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Is This A Mechanic Or A Bug? Bone Condition Death...

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I just need to know if this is an actual mechanic because I have been one hit by zombies before after being healthy.

Devs just please be honest and just tell us the truth about this game and hiding everything.

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I'd submit that bugger to bug tracker.

Can't be working as intended.

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Agafor is a total star.


And FWIW, in reply to his question at the end, no, I absolutely don't think it's fair that the game is slowly, inevitably killing you, and thereby punishing long life.

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No, I don't think it's fair, however I don't think it should be removed, their should just be a way to help fight this deterioration.

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It's weird that you mentioned this, because this happened to me for the first time yesterday.  My status bars were bright green hydrated/energized/healthy, but I was fighting a group of two zombies and was dead immediately after taking the first hit. I had definitely taken a lot of hits from zombies a few hours earlier as a fresh spawn, but my status bars were telling me that I was totally recovered.

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hahaha kind of funny we are doomed the moment we spawn so I guess my toon is going to die very soon I've had him for a long time. if this is true then they need to add that stat to the UI inventory screen so we know or show it in our toons movements like make start moving like a worn out battle beaten survivor sort of like john mclain at the end of diehard.

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well well this explains a lot - thanks so much for the info and shouldn't we be able to recover these stats over time, sad to think its permanent.

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No, I don't think it's fair, however I don't think it should be removed, their should just be a way to help fight this deterioration.


Only one solution.  Let us milk the cows dev.  We need the calcium for our brittle bones.

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a really nice "research"!


however if we talk of "longer u live, the higher death chance u got" formula - its a hard question, that depends not only on the game mechanics and balance (as i remember dayz should be "unbalanced" in terms of realism) but on some sort of philosophy - how does survavialist past experience helps him to survive longer? and how does agressive environment affect his health state?


my point of view:


1) the longer character live, more knowledge he recieves, thus his lifecycle should be prolonged


2) obviously agressive environment shortens your life


from this "pillars" we have some kind of 2 functions that affect player lifetime, and both of them depend on time alive. However one makes life longer, and another shortens it. I see only one solution - new stat that can switch players "estimated lifetime curve" (maybe moral, maybe "luck", maybe some mix of those two)

Edited by AgainstAllAutority

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I always thought those will be to recover from an infection.. or maybe flu... if we ever going to have those....

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I'm curious if the devs will mind to shed some lights on this observations, since i think it is really interesting.


Props to Aggathor however, that man is doing great videos. If you dont follow his youtube channel already, you should consider to do so.

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I always thought those will be to recover from an infection.. or maybe flu... if we ever going to have those....

That is an interesting thought, however vitamins don't usually cure bacterial/viral infections (antibiotics/antivirals) or the flu virus (viral infection, vaccinations, no cure). Calcium and vitamins C & D, on the other hand, all help promote bone health/"growth".

Edited by scriptfactory

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I am not sure if I see this as a punishment.  If you come to think, being hit by zeds over time, will only deteriorate your toon (infection levels?), so it adds another angle for realism. On the other hand, being a survivor for longer periods of time, also should endure your health (especially with the distances you keep jogging and running  :P ).


Anyhow, the video is just great, and as someone said before...you should be following this guy on youtube.  He has tons of good and valuable information!


My beans to you Aggathor! :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :beans:  :thumbsup:

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Considering the game is not finished and the medical system is constantly being changed, I withhold judgement. But the data is useful for modifying current gameplay behavior.

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I'm curious if the devs will mind to shed some lights on this observations, since i think it is really interesting.


Confirmed by Hicks on twitter as just an unbalanced wip mechanic.

Edited by Terrorviktor
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That is an interesting thought, however vitamins don't usually cure bacterial/viral infections (antibiotics/antivirals) or the flu virus (viral infection, vaccinations, no cure). Calcium and vitamins C & D, on the other hand, all help promote bone health/"growth".

I think they suppose to shorten the duration of stages from various sickness. Edited by Mor

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Not sure, at present it's boring as hell once you are geared anyhow. So having a mechanic that might randomly cut your life short the longer that life goes on might be a blessing (at present).


Later on I'd like to see the stat come back over time - even if it's long long periods of time - while in healthy condition.

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Confirmed by Hicks on twitter as just an unbalanced wip mechanic.

I really dislike hidden stats like this. I wonder how long it has been in-game. Horrible.

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as long as it can be rectified by taking vitamins or something it's grand, I mean they must be in the game for some reason..

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A statement by the Devs would be nice. How this is going to evolve during alpha.

Did you read the post above you or don't you do that sort of thing.


"Just WIP sqf/fsm taken out of context. Nothing is final nor finished at this phase"

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We need  a Dev to clear this up, apparently there is a feature like this in the game and there is no way to recover your bone status.

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