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Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

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My buddies and I all had that since 0.54 at least, also seen it on streams, ... .

Cheers , strange first time i noticed it then . i was kinda worried it was related to me recently going to a SLI set up..(although it was still there when i switched of one of the 970's

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Just wondering if its an issue specific to my rig or if anyone else is getting this visual bug with chain mesh compounds?? to me from a certain distance they look like a silver/blue wall until i get about 20 feet away then there mesh (this is just for the little compounds mesh not the standard mesh fencing you get around some yards and such...



What it actually looks like


That fence and some of the larger rock formations are still showing their wrong LOD models, I think. Or with the fences it could be the Alpha texture isn't loaded; it essentially masks the fence, in order to make it appear like a mesh. I think in the older engines the Alphas were very costly to compute, so the team might have chosen these settings on purpose in order to reduce the lag. Personally, I find these fences add nothing to the game and might as well be replaced by wooden ones or solid metal sheet fences. Or if the new renderer can cope better with these textures, they can leave them in. The current version of the engine seems to have a lot of problems with Alpha masked textures.  

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Did anyone find the gas canisters for the portable cooker yet? That and the pot seem to be extremely rare to come by. I think the supermarkets could spawn more stuff. I find portable gas cookers and matches, but no other cooking equipment. Also meat I put in the tent doesn't show up with a thumbnail after restarts. It's just an empty inventory square with a % number. 


Cooking is still fudged, as I cannot get anything but guts from fishes. The fix they did last Wednesday wasn't very good. It only fixed matches, really and it broke the bow. I wanna find some pistols again. Please make pistols spawn like they used to do or in comparable numbers!

Edited by S3V3N

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Found matches and flares but have yet to find a cooking pot in northern towns, nor the tripod. No fresh fruit either. 


On another note, I had my first real run in with a pack of zombies. After a restart I found myself getting attacked by one right as I logged in and unfortunately drew a crowd of  12 of them as I tried to run and evade the first one. I got extremely lucky that I had a friend close by who saved me from death as the zombies broke my arm and my leg. It was truly a frightful experience but when it was all done and over with, it was one of those moments where all I could say was THAT WAS COOL!!! I am definitely a fan of the new infected and even if I had perished from that experience, I still would have thought it was cool.  

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That fence and some of the larger rock formations are still showing their wrong LOD models, I think. Or with the fences it could be the Alpha texture isn't loaded; it essentially masks the fence, in order to make it appear like a mesh.


Can anyone confirm that this visual defect repro's on both Nvidia and ATI?


EDIT: Actually, scratch that. Just ignore it for now — the new renderer isn't too far off, and I'm sure will bring its own set of quirks, so anything visual can just be ignored for now. :)

Edited by Veyda
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Fences not rendering is a known and acknowledged bug.

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Can anybody tell me where the mountain backpack is spawning now? I've been looking everywhere for one.

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Yesterday 3 things happened to me and I'm curious of somebody else experienced this as well:

1: I had a kevlar with attachable pouches with some stuff in it. Suddenly, i found a pistol holster and attached it to my kevlar. As a result, everything in the attachable pouches disappeared.

2. I had a pristine gorka helmet and found a damaged visor, and i attached it. The helmet instantly became damaged.

3. I really don't like the next thing: I had 9 burlap strips, found another burlap sack, cutted it into strips and combined them with the 9 strips I already had. By doing that I didn't get 10 burlap strips, but 1 :(

Just wanted to share this. Somebody else noticed this too?


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Yesterday 3 things happened to me and I'm curious of somebody else experienced this as well:

1: I had a kevlar with attachable pouches with some stuff in it. Suddenly, i found a pistol holster and attached it to my kevlar. As a result, everything in the attachable pouches disappeared.

2. I had a pristine gorka helmet and found a damaged visor, and i attached it. The helmet instantly became damaged.

3. I really don't like the next thing: I had 9 burlap strips, found another burlap sack, cutted it into strips and combined them with the 9 strips I already had. By doing that I didn't get 10 burlap strips, but 1 :(

Just wanted to share this. Somebody else noticed this too?


