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Is it considered bad form to server hop at military areas?

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Who cares?... you need extreme luck sticking to 1 server to find the good stuff, otherwise we hop, seems you got shot by a fellow hopper.  Just pretend we are Dr Who and have a majic phone booth time machine if you need to make up some kind of justification...


Prob not nettles, seems like kos would be worse than hopping.  I can go find my precious w/o having to worry about kos psychos.


Play the game as you see fit, but i really don't see the fun in server hopping.

When you get all the gear, then what?

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I don't mind people logging in near military bases but when they log off/in inside a jail or barracks then they deserve to die imo

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I logged into a server with only 3 people on it, and I managed to get shot by one of them at the NWAF.

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I have to agree with most of what you said. But having private shards doesn't mean that the public servers will disappear. If you played the DayZ mod you'll know it's basically like that. By having private shards, some servers will be whitelisted and passworded and it limits the amount of players that would be on it at X time, but I remember playing on some servers that were full most of the time, meaning encounter chances were pretty high up. Roleplay servers were great, at least for me, but I agree that depending on server admin rules, admin abuse and the community the server has, it can be a horrible experience.


I should specify "I can't wait for private shards, to find a nice server with a white list, a nice community with diverse playing styles, bandits, KoS, heroes, that will eventually close because it's private and the person renting would not renew it for what ever reasons he had, loosing all progress. At least you keep good memories of your play sessions and interesting encounters you had."


:lol:   Utopia right? B)


Gotta love DayZ! :beans:


I can't fault what you say Odin, I agree with you - the advantge of different characters on different shards - and I too have had some fun times on private servers.. also some "aweful' fun times... style of "the players from hell"  times too.


Spent a night invited to a group on the Mod where everyone spoke on broadcast channel - they all had big adult male voices, talked about work and told bad jokes AND you could HEAR the wife cooking and shouting in the kitchen, sometimes trying to shout across her husband to some other wife of someone else in the game, and the kids in each house arguing and throwing the cat around, all of the players the same << shut your mouth you little runt, when's the meal ready for shit's sake, whats the matter now, leave the cat alone, you know what I told my dumb boss at work today? ..>> everyone doing  this all evening, to say nothing of the crap over-volume mike sound, the feedback and scratching, banging, nose cleaning and swearing. YES OK - this was their private skype/bar where they relaxed. As far as "the game" itself - no one was 'playing', and I couldn't hear a zombie a yard away because of channel talk.. But this is their server, and that's what they do in the evening.  OK...I guess they were good enough people - they invited me - but they really had their pants unzipped and shirts unbuttoned ALL the time. Was just not my style. Now I laugh about it.


Another server, the boss had THE helicopter - there was a central group of 5 or 8 of his friends plus some others. He was the BOSS, that was clear. That was good fun for quite a while, the boss did rescue missions.. but it was HIS helicopter and one day someone stole it (I think, or flew it over the sea and bailed out?).. I dont know what happened, then for a day everyone killed everyone else and insulted each other (real shouting insults) and the day after, the guy closed down his server.It was shut forever and gone.


One other thing that happens even on an 'open-ish' server where the admins dont mind strangers coming in, is the people who have played together for a while do a witch hunt on any strangers who turn up. That can be interesting.. different way of enforcing 'privacy' as role-play in the post-apocalyptic game style. We had some serious fights for a month or two with a group of "strangers" who set up a hidden base, until eventually we tracked it down and wasted everything, then they gave up.


So - interesting memories. I played a lot on a Romanian server with always the same people on it, who mainly ended up challenging each other to pistol duels in the main street at Cherno, and often had discussions about how to get more people to join, but never did..


And another habitual server where everyone was extremely helpful, never a shot fired in anger, if you wanted something someone would drive down to give it to you - if they wanted it you would help them find it. Peaceful and polite folk, we had some interesting talks.. One of those guys, I came across his camp, he had 30 tents full of gear he'd collected and a line of vehicles - all legal not hacked, just... collected..  When the maphacks got going towards the end of the Mod, the admins put a max ping of 50 on that server to stop strangers from coming in  (server was in Saudi Arabia), and with my best late-night ping, at that distance, of 80+ I never saw any of them again. But it's true, over the months I was there, I made some real friends.


Now (because of the above) .. I can be polite in Arabic.. I can say "I am not a bandit, I am friendly" in Russian ... and I know enough standard short phrases in Romanian to usually understand the subject of the conversation (which can be useful).  But this comes - really - from me being a loner and going out on the servers to see what players are like. If it seems a good server I put it on the shortlist and go back there. I have 3 that are my regular places, but then some evenings I like to go around the world, try to see what is happening.. see if I can really log in to that Tokyo hardcore server and find out what they are like ( -  but from here that is one far away server.


But at the moment I need a second list - not just a 'Favorites" list but also a "Kicks, Closed Clan, Friends Only, Private Members, Psycho Admin, This is MY server,  No Foreign Languages, and Half-Hour Loot Farms" list, for all the places you are kicked from inside 30 seconds after you land, or the server restarts 3 times in a row, or it only opens for one or two hours until the admin gears up, then shuts down for the rest of the day.. etc..but I'd like a list mainly for the kicks. There are so many of these I forget which they are. ...often the name doesn't help - some of them have names like "Friendly Public Server, Enjoy, Open to All" .. and that pisses me off more than the "We Kick and Reset, Stay Away" servers.

(we'll see how it goes, I guess)


Anyway - I take your point and it makes sense. Thanx.


xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim
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But at the moment we need a second list - not just a 'Favorites" list but also a "Kicks, Closed Clan, Friends Only, Private Members, Psycho Admin, No Foreign Languages, and Half-Hour Loot Farms" list, for all the places you are kicked from inside 30 seconds after you land, or the server restarts 3 times in a row, or it only opens for one or two hours until the admin gears up, then shuts down for the rest of the day.. etc..but I'd like a list mainly for the kicks. There are so many of these I forget which they are. ... In passing - some of them have names like "Friendly Public Server, Open to All" .. and that pisses me off more than the "We Kick and Reset, Stay Away" servers.

(we'll see how it goes, I guess)


Anyway - I take your point and it makes sense. Thanx.


xx pilgrim

Damn, you found some pretty cool servers.


I think we should just be able to create our own categories for servers, that or tags.

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I didn't misunderstand, don't worry your pretty little noodle .  I don't join a server to pick up loot and leave.  I'm fine with being a part of a growing healthy community.  People tend to trickle in, leave, and are replaced by other, different people with different styles of play.  (And yes, don't worry, I understand this is the SAME server, you don't have to remind me multiple times~)  Just because I don't like to migrate from highly-populated server to server and aggressively murder everyone I see justifying it with "IT'S JUST A GAME IF THEY WANTED TO SURVIVE THEY WOULDN'T PLAY, GOD."  For some people that's okay.  To be quite frank, even if the server I end up with is only 12 people, I'm fine with that.  That's a shit load of people.  You could fortify Svetlojarsk in a day with that many people.  Build a little community.  Defend it from hordes. etc etc.  (That's just an example.)  



I've never died facing away from an enemy.


Apparently I need to make it clear I'm not a serverhopping inbred mouthbreather, incapable of understanding things without being told multiple times.



Two points - First: I didn't say "bunch of stuff, total misunderstanding, rant dripping with sarcasm, blah blah blah..."

that must have been someone else.


Second point, I don't have a "pretty little noodle"

no one has ever been so wrong on this forum. You must be talking about someone else.


Is it possible you read the wrong post ?


However, I'm almost ready to ask what you mean by  ""IT'S JUST A GAME IF THEY WANTED TO SURVIVE THEY WOULDN'T PLAY, GOD."

but... I'll give that a miss. I've tried ... but it's too complicated for me.


It was fun to read though.

Is there a meaning to the whole post ? Or is it an auto-generated text sent to the wrong person for a glitched reason? Did you write any of the reply-software?


On the other hand, I LIKE "I've never died facing away from an enemy." Myself, I've died facing every-which-way, and sometimes I don't KNOW where the enemy was, or even if it was a glitch.

But you always die facing the bad guy. That's heroic! - I guess they have faster reactions than you ? But it's heroic anyway.


I do think you have misunderstood my opinion somehow - perhaps you just did read the wrong post ?


To make everything clear               -   Server hopping at military areas is a bad IDEA   -



Edited by pilgrim
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I have never ranked who I love to kill the most, but would go something like this (from most satisfactory to the worse feeling):

1. Hackers. Sometimes I cannot sleep of how happy I feel.

2. Combat Loggers: sweet to get these ones, sitting on a corner.

3. Server hoppers.

4. Fully geared players. (really rewarding, especially when on a clean combat).

5. Snipers.

6. Half-Bambies. Those with a gun and just some ammo.

7. Bambies. Once I shot one guy, no weapons, only 3 books on his scholar back pack. I had this really bad feeling for almost a week.

But the beauty of this game is that has so many angles and styles to play!


That is really fucked up. Jesup Christ, it is a damn game and you are questioning yourself that heavily over it? I always thought the people who said shit like that were joking but you seem beyond serious. That is comparable to Charlie in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".

Okay, now my opinion. Server hopping is sort of like... Masteurbating. People are disgusted when they find someone doing it yet that same person does it themselves as well. Until a rule for the game goes up about server hopping, do it as much as you want. No one is really going to stop you (except for Charlie up there).

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I usually play on a few differents servers a night, however not to loot, more due to them going down all the time, or being full/empty etc. I prefer high population servers as more excitement. 

