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Baty Alquawen

Stable Update 0.63149365

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Hello guys,

we switched the Experimental branch to the Stable branch yesterday but I didn't make a thread so here we are and you can continue here with the feedback. :)

Known issues:

  • there was a change in size for some items which may result in them not fit in the character inventory and their disappearance upon character spawn or disappearance of items next to them. affected items: pear, sliced pumpkin, lard
  • when taking a backpack directly on own character from a dead body, it can become glitched/stuck in hands slot and not put itself on the back
  • heavy hits are missing
  • hit registration issue
  • it is not possible to change key binds in options

More about known issues here:


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Nice!!  Congrats to the dev team for getting DayZ to this point!!  Beta!    Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for DayZ.. and the DayZ modding community, can't wait to see what is to come!



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Thanks a lot. This is what we waiting for.

Now gimme 1.0 dev :P

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back from hiatus and tested the game...
why it feels that every official servers are plagued raining?
it rains all the time...
i like the rain but in every server?
also...what makes me go hiatus again is that there is no sickness.
i can eat 3 raw chickenz with guts,eat with my bloody hands,drink water in every source but still healhty in apocalypse.
also,i think that i cant make my character suffer from cold.i just tried with all my powers to get character to freeze to death but no luck.
swimming in ocean with clothes and naked...running at all servers whit rain...no effect at all.
it has been long time allready when all this thing with diseases has been on the table and still its not working properly.
diseases should be core mechanic in game because it drives people to make other actions beside them...dry clothing,washing hands,making fires,find shelters.
no need to do anything because lack of enviromental challence.
even alcohol tincture didnt give me any effect...i try still find some gasoline to drink and get me sick but really feels that there is not any disease in beta

also,how i use rags?...i did get hit by infected but arrow just shows up automatically.
i tried to use rags but no luck.
also i found barrel and it was graphically open.only option was to open it.
i could not take barrel with me

Edited by kopo79

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ALPHA is Dead.

Long live DayZ.

"The post-soviet country of Chernarus is struck by an unknown virus, turning the majority population into frenzied infected. Fighting over resources has bred a hostile mentality among survivors, driving what’s left of humanity to collapse. You are one of the few immune to the virus - how far will you go to survive?"

^This replaced the ALPHA disclaimer on the Steam DB page.

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Found the 4*4 hard to drive.  I was in first gear and the steering was awful.  I went from hardly any steering to massive over steering.  I trashed the 4*4 I had running :-(.  And I have noticed that Night and servers with rain on them are empty and the nice sunny ones are full.  That looks like the way its going to be played at the moment.  Time to get a raincoat and dry bag I think:-)).  Oh and I don't mind that you loose energy at a fast rate whilst running or cold, but I was eating mushrooms and as soon as I had finished the arrows on the food went straight from supplying energy to loosing energy.  So they seem to be the celery of the game and do nothing really.


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5 hours ago, Fing said:

Found the 4*4 hard to drive.  I was in first gear and the steering was awful.  I went from hardly any steering to massive over steering.  I trashed the 4*4 I had running :-(.  And I have noticed that Night and servers with rain on them are empty and the nice sunny ones are full.  That looks like the way its going to be played at the moment.  Time to get a raincoat and dry bag I think:-)).  Oh and I don't mind that you loose energy at a fast rate whilst running or cold, but I was eating mushrooms and as soon as I had finished the arrows on the food went straight from supplying energy to loosing energy.  So they seem to be the celery of the game and do nothing really.


Actually, there is nothing that protects against the rain at the moment. I've tried raincoats, Gorka (patrol uniforms now), and firefighter uniforms and nothing protected against rain. Unless they've nerfed mushrooms they were really good to eat as they raise both hunger and thirst by quite a bit.

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Rain sucks they could do with sorting that out sooner than later.  Running around naked was just as effective as a rain coat :-)))).

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Since today , Stable Ubdate on version 0.63.149374 , we have problems ! 8 bNovember 19 uhr 55
Game and server 0.63.149374: on our own dedicated server several people are no longer able to open any cans containing food! Using an axe or a can opener or anything else does no longer work.
Also, it is no longer possible to create a silencer using duct tape and a bottle...

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6 hours ago, kopo79 said:

back from hiatus and tested the game...
why it feels that every official servers are plagued raining?
it rains all the time...
i like the rain but in every server?
also...what makes me go hiatus again is that there is no sickness.
i can eat 3 raw chickenz with guts,eat with my bloody hands,drink water in every source but still healhty in apocalypse.
also,i think that i cant make my character suffer from cold.i just tried with all my powers to get character to freeze to death but no luck.
swimming in ocean with clothes and naked...running at all servers whit rain...no effect at all.
it has been long time allready when all this thing with diseases has been on the table and still its not working properly.
diseases should be core mechanic in game because it drives people to make other actions beside them...dry clothing,washing hands,making fires,find shelters.
no need to do anything because lack of enviromental challence.
even alcohol tincture didnt give me any effect...i try still find some gasoline to drink and get me sick but really feels that there is not any disease in beta

also,how i use rags?...i did get hit by infected but arrow just shows up automatically.
i tried to use rags but no luck.
also i found barrel and it was graphically open.only option was to open it.
i could not take barrel with me

I think it's just easy right know and on the way to 1.0 deseases, cold, hunger, thirst, impact of wetness etc will get balanced. I hope... because that's what has been said. And at the end there will be a challenging survival playstyle.

