Buakaw said: If that is the only stat alongside velocity to control bullet drop, does that mean the Winchester is a fucking railgun now? If I calculate for a vacuum @ 860 m/s it requires an elevation of 0.30 deg to reach 800 m. If I put the 0.63 air resistance (-0.00018) and initspeed (860 m/s) values into ARMA 2/3 it requires an angle of 0.33 deg. And if I put a realistic airFriction (-0.00101) and realistic Winchester-specific initspeed (870 m/s) it would require 0.55 deg. Using external ballistics program with 870 m/s muzzle velocity and ballistic coefficient of 0.2 G7 it says 0.55 deg. [EDIT: and if the 0.33 vs 0.55 degrees doesn't sound like much, consider that at the same range, a .50 BMG requires 0.46 degrees, a .338 Lapua requires 0.40 degrees and even a .408 Chey Tac requires 0.37 deg.] Checking the approximate speed retained, I see that the .308 (-0.00018) would have an energy of 2.63 kJ at 800 m, while the 7.62x54R (-0.0013) would have only 0.44 kJ. So, start out the same, one ends up six times more powerful (at least, if the rounds had such properties in real life—DayZ doesn't use kinetic energy). And neither of them is anywhere near correct. Psh. [EDIT: a .338 Lapua retains 2.23 kJ at 800 m. So yeah, if you could make a real life .308 that behaved like the 0.63 round , it would lose so little energy it would beat even a .338 Lapua by 18% kinetic energy at 800 m] Edited November 22, 2018 by -Gews- 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) On 11/22/2018 at 4:37 AM, -Gews- said: calculate I get (rule of thumb) energy of above 9kJ (close to 9.3kJ) for the M118, 173gr FMJ BT .308 at 800m ? caveat : my "calculate" is not hot. I'm counting on my fingers here. Gews has probably - definitely - seen this site already, but it is generally interesting: * Maybe it would be good to use realistic ballistics and then - to fit them to the" SIZE" of the game - de-multiply them consistently by a factor of x3 (for instance). Would this give consistent 'miniaturized' & playable results, or would different weapons react greatly differently (and unfairly) to a consistent ballistic 'shrinkage' ? Or is it just a dumb idea ? * ps - just got back from the range - [Skinner sight is mean on .308 at 100m] - but I realize again STRONGLY that the BI sway algorithm used in the game IS INCORRECT - and this is NOT a question of "amplitude" - it is a question of the algorithm that controls the sway - it is the WRONG MOVEMENT The programmers have used the easy (get it readymade anywhere) standard Keplerian math for eliptical movement of a point around a central mass (closer to the center the faster it moves) ?? This is NOT NOT NOT how the human eye-brain-muscle and aiming instinct WORKS - not in the least. A more REALISTIC formula is easy to develop.. I proposed one The same sway formula is used all through ArmA and it is WRONG. (this is a BAD mistake for a milsim) - It's the wrong Math. I wrote a whole Essay on this, a while back on this blog. Maybe 3 people read it, it sank into oblivion xxp Edited November 27, 2018 by pilgrim* fun 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PandahFistophacleezeSykes 12 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) On 11/21/2018 at 12:55 PM, therunningmanz said: Hi @eugenharton, its great all of this is on the radar. I feel a little like the guns firing issue is being undersold a little in your post, I had it on Sunday with pretty much every gun I picked up (two pistols, a Mosin and an AK), I left a server, queued down from 11 to try and fix it, only for me to have no gun sounds when I had a firefight anyway. I was playing with two others, I could hear their shots, the firer couldn't hear their own shots every time. This particular bug is a game breaker and seems to be worse than the wording in your post suggests. I've had to stop playing myself until there is a fix. It looks like a hell of a lot of work to complete in about 4.5 weeks before you release the game just to get the bugs out, never mind balance and tweak everything? I'm really concerned if im honest, Im starting to worry that no matter the state of the game it's getting pushed to 1.0 anyway in December. I know you guys are working really hard but this is feeling painful as a player and fan of your beautiful game. All this time developing DayZ, the nucleus of 0.63 is absolutely amazing. But it doesn't feel ready for the term "beta" yet, and it is being released in a few weeks. The base building and cars went to exp the day before you pushed to stable, you then called it "beta" it was reported as such when I logged into stream, it generated press and many thousands to the concurrent player base that hadn't played the game in years cam back. It showed that there are many people waiting for the update that will sort out dayz for them. They are coming back to official servers that are all night time when they want to play, they don't understand about community servers, they join a server and it keeps crashing over and over and when they shoot a gun they hear no noise. Never mind some of the other issues like keybinds, aimpunch, lighting etc that are deal breakers for many. These thousands coming back are being pushed away again. I'm so worried that the exact same thing is going to happen when the the arbitrary "you must release now" date is hit in December for 1.0. I really hope you pull it out of the bag. I want my fears to be wrong. I’ve been saying many of these things but it’s always met with emotional backlash . These forums are