My friend and I logged onto a Scottish server last night and as our previous server had restarted we found ourself logging in to a field between Svet and Turovo only to be getting shot at as we loaded up. My friend dropped unconscious almost immediately as he took a couple shots. I went prone, located the first attacker and unloaded 10 sks rounds, however he was glitching around so I only managed to break his legs and he was trying to crawl away. Quickly switched to the magnum for a quick head-shot execution of first attacker whilst taking fire from guy number two. I then got to cover in some trees to reload, only for the second guy to run right past me. I ran right behind him for almost 30 seconds whilst he was presumably searching for me. It pays to look behind you sometimes. When he did finally stop to look around he had 10 shots pumped into him. Then my friend woke up, we molested the corpses, and went on our merry way.


Anyway, this got me thinking about the whole KOS thing. Those two guys had a clear advantage, had seen us first, had shot first, we were stood upright in a field for a few seconds as we logged in and of course had no weapon equipped right away . They should have killed us. So I was thinking to myself, what would I have done in their shoes? Would I have tried to kill on sight too, and would I have ended up dead as well? Probably not to be honest, but I've no real idea. It has certainly got me thinking a little more before I shoot, and the main thing is, if you're going to shoot at someone, you need to be 100% positive they're going to die. Taking wild shots from a distance without a scope is a sure fire way to end up dead yourself.

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Wasn't there a statement of the devs, that cars will be very rare and the parts to repair a car will maybe be spreaded over different servers? Don't remember exactly, but if this is the case... most of you are wrong and server hopping seems to be intended by the devs. ^^

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Wasn't there a statement of the devs, that cars will be very rare and the parts to repair a car will maybe be spreaded over different servers? Don't remember exactly, but if this is the case... most of you are wrong and server hopping seems to be intended by the devs. ^^

Maybe not intended, but it's a side product of their loot distribution mechanism. 

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Wasn't there a statement of the devs, that cars will be very rare and the parts to repair a car will maybe be spreaded over different servers? Don't remember exactly, but if this is the case... most of you are wrong and server hopping seems to be intended by the devs. ^^

Brain Hicks said that in his personal opinion that official servers will have around 10 vehicles, from large to small ones. That is his stand on it but the development team is still discussing it, he said.

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- snip -


Interesting to read, pilgrim. Those were definitely memories to share. Beans for that.


I have to agree with you on the "bad servers" list. In fact, I might just open a suggestion to see what other people think about it.

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When you server hop from a server yes its a bit unfare(especially in high loot areas). I advise just to play the game without hopping. But if you do hop in military. Be smart and conseale your self instead of being in the middle of the air field.

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I dont do it. But I dont care if others do, thats why I want private shards.


I was enjoying the server hop timer when it was meaningful.

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If you want to have the good loot there's really no other way to do it. I do prefer to avoid those areas but usually end up going there anyways and BLAM! You are Dead.

 I liked it better how it was earlier when you could find military loot in police stations and such.

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Funny to see someone talking about getting shot when hopping. Just did it some days ago: I was on a low-pop-server and since it was getting late I ended up alone in it and checked it quite often. I finally arrived at the mil-base around Veresnik and shot a guy in the Police-Station who has to be joining in there because some min earlier I was still alone...

Normally I don't KOS but this guy was scaring me linke hell when he was just there... believe it or not you will meet people really often in low-pop-servers. Always expect to meet someone.

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But isn't server hopping supposed to be integral to the game? That's what the central loot economy is, isn't it? That system would certainly encourage server hopping at any rate.


This is so depression to read. Its like turning Dayz into a scifi game where we can magically pop in and out of different dimensions of the same world. I understand that its hard to avoid this possibility...but god damn dont build gamemechanics that encourages it!










Edited by svisketyggeren
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I also think there should be "group" servers. These will be hives of 2-5 servers where you have the same character on each of them, that way if one is full, you can join another rather than having to choose between start over or not play. If one goes down or has issues you can join another and keep your character. And admins can punish server hoppers as they wish. They could have logs of how many times someone logs in/out. Admins can then ban/temp ban players. It would also help later on when barricades are added.


Great idea to have shard mini-networks, as long as we are restricted to 40-50 ppl per server this could be the best solution. beans for you


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I logged into a server with only 3 people on it, and I managed to get shot by one of them at the NWAF.


Ironically that is likely the greatest danger time at NWAF, when it's you and 3 other people, 2 of them are likely looting NWAF to take advantage of the low pop. I can't tell you how many times I've visited NWAF at a 30+/40 server to encounter no one there, or at Vybor, Zeleno... it's weird.

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Server hoping on military bases can come at a cost. Even on light server you can run into contacts at military bases. In fact light servers are were people loot the most. So if you start server hoping it increases your odds of running into another player. Wether you want to or not. Players get shot all the time just spawning next to a barack, the guy inside hears foot steps and gets into a good shoting pos. Then the door opens and BANG!! "your dead". Also it is time consuming to server hope. Load in times, and timers.  Is it really worth it is the question.


As far as server hoping goes, Im not 100% against it. In fact I do not even consider it an expliot. The only effort the devs did to combat this is adding a timer. The really just put a road block timer in place, which doesn't stop it, it just cuts down on it. I think its really funny how people complain about it so much, and ghosting too. But just about everyone does it, or has done it at some point. Also ghosting is really common too. Lets be real honest. I played with quite a few people on TS and will tell you just about everyone is not above doing it. They just will not admit it.


I don't server hope all the time infact once I find a good server I stay on it. I have done it before though, and will tell you there is an advantage to it, your likely to at some point find what your looking for, if your in a good area. But its time consuming and your at some point going to run into contact. Some times I find I'm better off not doing it. So I dont always do it becuase I think its bad, I don't do it becuase its not always ideal.


For me and looting though, I find the best way to do it is in a small group. You can trade items back and forth and get geared up much quicker. That in my exp is the best way to get geared up....not so much server hopping.

Edited by CJFlint

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Sometimes when I'm bored I sit at military areas on low pop servers just to shoot server hoppers in the face and bury their body.

You got what you deserved. The game is out there -> interacting with other people. Surviving. Defending yourself with minimal supplies and ammo. THAT is the game.

Server hoppers and loot farmers ruin the game for honest players. You take loot from an area that I ran an hour to get to. You take all your precious military gear and kill fresh spawns in cherno or berezino because you can't handle a FAIR fight, let alone a challenge.

Then you cry cause you let your guard down and became complacent and got shot in the back?

Deal with it. No sympathy here.

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Sometimes when I'm bored I sit at military areas on low pop servers just to shoot server hoppers in the face and bury their body.

You got what you deserved. The game is out there -> interacting with other people. Surviving. Defending yourself with minimal supplies and ammo. THAT is the game.

Server hoppers and loot farmers ruin the game for honest players. You take loot from an area that I ran an hour to get to. You take all your precious military gear and kill fresh spawns in cherno or berezino because you can't handle a FAIR fight, let alone a challenge.

Then you cry cause you let your guard down and became complacent and got shot in the back?

Deal with it. No sympathy here.

Yesterday I was considering the possibility of doing this exact same mission!....sit there on low pop servers and wait for server hoppers....I will be focused mainly on the military base at Vybor and NWAF in case you want to know.....

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I've played EPOCH on private hive for a long time, it was open to public so anyone could join the server and everyone new to it would be a fresh spawn. There was no server hoping and no ghosting, everything that happened on that server, stayed on that server. This was the best DayZ experience I had, as I could role play as a hero and eventually get a good reputation, and have an awesome base to boot.


This whole concept of moving your character from one server to another is very new, I can't recall any game that allows you for this type of freedom. Think about it, when playing Counter-Strike you can switch servers, do you retain your money and gear?

The only game that permit a limited version of server hoping that I know of is Guild Wars 2 where you can visit other servers for a day. That was actually pretty useful when they rolled out Tequatl the sunless update. It was a very strong boss that required large amount of people to work together, people on low population servers joined other servers in order to kill him.


Now I have some radical ideas in regards to DayZ.


Multiple characters

When my preferred private hive EPOCH server introduced multiple characters, it was like heaven. DayZ need something similar, as you currently have only one public character avaliable. Let's say you have this fully geared character you like to take out with your clan mates, but you also love running around on your own, so you make an alternative character and play on the same or different server. Then if your main character is dead while you are with your clan mates, you can jump on your alt and continue playing without having to start from scratch. One thing to note, when you join a server where you just been killed with a different character you can't spawn anywhere near your dead body.


Server slots

Each character can have up to X amount of servers attached to him/her per day, lets say 3 servers. That means the first 3 servers you join will be the servers you are restricted to play on for the next 24 hours. Server slot becomes free after 24 hours has expired and you can join a different server. This way you will limit server hoping and loot farming while still retaining some freedom to play on whatever server you like.



Now this is only an idea, no need to bash me over the head if you think it's a stupid ass idea, thank you very much.

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But only if you're being a Whore about it. I wouldn't blame anyone for server hoping to find a mag or two for one of the new guns. I'm pretty sure we all do it too some extent.

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But only if you're being a Whore about it. I wouldn't blame anyone for server hoping to find a mag or two for one of the new guns. I'm pretty sure we all do it too some extent.



No. Some of us really don't.


Only time I would "hop" servers is to play with a friend who's on a server other than the one I am on.. or they could "hop" over to mine. There's no reason to jump to another server to find a magazine. That's laziness. 

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