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Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

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Well camp fires disappear almost immediately after crafting and also so does firewood and sticks that are dropped due to lack of space. I lost my stones and cooking pot full of meat while I chopped a tree for wood, turned around and fire was gone. Seems like maybe some glitch with the loot clean up system. I bet other crafted items will also disappear.

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Just looked in 3 different towns in a 7/50 server - No food/Water just clothes, as for the Zombies i understand they're supposed to be a challenge but what they are now is far from that, i've said it from the beginning and i'll say it again. - Z's should NOT SPRINT. The speed they sprint, they fact they made no sound when in aggressive mode makes them OP. I got hit 4 times trying to kill one with an Axe, what the FUCK is that shit? Take out the brain/head that should be the zombie down and that's not the way it is atm, it's too inconsistent. Sneak? That doesn't work, i was behind a zombie by about 10/20 ft and it somehow spotted me. You can't out run them because they run faster than you do, you can't run in an out of buildings shutting doors because the minute you do, they're waiting at the OTHER exit. Super speed, super strong, super quiet with barely any loot anywhere/ Whoever decided to make Z's the way they are needs a slap in the face with a chair, it was a terrible decision to implement these changes with the game in it's current state. And as for loot and persistence i don't think it will ever be a success, another month away from this while there's some hopefully SENSIBLE changes made.

Are you playing the same game? Because you can outrun zombies. Zombies have some bugs but they're very far from unplayable.

The sweet tears of some people... Just adapt this is just the beginning

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Well camp fires disappear almost immediately after crafting and also so does firewood and sticks that are dropped due to lack of space. I lost my stones and cooking pot full of meat while I chopped a tree for wood, turned around and fire was gone. Seems like maybe some glitch with the loot clean up system. I bet other crafted items will also disappear.

Yeah I noticed that on one server but on another that didn't happen so I'm still wondering what caused that. Also stones disappeared from the ground very quickly.

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Veiled? Everyone? Man I am not mad at anyone. I am upset at what just happened to a game I was enjoying. So much so I broke down and came to the forums. We are about to try again. New one of our guys logged on and got sick from water. So we are going to help him now. Indeed. I think a long break is needed. I think everyone up set should take a long break. Sorta makes a point.

This type of reaction was expected, the game in its current state pre 0.55 was in fact too easy and had everyone feeling comfortable and at ease with the knowledge that gear was easy, Z's were not a threat and the risk factor from game elements were near zero, the only real risk came from other players.


A lot of people are going to have trouble adapting, including groups that live from looting small towns for ready to eat food stuff,,, 3 cans of beans, 2 pipsi's and 2 courgettes(?) will not feed the 5000, add to that the small town will not stock up on server restart now that persistence is active.


Please keep in mind, this is a major update and a lot of tweaking will be required before a proper balance is established.


Any bugs found should be reported in the Bug Tracker.


Patch notes coming later... (Lazy Devs) !

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I dunno about broken loot, on a private shard I found a complete OREL uniform, an MP5K, a stabilizer for it, four 30 rnd magazines and a 15 rnd magazine in the Berezino Police Station.  


Found a combat knife in a shed. 


Didn't find anything decent for melee until I found a splitting axe up at NEAF.  The civ terminal is no longer a hot spot for pistols and magazines but I did find an AKM and a magazine for it in the same UAZ out on the airfield, the one near the broke down BMP.  In that same UAZ, under the AKM mag was an AK74 mag and a mag for a Makarov.  Near there also found a frag grenade and 2 stun grenades, a couple of weapon and pistol flashlights too and a CR75.  Three zeds were out there, wandering around as they do now, in that area too but I got by them all in the dark pretty easy.  NEAF sure does pay the bill again.


Tried the hockey stick on a zed, yeah, don't bother with the hockey stick.  It has become what Don Rickles always said it would be.  That zed I just sort of blundered into, came around the corner of a shed and there he was, not making any grunts, growls, groans or foot steps, they need to start making noises again.  Ended up shooting him and freaking out about maybe drawing a horde but didn't, lucky me.

I'm with you, I'm finding loot everywhere. Not only that, I haven't found any invisible loot! As a matter of fact, I'm finding loot in places that I've never found it before. I suspect that this is at the root of many of the complaints. Loot is no longer spawning where it used to. At the moment, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme, or reason as to the spawns, either. The bottom line is that you can no longer go to "location B," gear up with "weapons F, G and H" and then go the Cherno to PVP.


Personally, I like the variety, it keeps the game interesting. When the dev team get to work on the loot tables, though I don't think that everything should be 100% random. For example, the fire station should primarily spawn fire fighter clothes, a defib box, fire axes, wellies, first aid gear, dry bags, chain saws and a variety of other non-military gear. Military bases should primarily spawn military weapons, clothing and gear, but there is no reason why other things can't spawn there, as well. I don't mean to imply that none of this stuff should spawn in a residential setting. There is no reason why we can't "happen on someone's stash" in a residential house/building, that consists of some of the aforementioned gear. 

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Are you playing the same game? Because you can outrun zombies. Zombies have some bugs but they're very far from unplayable.

The sweet tears of some people... Just adapt this is just the beginning

sorry but thats far away from the truth. yes you can outrun some zombies, but they can bug-hit you while trying this.

2nd. you should be able to fight zombies with meeleweapons, not 3-4 of them, but atleast 1-2.

the fact is, while fighting a zombie with an axe, you are getting 4-5 hits from the zombie and the screen turns slowly grey. you cant even dodge any hit.

so they are near unfightable.


the game cant be:

meele wpn -> Lol avoid/sneak around zombies

armed -> dont shot, cause all zombies come. -> lol avoid/sneak around zombies



edit: yeah we were on 5 servers yesterday. checked whole electro. no loot on any of these servers

Edited by newguyzombie

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Oh the whining about the infected being to hard. Downright ridiculous. (Not so much in this thread, but overall)


"Ohh, you broke the game for me. I can´t deathmatch in cherno anymore!!!11" 

Play CS:GO. Seriously, people forgot what DayZ is all about.


What DayZ is NOT about:


- Deathmatch in Cherno

- Finding weapons under every stone

- Having NO problem to survive in the wilderness whatsoever

- Cleaving through hordes of infected with zero fucks given

- KOSing every freshspawn at the coast for the lolz.

- Being a dick to everyone, because a famous youtuber does so


What DayZ is actually about


- Teaming up to rise chance of survival

- Watching your teammates back every second

- Avoiding other groups of players because of the risk

- Celebrating every can of beanz you find

- Watching a water pump for 10 minutes, because the server is packed

- Actually struggling in the wilderness to keep yourself alive

- Thinking twice about entering a village because of the infected actually being a threat

- Always planing three steps ahead

- Fixing up a car or even a chopper is a team effort



I applaud the Devs for a great step towards DayZ, as it is intended to be. Kudos and keep up the great work.

Edited by dayzjarhead
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Oh the whining about the infected being to hard. Downright ridiculous. (Not so much in this thread, but overall)


"Ohh, you broke the game for me. I can´t deathmatch in cherno anymore!!!11" 

Play CS:GO. Seriously, people forgot what DayZ is all about.


What DayZ is NOT about:


- Deathmatch in Cherno

- Finding weapons under every stone

- Having NO problem to survive in the wilderness whatsoever

- Cleaving through hordes of infected with zero fucks given

- KOSing every freshspawn at the coast for the lolz.

- Being a dick to everyone, because a famous youtuber does so


What DayZ is actually about


- Teaming up to rise chance of survival

- Watching your teammates back every second

- Avoiding other groups of players because of the risk

- Celebrating every can of beanz you find

- Watching a water pump for 10 minutes, because the server is packed

- Actually struggling in the wilderness to keep yourself alive

- Thinking twice about entering a village because of the infected actually being a threat

- Always planing three steps ahead

- Fixing up a car or even a chopper is a team effort



I applaud the Devs for a great step towards DayZ, as it is intended to be. Kudos and keep up the great work.


'hard' zombies has nothing to do with ****ed up, bugged zombies that are just annoying to fight. Sure, make them hard, but give me an opportunity to dodge their hits, if I see that they clearly dont hit me with their animation, dont let them hit me... Otherwise I would have tried to move further away, like this i think "Well I'm fine", and then get hit anyway. Give me some feedback when I actually hit and when I don't. Why not give people the opportunity to block with a meele weapon as well? There are tons and tons of games out there which show how a meele system can work so much better.


