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some ideas for "signs of the apocalypse" to be added

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Hey guys. My title is kind of vague so let me elaborate. Are there going to be more areas and textures and such that show that an apocalypse actually happened here? Im not saying there aren't any now, but there needs to be a lot more. Places like the International Hotel in Cherno. The roadblocks scattered around, which were a great idea and good improvement. But there needs to be a lot more. Below I'll list a couple of my ideas. Some may already be in the works, some may not be. Ive searched a bit about this and havnt found very much. Anyway here goes.


1: most of the everyday buildings should look more "abandoned." Lets remember that DayZ takes place several years after the infection. After several years of neglect, many of the buildings would begin to fall apart. Plants and such would be growing around and inside them. They should look more like the houses in Miscreated, some of the houses in h1z1 are like this as well.


2: most everyday buildings shouldn't be so organized. People likely left in a hurry. All the furniture and items shouldn't still be neat and orderly. Things should be thrown about, furniture tipped over, and for the diehards who wouldn't leave and were gonna camp it out, lets see some haphazard barricades on some buildings? To say it simple, Chernaurus should be a mess. And that leads to my next point.


3: signs of the evacuation. The recently added roadblocks and very small military checkpoints were a huge step in the right direction. But there needs to be more. On some of the major highways, when everyone was trying to get out of the city, there would be traffic jams for miles. Many would have abandoned there cars. Once some larger highways and roads are added, I'd like to see traffic jams that could go for miles. These could also be a hotspot for coming across working vehicles and their parts.


4: refugee camps and military concentration/containment camps. As the infection spread, the Chernaurus military (along with the UN and anyone else who helped) would have attempted to contain the infected, and rescue the uninfected. We already see some signs of this at the military bases, but there needs to be some areas dedicated purely to this. Camps where the infected were gathered, and attempted to be cured, or put out of their misery. Also, camps where survivors gathered or were brought to, and were evacuated out of the country, via land convoys and air vehicles.


5: signs of riots and protesting in the larger cities. As the end drew near, there would have been rioters and looters running around the streets. Also, large groups of people would probably be protesting something, like the militarys harshness in dealing with it or something like that. As the events unfolded, the remaining survivors would have fought among themselves. We even see this in real life today, on a much smaller scale of course. An example would be how currently in the US, as im sure you have probably heard or seen, several African americans have been killed by white police and there have been protests in several cities and looters and rioters on at least 2 occasions. As the military killed infected people, its inevitable that people would be against it and would be protesting. Lets see some signs of that.


6: more dynamic/random events, OR more static areas. Right now we have the heli crashes, tanks, etc. and that's great. Well right now they are static but we all know their intended purpose (which is hopefully fixed soon). We should see some more of these, possibly some non-military ones, or some more diverse military ones. For example, as people evacuated, the local airports would have been overwhelmed. There would almost guaranteed be several passenger planes shot down. We could have a downed 747 or 2 on the map somewhere, either be random events, or just be another area to visit, like the beached cargo ship AKA Rify. Also, tying into the lore I described earlier, we could see some military convoys that were overwhelmed or attacked by militias, or even the undead. There are many possibilities for things like this.


So anyway, those are my ideas. If you guys come up with any more I'll gladly add them to the list and give you credits. Tell me what you think below. Thanks, and sorry it was such a long read.

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Isn't dayz supposed to be A couple weeks after the outbreak?

Edited by hellcat420
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1) It has most emphatically not been several years after the collapse of society. In fact, since gasoline and certain medications are still viable, it has been less than two years since society collapsed. (gasoline, even when stored properly and with a stabilizer added, is only viable for two years after processing). We don't know exactly how long it has been, but the general consensus is generally a couple of months. Some people even think it has only been a couple of weeks. The fact that (up till several patches ago) we had fresh tropical fruit floating around suggests that it hasn't been that long since 1) electricity (for refrigeration) and 2) international trade were up and running.


2) There is no indication that people left at all. Asides from car crashes in the streets, which happen on a daily basis even without the collapse of society. I certainly wouldn't throw things around for the hell of it, in the case of an evacuation, instead try to take everything I need as neatly (AKA quickly, as opposed to throwing things around) and quietly as I could.


3) Who says there was an evacuation? In fact, evacuating an infected area is a gigantic no-no when it comes to the treatment of an epidemic. That is how the disease gets transmitted. You want to quarantine the infected and possibly-infected away from other population centers.  This is what all the road-blocks, checkpoints, and military camps in certain cities were overwhelmingly likely for.


4) See above. You don't mix "healthy" populations with possible transmission vectors. South Zagoria was overwhelmingly likely placed under martial law, instead of evacuating possibly-infected members of the population. This is why you see military vehicles in cities, and convoys near the border of the map. No-one goes in (except for military/governmental personnel), no-one goes out. This is why things weren't cleaned up. When the military is trying (and failing) to maintain law and order, AS WELL as search out "infected" people, they don't really have time to clean the streets of wrecked vehicles and the like. Curfews and "movement restrictions" (being under quarantine would likely make it illegal to leave the city/town you are in) would prevent civilian cleanups, or at the least make them impractical.


5) Possible, but only really likely when the SHTF. Martial law makes protesting and riots .... impractical. When the military was overwhelmed via Chedaki rebels (who would LOVE for the confusion of a disease outbreak), pissed-off citizen militias, and "infected outbreaks, then, sure, there could be riots. Otherwise, a guy inside an APC tends to scoff at your epithets, thrown rocks, and even small-arms.


6) Why? Tying into the "quarantine" theme, which again, is the more overwhelmingly likely form of action, all airstrips would be sealed off and civilian access prevented. Failing that, an airstrike (take a look at the ruins at Balota and the NWAF next time you go up there) would prevent civilian air travel out of the quarantine zone.


Same  thing with the heli-crashes. They contain various "Special Forces" pieces of equipment from the US/NATO armies, as well as the Russian Federation. They also recently (AKA why they are on fire/still smoking when you come across them) crashed. All of this means that outside nations are maintaining the quarantine after the Chernarus Defense Force failed to upkeep it. Every so often, they fly a Spec Ops team over the countryside, keeping an eye out for 'infected" movements, as well as the movements of the surviving uninfected population. Every so often, one of these crashes, or is shot down by the surviving population. 


*** the "zombies" in-game are not "undead". They are people infected with a disease, which various sources name as a "prion disease", AKA Kuru (which used to be in-game, BTW). Therefore, they need (and most likely do search for, "off-screen") food, water and shelter. The fact that we still have "infected" roaming around with relatively-warm-weather clothing on suggests that a winter hasn't come through to kill them all via exposure yet. The "zombies are actually living diseased people" thing comes straight from the developers, so please don't argue it.

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it does make more sense they way whyherro put it. I wish they would put up signs that warn of infected areas and maybe even quarantine zones with lab equipment and that kind of atmosphere. mobile command outposts and maybe use exiting buildings for some of these as it was stated the government probably wouldn't have time to build from scratch they would use what structures and areas that would be most effective and easiest to maintain and these areas of course should have the most infected as well as good gear not meaning just guns but other tools and supplies.

Edited by gannon46

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I remember one of the dev posts saying something about "devastation passes" being made across the map so I have a feeling this is something that will be coming in stages.

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Didn't this exact thread just happen? Some guy talking about poop being smeared everywhere or some such?

EDIT: Ah, here it is!


Thanks, Mr. Search.

Yeah but this thread has entirely not enough poop smearing.

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Didn't this exact thread just happen? Some guy talking about poop being smeared everywhere or some such?

EDIT: Ah, here it is!


Thanks, Mr. Search.

Alas, it seems it is you who has the dookie fixation. lol.  Still waiting for waterborne illnesses to cause frequent crouching stops and the ruination of ones trousers...

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1: im not saying either of us are wrong, but from everything ive heard its been at least a year. otherwise there would be far more infected, remember this was a whole country before shit hit the fan. Also, your point about the fresh fruit is kind of irrelevant, since just cuz power went out, there would still be people with generators trying to camp it out.


