Mukaparska 55 Posted May 19, 2015 I'm starting to remember why I stopped playing DayZ. So basically, when you start with no decent gear, you'll see other players quite often. When you start gearing up, you'll see them quite often as well. When you have a weapon but no ammo, you'll see less players, but this time they'll shoot at you. When you have decent gear, you'll see no one anymore, so you just keep gearing up. When you have finally geared up after days of not seeing anyone, proudly walking around with your AK, you still see no one until someone shoots you. It feels like my constant paranoia and carefulness is useless when I'll die anyway. This basically happens every single fucking time. I don't even remember have I actually killed any geared up player while being geared up myself. I remember how I once killed two bandits with SKS and they both had AK's and were hiding in a house. At least after last year's spring when the game got more boring, I haven't had a good firefight or even a kill that was "worth it". Yeah, this is a rant, and yes, I'm pretty upset. Not because I just died, but because I died exactly how I predicted. MP5, Makarov, AKS-74u... and then the first guy I see for three days somehow gets away from me and next he shoots me to swiss cheese. It would be okay if it wouldn't happen every single time. But it happens. It kind of makes me feel I shouldn't even gear up since things get a lot more boring and frustrating then, but I'd like to try out the new weapons, and pretty much my only chance is to be lucky enough to see a bambi and kill him while having some of these new weapons, and that's not nice. How can I make things end different? Firstly that I wouldn't get bored to death, and secondly that I wouldn't immediately die every time I have finally geared up and arrived to a place where I'm more likely to see a player. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
St. Jimmy 1631 Posted May 19, 2015 Yeah I feel you, though I've been getting recently KoSed even if I had like the low starting gear without anything special in my pockets. I don't even care if I die. It's not my loss if I die, it's his/her loss if s/he kills me, because I always have more to offer when I'm alive and my stuff is in good condition than dead and stuff is just ruined. I always have the question "why?" that doesn't ever get answered and I never see any real reason for the kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 19, 2015 Yeah I feel you, though I've been getting recently KoSed even if I had like the low starting gear without anything special in my pockets. I don't even care if I die. It's not my loss if I die, it's his/her loss if s/he kills me, because I always have more to offer when I'm alive and my stuff is in good condition than dead and stuff is just ruined. I always have the question "why?" that doesn't ever get answered and I never see any real reason for the kill. I do care, because it's not that nice to lose many days' work with zero gains. It makes me wonder why I'm playing this game in the first place. No goal, no enjoyment, no purpose... I remember how I USED to have great time with DayZ SA when it was released, and now my friends are playing it and telling how awesome shit just happened for them, like it used to happen for me as well. Yesterday I was playing with my friend (or we were trying to find each other) and he said he encountered 5 players already. It was two days when I saw another player last time... It makes me sad how this "awesome shit" never happens for me. And by never, I really mean it. Well, PRACTICALLY never. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted May 19, 2015 How can I make things end different? Firstly that I wouldn't get bored to death, and secondly that I wouldn't immediately die every time I have finally geared up and arrived to a place where I'm more likely to see a player.Try setting goals of some sort. Even if they're absurd. Without a clear goal, you wander aimlessly. I have a goal for you. See how many game bugs you can report in a week and then try to break that record! You could jump on a high pop server and go to Elektro. Lots of interaction with other players there. Bring bandages. Sight-see recently added towns. Get to know the map better. Join experimental servers. Give disinfectant to new spawns and then eat them to survive. Craft with guts. Lots of things to do if you make goals. If you're going to play the alpha, then get the most out of it by learning the game inside and out before the final release. amirite? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unforeseen 24 Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) Also stop playing on public servers. Half of their current population when you join the server can be attributed to fresh spawns and server hoppers. Edited May 19, 2015 by Unforeseen 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tiadashi 262 Posted May 19, 2015 I'm starting to remember why I stopped playing DayZ. So basically, when you start with no decent gear, you'll see other players quite often. When you start gearing up, you'll see them quite often as well. When you have a weapon but no ammo, you'll see less players, but this time they'll shoot at you. When you have decent gear, you'll see no one anymore, so you just keep gearing up. When you have finally geared up after days of not seeing anyone, proudly walking around with your AK, you still see no one until someone shoots you. It feels like my constant paranoia and carefulness is useless when I'll die anyway. This basically happens every single fucking time. I don't even remember have I actually killed