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Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

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Found netting at the coast north of svetlo


but crafting seems to not work. i got a burlap sack and 4 nettings...no interaction possible. Am i doing something wrong?


You need to cut the burlap sacks into burlap strips now first.



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Invisible zombies everywhere. Time for a pause.

Same here. I'm getting hit constantly and cannot see a think. I liked it better when it was crashing to desktop :blush:

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Invisible zombies everywhere. Time for a pause.


Same here. I'm getting hit constantly and cannot see a think. I liked it better when it was crashing to desktop :blush:


Blame the vehicle hypers that came from stable ;)


Eugen on reddit:



Most of the issues are connected with the server not recognizing the amount of players properly and letting them connect. Thus decreasing server fps to zero.

I saw like 220 connections a second per server after experimental release. It just wasnt ready for that kind of load.

Issues that are there because of that :

  1. weird blue screen after login
  2. weird landscape screen after login
  3. disconnections
  4. server crashes
  5. invisible zombies
  6. rubber banding
Edited by ChainReactor

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You need to cut the burlap sacks into burlap strips now first.





it does not work... :(


Edit: one sack is just not enough. two sacks cutted into stripes is enough for the head and wrap.

Edited by Owltalktoyou
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I found netting!! Near wooden boats, that now spawns rope, raincoats, boonies wellies and the elusive netting!

Nice! Item spawns are quickly becoming super logical, to the point where you could very nearly just rely on your common sense to find things. This pleases me.

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So are the invisible zombies just to do with the amount of hits the server was getting or was it a symptom of another bug due to the vehicles being added?

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So are the invisible zombies just to do with the amount of hits the server was getting or was it a symptom of another bug due to the vehicles being added?


Well invisible zombies have been there before, but the massive run to experimental made it much worse. Now that i think about it, the only few times i encountered invisible Z's have been on update nights when the servers were overcrowded, so it really seems to be an issue with server side performance.

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Well invisible zombies have been there before, but the massive run to experimental made it much worse. Now that i think about it, the only few times i encountered invisible Z's have been on update nights when the servers were overcrowded, so it really seems to be an issue with server side performance.

I would agree with this. I very rarely encounter that issue, but when I do it's under circumstances as you described. It seems to be related to desync, which can be from either end of the connection if I understand correctly (in this case, the server, due to high traffic).

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lol I first encountered two invisible zombies a couple months ago (I think when a new gun was added, like the amphibian or something, so I was searching the firestation of elektro) . I was about to head in the industrial firestation and out of nowhere I hear a zombie yell so I turn and instantly recieve a double hit .... With nothing around me I run confused to the street and just empty my m4 into the opening .. I had hit one invisible zombie I think because after I only recieved one hit , long story still long, I died from the second invisi-zombie D:

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Well I have encountered one or two in the past. but very rarely and not on a frequent basis.



However last night every zombie was invisible, which is something I hadn't seen before.

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OK, so I just tried there. All of the 1PP experimental UK servers cannot be accessed. All reporting 0 players but giving the message that the server was full. Now it's currently 14:35 local time so there is no way that these are all full.


I did try one 3PP server, I felt dirty using cheat mode but thought I'd see if I could get in there, and it was rendering an absolute mess with all the colours washed out and a bluey-white overlay.

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Hello people if i play the 0.51 update from dayz than it works, but if the server have a restart my character is reseting. Why my char will reset every restart of a server?.



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Hello people if i play the 0.51 update from dayz than it works, but if the server have a restart my character is reseting. Why my char will reset every restart of a server?.



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Played most of the evening testing 1st and 3rd person servers. (Experimental)
1st runs like a charm. Sure it crashes or hangs but heyho. That's Experimental. smiley.gif?0

3rd however.
I got through Electro enroute to the gas station. And the server reset.
When I tried to log back in the screen is WHITE.
I cant see anything nor can i move.

Ive tried closing out Steam and restarting Nothing helps.
Yet going back into 1st person the graphics are fine.

Any ideas.???



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Cheers. it duplicated and Cant remove it Sorry



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Hello people if i play the 0.51 update from dayz than it works, but if the server have a restart my character is reseting. Why my char will reset every restart of a server?.



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Hello people if i play the 0.51 update from dayz than it works, but if the server have a restart my character is reseting. Why my char will reset every restart of a server?.



Just a buggy experimental... Nothing to worry about.

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