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How does it feel to know that your game is years behind arma 3 exile

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Title says it all really; How does it feel to know that arma 3 exile mod in its current state is about 2-3 years ahead of day z standalone in graphics, functionality, cars, weapons, etc?

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Because it's a mod you damfak. When DayZ Standalone will *FINALLY* support modding, it will be 10i30218301290 years ahead of any single mod name you'll ever be able to think of. So no need to be a douche and talk like that. I'm pretty sure the modders of ArmA 3 Exile mod never faced any problem with player-server architecture and other engine related issues because it was ready for them as BIS worked on it with ArmA 3.


The amount of work being put to DayZ is so huge you have no idea, go educate yourself with some videos: 



These problems are stuff that are very very hard to solve and the solution is very long and continuous.


Creating a game and creating a mod are very very different. The mod is independent on the game's engine language and structure while the game is completely invented anew. Modding usually involves a lot of documentary while creating a game is purely from experience and knowledge.


Besides that, the problems that the game company experiences are way more complicated, realistic and resource-consuming than modding problems.


Not that I'm saying modding isn't difficult, as a modder I have a lot of difficulties in my creations but you need to understand I can just go freely google my problem and 90% of the time I'll find an answer on the BIS forums or any other arma modding website. Game company can't do it, because no one has ever experienced those problems.


So yeah, think before you post.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy
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day z will still suck in 2-3 years   :)

Mate, once modding is available, DayZ will not suck at all and infact be even better than ArmA in my opinion. So get your mind straight.


Nevermind my post, just checked your profile - all your posts are 'This game is so buggy', '100% unplayable', 'give me my money back' like so you can't prove a point to a dumbass I guess.


Oh and 1 more thing man - alpha.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy
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my mind is straight. That engine, that autistic robotic movement of your character, lack of animations, and what they consider "good" and putting out is pathetic. PATHETIC.

the game at its core...is 100% garbage. I used to like it, then after i did open my mind, and stopped being a fucking fan boy, i realized wow, i PAID for a game that people should be paying ME to play.... cuz this is absolutely shit. 

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Does not matter because it is a different game.  The mod, DayZ, epoch, overshit, and ARMA3 are all different so try to enjoy one of them.  How does it feel knowing your $30 only filled up the Lambo for one day. :)  :P  :D  B)  :emptycan:  :emptycan:  :emptycan:

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my mind is straight. That engine, that autistic robotic movement of your character, lack of animations, and what they consider "good" and putting out is pathetic. PATHETIC.

the game at its core...is 100% garbage. I used to like it, then after i did open my mind, and stopped being a fucking fan boy, i realized wow, i PAID for a game that people should be paying ME to play.... cuz this is absolutely shit. 



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I don't want to blame the creators of the mod, I appreciate their work, but creating a new engine and creating a mod is completely different.
You can't compare this.

And why should DayZ suck in 2-3 years? I think exactly then comes the time of DayZ, because the game is finished and many many mods are created - it will be the heyday of DayZ!

Now remember what you have said, Arma3 is NOT designed for a game like DayZ, but you like the Exile mod. Now imagine what the devs can achieve, if they create an engine exactly fitting for a game like Dayz?! It will be outstanding!

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my mind is straight. That engine, that autistic robotic movement of your character, lack of animations, and what they consider "good" and putting out is pathetic. PATHETIC.

the game at its core...is 100% garbage. I used to like it, then after i did open my mind, and stopped being a fucking fan boy, i realized wow, i PAID for a game that people should be paying ME to play.... cuz this is absolutely shit. 

Your mind is absolutely not straight. Common logic comes to the conclusion you are a troll.

The logic is this: you buy the game, first like it than don't like it because your "mind gets openend"-->I assume you stopped playing the game--> yet you keep posting on the forum while you already lost every ounce of faith that this will ever be a good game --> your efforts are about further damaging the game and community and not helping the game. Deduction: you only come here to troll.

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Hi TDFBuster, Go and make mod to Arma2 or 3.

After you made that, try make Arma4

Notice the difference.


EDIT: trolls gonna troll

Edited by SuperSloth
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Ermergerd the sky is falling, a mod for arma 3 is ahead of standalone. Wow just go back to arma 3 (insert your favorite mod), no need for trolls. You lost faith in standalone as so many have, sorry to hear that but thanks for putting money toward the development.