meant for positivity only , not criticism . But oh wait you’re a popular streamer maybe they will listen to you XD . Times have changed man , I remember back in the day when the dayz team was mad real but now they are succumbing to pressures of console peasants and publishers alike - forcing our game to its knees as they hasten the road to full release by watering the game down and accepting many issues as a “feature” for too long before it’s addressed . Edited November 22, 2018 by PandahFistophacleezeSykes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robotstar 26 Posted November 22, 2018 The fact that persistence, or broken gun sounds isn't even hinted at in this latest experimental update means, I fear, another pointless dent in the life of a DayZ player. It's almost comical the amount of breaking, destroying, shrinking, promising, delaying that comes as standard with this game. Yet, we perservere, ever hopeful that the *next* update will be the one that makes it fun again. The *next* promise will be kept. The *next* round of feedback we regurgitate with all the vigor of a head butting repeatedly against a wall, will be taken on board and dealt with. The game is broken. Fixing a chimney does not make it unbroken. Delaying an experimental until the fundamental issues are at least broached goes some way to making it not broken. Keeping the bug tracker online so we can at least report our bugs correctly goes some way to making it not broken. Listening to the community when they say things like "I can't play your game because i can't change the keys". "I'm getting kicked off XX server because they don't allow survivor in the character name" (An undocumented 'add a launch parameter to your DayZ is just crazy) "persistence is broken", "the gun not making any noise is not just limited to the shotgun, please listen" (how many people have asked these sorts of questions over the course of the last month?) and putting it right at the top of the pile, rather than tweaking the physics of taking a gun off your shoulder, again, goes some way to making this game not broken. Pushing for the ever-elusive goal of releasing before christmas on Xbox and PC to make the pay cheques nice and fat, regardless of whether the game works or not is, at best a badly planned pipedream, at worst a scam. Still we persist. Because at the heart of this game is its community. Its ever loving, ever faithful community that just want to play, because we all know how good it can be. Right now, I feel like we're being taken on the longest ride of our lives. When you have prominent YouTubers posting on here saying they're now refusing to play it's surely only a matter of time before the exodus commences and you'll be left with a fanbase consisting of the office staff and Frankie on PC, because he's been away so long he hasn't realised that anything's changed. Mainly because it hasn't. Don't misunderstand me, I'm one of the people who've repeatedly asked people to stay calm. They're working on it. A fix will be coming. Read the status report it explains everything... that kind of thing. But more recently I am turning into the hater, and I really hate being the hater. It's really hard to not be a hater though when you do the simple maths, following Eugen's euphoric post about hitting 4 million people who've bought DayZ... Do the maths. 5 years. 4,000,000 purchases. That's a whole lot of money to be sitting on whilst telling us "yeah it's still broken, and we're struggling to make it fixed". When a stock response to another bizarre bug in this game is "welcome to DayZ", it highlights some real fundamental issues with the dev team, its goals and strategies. "Stay calm, it'll be sorted" is an excuse wearing pretty thin right now. I am fully expecting a lot of hate from this post. But I just feel like venting right now. I am also one of the persisting many, the fans that want it to work. Listen to us. Give us hope that it'll all be ok in the end! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue0range 3 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) On 11/22/2018 at 1:11 PM, robotstar said: Fixing a chimney does not make it unbroken. Delaying an experimental until the fundamental issues are at least broached goes some way to making it not broken. Keeping the bug tracker online so we can at least report our bugs correctly goes some way to making it not broken. Listening to the community when they say things like "I can't play your game because i can't change the keys". "I'm getting kicked off XX server because they don't allow survivor in the character name" (An undocumented 'add a launch parameter to your DayZ is just crazy) "persistence is broken", "the gun not making any noise is not just limited to the shotgun, please listen" (how many people have asked these sorts of questions over the course of the last month?) and putting it right at the top of the pile, rather than tweaking the physics of taking a gun off your shoulder, again, goes some way to making this game not broken. I absolutely agree. There's no point in fixing chimneys or character animations at the moment. These things don't disturb the player's experience in the slightest. It has always been like that with dayz. How about focusing on the major problems so many players point out every day instead: Pitch-black darkness that makes the game unplayable at night. The sound of your own gun, I mean come on. Cars breaking when going over the slightest bump on the street or just simply glitching into the ground even if you're not going very fast. I lost about 6 cars like that and you know how hard it is to get a car running on your own. !! The friggin' persistence problems. Bases disappear for absolutely no reason? This is ridiculous! I see no point in playing dayZ at the moment. Cars and bases (or at least the possibility to store items in a barrel that DOES NOT disappear for no reason) are such an essential part of the gaming experience. It's simply not worth building a base that will disappear anyway. There's no point in finding and repairing a car when it will break due to a glitch anyway. And even though these things are bugging me, I still play the game and tell others to be patient and to wait for the next patch. But I can't deny the fact that bohemia, instead of working on these problems, seems to focus on the little things that do add to the experience, but can't make up for the big things that really are broken. It's really sad, because the game has so much potential and if it works properly once in while, I simply love it. It COULD be one of the best games out there, for sure. Edited November 22, 2018 by Blue0range typo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Solopopo 330 Posted November 22, 2018 (edited) On 11/20/2018 at 7:09 PM, eugenharton said: GUN SOUNDS MISSING We are aware of the issue where gun sounds don't play for the player using them. However, internally, this has only happened a couple times during our daily tests. Most of the reports coming are related to the use of the shotgun, but it seems to be affecting all weapons. More information is required for a fix, but after the next update and necessary stability improvements, we will be looking into these next. You need to be more thorough with your testing. We can't play for 5 minutes without losing our gun audio. It is seriously detracting from the beta experience and it is affecting everyone equally. It isn't an isolated issue. Anyone who has played the game for even a few minutes after arming themselves will discover this bug. It is strange that this bug was only encountered a "couple" times in testing. It brings the testing methods into question. I think it would really benefit you guys if you were to employ a person whose job it is to actually play the game the way we do and report on that experience. Players, including myself, have been getting the impression that the developers are detached from the actual experience of DayZ. I had a long conversation with a friend about this very issue as we roamed Chenarus last night; that is before he died to silent gun shots. Perhaps the community managers could actually play the game on official and community servers? It would have the added benefit of making them seem more grounded about what's actually going on in the game when they seldom do communicate with us. I did not get the impression from their most recent DayZ stream that they are incredibly busy. I'm sure they have the time, and it doesn't take much technical know how to simply report on broken features. But of course you guys have your own way of doing things that have gotten us this far. I'm only making suggestions. Overall the beta is really coming along and I am really happy with the progress, keep up the good work! I criticize only because I care a lot about what you guys are doing. If the gun noise and persistence issues could be hammered out the beta would be a super fun experience. PS: I don't think shotguns are the source of the problem, or at least not the only one. I experience this issue constantly when I use silenced pistols. My impression was that the source of the problem is actually the silencers themselves. Edited November 22, 2018 by Solopopo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gopher_nz 0 Posted November 22, 2018 Great to see the response to the issues - I will be monitoring this over time. Just a couple of additional (??) issues I have noticed with 0.63 stable: Chimney on prison island does not have animation at top of ladder - brief option to "exit ladder" and then fall to death Some hunter towers cannot be entered - I never listed them sorry In barns (the ones with both doors open and steps up to second and third level). If they stock machetes present on top of wooden crate they cannot be selected Lack of gear - weapons, spray paint etc - I miss the VSS :( No fan belt for vehicles - at least have not found one yet Vehicle desynch whilst driving Can still jump over fences (albeit in a glitched way) when over encumbered Bandages dont seem to work anymore Cannot craft a bow out of rope and long stick (have yet to try it with guts and stick) Cannot craft arrows out of sharpened stick and chicken feathers Suggestions: Add some more unique locations? I don't expect immediate response to all of these but a noticeable regular addition that people notice will likely reduce the waning interest in the game. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted November 23, 2018 On 11/22/2018 at 11:21 AM, pilgrim* said: I get (rule of thumb) energy of above 9kJ (close to 9.3kJ) for the M118, 173gr FMJ BT .308 at 800m ? caveat : my "calculate" is not hot. I'm counting on my fingers here. Gews has probably - definitely - seen this site already, but it is generally interesting: 9 kJ = 6638 foot pounds I get only 0.84 kJ at 800 m for M118 173 gr @ 2600 ft/s. But I use M80-type for DayZ, that's 0.50 kJ @ 800 m which matches 7.62x54R LPS which also has 0.50 kJ @ 800 m. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites