robophant 102 Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) @Hicks_206 "The thought has crossed my mind to make the Official DayZ servers all 1PP - leave the community the option to run theirs 3PP if they want" ~Brian Hicks You like? (Update) Consider this: Official servers doesn't mean all public servers, only the ones run by BI. What Brian is saying is that he wants the vanilla DayZ experience to be 1pp, which makes sense for the type of game DayZ is. He also said,This implies that the new server browser will be hierarchical, with Official servers most easily accessible which will could change the balance away from (3pp) community owned public servers.The majority wants to play on full servers, perspective really isn't such a make it or break it issue. DayZ is not dissimilar to Rust, there was minimal backlash when 3rd person perspective was removed from Rust and Brian isn't suggesting something that extreme anyway. Edited October 22, 2015 by robophant 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xCAPx 349 Posted October 22, 2015 I like it very much. I hope they will be running as private servers, too. Finally I had 1pp server, which will not disappear or change into 3pp or persistence wiped - also day/night (time acceleration) is on.Maybe with these setting more people will play 1pp again :) For now, I would be happy, if there are some 1pp exp servers for 0.59. The last exp patches had no 1pp, if I remember correct!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robophant 102 Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) Yes, I really like the idea too To people who still want to see their fancy character:The new UI will allow to fully animate and rotate your character in that center window. I think even the current stance will be shown (afaik) Edited October 22, 2015 by robophant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeXedMinD (DayZ) 39 Posted October 22, 2015 Yes please, can't stand the wall peeking. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edwin3 74 Posted October 22, 2015 Why do that? because the majority doenst want to play 1pp? i would support to switch a appropriate amount of the official servers- as i like to play both. but all of them? only if you wanna raise the income from server rental... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted October 22, 2015 Well why not. At least that shows it's the way how they want to player to experience DayZ. How many official servers there even are? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stinkenheim 249 Posted October 22, 2015 Meh.Whilst cool in that there will always be reliable 1pp servers I genuinely don't see what the point is? Will it make more people play 1pp? Nope. There's still going to be a multitude of regular servers out there to play on.Will it increase the 1pp community? Probably not, there are already some great 1pp public and private servers so I don't see that having official ones 1pp only will instantly increase the player count Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DMentMan 707 Posted October 22, 2015 i don`t like it, if you want 1pp, join 1pp, simple as that. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robophant 102 Posted October 22, 2015 Why do that? because the majority doenst want to play 1pp? i would support to switch a appropriate amount of the official servers- as i like to play both. but all of them? only if you wanna raise the income from server rental... yes, but I don't consider it a bad idea to raise income that way. There are worse ways and this one seems pretty fair 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted October 22, 2015 I voted for banana. Sounded like a much more beneficial and tastier option! 83 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted October 22, 2015 Making official servers all 1PP seems like a great way to drive away customers. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igor-vk 909 Posted October 22, 2015 If there are 1pp and 3pp servers, where is the problem? You play on server you like. Why cancel out second option? 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted October 22, 2015 Making official servers all 1PP seems like a great way to drive away customers. If there are 1pp and 3pp servers, where is the problem? You play on server you like. Why cancel out second option?I agree this seems like a rather silly movie if you guys ask me. I feel more immersed in 3rd person than i do playing with the limited FPS view. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 24 Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) If you enjoy 1PP play on a 1PP server, if you enjoy 3PP play on a 3PP server. Edited October 22, 2015 by Barks 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hleVqq 139 Posted October 22, 2015 Unless they go Private, I'll stay in Oldschool, but I definitely support the initiative. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 22, 2015 ..//.. "The thought has crossed my mind to make the Official DayZ servers all 1PP - leave the community the option to run theirs 3PP if they want" ~Brian Hicks ..