2: 1 word. panic. You and others may try to leave quietly, because your smart. but you know that the majority would rush and try to get out. Or throw up some half-ass barricades, move some furniture, etc. By evacuation, I meant basically the entire population all trying to leave the country. Before the quarantines were put in place. Everyone would be hurrying to get out as quickly as once. No time to worry about being orderly.


3: There would have been both. I imagine the checkpoints and such would have facilities for scanning people for the infection, if they cleared then they were let through. It would be considered genocide by the other nations if they just fenced everyone in. See my point about the concentration camps and refugee camps.


4: That's kind of my point of the entire thing. There would be no time to clean up the vehicle wrecks, the camps, the traffic jams. so where are they all now? Also, if towns were placed under martial law, you know everyone wouldn't cooperate. there would be rioters and looters still.


5: this one doesn't really require a response. we sort of agree.


6: I agree with the whole quarantine theme, but it would not have been instant. A full-blown quarantine is a last stand effort. The checkpoints and the convoys and all that would have been first. Then, as things got worse, they would have given the order to quarantine and kill on sight as a final stand. Before this, as the end was just beginning, the people who paid attention to the radio and tv would have made it out in time.


Confused about your point on the one about the spec ops teams and helis. Arent we saying the same thing? What would be wrong with having some other stuff besides helis? Lets see some crashed AC130's or big passenger 747's or something.


***I know. My bad, I was simply using the word to refer to them and not call them "zombies" a million times. My bad, poor word choice. However, your point about the winter thing isn't neccesarily true. Considering there isn't a ton of zombies left, there very well may have been a winter roll through. This was an entire countrys population wiped out. Now theres only a couple hundred left. Winter wouldn't wipe them out completely. Some would have been lucky enough to been inside buildings and stuff, and just happen to survive.


NOTE: I don't mean to sound aggressive in my debates. Ive had people get pissed and think im trying to offend and argue with them. Im not. just defending my points. Thanks.

Edited by d.walker43

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1: im not saying either of us are wrong, but from everything ive heard its been at least a year. otherwise there would be far more infected, remember this was a whole country before shit hit the fan. Also, your point about the fresh fruit is kind of irrelevant, since just cuz power went out, there would still be people with generators trying to camp it out.


I'm not sure what you have heard, but Dayz stands for day ZERO; the day at which the existance of all semblance of society had become a foregone conclusion.  This is presumed to be only a week or two after SHTF.  I'll grant that there has been little-to-none in the way of developer-sourced cannon; and I believe that this is one of the premises of the game.  As far as this map being a "whole country" goes, I would have to ask which "country" besides Lichtenstein or The Vatican would be encompassed by such a small area.


2: 1 word. panic. You and others may try to leave quietly, because your smart. but you know that the majority would rush and try to get out. Or throw up some half-ass barricades, move some furniture, etc. By evacuation, I meant basically the entire population all trying to leave the country. Before the quarantines were put in place. Everyone would be hurrying to get out as quickly as once. No time to worry about being orderly.


You may try to leave because *you are* smart, but where you go?  How would you even know what is going on?  How certain can you be that public officials would be willing, nonetheless able, to issue emerency evacuation instructions in such an event?  At the very least, I would expect there to be some cargo planes at NWAF that didn't get off the ground fast enough, and plenty of infected to cement the reason why, but very few managed to escape.


3: There would have been both. I imagine the checkpoints and such would have facilities for scanning people for the infection, if they cleared then they were let through. It would be considered genocide by the other nations if they just fenced everyone in. See my point about the concentration camps and refugee camps.


How fast did the infection spread?  Was it well beyond control by the time that the organized authorities would have had the opportunity to initiate quarantines and man the checkpoints?  Did the soliders assigned to the checkpoints get overrun, or let through people hiding thier iinfections somehow?


4: That's kind of my point of the entire thing. There would be no time to clean up the vehicle wrecks, the camps, the traffic jams. so where are they all now? Also, if towns were placed under martial law, you know everyone wouldn't cooperate. there would be rioters and looters still.


What if the few people with uninfected passengers and working vehicles actually DID make it out?


5: this one doesn't really require a response. we sort of agree.


Maybe a few piles of dead bodies outside the gates to military areas would improve the ambiance.  Chaos at the ports would also fit this scenario well.  Dead bodies outside an empty grocery store or hotel would also work to this effect.


6: I agree with the whole quarantine theme, but it would not have been instant. A full-blown quarantine is a last stand effort. The checkpoints and the convoys and all that would have been first. Then, as things got worse, they would have given the order to quarantine and kill on sight as a final stand. Before this, as the end was just beginning, the people who paid attention to the radio and tv would have made it out in time.


I have a gut feeling that this infection was bloodborne and VERY transmissible by fluid and aresol contact with mucous membranes. even a quarantine checkpoint would have been compromised by the cloud of coughing infected not yet showing symtoms--this would explain the large number of military geared infected.


Confused about your point on the one about the spec ops teams and helis. Arent we saying the same thing? What would be wrong with having some other stuff besides helis? Lets see some crashed AC130's or big passenger 747's or something.


Need a couple of wrecked airliners at Krasnostav, as well as a couple that didn't get off the taxiway.


***I know. My bad, I was simply using the word to refer to them and not call them "zombies" a million times. My bad, poor word choice. However, your point about the winter thing isn't neccesarily true. Considering there isn't a ton of zombies left, there very well may have been a winter roll through. This was an entire countrys population wiped out. Now theres only a couple hundred left. Winter wouldn't wipe them out completely. Some would have been lucky enough to been inside buildings and stuff, and just happen to survive.


NOTE: I don't mean to sound aggressive in my debates. Ive had people get pissed and think im trying to offend and argue with them. Im not. just defending my points. Thanks.



But them most important thing to remember is that this game is still in alpha. Zeds have been largely downscaled recently to help the developers single out some of the performance issues so that the new engine modules can be better optimized for performance.  Any conclusions that you draw from the current state and distribution of the infected is not a reasonable source from which to form your opinions.  Might I humbly suggest you bring your attention to the Suggestions section? You have some good ideas, make sure they are heard by the right people.

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But them most important thing to remember is that this game is still in alpha. Zeds have been largely downscaled recently to help the developers single out some of the performance issues so that the new engine modules can be better optimized for performance.  Any conclusions that you draw from the current state and distribution of the infected is not a reasonable source from which to form your opinions.  Might I humbly suggest you bring your attention to the Suggestions section? You have some good ideas, make sure they are heard by the right people.


Put it in the suggestions if you want but I'm sure the ambiance and window dressing are on the developers to do list.


I'm doing some renos around my house and know damn well there's no trim around some of my door frames but I'm not putting it up now when the flooring is going to be a 1/4" higher and I'll have to rip it down and redo it once the floors are done.


Some of these ideas are such no brainers I think you're selling the dev team short thinking you though of it first. 

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Are you suggesting something ?

If so then this has been done many times before, from ruined roads, overgrown buildings to the completely unnecessary poop smears.



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Put it in the suggestions if you want but I'm sure the ambiance and window dressing are on the developers to do list.


I'm doing some renos around my house and know damn well there's no trim around some of my door frames but I'm not putting it up now when the flooring is going to be a 1/4" higher and I'll have to rip it down and redo it once the floors are done.


Some of these ideas are such no brainers I think you're selling the dev team short thinking you though of it first. 

I agree, some of these ideas are no-brainers. This thread isn't so much a suggestion, but more of a question. Where are all these no-brainer ideas at then?

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1) It is not a whole country, it is a specific region of a country, specifically, a poor, rural, and rather underdeveloped region of a country. We play DayZ in the region of "South Zagoria", which is part of the larger country of "Chernarus". Whenever you see someone on the forums refer to the in-game world as "Chernarus", they are either 1) incorrect, or 2) taking a shortcut, as "Chernarus" is faster to type than 'South Zagoria".




2) There are only 5-6 major (meaning: paved multilane roads that could handle major vehicle traffic) roads leading out of South Zagoria. It would be extremely easy for the CDF to block these off and prevent an exodus. And, again, there is zero (zip, zilch, none whatsoever, etc) indication that there was an evacuation of South Zagoria, either officially or unofficially. I am basing all of my "estimates about lore" on what we can see in-game. I suggest you do so as well.


3) Again, that is not how a quarantine works. You don't let people pass through just because they are uninfected right now. Asides from the "zombie disease", the quarantine would also be trying to prevent the spread of other communicable diseases. Allowing for fluid movement of uninfected civilians would allow those other diseases to spread, which in turn would allow the "zombie disease" an inroad into fresh populations. Not good. 


Also, it would most definitely not be considered genocide to enforce quarantine on a civilian population. It would be considered genocide if , you know .... the military was actually committing genocide : the systemic elimination of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. Which, based upon information gleaned from in-game, wasn't likely. The mass-graves we find around the map? Infected that were euthanized, or those that died and the infected remains disposed of in the proper manner. Notice how the mass-graves are found primarily around military bases, which would also house governmental/medical workers responsible for treating and tracking the disease.


We have (had?) a quarantine on Liberia and East Africa to stop/slow the spread of Ebola, and in those locales infected bodies were disposed of in mass graves and by burning. 


4) There probably weren't that many personal vehicles and such in South Zagoria. The region is notably poor, underdeveloped, and under-industrialized. Most of the freight was likely carried via train (as is the case in many rural nations lacking a developed road system).


And, no, I am willing to bet there weren't all that many protests/riots in the face of martial law. They gather, get ordered to disperse, refuse, and get dispersed via tear gas, beatings, and arrests. And that was if the Chernarus Defense Force was feeling particularly nice about it. If they wanted to ensure people didn't riot/gather again, they simply would shoot the protesters. "Martial Law" isn't "increased police presence, with some Army guys walking around", it is "You lose ALL RIGHTS until the situation is over". The CDF is attempting to maintain a quarantine of a lethal disease, all in a region that was literally undergoing civil war a few years ago (AKA ARMA II). They are probably just going to execute any troublemakers, from looters, militamen, and rioters. The CDF wouldn't really catch any international "flak" for this, either, as generally if martial law is declared, the situation is dire enough to warrant the extrajudicial executions being overlooked.


6) Again, zero indication of this. South Zagoria was heavily militarized as a result of the ARMA II -era civil war, with military bases strategically placed around the map. Mobilizing some mechanized infantry (which is why we see Humvees and BMP's everywhere) would only take a couple of hours (MINUTES, really, with how small the map is and how the military bases are located. South Zagoria could be isolated in a very short time, realistically speaking. A helicopter could be used to cover those regions (forests, mountains, etc) where mechanized infantry would have trouble patrolling.


7) None of the airfields on the map are large enough for civilian airliners, with the exception of the NWAF, which is explicitly military in nature. And still, a quarantine would mean "NOBODY LEAVES", which means any civilian airplanes (again, which would overwhelmingly likely be small craft), would be shot out of the sky, and a "no-fly zone" would be enacted over South Zagorian airspace. That airliner that crashed into the International Hotel? Shot down by military forces for trespassing into the "no-fly zone".


*** the current number of infected is not a good thing to base WMG-ing off of. The number of infected is still extremely low, as a result of engine limitations, and the number was actually decreased further in order to test server-performance-related things. Same thing with the number of "survivors", which will gradually increase per-server as the engine and such gets improved to handle more.


Plus, South Zagoria is again, underdeveloped, poor, and overwhelmingly rural. Case in point: my previous hometown (Wareham, MA) is half the size, landwise, of South Zagoria, and it has 20,000 people living in it, with larger "towns" (developed areas). I am willing to bet South Zagoria didn't have that many. "5000" (which is a figure the devs are shooting for) infected might be the majority of the population.

Edited by Whyherro123

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Poop smears are actually realistic. Teenager when not supervised by adults will smear poop on buildings.

Saw it myself in bus station, train station, hospitals, student houses, schools etc etc

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Teenager when not supervised by adults will smear poop on buildings.



I haven't been a teenager for a while, but was unsupervised for much of it and performed no poop smearing. :huh:

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Poop smears are actually realistic. Teenager when not supervised by adults will smear poop on buildings.

