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About Sleeves

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  1. Ah, the days of finding a looooong string of corpses in a house, ending with a dead player and a lee einfield. Good times. Can we have those happen again?
  2. Sleeves

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    That's a little too deep. Yeah it's possible but after a point it's a little silly in game and the metal pot should be stuck with.
  3. Sleeves

    less lethal weapons

    Because it is? I was more of a compliment to the gun in regards to nonlethal. You are more than likely not going to kill someone with it but you will knock them out!
  4. Sleeves

    Where can I find these items

    Batteries are in stable? They spawn in that hut in Novo a lot.
  5. Sleeves

    Tranquilizer and Leash

    Holy shit, do you have any idea how many awesome pathways you just opened up? This is awesome. Also the whole animal husbandry thing... You all are getting a little ahead of yourselves. I mean, maybe in the future? If you want something like that though might I recommend Wurm?
  6. Sleeves

    Military Clothing Tips

    How is this baiting? Could I not claim you are trying to provoke him with your passive aggressive comment?
  7. Sleeves

    SVD Dragunov Spawn

    What I think is impossible to find is a sewing kit, of any variety.
  8. Combat logging you say? Let me just light my torch.
  9. Sleeves

    Food Poisoning? What?

    Wait, holy shit, am I arguing with someone over eating raw meat? Are you this stupid? How can you actually believe that? It just baffles me, I am sorry.
  10. Sleeves

    Food Poisoning? What?

    I am sorry, but that is outright false. It is not just the bacteria that floats around and grows on the meat. Parasites can and do lay eggs in cows and pigs, called cyst. You eat that meat and that cyst will hatch and go through its maturing phase in your body. Congratulations, you munched on some raw cow and got a tape worm.
  11. Sleeves

    Food Poisoning? What?

    Eating raw meat and being perfectly fine, as some of you are suggesting, is kind of... new. Honestly, it is the stupidest thing in the world. To think that the most you can get is a little vomiting is out right retarded. Do you have any idea how many diseases can thrive in a slice of raw or undercooked meat? And that shit does not just "stop" if you munch on beans and charcoal.
  12. Sleeves

    Hungry? Thirsty? Stuffed?

    Yeah, check your privilege.
  13. Sleeves

    Polaroid Cameras

    This would be amazing. I definitely hope it gets added.
  14. Sleeves

    Sliding ladders down.

    Oh fuck if they add this I hope they do not mess it up. Can you imagine how many people will die from buggy ladder sliding before it is fixed?
  15. Sleeves

    DayZ Therapy Circle

    I killed a man at the NWAF, I feel horrible.