//.. Perhaps you ought to mention Brian was in a plane on his way to Scotland to drink whisky and a bloke was belching in his ear while he wrote that 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) They'll still be empty and everyone who prefers 3pp (the majority) has to deal with non official servers, what an incredibly terrible idea. People need to quit trying to force people to like something just because they do, taste is subjective. Edited October 22, 2015 by Bororm 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B4GEL 175 Posted October 22, 2015 Official servers doesn't mean all public servers, only the ones run by BI. What Brian is saying is that he wants the vanilla DayZ experience to be 1pp, which makes sense for the type of game DayZ is. He also said, 3PP servers would prob still outnumber 1PP, so the new server browser UI would be needed...we can ensure the first experience people have is 1PP.This implies that the new server browser will be hierarchical, with Official servers most easily accessible which will could change the balance away from (3pp) community owned public servers. The majority wants to play on full servers, perspective really isn't such a make it or break it issue. DayZ is not dissimilar to Rust, there was minimal backlash when 3rd person perspective was removed from Rust and Brian isn't suggesting something that extreme anyway. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robophant 102 Posted October 22, 2015 Official servers doesn't mean all public servers, only the ones run by BI. What Brian is saying is that he wants the vanilla DayZ experience to be 1pp, which makes sense for the type of game DayZ is. He also said,This implies that the new server browser will be hierarchical, with Official servers most easily accessible which will could change the balance away from (3pp) community owned public servers. The majority wants to play on full servers, perspective really isn't such a make it or break it issue. DayZ is not dissimilar to Rust, there was minimal backlash when 3rd person perspective was removed from Rust and Brian isn't suggesting something that extreme anyway. true. I'll update OP with this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roger_Shrubz 19 Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) I agree this seems like a rather silly movie if you guys ask me. I feel more immersed in 3rd person than i do playing with the limited FPS view. Just pointing out.... soooo would a Oculus in 3rd person be more immersive? lolPersonally, I like 1st person idea, I cannot seem to find the sense of a "horror/survival" game with a 3rd person perspective, wall peeking zombies is just a killer to immersion of having jumpy-scares and all horror side of things...... aswell as yes, - wall peek PVP1st person would prolly increase my heart-rate by 200% with being jumped by a zombie/infected right in my face! :o (edit: when they are back in numbers!) Edited October 22, 2015 by Roger_Shrubz 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roger_Shrubz 19 Posted October 22, 2015 I think this guy can explain immersion alot better than my above post, check vid please The only thing I can add to this as inspiration is for looking around walls,This is a Gears Of War style peek system around corner of walls, but could be modified/created to be used Easily in 1st person, this would help out alot in fire fights!, I think Crysis 2 had this style of cover system incorperated, but I was thinking more analogue with the mouse, so you do not need to expose your head 100% 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeefBacon 1185 Posted October 22, 2015 I'd be in favour of this, even if it was only temporary. 3pp private servers would still exist for people who need to peek over walls - ah - I mean people who like the tactical awareness of their surroundings. Having said that, I'd rather see improvements to the movement system before having 1pp forced on official servers. I think one of the biggest non 'I need muh peekz" complains is that movement is pretty janky, and that gets amplified in 1pp. If people who play on official servers are forced to play with janky movement I suspect it'd turn them off 1pp permanently. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roger_Shrubz 19 Posted October 22, 2015 I'd be in favour of this, even if it was only temporary. 3pp private servers would still exist for people who need to peek over walls - ah - I mean people who like the tactical awareness of their surroundings. Having said that, I'd rather see improvements to the movement system before having 1pp forced on official servers. I think one of the biggest non 'I need muh peekz" complains is that movement is pretty janky, and that gets amplified in 1pp. If people who play on official servers are forced to play with janky movement I suspect it'd turn them off 1pp permanently. Yea I can agree that movement needs to become more smooth/fluid, but the Devs have already stated that is what they are trying to achieve, If there is a working formula for a 1st person/Gears Of War cover/peek system I would be willing to give that a go on experimental ;) (I can only wish lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deathlove 2286 Posted October 22, 2015 I cannot seem to find the sense of a "horror/survival" game with a 3rd person perspective, wall peeking zombies is just a killer to immersion of having jumpy-scares and all horror side of things...... aswell as yes, - wall peek PVPUmm there are quite a few survival horror games that involve 3rd person view as a means to play the game as the main camera view point. Resident Evil Silent Hill The Evil Within Telltales: The Walking Dead State Of Decay I really don't think its very fair to limit everyones enjoyment to just one mode when you have one that can offer better immersion for other ppl that might be more interested. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites