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Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

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Dam I had good day at north, found:


mossin and ammo

amhipia and mag

mp5 layin on the road and finaly just before servers went down found mag for it :)


I accidentally dubed amhipia, trumpet and fishing pole :huh:  new bug but I couldnt figure out how it happened


Alsoe first post here :thumbsup:


edit Dubed items were glitched on inventory and gould only be used after relog

Edited by Art1st

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Oh, thought I should throw out the fact that I fully duped my splitting axe.


I had it in my hands, server restarted (I stayed until I was forcibly disconnected) and when I came on today, it was on my back and in my inventory. Could use both. Dropped one, other worked. Dropped other, picked the first up, that worked. Both were distinct items.


Definitely something to fix before stable, considering there'll be a wipe. Wipe would be pointless if there's duping going on.

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Go go hero devs.

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Honestly, I don't think tools should be uncommon. They're incredibly common in the real world and it would take years for a small population of survivors to break them all.


Same goes for just about anything that is common nowadays.


However, food, fuel, ammunition and similar items would be used up (fairly) quickly. Guns shouldn't be uncommon, but they should be in poor condition and require a good amount of work to repair (not talking repair kits - screw those, get rid of them. Seperate guns out in to every removable component and have a large issue if any one of those components is worse than worn. This way, you can either repair the individual components (with methods suitable for them) or find new ones).


Same goes for cars as with guns.


Honestly, I think that things like clothes, tools, tents, guns, cars, weapons and such should all be very common. Damage should have more of a penalty though, and everything should be maintainable to an extent. Think how Minecraft repairs work - you can only repair an item so many times before it's just done.


Anyway, I'm getting a little off track here. Loot system seems to be working. Just need it separated out in to regions, balanced and bug free.


TlDr - The game can still be difficult if most stuff is incredibly common. Literally the only two things that need be rare to make it hard is ammo and food... Oh, and matches, though other methods easily replace them (glasses to start a fire in the day, current bark method to start a fire at night - just make it slow and painful. Would be nice to be able to make a flint and steel - small chance of a stone search turning up flint, which can be combined with a file or something).



EDIT: Sidenote, the shutdown of all servers was all but definitely planned. Server message told me 'This server is shutting down. You will be kicked.' Emphasis on no restart message. Let's see why.


EDIT 2: 'Experimental servers going down for some small tweaks and changes. Online soon.' - Eugen's twitter. I should be asleep. I have work early tomorrow.

One of the MAIN ways i want to be able to craft things is via bone and stone. They are both very reliable resources for making tools with such as hatches and knifes. We definitely need a bone axe as well as a stone axe for cutting things down. They may not be as good as a manufactured one but we need to have options until we can find a more reliable tool. Same goes with the knife. The next upgrade from the stone knife should be a bone knife, etc.

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I think I tracked down the source of the bug that causes your gun to be in your hands without any attachments. It seems to only happen if your fists are up when you reequip your gun. Just throwing that out there if anyone has had any trouble with it.

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I think it was a good tweak.  I had died up north from being sick after eating raw rabbit, frying pan doesn't work too well in a fire place.  Came back in, have found 2 boxes of cereal, 1 bag of rice and several cans of bacon and tuna.  Found a trumpet, a mountain ruck, .22 ammo and a repeater that I left in place.  Seems ok.

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1. One of the minor reasons why we are lacking of loot is because items doesn't replace when you grab them from the ground. What i mean is, when you find, let say Ushanka and already got something on your head like cowboy hat, it will simply vanish when you replace it with ushanka.




Items on players (picked up) do not matter for the CLE. It only looks at what is on the server as such. So that should not matter at all.


I have to ask, how are you sure that items are respawning? Please keep in mind that I have no opinion on whether or not items respawns are working correctly as I haven't played the exp build in a couple days and I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I'm just curious how you determined that the CLE is working as intended, Did you go to specific places and track which places you had been to on which servers? Can you give any examples? I've been wondering how the CLE is doing.


Saw a quiver spawn in front of me, like 5m in front of the door of the prison in the Veresnik military complex. I am 100% sure though that CLE is not working as intended in a "we are done with this hurray" intended. Might do, "what they want it to do now" intended though :)


Concerning CLE, everyone interested in that should read this thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223307-central-economy/ fittingly called central economy.


Now I just gotta distribute my tears...can't help it.


I spawned west of electro, went though the towns north of cherno, got a little shot in balota and then decided "HEY, not even hungry! That's enough for prison island, it must be!"

Found a few hundred pants and stuff there, but I do not recall any apple trees on the island, started swimming back brown hungry, soon became actually starving. Then I got stuck on the new under water valey around the island. It took me a few minutes till I managed to get on track again. Then I went unconscious just before reaching apple trees in kamenka. AAAAAA!!!!!! My first time starvation in many months iirc.


Usually I claim that starving is a conscious decision you have to make, unless you don't know where the apples and berries are, but this time it got me :(. I did underestimate the time it took me to loot the island, but that underwater valey broke my back there. BTW, apple search spamming is definitelly working somewhat, if the server performance is not too great, meaning the server is not completely empty.


EDIT: Anyone found a difference since the last update a few hours back? Haven't played since...

Edited by bautschi

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I think it was a good tweak.  I had died up north from being sick after eating raw rabbit, frying pan doesn't work too well in a fire place.  Came back in, have found 2 boxes of cereal, 1 bag of rice and several cans of bacon and tuna.  Found a trumpet, a mountain ruck, .22 ammo and a repeater that I left in place.  Seems ok.


It just seems that the server economies were reset, no actual change was made to the CLE per Eugen's tweets, so you're just enjoying the "early on" bonus.

Edited by Ebrim
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Improper clothing? Worried about being cold while foraging? Oak bark to the rescue! 



I just hope that we get rain back in the next exp patch or two, it's hard to judge just how difficult things are in 0.56 until we have them at the most difficult - the rainy day fresh spawn.

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This has turned into the best apple picking sim on the market. Guess it's time to give it a rest.

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Anyway, I'm getting a little off track here. Loot system seems to be working. Just need it separated out in to regions, balanced and bug free.


Agreed. Regional control will be a massive improvement.


Also, there appears to still be many, many spawn locations which are still not configured and are not spawning loot.

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This has turned into the best apple picking sim on the market. Guess it's time to give it a rest.


If you don't like apple picking, don't pick apples, there are other ways to get by. Apple picking is just the easiest, most-straightforward and universally applicable method. Once you start acquiring gear and moving away from the high-traffic areas your options for food expand quickly. You can hunt, fish, eat other players, farm, whatever you like - it's possible you can even get by on finding packaged/canned food if you visit out of the way places. Fishing is where most of my calories come from a couple hours into a new character. Maybe an hour or two or so after my screenshot above I had a little spot where I had two rabbit snares set up above a pond in which I was fishing.

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Improper clothing? Worried about being cold while foraging? Oak bark to the rescue! 



I just hope that we get rain back in the next exp patch or two, it's hard to judge just how difficult things are in 0.56 until we have them at the most difficult - the rainy day fresh spawn.

I've never heard so much whining in my life! Once they add rain back into the mix, there will probably only be about a dozen of us left playing.

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If you don't like apple picking, don't pick apples, there are other ways to get by. Apple picking is just the easiest, most-straightforward and universally applicable method. Once you start acquiring gear and moving away from the high-traffic areas your options for food expand quickly. You can hunt, fish, eat other players, farm, whatever you like - it's possible you can even get by on finding packaged/canned food if you visit out of the way places. Fishing is where most of my calories come from a couple hours into a new character. Maybe an hour or two or so after my screenshot above I had a little spot where I had two rabbit snares set up above a pond in which I was fishing.


I bet you have a notepad file on your desktop now so you don't have to type these out every time someone complains about apple picking, don't you?  :D

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If you don't like apple picking, don't pick apples, there are other ways to get by. Apple picking is just the easiest, most-straightforward and universally applicable method. Once you start acquiring gear and moving away from the high-traffic areas your options for food expand quickly. You can hunt, fish, eat other players, farm, whatever you like - it's possible you can even get by on finding packaged/canned food if you visit out of the way places. Fishing is where most of my calories come from a couple hours into a new character. Maybe an hour or two or so after my screenshot above I had a little spot where I had two rabbit snares set up above a pond in which I was fishing.

Its pretty obvious though hes not a hunter or a forager/minimalist lol. Or maybe he is but its strange apples seem to be his main focus of complaining. I prefer canned food to over all this other hunting bullshit but i can see they want things tested for various reasons.


Different strokes for different folks.

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Its pretty obvious though hes not a hunter or a forager/minimalist lol. Or maybe he is but its strange apples seem to be his main focus of complaining. I prefer canned food to over all this other hunting bullshit but i can see they want things tested for various reasons.


Different strokes for different folks.

The ones tho get me are those who complain about starving and how impossible it is to survive. When you point out the many options, they say that they don't have time for that and, without missing a beat, they go right back into complaining about starving.


If you choose to ignore the resources available to you and then complain about the result, it just makes you look incredibly foolish ... and boring!

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If you don't like apple picking, don't pick apples, there are other ways to get by. Apple picking is just the easiest, most-straightforward and universally applicable method. Once you start acquiring gear and moving away from the high-traffic areas your options for food expand quickly. You can hunt, fish, eat other players, farm, whatever you like - it's possible you can even get by on finding packaged/canned food if you visit out of the way places. Fishing is where most of my calories come from a couple hours into a new character. Maybe an hour or two or so after my screenshot above I had a little spot where I had two rabbit snares set up above a pond in which I was fishing.


brother, i would hunt if i could find a firearm. i would fish if i could find some rope.


on a side note the loot got better on higher pop servers.


If you don't like apple picking, don't pick apples, there are other ways to get by. Apple picking is just the easiest, most-straightforward and universally applicable method. Once you start acquiring gear and moving away from the high-traffic areas your options for food expand quickly. You can hunt, fish, eat other players, farm, whatever you like - it's possible you can even get by on finding packaged/canned food if you visit out of the way places. Fishing is where most of my calories come from a couple hours into a new character. Maybe an hour or two or so after my screenshot above I had a little spot where I had two rabbit snares set up above a pond in which I was fishing.


I'v been on servers with nothing, and iv been on servers with can cokes everywhere.


i tend to have more luck on high pop servers, because loot is being picked up more, and being respawned more.


CLE is still broken.

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The ones tho get me are those who complain about starving and how impossible it is to survive. When you point out the many options, they say that they don't have time for that and, without missing a beat, they go right back into complaining about starving.


If you choose to ignore the resources available to you and then complain about the result, it just makes you look incredibly foolish ... and boring!


its not impossible to survive. in its current state its annoying, and a huge reason why alot of people have stopped playing.


some people truly can't find the loot needed to "live off the land". its fact, not fiction. which forces them to pick apples for literally hours.


not really my cup of tea, nor alot of others.

Edited by twr
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It just seems that the server economies were reset, no actual change was made to the CLE per Eugen's tweets, so you're just enjoying the "early on" bonus.


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The ones tho get me are those who complain about starving and how impossible it is to survive. When you point out the many options, they say that they don't have time for that and, without missing a beat, they go right back into complaining about starving.


If you choose to ignore the resources available to you and then complain about the result, it just makes you look incredibly foolish ... and boring!


But finding items like rope or a knife shouldn't be as rare as it may be in some cases. Some specific common items can be allot harder to find than they currently should ever be as some ppl have pointed out. yes there are ways to get around things as you have mentioned but it can be equally as boring when you cant even hardly find the common items needed to get off the coast let alone anything else. To hunt you need a gun or a bow. To make that bow you currently need rope and you need to chop down a tree. What would happen if they made axes extremely hard to come by? This is why stone axes and other improvised tools need to hopefully come into play. In case of situations like some ppl are finding.


This however does not excuse somethings as you have mentioned like straight up refusing to do things to keep yourself alive. I just think its extremely silly when you go into high urban areas and cant find even a piece of scrap metal to make a tool you might need even though metal is like EVERYWHERE you can forge with.