Hmmm ... No I haven't had any of these things happen , if you have a bug tracker account try and log it in there , you could be the difference if these bugs make it into .56 or not ! Gonna jump in soon , I'm loving how scarce food is (really not loving the lack of animals , or how fileting fish are broken , but I'm sure that will be fixed in the next patch) , I just ran out of my last can of beans And my garden is all set for more seeds when I find them , unfortunately my last garden was forgotten about while I searched for food so it all went rotten :/.. Can't wait to see what's on the next patch, so excite !

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Played on my regular server last night. Logged in and the server restarted right away. Looted police station.. Lots of stuff there, mp5, clothes, cuffs etc... Loads of mags but all empty... Not sure if this is because they have been swapped out for full ones? Before weds maintenance in this situation all mags were full. Server states persistence is off at the moment? Not sure if it's a server error or persistence has infect been turned on and is working and someone got those mags and emptied them....?

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anyone still having trouble with farm plots disappearing?

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Yesterday 3 things happened to me and I'm curious of somebody else experienced this as well:

1: I had a kevlar with attachable pouches with some stuff in it. Suddenly, i found a pistol holster and attached it to my kevlar. As a result, everything in the attachable pouches disappeared.

2. I had a pristine gorka helmet and found a damaged visor, and i attached it. The helmet instantly became damaged.

3. I really don't like the next thing: I had 9 burlap strips, found another burlap sack, cutted it into strips and combined them with the 9 strips I already had. By doing that I didn't get 10 burlap strips, but 1 :(

Just wanted to share this. Somebody else noticed this too?


1. never had this happen... but sounds like a bug.

2. the smersh use to do the same thing.

3. have you tried using them? could just be a glitch where it says 1 but really your inventory thinks its 10.

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Played on my regular server last night. Logged in and the server restarted right away. Looted police station.. Lots of stuff there, mp5, clothes, cuffs etc... Loads of mags but all empty... Not sure if this is because they have been swapped out for full ones? Before weds maintenance in this situation all mags were full. Server states persistence is off at the moment? Not sure if it's a server error or persistence has infect been turned on and is working and someone got those mags and emptied them....?

Most likely emptied for the 9mm rounds.

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Persistence is working on my private Vilayer server, haven't tried my public since late last week.

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1: I had a kevlar with attachable pouches with some stuff in it. Suddenly, i found a pistol holster and attached it to my kevlar. As a result, everything in the attachable pouches disappeared.

2. I had a pristine gorka helmet and found a damaged visor, and i attached it. The helmet instantly became damaged.

  1. Haven't had that happen to me personally, but I saw at least one other report of this happening. I have a nagging feeling it was even one of the older WOBO videos (0.54? 0.53?), but too lazy to check. :3
  2. Seen a couple other reports, and had this happen to me too.

I would suggest that, for now, whenever manipulating any container (attaching/detaching, deploying/picking up), combine-able or paint-able item you treat them like early tents or early buggy weapons — take out all items, remove all attachments and unload before doing anything to it to avoid losing stuff.


…or risk it, see what happens and report any unexpected behaviour, since that's what testing (not playing) a game is all about.

Edited by Veyda
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I hope it's working!! Got so much gear I keep passing up shovels and seeds etc....

Oh sweet lord no. those are the most important zombie survival items in the game. real survivors dont need weapons. They need farming tools and fertilizer.

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I hope it's working!! Got so much gear I keep passing up shovels and seeds etc....

Find some tents and start hoarding that stuff. Its at least worth a try, once you have a food camp strategically place .55 isn't so bad.

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Oh sweet lord no. those are the most important zombie survival items in the game. real survivors dont need weapons. They need farming tools and fertilizer.

Just gonna goz coasts any pew pew dem newz spawnz ...... (maybe not)

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Has any one found small protective cases? I have searched every where and nothing.  It would be good to here that they are still to be found.

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This was my thought, that would point to persistence working? As it was about 2min after a restart...


Most likely emptied for the 9mm rounds.


Why would you empty the clips to take the bullets? Why not just take the clips with the bullets, they are more useful that way, aren't they?

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1. never had this happen... but sounds like a bug.

2. the smersh use to do the same thing.

3. have you tried using them? could just be a glitch where it says 1 but really your inventory thinks its 10.

No haven't tried using them. I still didn't find any nettings :D. When I'll find some I will try it and share the results here. Regarding my first 2 points, I will report them.

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