So I also see some positive points here, the increased number and bigger overall thread are better, as well as that some sneaking is possible now. But the fighting meachanics with the zombies are just horrible, and that should not be the main source of the increased difficulty. And it should be ok to state this here aswell.

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Oh the whining about the infected being to hard. Downright ridiculous. (Not so much in this thread, but overall)


"Ohh, you broke the game for me. I can´t deathmatch in cherno anymore!!!11" 

Play CS:GO. Seriously, people forgot what DayZ is all about.


What DayZ is NOT about:


- Deathmatch in Cherno

- Finding weapons under every stone

- Having NO problem to survive in the wilderness whatsoever

- Cleaving through hordes of infected with zero fucks given

- KOSing every freshspawn at the coast for the lolz.

- Being a dick to everyone, because a famous youtuber does so


What DayZ is actually about


- Teaming up to rise chance of survival

- Watching your teammates back every second

- Avoiding other groups of players because of the risk

- Celebrating every can of beanz you find

- Watching a water pump for 10 minutes, because the server is packed

- Actually struggling in the wilderness to keep yourself alive

- Thinking twice about entering a village because of the infected actually being a threat

- Always planing three steps ahead

- Fixing up a car or even a chopper is a team effort



I applaud the Devs for a great step towards DayZ, as it is intended to be. Kudos and keep up the great work.

oh look the director just told the whole community how to play an open world sandbox game.


yeah and now you can welcome all newbs, who just bought this game and getting their ass beating up every 5 minutes without finding any food and deleting this game from their hdd.


you did a great job! thanks


edit: and btw if dayz is only about what you said, dayz wouldnt even nearly reach 3 million players

Edited by newguyzombie
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Oh the whining about the infected being to hard. Downright ridiculous. (Not so much in this thread, but overall)

"Ohh, you broke the game for me. I can´t deathmatch in cherno anymore!!!11"

Play CS:GO. Seriously, people forgot what DayZ is all about.

What DayZ is NOT about:

- Deathmatch in Cherno

- Finding weapons under every stone

- Having NO problem to survive in the wilderness whatsoever

- Cleaving through hordes of infected with zero fucks given

- KOSing every freshspawn at the coast for the lolz.

- Being a dick to everyone, because a famous youtuber does so

What DayZ is actually about

- Teaming up to rise chance of survival

- Watching your teammates back every second

- Avoiding other groups of players because of the risk

- Celebrating every can of beanz you find

- Watching a water pump for 10 minutes, because the server is packed

- Actually struggling in the wilderness to keep yourself alive

- Thinking twice about entering a village because of the infected actually being a threat

- Always planing three steps ahead

- Fixing up a car or even a chopper is a team effort

I applaud the Devs for a great step towards DayZ, as it is intended to be. Kudos and keep up the great work.

You forgot something. Dayz is about having fun, well.. it was about having fun

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Oh no, they dared to put zombies in zombie survival game?? Those b@stards!!

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Jesus all this bitching and moaning. I bet all these whiny kids haven't played the mod and that's why they're so buttblasted. Face it - zombies were a genuine threat in the mod and now they're starting to resemble that in SA. As for persistence it supposedly isn't working right hence why there's little loot but it will get fixed eventually. I'm not surprised it's not working though because something was bound to break on an update like this.

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oh look the director just told the whole community how to play an open world sandbox game.


yeah and now you can welcome all newbs, who just bought this game and getting their ass beating up every 5 minutes without finding any food and deleting this game from their hdd.


you did a great job! thanks


edit: and btw if dayz is only about what you said, dayz wouldnt even nearly reach 3 million players


You´re welcome!

Concerning your edit: Have you played the game in its heydays? When it was in fact hard and demanding and offered everything I mentioned? And millions of players enjoyed it big time as a mod for Arma2?