Normally you need to take the bandage in hand and hold left mouse button.

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Ok. Been playing the game for a few years on and off and was really excited about the Beta update, loaded up for a game and found it very disappointing. I have a few problems i can point out. Can't open any canned food, not even tuna, sorry sardines, which has the ring pull so can't really eat. Couldn't craft a courier bag with rope and burlap, couldn't split long stick into thirds with hatchet, couldn't use sewing kit on clothing, couldn't use leather sewing kit on backpack... Basically it seems that items held in hands don't work as they should. Just a few pointers, really hope you can get these fixed easily and quickly.

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Looks like all combine actions are broken, latest tweet says they will fix it tomorrow so apples n pears are only option for now

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I've also been unable to opened canned foods (spaghetti, peaches, sardines, or bacon) or cut pumpkins into slices. I've had to rely on sodas, and vegetables like peppers, and tuna to survive.

Edited by LordBlackwolf

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I have a steak knife, but I'm unable to cut clothes into rags for bandages.   Also, as mentioned above, I can't use same steak knife on canned goods.

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I have a steak knife, but I'm unable to cut clothes into rags for bandages.   Also, as mentioned above, I can't use same steak knife on canned goods.


It can be only with HUNTING KNIFE ... its very silly actually. You can't use other knives, axes or other tools .. same as you cant make fireplace without hunting knives. I tried axe and different knives to make wooden sticks - don't work. Is it purpose? In real i do not have to make anything, i just look down and grab first wood oh my gosh.. How i can not make dammit fireplace without hunting knife??? It's VERY ANNOYING and really STUPID :( 


E: one more thing .. the night is endless or what the f***? Daytime cca 30min? Nighttime 1h:13min and it still persists!

You can called it alpha or beta or lambda, doesn't matter - after five years still unplayable :(


Edited by Karibick
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To address the problem, there is currently a problem with the file handling system:

Since all crafting recipes are stored in a file which can not be loaded, we're unable to "craft" stuff, which includes most stuff which you need to combine. I'm sure they will fix it today. Yes they aware of it and please stop whining about it.

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14 hours ago, Arthur Dubrovka said:

I think it's just easy right know and on the way to 1.0 deseases, cold, hunger, thirst, impact of wetness etc will get balanced. I hope... because that's what has been said. And at the end there will be a challenging survival playstyle.

Normally you need to take the bandage in hand and hold left mouse button.

so,next year we have proper diseases you say?...i ate lots of raw chickens and also drink tincture with the mix of dirty water and i finally got some pill mark on statuses...but it doesent do anything to me.
i just cant see any reason to play if enviroment dont give any challenge.
diseases and coldness/heatness should be the first thing to get right because those things drive people to make other decisions.
i can eat raw chicken so i dont need matches,axe,firedrill...i cant get sick,so i dont need to visit hospitals,dont need car...list goes on.
and those rags....so infected doesent make you bleeding anymore?...i have get hit by lots of infected but cant use rags...i just heal automatically(arrows up)
i think that those new status icons are quite bad...pill mark dosent tell me what is wrong with me...cancer,diarhorea,aids,leg,head,stomach or what.
i dont know what devs think what is core feature and what is flavor...but players character and its needs/effects should be  priority.
just think the long dark game with no feeling cold or no frostbite or parasites or diarhorea?...its just items and snowy map

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They said they want to get a balanced and stable game for 1.0 release. So I HOPE they will exactly do what you mentioned. Balance diseases, hunger, thirst - environmental impact. I think you should judge those features after 1.0 is released.

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So the deves have gone for a lot of night servers and rain.  Are the pushing everyone on to the day servers to max them out?  There is in my humble opinion some balancing required,  A bit less rain or have raincoats working. Don't make the night as dark as it is. I know some of you might like it, but they are all the low pop servers so that has to tell the devs something.  Personal I would be happy with 50ft where I can see things reasonably well and after that just outlines.  At the moment it can be like walking around a coalmine with your light off.  Balancing of zeds again.  Too much Item damage being done.  It would be nice if we were getting more of that damage and less on are items and lastly we have also gone from one extreme to the other for bleeding (haven't had to use any bandages yet).  Apart from that the game is on the up.

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