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But finding items like rope or a knife shouldn't be as rare as it may be in some cases. Some specific common items can be allot harder to find than they currently should ever be as some ppl have pointed out. yes there are ways to get around things as you have mentioned but it can be equally as boring when you cant even hardly find the common items needed to get off the coast let alone anything else. To hunt you need a gun or a bow. To make that bow you currently need rope and you need to chop down a tree. What would happen if they made axes extremely hard to come by? This is why stone axes and other improvised tools need to hopefully come into play. In case of situations like some ppl are finding.


This however does not excuse somethings as you have mentioned like straight up refusing to do things to keep yourself alive. I just think its extremely silly when you go into high urban areas and cant find even a piece of scrap metal to make a tool you might need even though metal is like EVERYWHERE you can forge with.

There's also the fact that rocks won't sharpen a pick or a shovel, so after farming with a damaged item it is badly damaged, then if you are lucky, you might get one more garden plot and a couple more holes for seeds before it's ruined.  I did catch a rabbit with a snare today, that worked pretty well, then I didn't cook it enough and it killed me but that is on me.  The dynamic has changed yet again, adapt or die.

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its not impossible to survive.

That is the point that I was making; unfortunately there aren't many others who would agree with us.


... not really my cup of tea, nor alot of others.

As Hicks famously said, "It's not for everyone and that's OK."


Too many forget that this is not a complete, working game. We are only seeing the first iteration of the CLE. It is not feature complete, all spawn points have not yet been configured and the system has not been tuned. In order to tune the CLE, the devs have to first determine the minimum amount of loot necessary, in order to provide the experience that they want the game to deliver. So, how to they go about determining that, crystal ball? No, they do it the old fashioned way. They throw a build up on Experimental and they collect data.


Honestly, it is unrealistic to expect that as these new mechanics are introduced that there will not be teething pains. It's also unrealistic to expect the devs to be able to pull a working tune out of their butts on the first go. I remember the rage quitting, when the temperature mechanic was first introduced. People complained that they kept freezing to death, but that it was too much trouble to build a fire. Then there was the rain. It was impossible to survive with all of the rain, but it was too much trouble to find a rain coat. Now it's impossible to survive, because it's too much trouble to pick apples, berries, farm, hunt, fish, etc. As each mechanic is introduced, we get the same lame complaints and excuses, over and over.


As we came to grips with the temperature and the rain, we adapted and we overcame. Meanwhile, the devs got the data that they needed, they tuned the mechanics and suddenly, staying warm and dry is now no longer the insurmountable problem that it once was. Similarly, it is possible to live off of the land while the devs gather the data that they need to finish their work on the CLE. If picking apples is not your cup of tea, then so be it. By all means take a break. It may take longer without your help, but eventually the devs will collect the data that they need to get the CLE completed and properly tuned. Then, we can all move on to the next mechanic that renders the game unplayable and start the cycle all over again!

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But finding items like rope or a knife shouldn't be as rare as it may be in some cases. Some specific common items can be allot harder to find than they currently should ever be as some ppl have pointed out. yes there are ways to get around things as you have mentioned but it can be equally as boring when you cant even hardly find the common items needed to get off the coast let alone anything else. To hunt you need a gun or a bow. To make that bow you currently need rope and you need to chop down a tree. What would happen if they made axes extremely hard to come by? This is why stone axes and other improvised tools need to hopefully come into play. In case of situations like some ppl are finding.


This however does not excuse somethings as you have mentioned like straight up refusing to do things to keep yourself alive. I just think its extremely silly when you go into high urban areas and cant find even a piece of scrap metal to make a tool you might need even though metal is like EVERYWHERE you can forge with.

If things don't improve once we have a more granular, regional control over the loot, then I will wholeheartedly agree with you.

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The dynamic has changed yet again, adapt or die.

^ This


I enjoy deconstructing the game and coming up with a workable survival strategy. I then test and refine my strategy. I enjoy the struggle and I get an immense sense of satisfaction by overcoming adversity. If surviving was easy, there would be no sense of accomplishment. If the game was fun, that would be an added benefit, but that's not really why I play.

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