Edited by dayzjarhead

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Here is my thoughts on 0.55 while i may be considered a DayZ noob and i am fine with that but what i am is an avid gamer and i REALLY enjoied DayZ now in 0.55 it is no longer enjoyable for myself. Can't go into towns without zombies destroying me i have managed to just stay alive (which i understand is the point) but its getting boring theres very slim loot i have been all over the west north and sound and found nothing really that exciting other than some tents that i have never used before (which i set up and was filling up with valuable loot with all these zombies i.e. ammo,med supplies food ect.) just to see it go POOF gone in the middle of me filling it. if all i am able to do right now is hide and survive i will not be playing much DayZ. So while the game was already mildly challanging for a fresh spawn that doesn't totally grasp the point of DayZ they will totally not play now which in return will lead them to telling their friends that they bought it didn't like it and stop future sales. which for the devs whats the point of the game? to put out an enjoyable game that people want to CONTINUALLY PLAY so they can make sales and pay their bills. this patch will NOT make them money in its current state. i know if im at work and i put out a product that doesn't make the consumer happy i A- catch hell for it from my boss and the consumer and i B- Take it apon myself to go above and beyond to fix the problems A.S.A.P. for my own self pride not even to satisfy the people. Do these devs have that same dedication for their reputations? i guess we will find out i will give 0.55 2 weeks. if nothing changes by then i will erase it from my HDD till the end of the year then ill find out if i wasted my money or not.


and to the guy thats telling everyone to quit playing keep that attitude up and this game will never be finished cause everyone will loose interest. I get critizied at work so can the devs thats the freedom we get when we PAY for their PRODUCT welcome to 2015 dude.

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'hard' zombies has nothing to do with ****ed up, bugged zombies that are just annoying to fight. Sure, make them hard, but give me an opportunity to dodge their hits, if I see that they clearly dont hit me with their animation, dont let them hit me... Otherwise I would have tried to move further away, like this i think "Well I'm fine", and then get hit anyway. Give me some feedback when I actually hit and when I don't. Why not give people the opportunity to block with a meele weapon as well? There are tons and tons of games out there which show how a meele system can work so much better.


So I also see some positive points here, the increased number and bigger overall thread are better, as well as that some sneaking is possible now. But the fighting meachanics with the zombies are just horrible, and that should not be the main source of the increased difficulty. And it should be ok to state this here aswell.


Good points. I want to have melee with the infected as well. Having a feeling of a swinging a fire axe with an actual weight and inertia would be awesome. I´m hoping for this since the mod. :)

Edited by dayzjarhead

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Infected are just perfect and I noticed you can out run some of them (Staminia ?), my only concern about the 0.55 is the "loot economy" and how it's done, I really like the way the loot is distributed around the map but some looting points confused me, for exemple random loot grades in various places, is it part of the new system ? Is that means the end of zones of high interest ?


I sure know it's only the beginning, and some features needs some tweaks but is this also means the end of NWAF scavenging ? (I was in NWAF yesterday and the only military grade loot I found was on wrecks and not in buildings, but I can't bet on a one try and perhaps i didn't understand the way of this new econmy works).


Otherwise, (except tents and fireplace issues) I do like this update.

Edited by Poltergeistz

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It looks like a fix is in the works for the disappearing items:


Were fixing the clean up of items in real time, please be patient the sync takes about 30 minutes. Report any mishaps in the afternoon.

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From unofficial patch notes posted above:

  • Persistence is now mandatory for all servers

So no more persistence off servers. So I'm assuming no heli crash loot?


Are the new Uber Zs now spawning in the far northwest? Dang...


More broadly, thing I've learned from previous patches is not to jump in immediately after implementation, but to give it at least a few days, maybe even wait until the following Weds maintenance for (much needed?) hotfixes.

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Please keep the offtopic-chat to a minimum. There's a place for everything - this is not the thread to discuss KoS however.

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- Fireplace disappear after craft it no matter where you put it.


- Can we get to know how the loot respawn work , how long it take to respawn loot in server ? what is the trigger to respawn loot  ? .

- Heli-crash Sweeped in the 1st hour after patch and it doesn't respawn and it seems they are in the same spot in every server , all barracks are dead empty , it seems the only way to get a weapon is to kill another player .

- Zombies are good and dangerous. 

Edited by Raptor_i81

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Well camp fires disappear almost immediately after crafting and also so does firewood and sticks that are dropped due to lack of space. I lost my stones and cooking pot full of meat while I chopped a tree for wood, turned around and fire was gone. Seems like maybe some glitch with the loot clean up system. I bet other crafted items will also disappear.


This happens to crops too, if you 'collect plants' and leave them lying on the ground, they can vanish so fast you don't have time to pick them up and eat them. I think the devs are sorting this out ATM.


I worry about water, now: 

- You still can not boil water to purify it.

- rainwater can't be infected (right?).

- But if you have a canteen of water that might be infected, because you didn't purify it, there is no way to empty it out to catch rainwater.


So what do yo do - throw the canteen away and look for an empty one?  Dig a field, plant it, and water it until the canteen is empty (just to empty a bottle)? 

Or drink it and die?


Water purification tablets are much rarer than your constant need to drink, so in fact you are forced to go looking for canned drinks.

Edited by pilgrim

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I'm new at this forum, but i've playing dayz SA for about 250 hours now..


My experience with the 0.55 patch:


I got KOS'd at the prison by a guy camping behind a wall, so i had to start over and the following happened:

I spawned near cherno and went from house to house. Found some military gear at the weirdest places and it was very hard to find some food. I almost got killed twice by laggy zeds. After that i managed to find some food and water and i even got healthy (with a little help of some friends). Then i went up north to Zelenogorsk. On the route i found a shotgun, and some other rifles and bullets and dealt with some powerfull zeds again. I even found a kevlar with attachable pouches :D After arriving in Zelenogorsk I adapted to the new patch. Moved like a sneaky little rat to avoid zombies and looted some more. That went pretty well. I found an SKS, a scope and a friend gave me some bullets. (BTW, i found a few tents, and they didn't disappeared when pitched)


I like the new loot distribution. This will cause the loss of interest of highly popular places for looting. And the zombies: I think it is a beginning, but weird, laggy animations are a bit annoying. I hope that they will fix that with priority.


The ideal situation to me concerning zombies is this: You can avoid them with stealth and killing them with a melee weapon shouldn't be too hard with some skills. But when you decide to shoot in a town, attention should be drawn to a lot of zombies (like 30 or so), and you'll have no other option then to run for your life. This will make PvP harder but still considerable in less crowded places.  


I don't agree with people saying that this patch will force you to hunt, because before you have found everything that you will need for hunting (a weapon, cooking pot, cooking tripod, hunting knife, axe, matches and an animal), you'll already have found 'lots' of food to come around.


(Edit: Sorry for possibly bad English)

Edited by Pielzor

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The Z changes are ridiculous, i said i understood them being buffed as they're not supposed to be easy, but they're not supposed to be impossible to kill neither or get away from. It's a struggle to fight one with a firefighter axe and given how there's more Z's and less items spawning (Because no matter what or how you change it, persistence will always be up for debate on whether it will be a success or a hindrance) survival as a fresh spawn is near impossible, if anything the game has become much less enjoyable than it should be, any fun has gone, and as for the comments with the whole "Work as a team blahdy blah" so again you basically want every person to go around teaming with players? So.. Remove PvP instances yeah? How fun. Forgot DayZ was a PvE role playing survival game. DayZ is a survival game, you play how you want to play. And the game should be an experience and enjoyable for everyone, making the Z's as powerful as they are makes any confrontation a waste of time. You can't shoot unless you have an endless amount of ammo and a suppressor otherwise you're fucked, you can't melee them because frankly, you get absolutely destroyed. So you can't do anything PvP like, which destroys the game for some. And this is going to encourage server hopping with loot being broken. 

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i love the new patch... right amount of difficulty...


thing is people dont realise the devs always go to extremes when testing... in all my hours played every patch/mechanic added is always like this...


the zeds will be toned down accordingly as the data permits...


loot will be adjusted now the system is in place...









all i can think about is the pvpers being all butthurt that they cant go to 2 bases and server hop...get geared... get a truck... go south and kill bambi's..

cause killing unarmed people is skill in dayz.. 

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I don't agree with people saying that this patch will force you to hunt, because before you have found everything that you will need for hunting (a weapon, cooking pot, cooking tripod, hunting knife, axe, matches and an animal), you'll already have found 'lots' of food to come around.



Even bigger problem: If you don't find other food, you will be long starved until you are able to hunt. In my eyes the biggest problem with all the hunting area..

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