any geared up player while being geared up myself. I remember how I once killed two bandits with SKS and they both had AK's and were hiding in a house. At least after last year's spring when the game got more boring, I haven't had a good firefight or even a kill that was "worth it". Yeah, this is a rant, and yes, I'm pretty upset. Not because I just died, but because I died exactly how I predicted. MP5, Makarov, AKS-74u... and then the first guy I see for three days somehow gets away from me and next he shoots me to swiss cheese. It would be okay if it wouldn't happen every single time. But it happens. It kind of makes me feel I shouldn't even gear up since things get a lot more boring and frustrating then, but I'd like to try out the new weapons, and pretty much my only chance is to be lucky enough to see a bambi and kill him while having some of these new weapons, and that's not nice. How can I make things end different? Firstly that I wouldn't get bored to death, and secondly that I wouldn't immediately die every time I have finally geared up and arrived to a place where I'm more likely to see a player. Or just take a break for awhile - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Excanto 336 Posted May 19, 2015 I've never been sure when I died if it was by hackers. I'm hiding in the woods in between 3 bushes alone on the server, 1 guy logs in, a long long pause locks me up and then finally releases me so I can close my bag and it says server not responding for 8 9 10...I log back in and I'm on the beach bambiized. I always wonder if hackers can see your gear list and then teleport to your location if you have nice gear and smoke you. On the flip side, I've run with a few guys that were pretty dern sneaky and crack shots and I've thought "Dang, I'm glad these guys are on my side". Every single online game I have ever played has been ruined at some point by hackers. I only know for sure my accomplishments and my fate are in my hands when I am playing a game solo offline. One of my major wishes for Dayz is that hackers would be shut down for good and we all could feel confident that we are getting killed by superior skill. My only advice is to move less, stay under cover, use the binoculars more and scan the horizon all around you before you break cover. Once you break cover, don't come to a stop if you can help it, weave a lot. Like a fighter pilot, don't fly in a straight line for more then 5 seconds. :-D I always think it is hilarious when there are 3 people on a server and I am way off in the bushes thinking one of them might be right by me and ready to attack at any second. Another idea is get a tent, hide it best you can and put all your good stuff in it and go roam around looking for things with bare bare essentials. Then if you get swatted, you only lose that stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoveAffair 329 Posted May 19, 2015 Thats why i talk to everyone i see , because in the end it doesent really matter. Your just going to get killed anyway at some point and by talking to everyone i come across i have met some good friends and found many people to team up with. It's not so bad roaming the zombie world with a few people. Well not as boring. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted May 19, 2015 (edited) Well I'm guessing you were in the end killed while geared because you tried to finish something you (or someone else) started ... In an apocalypse there are many loose ends so don't try and hunt someone down that you just had a close-to-deadly encounter with , just make the smartest decisions to get your ass out of town undetected and be grateful you still have your life ! Try swerving in between trees and using cover to your best advantage when fleeing a fight (and you should be fleeing more often than not if you think you can't outgun your opponent ! ).Edit : also aren't you having fun just playing the game ? Why must you be clad with aks and mo5s in a safe player less zone to feel like you're having fun in this game ? Lol for me the fun starts when I spawn and ends when I log off .. Edited May 19, 2015 by Grapefruit kush 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted May 19, 2015 Step #1 is to stop caring about your gear. Get the bare minimum and consider anything after that just gravy, don't get attached to it. Step #2 is to just pvp more. I haven't played the recent patch because it's shit, and to my understanding loot is just randomly spawning now making particular hotspots of old less attractive at the moment, but I'm sure there's still some. Figure out what the hotspots are and just go straight there. I always preferred the places that were close enough that they weren't a total pain to run to after respawning, but were also far enough that you don't have people immediately back when you kill them. That way you have a chance to recover your stuff/revenge, but don't have to deal with situations like the coast where it's just nonstop. PvP in the SA is a bit funky. People play with different graphic settings so it's hard to really depend on your concealment in stuff like bushes/trees. In my experience you were almost always better off constantly moving since the game has ridiculous sprint speeds (unless you're sniping of course). You should be going fast but slow, and what I mean by that is constantly sprinting around but taking it slow to actually engage. Keep multiple things of hard cover between you and whoever you're trying to kill, until you're actually ready to kill them. So for instance, don't just stand behind a single wall from whoever you're after, get multiple walls/houses between you until you're sure you can get behind them. And in the mean time just constantly be moving and trying to see them. You don't want to engage anyone who knows where you are. Unfortunately, creeping around is a great way to just get shot in the back by some one doing the above. It's about maneuverability rather than stealth most of the time. Obviously every encounter is different, some times being sneaky is the way to go and it depends on the situation. That's just how a lot of pvp breaks down in my experience once a fight actually starts, there's little incentive to stay where you are unless you're holed up in a building, because you can just run so fast. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarryPotter (DayZ) 172 Posted May 19, 2015 I prefer to roam alone but sometime when I spawn in I'll go gun less for a while. Sometimes I'll just chill on the coast and chat to people and try to instigate some trouble. Sometimes I'll play zombie herder and try to corral as many as I can into the same building. I guess it not all about gearing. I will start making camps and farms when persistence etc is sorted. Really enjoyed hunting in experimental as well. Sometimes I'll find a gun ASAP and go be a kos scumbag :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Or just take a break for awhile -I ended my 4 month break like 2 weeks ago... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Thats why i talk to everyone i see , because in the end it doesent really matter. Your just going to get killed anyway at some point and by talking to everyone i come across i have met some good friends and found many people to team up with. It's not so bad roaming the zombie world with a few people. Well not as boring.But the thing is that this fucker was the first guy I saw in three days. There was no one to talk, no one to kill, no one to team up... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Well I'm guessing you were in the end killed while geared because you tried to finish something you (or someone else) started ... In an apocalypse there are many loose ends so don't try and hunt someone down that you just had a close-to-deadly encounter with , just make the smartest decisions to get your ass out of town undetected and be grateful you still have your life ! Try swerving in between trees and using cover to your best advantage when fleeing a fight (and you should be fleeing more often than not if you think you can't outgun your opponent ! ).Edit : also aren't you having fun just playing the game ? Why must you be clad with aks and mo5s in a safe player less zone to feel like you're having fun in this game ? Lol for me the fun starts when I spawn and ends when I log off ..That's indeed fun for awhile, but not endlessly. Walking from a village to another identical village to get beans tends to get pretty boring at some point. Yeah, fleeing from a fight is usually the best solution, but in a situation when you haven't shot at anyone in two weeks, and you actually have a decent gun now, it's not really a fun solution. It's like voluntarily deciding not to take advantage from the only semi-interesting situation you've encountered in several days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 I've never been sure when I died if it was by hackers. I'm hiding in the woods in between 3 bushes alone on the server, 1 guy logs in, a long long pause locks me up and then finally releases me so I can close my bag and it says server not responding for 8 9 10...I log back in and I'm on the beach bambiized. I always wonder if hackers can see your gear list and then teleport to your location if you have nice gear and smoke you. On the flip side, I've run with a few guys that were pretty dern sneaky and crack shots and I've thought "Dang, I'm glad these guys are on my side". Every single online game I have ever played has been ruined at some point by hackers. I only know for sure my accomplishments and my fate are in my hands when I am playing a game solo offline. One of my major wishes for Dayz is that hackers would be shut down for good and we all could feel confident that we are getting killed by superior skill. My only advice is to move less, stay under cover, use the binoculars more and scan the horizon all around you before you break cover. Once you break cover, don't come to a stop if you can help it, weave a lot. Like a fighter pilot, don't fly in a straight line for more then 5 seconds. :-D I always think it is hilarious when there are 3 people on a server and I am way off in the bushes thinking one of them might be right by me and ready to attack at any second. Another idea is get a tent, hide it best you can and put all your good stuff in it and go roam around looking for things with bare bare essentials. Then if you get swatted, you only lose that stuff. Hackers and lag problems are another major disappointment in this game. I mean, it starts to feel your survival in pvp-situation is determined by that and luck instead of "skill". I remember how I was once looting barracks and suddenly there was a guy behind me. I started spraying him and thought "Oh yeah, finally a kill", and then I died... I'm not sure did he die as well, but I surely emptied half a clip to him before he fired a shot. That made me very unhappy. Same was when I saw two fully geared guys running in a distance. I went prone behind the railroad tracks so they couldn't see me and they soon started to approach my position. When they were close, I was like "surprise motherfuckers" and opened fire, just to get killed by them. I don't know did they have some god-mode on or was it because of lag. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Also stop playing on public servers. Half of their current population when you join the server can be attributed to fresh spawns and server hoppers.That can be a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) That's indeed fun for awhile, but not endlessly. Walking from a village to another identical village to get beans tends to get pretty boring at some point. Yeah, fleeing from a fight is usually the best solution, but in a situation when you haven't shot at anyone in two weeks, and you actually have a decent gun now, it's not really a fun solution. It's like voluntarily deciding not to take advantage from the only semi-interesting situation you've encountered in several days.Well unfortunately that what you'll have to do until you can conquer the dynamics of an alpha game , we all know dayz is famous for Desync and lag (which it's working on) so when you get trapped or shot at you just have to know how to manipulate the battle in your favor ... Run towards the enemy in zig zags while taking as much cover as possible , while taking as many shots at his position as pissible to stir him up and make him move , then when he's on the move take as Many accurate shots as possible ... It sounds to me that even though you had kept your guard up for days before seeing anyone , you had let your guard down at the exact right time for someone to notice ... So big tip NEVER let your guard down if you don't want to die , so basically never relax and think your safe , if you can't handle doing that all the Time I suggest getting used to dying or get into a group who can protect you ! Edited May 20, 2015 by Grapefruit kush Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Step #1 is to stop caring about your gear. Get the bare minimum and consider anything after that just gravy, don't get attached to it. Step #2 is to just pvp more. I haven't played the recent patch because it's shit, and to my understanding loot is just randomly spawning now making particular hotspots of old less attractive at the moment, but I'm sure there's still some. Figure out what the hotspots are and just go straight there. I always preferred the places that were close enough that they weren't a total pain to run to after respawning, but were also far enough that you don't have people immediately back when you kill them. That way you have a chance to recover your stuff/revenge, but don't have to deal with situations like the coast where it's just nonstop. PvP in the SA is a bit funky. People play with different graphic settings so it's hard to really depend on your concealment in stuff like bushes/trees. In my experience you were almost always better off constantly moving since the game has ridiculous sprint speeds (unless you're sniping of course). You should be going fast but slow, and what I mean by that is constantly sprinting around but taking it slow to actually engage. Keep multiple things of hard cover between you and whoever you're trying to kill, until you're actually ready to kill them. So for instance, don't just stand behind a single wall from whoever you're after, get multiple walls/houses between you until you're sure you can get behind them. And in the mean time just constantly be moving and trying to see them. You don't want to engage anyone who knows where you are. Unfortunately, creeping around is a great way to just get shot in the back by some one doing the above. It's about maneuverability rather than stealth most of the time. Obviously every encounter is different, some times being sneaky is the way to go and it depends on the situation. That's just how a lot of pvp breaks down in my experience once a fight actually starts, there's little incentive to stay where you are unless you're holed up in a building, because you can just run so fast. 1. I don't think I'm attached to the gear, but having good gear clearly changes my play style. I become a really careful and paranoid, instead of being as trusty as usual. It's more likely all the "work" I've done to get the gear instead of the gear itself. 2. Yeah, I've thought about this as well. Sprinting speed is pretty much as fast as Usain Bolt's, and combined with lag, long distances and all the obstacles, running is probably the best solution. I usually play very careful when having good gear, so that could actually be a reason I'm an easy target, even if spotting is harder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mukaparska 55 Posted May 20, 2015 Well unfortunately that what you'll have to do until you can conquer the dynamics of an alpha game , we all know dayz is famous for Desync and lag (which it's working on) so when you get trapped or shot at you just have to know how to manipulate the battle in your favor ... Run towards the enemy in zig zags while taking as much cover as possible , while taking as many shots at his position as pissible to stir him up and make him move , then when he's on the move take as Many accurate shots as possible ... It sounds to me that even though you had kept your guard up for days before seeing anyone , you had let your guard down at the exact right time for someone to notice ...So big tip NEVER let your guard down if you don't want to die , so basically never relax and think your safe , if you can't handle doing that all the Time I suggest getting used to dying or get into a group who can protect you ! I've played DayZ since the very beginning, so I do know the dynamics pretty well, or at least I knew them before they were changed. It just always goes I don't even have a chance to shoot when I'm already dead. I could maybe run away in some cases but then the smartest move would be to donate my weapons for someone. I think I should instead let my guard down more so I wouldn't be as fucking paranoid and play more relaxed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grimey Rick 3417 Posted May 20, 2015 Ignore all of the other suggestions in this thread, and git gud.I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the spoon you eat your cereal with. I AM DARKWI... actually, I'm just the guy who kills people like you without ever being seen. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deadjuice 64 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) I recommend getting on a particular server's teamspeak, and getting to know the members.1. It cuts down on a LOT of KoS or bad firefights, when you know some of the people on the server and can communicate with them.2. You'll have a lot more to do. Whether it's backing up someone on the TS in a potential firefight, getting into a clan/base war, getting up to random spur-of-the-moment activities with TS friends. All those items you collect and just lose eventually to bandits, are a lot more valuable now and serve a purpose, because you can share them with your group on TS. I had a ton of fun on a server with teamspeak, but my own playstyle has changed as of late. I, personally, love to just run around solo, loot up, have the most optimal gear or loadout, and then go lose it to something stupid like taking on a group of bandits, far outnumbered and out-armed. Or to be a bandit and ambush a superior number of players in dangerous cities like Cherno. I have no fucks to give. My death means only that I get to start fresh and create a whole new loadout style. Lately, I started leaning toward a more relaxed style of "survival simulation". Heading out into the wilderness, hunting animals for food, and clearing out whole towns full of zombies before disappearing into the wilderness like a hermit.It's great to on occasion watch a group of players from the woods as they run through a town looting up, and just remember the good old days.(It's also a little creepy when I put it like that, eugh) Edited May 20, 2015 by Deadjuice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted May 20, 2015 (edited) -snip- to my understanding loot is just randomly spawning now making particular hotspots of old less attractive at the moment, but I'm sure there's still some. -snip- This, is funny. Doesn't sound like you want to play a game that includes the CLE. I found a P-1 in a railroad shed and a Trumpet in a utility shed in experimental. The way it should be. OP - Always know that some griefer troll like Grimey Rick is probably watching you, thinking it actually takes skill to shoot someone who can't see them. If a smart person wants a firefight that includes real competition, they don't play DayZ to get it. If you don't KoS=grief=troll play and try to make contact you will have the entire range of experiences rather than a single mostly repetitive experience like Rick does. Edited May 20, 2015 by BioHaze 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoveAffair 329 Posted May 20, 2015 But the thing is that this fucker was the first guy I saw in three days. There was no one to talk, no one to kill, no one to team up... Go play on a Hi POP Private server. I find more friendly players on those. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wacktopia 57 Posted May 20, 2015 I'm starting to remember why I stopped playing DayZ. So basically, when you start with no decent gear, you'll see other players quite often. When you start gearing up, you'll see them quite often as well. When you have a weapon but no ammo, you'll see less players, but this time they'll shoot at you. When you have decent gear, you'll see no one anymore, so you just keep gearing up. When you have finally geared up after days of not seeing anyone, proudly walking around with your AK, you still see no one until someone shoots you. It feels like my constant paranoia and carefulness is useless when I'll die anyway. This basically happens every single fucking time. Haha - so true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bororm 1156 Posted May 20, 2015 This, is funny. Doesn't sound like you want to play a game that includes the CLE. I found a P-1 in a railroad shed and a Trumpet in a utility shed in experimental. The way it should be. OP - Always know that some griefer troll like Grimey Rick is probably watching you, thinking it actually takes skill to shoot someone who can't see them. If a smart person wants a firefight that includes real competition, they don't play DayZ to get it. If you don't KoS=grief=troll play and try to make contact you will have the entire range of experiences rather than a single mostly repetitive experience like Rick does.Have you looked at the "heat" maps of player activity before and after the patch? The CLE isn't complete, they are going to assign items to buildings eventually with a rare chance of stuff spawning outside those buildings. Which sounds good. What I don't like is that you're as likely to find grenades in an outhouse currently as you are in a mil tent/base. Mil bases should have more military gear than civilian places, that just makes sense. Creating points of interest in terms of loot dictates map flow in a way that makes sense, not "hey maybe I'll find a plate carrier in any one of these houses, so why should I even bother going to vybor base?" or whatever. That's not how it's supposed to be, pretending that the system is complete and jumping to the conclusion that I don't like it is pretty ignorant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites