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Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

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there have been issues with somes servers (privates ones with high trafic and false item count on the map) and loot spawn at a time (was it .55 or .54 ?), where you could find nothing but pliers, books and chemlights on the first 3km inland. this is not the case in my experience in this built.

loot can became scarce on the coast but you can still find decent gear and food (my girlfriend started 0.56 exp yesterday and was fully geared hitting gorka after a berezino spawn). and for the first time, loot seems to respawn effectivelly.


so don't waste too mutch time on your spawn location on high traffics servers, maybe pick a few berries on the road and everything should be fine.

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no loot at all™


Put the water at your back, jog don't sprint, pick apples/berries if you have to, be rewarded.



Those of us who are die-hard Experimental players and always manage to survive with ease are following this simple formula. It's actually gotten easier over time with additional ways to craft and live off the land. Those who depend upon canned and dry food from looting will always be the first to meet their death... and usually pretty quickly.

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Those of us who are die-hard Experimental players and always manage to survive with ease are following this simple formula. It's actually gotten easier over time with additional ways to craft and live off the land. Those who depend upon canned and dry food from looting will always be the first to meet their death... and usually pretty quickly.

Yep, hand drill kit and no rain have made 0.56 easy mode. Following the "formula" above is how we stay alive but being cold and wet makes things far trickier. I've never starved to death in this game without also being hypothermic. Being cold just devours your calories. Edited by Ebrim
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Noob question:

since the hotbar doesnt work how do i put my weapon away without having to throw it on the ground with G? 

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Noob question:

since the hotbar doesnt work how do i put my weapon away without having to throw it on the ground with G?

Click the red "x" at the upper right of your "hands" slot.

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Those who depend upon canned and dry food from looting will always be the first to meet their death... and usually pretty quickly.


This is not 100% true though outside in the realm of reality. In reality those dried and canned foods will last much longer than anything fresh you find. Meaning calorie consumption needs to be toned down allot more than what its currently at. A canned food should be able to last you 3 days tops if you portion it out good. Dried food like meats and berries even much much longer. Fresh meat needs to start spoiling within the hour under extreme conditions of heat maybe a little longer if the weather is colder and the same with fruits and vegetables. In fact without some kind of portable refrigeration tech there should be no way in hell you should be able to hold onto that food as long as you can without consequences.


The way the food plays out is not very realistic yet. It still needs allot of work if you want to compare this to what happens in real life with how we lug around food in game.

Edited by Deathlove
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Noob question:

since the hotbar doesnt work how do i put my weapon away without having to throw it on the ground with G? 

I still put my weapon in the hotbar and although it isn't functioning at 100% I have no issues grabbing it or putting away.  The thing with the hot bar right now is that what ever you have in hand you MUST put away BEFORE using another hot key.  So, if you have bandages in 4 and they are in hand, you must hit 4 to put them away before you grab the MP133 in slot 2 or axe in slot 1.


What's really screwy are water bottles and canteens, they keep on disappearing and I am not too sure what the cause is.

Edited by Barnabus

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Also i guess they took out the infected again till latter? I haven't run into any in quite a bit since earlier this morning.


I actually managed to cripples ones legs and have it crawl after me. Was some really creepy stuff right there. XD

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So I hear svd mags and the vss etc. spawn at crash sites. Anyone had any luck with decent loot actually respawning at said crash sites? I noticed they don't seem to change to new locations after a server restart also. I would like to hear from the devs what is exactly planned for heli crashes when they are properly configured.

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So I hear svd mags and the vss etc. spawn at crash sites. Anyone had any luck with decent loot actually respawning at said crash sites? I noticed they don't seem to change to new locations after a server restart also. I would like to hear from the devs what is exactly planned for heli crashes when they are properly configured.

I heard that the loot moves within a small area of the helicopter location but for some reason the heli never does , it must be tied in with persistence in a way that they can't really put a simple fix to it because the system is still growing, which is why the heli crashes keep breaking...

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So I am on the coast right now, found a can of tuna in a light house and a little ways off (about 100 meters away) from that found another can of tuna in a deer blind.  All within sight of the high water mark on the coast, no more than 250 meters tops..   There was even a tower nearby that yielded a pristine combat knife and a pair of pristine military boots to store it in.




Even and MOST ESPECIALLY the places you don't/didn't in the past normally look.  If you are not finding jackets and burlap sacks and rope on the coast then you are NOT looking in the right places.  STOP making bandages of your t-shirt right way, that will save you one slot in your jeans, I know, I know that this is a hard habit to break.


Do not by pass anyplace just because the door is open.  That does not mean squat.


and ^^^^^^^^  This

Where can I find these ropes and burlap sacks then? Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. :blush:

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Where can I find these ropes and burlap sacks then? Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. :blush:

I haven't found any ropes but I've seen burlap sacks in sheds and other buildings. Most likely people are looting them making them harder to find.

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I haven't found any ropes but I've seen burlap sacks in sheds and other buildings. Most likely people are looting them making them harder to find.

I'm finding rope, mostly in sheds and deer stands.

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Where can I find these ropes and burlap sacks then? Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. :blush:


Like I said, LOOK EVERYWHERE, sheds, of all types, could have rope and/or burlap sacks.  By pass nothing, BUT if several house types you have looked in have nothing, then just do a cursory glance through the windows rather than go all the way in.  Another, most excellent place to look on the coast are the industrial zones.  There are small guard buildings at most gates, some you can enter some you cannot.  Most and by that I mean the vast majority of the ones you cannot enter have vests, boots, ammo, combat knives and other military gear spawning on the steps by the door you can't open.  Even the cargo cranes at most dock areas are spawning stuff.  You cannot be afraid of ladders anymore.


Right now inventory management is such a pain in the ass.  I have been trying to rearrange some stuff and between it becoming invisible, disappearing completely or causing a CTD it's pretty frigging crazy.  I dunno about the rest of you but that has got to be, right after there being no zeds, my biggest gripe with .56.  To fix it I have to keep logging out and verifying files to get anywhere with the stuff I do have that I am not willing to go look for again.  Sometimes that doesn't work either.  Likely not to matter to much tomorrow but it ain't tomorrow yet.

Edited by Barnabus

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Right now inventory management is such a pain in the ass.  I have been trying to rearrange some stuff and between it becoming invisible, disappearing completely or causing a CTD it's pretty frigging crazy.  I dunno about the rest of you but that has got to be, right after there being no zeds, my biggest gripe with .56.

It can be frustrating at times, but look on the bright side; we're finally getting rid of some of the lame place-holder mechanics. This is just a minor inconvenience until the bugs get worked out.

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Found a weapon I've never seen before, Flanged Mace. I died before I got to hit anything with it though. I thought it would be fun to walk along a high ledge at the Devil's Castle. B)

On an empty server. B) B)


I've found logging out with something in your hands gets the item stuck in your hands when you log back in. Happened to me with an FNX and a jerry can. At first the FNX had lost all its attachments, a server change fixed that but it was still stuck in my hands. I right-clicked + drank a soda out of my inventory and it fixed the stuck item, both times. The jerry can went on the ground and the gun went back into the bag it came from. I think any usable-from-inventory item might work for this, things like rags, vitamins, your precious leather sewing kit...

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Where can I find these ropes and burlap sacks then? Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. :blush:

All over the place, really.  Garages and the yellow houses with the room full of shelves have been ok, but sheds and hunting platforms are best.

I actually managed to cripples ones legs and have it crawl after me. Was some really creepy stuff right there. XD


Did your crawler crawl faster than it ran?  I had a rough time of it with a stun baton.  Hard to hit the wiggly bastards.

I'm finding rope, mostly in sheds and deer stands.

I can not even count the times I have found rope and burlap in the same room/shed this past 24 hours.

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Did your crawler crawl faster than it ran?  I had a rough time of it with a stun baton.  Hard to hit the wiggly bastards.

Not sure i stayed in one place and killed it but it did seem just as fast when it was crawling.

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Like I said, LOOK EVERYWHERE, sheds, of all types, could have rope and/or burlap sacks.  By pass nothing, BUT if several house types you have looked in have nothing, then just do a cursory glance through the windows rather than go all the way in.  Another, most excellent place to look on the coast are the industrial zones.  There are small guard buildings at most gates, some you can enter some you cannot.  Most and by that I mean the vast majority of the ones you cannot enter have vests, boots, ammo, combat knives and other military gear spawning on the steps by the door you can't open.  Even the cargo cranes at most dock areas are spawning stuff.  You cannot be afraid of ladders anymore.


Right now inventory management is such a pain in the ass.  I have been trying to rearrange some stuff and between it becoming invisible, disappearing completely or causing a CTD it's pretty frigging crazy.  I dunno about the rest of you but that has got to be, right after there being no zeds, my biggest gripe with .56.  To fix it I have to keep logging out and verifying files to get anywhere with the stuff I do have that I am not willing to go look for again.  Sometimes that doesn't work either.  Likely not to matter to much tomorrow but it ain't tomorrow yet.

I always double check those places but have a hard time finding a rope or a burlap sack.

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I always double check those places but have a hard time finding a rope or a burlap sack.

For a 1pp server try SNG 2 or AUS/NZ 2, those severs haven't been picked clean yet.  On SNG 2, just north of electro is a small dock, I just saw a burlap sack there, across the street is one the guard houses I was talking about, there was a set of attachable pouches.  I am logging out to hit the hey, the sun has just come up on the server and time for me to hunker down until sunset.

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id really like to play this darn patch but i log on and there is no loot at all i mean i find an occasional hat or pitch fork but.... nothing i eventualy just starve to death cant even carry anything because all ive got is 4 slots and my hands ..... then i just lose all intrest stop for a while, then i try again.... why i do not know as always the same results..... are there actualy servers where loot spawns yet? .... as of last night ive seen nothing.... once in my several lives in this new patch i found that new singleshot 7.62x39 but i never even saw ammo...


Same with me ... until the outskirts of zelenogorsk .. came from Electro through the towns north of cherno and then ran directly there. Apples HYPE!


Now for my problem, ppl are saying zeds are in, zeds are in, AAAHH! I have not seen a zed since they first took them out! AAAHHH! Are they only in special towns? Are they "persistantly" staying dead over server restarts when killed? Missing my zedipoopies!

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Welp, just died to two players chasing me out of Pushtoshka, no words just shots :( . The chase lasted about 10 minutes, maybe more. Had my heart beating the whole time and it was awesome, even landed a shot with the winchester on one of them. And the conclusion I got from that death is that the current iteration of CLE might kill off private servers until it's a bit more smooth. Put probably 6+ hours into this character, had pretty much everything that I could want by searching almost every house all the way from Berezino to Pushtoshka by going all the way to the northern towns then west. I wouldn't have been nearly as geared if I didn't have a whole lot of luck. And I wouldn't have found jack if it I didn't start playing a day after the persistence wipe. Imagine 3-6 days after one?


All in all I just don't think I can bare doing it all over again. I think that this iteration of CLE will drive players onto public even more than what it's like on stable. I just can't bring myself to pick berries and find nothing for an hour+. Oddly, I'm glad that this game is taking this direction with hardcore survival but, I feel like it needs to be toned down just a bit or made a little less monotonous by making scavenging for food a little more interesting.


Change of topic, anyone tried fishing with a fishing pole this patch? I tried it out but got bored after 5 minutes of spamming F. Anyone know how long it will take?

Also, PSA! spray painting a gun with a mag in it may delete the magazine.

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Finally found a Sporter. I left an Ak-74 with a mag and a green taloon backpack with several stacks of ammo for it in here: http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.060.027

The server is Uk5 0-2 1st person (If I remember right, well, it was Uk5-something). It's across the street from the westernmost Old Granny's house in a building I like to call The Hobbit House (the one with freakishly low doorways).


Where are you people finding boars at? I can't seem to find any in the usual spots they spawn at...

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Btw, any of you ppl know what causes this?

Whenever that happens, I can't help but to wonder if something like this is going down somewhere in my network bubble...

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Welp, just died to two players chasing me out of Pushtoshka, no words just shots :( . The chase lasted about 10 minutes, maybe more. Had my heart beating the whole time and it was awesome, even landed a shot with the winchester on one of them. And the conclusion I got from that death is that the current iteration of CLE might kill off private servers until it's a bit more smooth. Put probably 6+ hours into this character, had pretty much everything that I could want by searching almost every house all the way from Berezino to Pushtoshka by going all the way to the northern towns then west. I wouldn't have been nearly as geared if I didn't have a whole lot of luck. And I wouldn't have found jack if it I didn't start playing a day after the persistence wipe. Imagine 3-6 days after one?


All in all I just don't think I can bare doing it all over again. I think that this iteration of CLE will drive players onto public even more than what it's like on stable. I just can't bring myself to pick berries and find nothing for an hour+. Oddly, I'm glad that this game is taking this direction with hardcore survival but, I feel like it needs to be toned down just a bit or made a little less monotonous by making scavenging for food a little more interesting.


Change of topic, anyone tried fishing with a fishing pole this patch? I tried it out but got bored after 5 minutes of spamming F. Anyone know how long it will take?

Also, PSA! spray painting a gun with a mag in it may delete the magazine.


Sorry you died, too bad you didn't drop 'em, but that's DayZ.


Anyways, I agree that food scavenging could use some razzle dazzle so to speak.


Can confirm that Fishing is in and working well.


On the fishing, I find that if "there is no movement" for about 30 seconds of f spam, I just move around and re-cast, seems to work well, not sure but I think it resets every time you reposition and re-cast.


Hope that helps, don't give up!

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