Saw it myself in bus station, train station, hospitals, student houses, schools etc etc



I haven't been a teenager for a while, but was unsupervised for much of it and performed no poop smearing. :huh:


Same here, I never smeared any poop around when I was a teenager. I definitely was a shithead, but I kept my fecal matter to myself.

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Put it in the suggestions if you want but I'm sure the ambiance and window dressing are on the developers to do list.


I'm doing some renos around my house and know damn well there's no trim around some of my door frames but I'm not putting it up now when the flooring is going to be a 1/4" higher and I'll have to rip it down and redo it once the floors are done.


Some of these ideas are such no brainers I think you're selling the dev team short thinking you though of it first. 

Preaching to the choir here, Basher.  I've mad all sorts of analogies like your remodel example.  It seemed to me that OP was asking for some things that cfould not be logically supported.

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I remember one of the dev posts saying something about "devastation passes" being made across the map so I have a feeling this is something that will be coming in stages.

link to info on this? I never saw it.


Yeah but this thread has entirely not enough poop smearing.

We can arrange to change that if you'd like.


Are you suggesting something ?

If so then this has been done many times before, from ruined roads, overgrown buildings to the completely unnecessary poop smears.

...then where is it? If its been suggested this many times, then how come the devs have not addressed it?


1) It is not a whole country, it is a specific region of a country, specifically, a poor, rural, and rather underdeveloped region of a country. We play DayZ in the region of "South Zagoria", which is part of the larger country of "Chernarus". Whenever you see someone on the forums refer to the in-game world as "Chernarus", they are either 1) incorrect, or 2) taking a shortcut, as "Chernarus" is faster to type than 'South Zagoria".


then how come even the devs usually refer to the map as Chernarus+ in the status reports and such? Also, off-topic but will we ever see the map expanded to the entire country?


2) There are only 5-6 major (meaning: paved multilane roads that could handle major vehicle traffic) roads leading out of South Zagoria. It would be extremely easy for the CDF to block these off and prevent an exodus. And, again, there is zero (zip, zilch, none whatsoever, etc) indication that there was an evacuation of South Zagoria, either officially or unofficially. I am basing all of my "estimates about lore" on what we can see in-game. I suggest you do so as well.


Assuming based on whats in-game at this current moment means that according to that, there was not a single vehicle besides V3S's that survived intact. Not a single boat, helicopter, or airplane remained either. There are other examples too. However, we include these types of things in the lore because they will eventually be added. Isnt that the point of not only this thread, but the entire Suggestions sub-forum?


3) Again, that is not how a quarantine works. You don't let people pass through just because they are uninfected right now. Asides from the "zombie disease", the quarantine would also be trying to prevent the spread of other communicable diseases. Allowing for fluid movement of uninfected civilians would allow those other diseases to spread, which in turn would allow the "zombie disease" an inroad into fresh populations. Not good. 


Quarantines are not an instant thing, a "first move" so to speak. They are a last ditch effort. People who listened to their radios and TV's or even looked outside and realized what was happening would have evacuated themselves out. There would have been people trying to get out (and some being successful) before the quarantine was ordered.


Also, it would most definitely not be considered genocide to enforce quarantine on a civilian population. It would be considered genocide if , you know .... the military was actually committing genocide : the systemic elimination of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. Which, based upon information gleaned from in-game, wasn't likely. The mass-graves we find around the map? Infected that were euthanized, or those that died and the infected remains disposed of in the proper manner. Notice how the mass-graves are found primarily around military bases, which would also house governmental/medical workers responsible for treating and tracking the disease.


the official definition of genocide from the UN, includes "enforcing a group to live under conditions intolerable for life" or something along those lines. Forcing a group of people to live inside a area filled with a disease seems to fit this description. Am I saying I would protest a quarantine (such as your example below) in real life? of course not. But in that situation, did we kill everyone inside to get rid of the disease? no. we contained the disease, and evacuated anyone that was extensively scanned and studied and did not have the disease. Also, again, keep in mind that quarantines are not instant, so this entire portion of our debate is kind of irrelevant.


We have (had?) a quarantine on Liberia and East Africa to stop/slow the spread of Ebola, and in those locales infected bodies were disposed of in mass graves and by burning. 


