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Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

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I feel like Roy Battey "questions".  

Does loot respawn?

Is there a lootsplosion some where? 

What are we testing?

Is watching to much TV good for you?

Why are we playing?

Why is sea water salty? 

when is the next update?

Why do my feet smell? 

Why don't I forage for apples and berries?

Why do we wear clothes?



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Gave the update a try again this time with an actual friend. I was in gorka looting and I found this loot splosion with what jackets stacked on top of each other anyone else get this. I picked up a truck to pick up a friend turns out i have to go under it. I picked up my friend and crashed at least 8 times so my tires were popped. After I picked up my friend because he was dying of starvation we were just about to leave solichinity when my truck stopped and me and my friend just watched the truck go into the water. After it stopped I told my friend to get out first because he was little geared and he survived so I did aplerently my truck ran out of gas. We made up north past gorka and hit novy sobor we tried to cook human meat but it didn't work out very well. We tried to look for some deer stands and eventually we went past start sobor our original destination so we just went to vybor. We went to mil base and saw this guy. He just said f u and ran of my freidn chased him. He randomly dissapered so we just went to vybor. After that we he nw. It was picked clean though I found my 4 trumpet so I picked that up. I saw a total of 3 heli crashes all Russian and a random car. Nine of them had loot except some jungle boots. This update has gotten really well though I just want food to spawn inside houses in the coast a little more common and not just the very north. Otherwise its all good.

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Edit : I agree with the posters above me , where are the animals !!!

Same here. I have not seen any animals on 0.56.127718. I call bullshit on the fox hoax, unless / until someone produces screen shots.

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Oh that awkward moment when early in the life of a character you accidentally drink a whole gasoline can full of water...


After nearly dying of starvation after puking and binging on apples things are going better.


I cooked an apple over a fire to what I'm guessing is the first stage of cooking. Used it in my jacket to keep me warm until I tried eating it, no ill effects. :)

You get beans for creativity!  :beans: :beans: :beans:

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Finally I can play experimental since the latest update and I'm very happy. Had some good hours, tried new things and explored new areas.
There are very nice locations and the hunting jacks are looking awesome.

So far I can say I miss the infected very much!, but the game feels much better - hope they bring back the infected soon :)

- no "hot"indicator (red) in the inventory by cooking fish/steaks on sticks; "was fish" was still "raw fish" when cooked, but had the "cooked texture"
- items vanishing when using the hotbar; using the inventory like the "X" or drag the gun in your hands working fine
- items vanishing when opened in the vincinity (cans/ammo/etc); rarely it's spawning again with a delay
- sometimes when a player drops an item, it's invisible for him but not for others
- leather sewing kit doesn't work on hiking boots; other items were mend to "worn"
- Taloon backpack = 20 slots (4x5)
- maybe reducing the cooking stick sice to 3x1; one ashwood stick= two cooking sticks?
- we drove with a truck the path upwards from Nadezhino to Kozlovka, at one point it rolls backs and was uncontrollable; a tree saved us :)
- we couldn't get on the passengers seat; cargo area works



Same here. I have not seen any animals on 0.56.127718. I call bullshit on the fox hoax, unless / until someone produces screen shots.


We saw many cows around Berezino, two goats near Nadezino and a wild boar in the NW area..not much, but there are animals.

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i just joined a 75pop server with only some 15 players on it.




This was the smoothest experience EVER.

I got a berezino shipyard spawn and ran towards svetlo, the fps killer.

NO significant drops, no sudden FPS drops. the game ran smoother than EVER.

mind you, i was playing on my crappiest setup, 1,7ghz i7 laptop with 2gb 330m


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


wish it would stay like this with the infected, if that's what caused this boost.

Edited by halp
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Same here. I have not seen any animals on 0.56.127718. I call bullshit on the fox hoax, unless / until someone produces screen shots.

I've seen 1 domestic pig, 3 chickens, 1 boar, 1 deer.


Just gave up on the deer, wasted 15 arrows on 3 different attempts. Pathetic, wish we could shoot while prone.


The last attempt, I was desynced and was able to walk up to him, I quit dejected.

Edited by Coheed_IV

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found 3 trucks, coudn't interact with any of them.  tried relogging and waiting until after reset, and still nope.


3pp servers are picked clean even up north.  you find maybe 1 shed every 3 or 4 towns that people missed.  still haven't had a character starve though.

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found 3 trucks, coudn't interact with any of them.  tried relogging and waiting until after reset, and still nope.



As stated a few times in this thread earlier, you need to basically stand looking towards the back window of a truck to action the doors and get in.

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As stated a few times in this thread earlier, you need to basically stand looking towards the back window of a truck to action the doors and get in.


yeah tried it *shrug*

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Loaded up experimental this morning to see the new changes.

searched Svetlojarsk and olsha before staving to death.


re spawned and searched Tulga Mista and staroye


- found nothing but books and helmets 


changed server. same again.


i'm all for hardcore but you need to find at least some basic survival tools

TBH, I have had to resort to farming and hunting since canned food is just getting harder and harder to find if at all.  Which would be a reality.  That said, I am seeing more and more berets than anything else and when certain places only spawn certain things (4/5 bay garages are the ONLY places to find six pocket pants, go to the fire house if you want a fireman's helmet, etc., etc.) it just makes it all the harder to deal with.  If I could find an axe (so I could cut a stick for a pole) or a hand grenade (does hand grenade fishing work?  Anyone try it yet?) I would try fishing.  My axe is up at my camp and I am a long ass way from there right now so living on berries and apples.  I am lucky to get to neutral on hunger, how I got healthy I don't even know. 


If you find seeds man, DO NOT by pass them.  Tomatoes don't do shit, I had to a crap load just to get out of starving.  I am well freaking hydrated though, that's for sure

Edited by Barnabus

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today looks like its "matches-day", all empty houses yesterday spawn matches today, tents the same.


Some canned food spawned to, CLE work, not perfect or good, but respawn works.


Checked much US and UK servers and all respawning items.

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today looks like its "matches-day", all empty houses yesterday spawn matches today, tents the same.


Some canned food spawned to, CLE work, not perfect or good, but respawn works.


Checked much US and UK servers and all respawning items.

Yeah, but it seems that the respawn rate for food compared to berets and wool dresses is such that food may as well not be spawning at all.  Even berries are getting hard to find.


Yesterday was "green waterproof bag" day BTW


Has anyone noticed that the leather sewing kit does NOT repair the items it used to?  No vests or helmets or packs can be fixed with the leather kit anymore. 

Edited by Barnabus

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Checked much US and UK servers and all respawning items.


I have to ask, how are you sure that items are respawning? Please keep in mind that I have no opinion on whether or not items respawns are working correctly as I haven't played the exp build in a couple days and I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just curious how you determined that the CLE is working as intended, Did you go to specific places and track which places you had been to on which servers? Can you give any examples? I've been wondering how the CLE is doing.

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I have to ask, how are you sure that items are respawning? Please keep in mind that I have no opinion on whether or not items respawns are working correctly as I haven't played the exp build in a couple days and I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just curious how you determined that the CLE is working as intended, Did you go to specific places and track which places you had been to on which servers? Can you give any examples? I've been wondering how the CLE is doing.


i only play around krasnostav, nice place there. i play in 1 and 3 person at this place.


I don´t move over the hole map like before, krasno is an good place to life, greenhouses, airfield with 6slot- pants and wrecked bmp´s near, all you need is there.


I am sure that items respawn because many houses on all "my" 5 UK and 5 US servers have spawned new loot (could be books, ok, but items respawn).


Good indicator is closed doors, normaly all doors are open cause thousend of players looting the server and the doors are open after restart/crash.

When the doors are closed (which were opend before) you will find respawned stuff in it (maybe books, but new loot)


this is only what i see, should be luck that other peps drop an tent or canned food or matches but for me it looks like items respawning.

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i only play around krasnostav, nice place there. i play in 1 and 3 person at this place.


I don´t move over the hole map like before, krasno is an good place to life, greenhouses, airfield with 6slot- pants and wrecked bmp´s near, all you need is there.


I am sure that items respawn because many houses on all "my" 5 UK and 5 US servers have spawned new loot (could be books, ok, but items respawn).


Good indicator is closed doors, normaly all doors are open cause thousend of players looting the server and the doors are open after restart/crash.

When the doors are closed (which were opend before) you will find respawned stuff in it (maybe books, but new loot)


this is only what i see, should be luck that other peps drop an tent or canned food or matches but for me it looks like items respawning.


Fair enough. As I said, I was just curious. That seems as good a way to tell as any.  :)

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spent my first 10 mins of life picking apples, ran through 4 towns west. picked more apples. found a childs back pack... tried to pick berries but couldnt find any so gave up.


through those 4 towns iv found that back pack. a hack saw. a canteen. a wool coat. and charcoal tabs.


iv made it to gorka, did a south west loop from berinzino south back north west to gorka... is loot spawning any better in the west?

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just noticed that all exp servers made a scheduled restart with warnings .... dunno but first time i saw this in this ver

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I managed to get to the northwest. For anybody asking, loot is better there. There's lots more of it. However, I still have food shortages, though I've now found three or four tins of food. Just look in places you don't think others would look... Then look everywhere else, because everybody thought of that first.


Really though, it's still not there, but I will say that I like the fact it's a struggle. It's still far too much, but the fact that I'm not focused on getting the best guns, the best clothes and the best everything is nice. It's nice to be focusing on stuff that 'matters', like food, water, basic clothing, protection etc.


Basically, loot is existant. It is respawning. It's just not respawning faster than it's being picked up (or even half the speed). Therefore, places that are frequented less have more loot. Areas in the center all the way to the coast will have little to no loot for obvious reasons. All that really needs to be done is for them to increase the respawn rate however possible and increase the decay time on items - especially less useful ones. Look at items that are picked up the least. Make them decay faster.

Edited by Beizs
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Saw a mention of not being able to access the passenger side of a truck. Junior and I got two yesterday for awhile before and unscheduled restart and not having got out long enough on our "pit stop" and loosing them both an hours walk away. Anyways to get in the passengers side you need to either get in the driver's side and scoot over or open  the passengers door from inside then scoot back to driver. 


We had some weird dropping, duping of juniors Mosin entering the trucks but my M70 had no such problems. He even got it to happen again while eating but we're not exactly sure how he had one loaded Mosin on his shoulder and one on the ground. I managed to unload the one on the ground and drop the bullets for him to pick up and we left the second rifle in the road. Couldn't repeat it though.


If anyone passed through Girishno on AUS 0-2 you're welcome, with nothing to shoot we set up a tent in the middle of the road and left a nice MP5 kit in it, railed handgaurd, 4-5 mags, and an unused sportster 30rd mag.



I tried an hour on AUS 0-1 1pp/3pp by myself and the loot was whole different story I'm assuming based on the higher pop 3pp gets. I'm a survivor and refuse to die without canned/dry goods but it was sure different. 

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Basically, loot is existant. It is respawning. It's just not respawning faster than it's being picked up (or even half the speed). Therefore, places that are frequented less have more loot. Areas in the center all the way to the coast will have little to no loot for obvious reasons. All that really needs to be done is for them to increase the respawn rate however possible and increase the decay time on items - especially less useful ones. Look at items that are picked up the least. Make them decay faster.

Yeah this seems to be the biggest part of the gaming experience the developers  are probably having a hard time tackling.


On one hand if  you make loot spawn to easy ppl consider it to easy and not a challenge with survival.


On the other hand if you make things spawn less at a ridiculously slow lvl especially for common house hold items like spoons and what not than it just becomes impossible to survive off of improvision in general until they put in more stone tools we can work with. What im saying is we need more caveman tools to compensate for the lack of manufactured ones.

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Found a glitched surface of water in the air, on the right side of the road if you're travelling Ratnoe->Petrovka, a small lake if youd like.

water surface was above my head level and once i got near it, i started swimming in the air.




I couldn't take the screenshot so im not 100% sure on the exact location, but i believe it was 060  026 (give or take 100m up/down the road, right side)


PS. suprisingly i found no loot there. I died near the piano house due to starvation (got tired picking up apples)

Edited by halp

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Honestly, I don't think tools should be uncommon. They're incredibly common in the real world and it would take years for a small population of survivors to break them all.


Same goes for just about anything that is common nowadays.


However, food, fuel, ammunition and similar items would be used up (fairly) quickly. Guns shouldn't be uncommon, but they should be in poor condition and require a good amount of work to repair (not talking repair kits - screw those, get rid of them. Seperate guns out in to every removable component and have a large issue if any one of those components is worse than worn. This way, you can either repair the individual components (with methods suitable for them) or find new ones).


Same goes for cars as with guns.


Honestly, I think that things like clothes, tools, tents, guns, cars, weapons and such should all be very common. Damage should have more of a penalty though, and everything should be maintainable to an extent. Think how Minecraft repairs work - you can only repair an item so many times before it's just done.


Anyway, I'm getting a little off track here. Loot system seems to be working. Just need it separated out in to regions, balanced and bug free.


TlDr - The game can still be difficult if most stuff is incredibly common. Literally the only two things that need be rare to make it hard is ammo and food... Oh, and matches, though other methods easily replace them (glasses to start a fire in the day, current bark method to start a fire at night - just make it slow and painful. Would be nice to be able to make a flint and steel - small chance of a stone search turning up flint, which can be combined with a file or something).



EDIT: Sidenote, the shutdown of all servers was all but definitely planned. Server message told me 'This server is shutting down. You will be kicked.' Emphasis on no restart message. Let's see why.


EDIT 2: 'Experimental servers going down for some small tweaks and changes. Online soon.' - Eugen's twitter. I should be asleep. I have work early tomorrow.

Edited by Beizs
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It's saturday night Eugen!, go out dance, drink and have fun! but thanks :wub: :-*

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