I am amazed at how people feel the need to compare apples to oranges in regards to any Dayz mod and standalone. How many times must we explain that standalone is still in development??

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To all potato noobsm, hz1 wanna be and dayz never gonna deliver noobs.



 Check my date when i registered. Why ? I have seen with my own eyes what moding and private server did to dayz mod, it EXPLODED.


Same will happen once dayz sa will support private server and moding, it will explode and this big time.


If there was never moding and private server to dayz mod, you would never ever heard of dayz, kapis ?

Edited by metalica24

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day z will still suck in 2-3 years   :)



Please don't feed the troll.

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And why should DayZ suck in 2-3 years? I think exactly then comes the time of DayZ, because the game is finished and many many mods are created - it will be the heyday of DayZ!


depends -  DayZ's best card would have been to add real content BEYOND the PVP stuff, which Arma covers pretty well. Basically a combination of PVP and char development, a real sandbox.


As the game stands, there is nothing to do apart from? Exactly: Run around and look for someone to shoot. So I can understand where posts like this come from, DayZ should feel different from Arma + Mod, it should in some way ADD real content, not only guns. But this is only my take on that.

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depends -  DayZ's best card would have been to add real content BEYOND the PVP stuff, which Arma covers pretty well. Basically a combination of PVP and char development, a real sandbox.


As the game stands, there is nothing to do apart from? Exactly: Run around and look for someone to shoot. So I can understand where posts like this come from, DayZ should feel different from Arma + Mod, it should in some way ADD real content, not only guns. But this is only my take on that.


Yeah, I'm totally with you.

For me, there are too many guns even right now. For me, they don't have to add one more gun.

There will be more stuff, more survival content. But I think many of this content is related to the new tech (e.g. physics), so eventually they have to wait for it - but I don't know, if this is the case...I'm speculating.

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Because it's a mod you damfak. When DayZ Standalone will *FINALLY* support modding, it will be 10i30218301290 years ahead of any single mod name you'll ever be able to think of.

This game will be broken and destroyed when they add MOD support , and will die with the hacks cheats and everything else , just like the Arma2 DayZ mod. Putting in support mod is basically saying , we don't wanna do work anymore on this game , here you guys finish it . This game is done when that hits.. I'm just enjoying it now before it happens..

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Title says it all really


Title says nothing, really. What exactly are you refering to when you say "Exile Mod"? And why do think it is better?


Let me take a wild guess: You watched Frankie's video but didn't even bother to read the description. 


Afaik, there is still no such thing as a "DayZ Exile" mod. Frankie's video is an early preview of a private server that runs 10+ mods at the same time, including Exile mod (which is quite different from DayZ and doesn't even have zombies). That server isn't available to the public because it doesn't actually work properly, there's no ETA when it will go public, and it's not certain that it will ever go public at all.

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Title says it all really; How does it feel to know that arma 3 exile mod in its current state is about 2-3 years ahead of day z standalone in graphics, functionality, cars, weapons, etc?


How does it feel to come into the Dayz forum to create a post when you obviously are in love with other games.. showing us all how little you value your own time?  :|

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Title says it all really; How does it feel to know that arma 3 exile mod in its current state is about 2-3 years ahead of day z standalone in graphics, functionality, cars, weapons, etc?


Poor babby clicked "I understand" without understanding. I think you can take online courses for reading comprehension.

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You guys are fucking mean to each other over a game.


I've accepted vanilla SA will not be to me. But it will have the components to create that game. It's taking longer than expected but as long as any progress is happening it means I haven't been burned.


Exile mod is sick, though.

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I hate BurgerKing burgers. Once a week I go to a BK, get a burger, pay for it and eat it.

Then I stand up and tell every one in BK how I hate the burger. The meat is like cardboard. The bun is stale.

Guess what... the next week when I go back these as-holes are back! eating BK's.... wtf! 


I don't get it.

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can you take your shoes off in arma 3 yet? no? ok.


it may seem like a joke but if you use your brain that seemingly simple example shows how any mod for arma 2 or 3 is never going to be as good as the standalone.  there's a reason they redid everything from scratch.

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