4) There probably weren't that many personal vehicles and such in South Zagoria. The region is notably poor, underdeveloped, and under-industrialized. Most of the freight was likely carried via train (as is the case in many rural nations lacking a developed road system).


That's debatable. look at places like the middle east, lots of people have vehicles, they are just all older and more beat-up. And also, I hate to say this, but cant we give up a little realism just for the sake of the game? They are adding vehicles. that's inevitable. notice none of those vehicles are nice shiny Ferrari's or anything. Right now the 3 that are known are a beat up truck, an old bus (buses are also pretty common in underdeveloped countries) and a small offroad car. I do agree, however, that there should be some more train-related things in the game. perhaps broken down trains that can be repaired and gotten up-and-running again?


And, no, I am willing to bet there weren't all that many protests/riots in the face of martial law. They gather, get ordered to disperse, refuse, and get dispersed via tear gas, beatings, and arrests. And that was if the Chernarus Defense Force was feeling particularly nice about it. If they wanted to ensure people didn't riot/gather again, they simply would shoot the protesters. "Martial Law" isn't "increased police presence, with some Army guys walking around", it is "You lose ALL RIGHTS until the situation is over". The CDF is attempting to maintain a quarantine of a lethal disease, all in a region that was literally undergoing civil war a few years ago (AKA ARMA II). They are probably just going to execute any troublemakers, from looters, militamen, and rioters. The CDF wouldn't really catch any international "flak" for this, either, as generally if martial law is declared, the situation is dire enough to warrant the extrajudicial executions being overlooked.


and then people would protest the police for shooting "innocent protesters". Just look at what people protest nowadays. In America, some black guy gets killed for fighting police or harassing them, and then crowds of black people gather to protest the shooting, even though they are doing nearly the same thing the first one did to get shot. NOTE: (I am in no way racist or prejudice to the blacks in this situation, im simply using it as an example)


6) Again, zero indication of this. South Zagoria was heavily militarized as a result of the ARMA II -era civil war, with military bases strategically placed around the map. Mobilizing some mechanized infantry (which is why we see Humvees and BMP's everywhere) would only take a couple of hours (MINUTES, really, with how small the map is and how the military bases are located. South Zagoria could be isolated in a very short time, realistically speaking. A helicopter could be used to cover those regions (forests, mountains, etc) where mechanized infantry would have trouble patrolling.


quarantines are not instant. your right, once the order was given, it would take minutes. But the order would not be given the first time they see an infected.


7) None of the airfields on the map are large enough for civilian airliners, with the exception of the NWAF, which is explicitly military in nature. And still, a quarantine would mean "NOBODY LEAVES", which means any civilian airplanes (again, which would overwhelmingly likely be small craft), would be shot out of the sky, and a "no-fly zone" would be enacted over South Zagorian airspace. That airliner that crashed into the International Hotel? Shot down by military forces for trespassing into the "no-fly zone".


again, this is early access alpha. new locations are added all the time. We may very well see a new airport, or even a new city with a civilian airport within. Or even an expansion to NEAF or something.


*** the current number of infected is not a good thing to base WMG-ing off of. The number of infected is still extremely low, as a result of engine limitations, and the number was actually decreased further in order to test server-performance-related things. Same thing with the number of "survivors", which will gradually increase per-server as the engine and such gets improved to handle more.


Plus, South Zagoria is again, underdeveloped, poor, and overwhelmingly rural. Case in point: my previous hometown (Wareham, MA) is half the size, landwise, of South Zagoria, and it has 20,000 people living in it, with larger "towns" (developed areas). I am willing to bet South Zagoria didn't have that many. "5000" (which is a figure the devs are shooting for) infected might be the majority of the population.



No poopsmears please

why not? poopsmears are quite common where children are common.



TO ALL: sorry for such long post. I think I answered everyone though.

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link to info on this? I never saw it.


We can arrange to change that if you'd like.


...then where is it? If its been suggested this many times, then how come the devs have not addressed it?




why not? poopsmears are quite common where children are common.



TO ALL: sorry for such long post. I think I answered everyone though.





Yay search function ....

Edited by SaveMeJebus

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