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Stable - 0.49 Discussion

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Tried to filter search before asking.  With .49 are their new spawns for the chopper crashes as well?  Was in about 20 servers in balota between last night and today, have not seen one.  I know it is a random chance, I was just curious if they had removed, added, switched spawns




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My exp so far with .49. So right of I noticed my .48 CHR was wiped, which I did not like. I had an asome build on .48. Its ok I'll live and not bitch. I spawned in the what I thought was the middle of the woods on a sloop. I then saw large buildings........and by god it was Novo! I can make it anywhere, but a novo spawn makes life easier. Great! That place is loaded with good new spawn loot and guns. I decided to stay until I got my self a really good kit to easliy make it to a military spawn. I got a rude surpise and found out there are now zombies in novo lol I found a mosin, and a long range scope with in a half hour. My favarote gun. To my surpise I only saw a couple players running around, on meduim servers there too.  One was playing music in local....WTF..."well hes an ass hat, I have nothing to worry about...as long as he dosn't get to close". I thought LOL. So over all it was a good night playing. A positive start on a new patch.


-The mechanics in game seem to be more sound. I was able to lead zombies into houses, then look them in. This tactic seems works most of the time now. A plus.

-I did not care for the new retractable baton...its was not vary good at dealing with zombies. 

-I'm seeing a new issue with light flickering. Never seen this before .49. I know that disabling shadows may fix it....but I hope the devs fix this. Why should I not have shadows? I should be able to have good graghics if my cpu can handle it? This is bug.

-I like the new weather effects. It adds a more survival to the game which is a plus.

-I have not seen the spawning bug, and hopefully will not. I don't ever plan on dieing. I play to survive. Hopefully I will only have 1 spawn this whole patch! If I'm lucky.

-I also had a complete game crash. The whole thing just crashed, was weird. Had to restart the CPU and I did not see it again.


Over all so far I like the new patch. Other then some small stuff that I can work around, its works good. Much better then when .47 hit stable. .49 is vary playable. Due to some of the changes there also un knowns which I'll need to learn about. But thats all part of the fun right?

Edited by CJFlint
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It's hard to tell whether a place was looted with doors randomly opening on restart. :)

I see it as a blessing, honestly. Most people are still in the mindset of "door open = looted" so they pass over all the good stuff!


Did really NO ONE botice the new civilian airport buildings at NE airfield that clip into the old military ones ? lol you can walk through every wall there ... wondering why no one checked that before releasing stable XDXD its not a gamebreaker u can still loot the old buildings though you dont see that much in ground floor  :rolleyes:

Oh, I noticed. They are in quite rough shape at the moment. It was nice to see what's coming, but I thought it was an odd inclusion in a Stable patch versus Experimental. Perhaps it will be more "finished" looking next week when Stable receives another update as promised.


But yes there Is a tent city north west of northwest Airfield now , it'd a great place to get looted up :)

Wait... what now?! I already checked some of the area where the new Tisy Military Base is supposed to be and I didn't see anything but open area. Please fill me in! (or PM me, preferably!)


Ok is it just me or does sks ammo only spawn in airfields now? cause when im looting civilian areas i find plenty of mosin ammo and other ammo but no sks ammo then as soon as i hit the military bases i find boxes upon boxes of sks ammo wtf?  :huh:

I found some in a single-story orange building at one point last night, but only a single box. I know for sure it wasn't at a military base because I avoided looting military areas when I played last night.

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A LOT of FPS drops, mass de-sync, problems with textures loading ( VRAM problems think) after 0.49 update. And all of these problems have been on Experimental branch and still not fixed.

just two question: Why?

 How can i test this game with memory leaks and FPS prancing (~25 standart, 5- after FPS drops)?


p/s/ and something tells me the next hotfix will be upload only after 1+ week....

soooo sad..

Edited by kasseta
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And all of these problems have been on Experimental branch and still not fixed.

This is not my experience.



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I've got Eugen tracking this behavior down with another user. I suspect it has something to do with the purge, we'll dial it in - and then address it for all users. 

Just need a little patience :)

Yeah no worries mate ,no major stress i was just sharing my less then great start to .49 stable ( hey i loved .49 on exp i thought it was brilliant minus the shadow bug which seems to be gone) ill check in again tomorrow.  Every time i click i understand to play Dayz i understand its early release alpha ( hey to be honest i am surprised at how lucky and stable the game has been for me untill now lol..)

Edited by SoulFirez

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I'am having a weird issue. Whenever i log onto a server all the stuff in my pants,coat, and assault vest have just vanished. Backpacks are rearranged but nothing is missing from them, everything else though is gone.......weird

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Any word on the missing STATIC Heli crashes? (Not DYNAMIC-ones that change) 


None in any 3 locations. 

Balota swamp-0


abandoned city-0

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I have very simple question. Why would you put unplayable version on stable instead of make that version playable on experimental and then push it on stable. ???

Been plenty playable for me!

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I have very simple question. Why would you put unplayable version on stable instead of make that version playable on experimental and then push it on stable. ???

Please expand, you are not giving any relative information concerning what is "unplayable", otherwise is troll or spam is.

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So far, we have reports of the following issues on our server:

  • Vibor spawn only.
  • "You are dead" reloading after respawn. Characters unable to respawn. Must exit and rejoin server to spawn.
  • No persistent option for admin as mentioned in the Status Report.
  • Persistence not functional.

Anyone else seen any of these issues?


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This is my unicorn so far as well. It will be found. :)

Its probably one of those cases where they accidentally mentions it wrong. We find those every patchnote

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So far, we have reports of the following issues on our server:

  • Vibor spawn only.
  • "You are dead" reloading after respawn. Characters unable to respawn. Must exit and rejoin server to spawn.
  • No persistent option for admin as mentioned in the Status Report.
  • Persistence not functional.

Anyone else seen any of these issues?


Best be making a report on the Bug Tracker giving full details, server/game version and anything else required.


Regarding players this may be of use...


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Please expand, you are not giving any relative information concerning what is "unplayable", otherwise is troll or spam is.

Need expand ? I didnt think expand because everybody know issues. "No message received for ....", desync like crazy , fps drops more than before in certain areas, wait for host forever, server crashes.

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Need expand ? I didnt think expand because everybody know issues. "No message received for ....", desync like crazy , fps drops more than before in certain areas, wait for host forever, server crashes.

DayZ is more effected by stuff like ping and bandwidth, even more so after .47. The reason your seeing these issues is becuase either you got a bad connection, or your not checking server ping before you log into one. The lower the ping the better. Your probably not checking it during game play either bandwidth or ping. 


You can either try to correct this issues your self like I and others have. Its pretty simple pick a lower ping server. Then from time to time check your ping and badwidth during game play. Maybe even go as far as increasing your provider plan  to handle online gaming. You might have to too. Or you can come here and fight with the devs. Which is kind of pointless effort, seeing there more then likely more concerned with making the game then your connection problems.  


Thats why your getting the responce your getting, becuase your problem is NOT realated to game mechanics or what have you. Its a connection issue more then likely from your end. Maybe your cpu isn't up to task anymore....Thats for you to find out.

Edited by CJFlint

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Lol just continued my naked and afraid in vybor spawn today , wasn't as lucky as last night ...

Logged in and was in the woods near the new northwest airield tent city , traveled the 2 mins to get there and wouldn't ya know it found a guy in the third tent I searched lol ... This kid must have had super fast reflexes cuz he seemed to be looting when i walked into the opening of the tent: with what seemed to be a sporter , he lit out three rounds to my awesome new ineffective gorka riot helmet :( after I had shot off one round of the trusty moisin ..I could of sworn I got his chest (head? :) ) but the "you are dead" screen comes up before I could tell ...

But a good run and now I've spawned in Cherno with my default character ... Instantly I see a guy who looked like a bandit , I say some things in fear and he says to my surprise "I'm friendly you need food ?" Lol two parallel experiences back to back on the same server and it was only 4/30 server so I pretty much met the whole server XD...

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So far, we have reports of the following issues on our server:

  • Vibor spawn only.
  • "You are dead" reloading after respawn. Characters unable to respawn. Must exit and rejoin server to spawn.
  • No persistent option for admin as mentioned in the Status Report.
  • Persistence not functional.

Anyone else seen any of these issues?


No, only the reset character very often


Besides that i can't really say i have any problems after a 3-4 hour gameplay. Zeds and pathfinding works really well now.

Edited by aasand

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ld-airgrafix, on 18 Sept 2014 - 07:01 AM, said:snapback.png

I'm off to play Infestation at least it works.

You do not deserve the right to test this game or any other on that matter, such ignorance. They call it testing for a reason,there is no need for ridicule....

Edited by Scarcifer
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The lower the ping the better. 





Normally I would agree 100% but I'm seeing all of my lowest ping/more popular East coast servers having DC issues after about 15 minutes (similar to Experimental).


If I play on servers between say 50-75 ping I get the best balance of performance.


I believe server DC issues may be tied to persistence (hicks said this?), and it seems that due to load + overall usage if the server is high traffic it brings out the bug to it's fullest.


This is total conjecture on my part and I could be way off but I can only speak from my personal experiences regarding servers and this update.


I just played on a 60 ping server with rain for over an hour with good synch, door states, and zombie interactions, and decent frame rates.

Edited by BioHaze

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Need expand ? I didnt think expand because everybody know issues. "No message received for ....", desync like crazy , fps drops more than before in certain areas, wait for host forever, server crashes.


Errr No! "Everybody" does Not know these issues. Just because you and maybe a few friends are having problems, doesn't mean the whole game is broken/FUBAR for everyone else.


I'm part of a 100+ member clan and the only issues we have found are:

Repairing Clothes. It only shows the repair after you drop the item and pick it back up.

FPS drop (Lag Spikes) for a split second on occasions FPS drops to teens sometimes single digits, but only for a split second.

Zombies walking through some walls and closed doors, but only on certain buildings.

No loot spawning in Vehicles (Jeeps, Urals) and wooden floor tents.


Not one of us has had server crashes or major desync issues. Waiting for host for a while on a high-pop server has been an issue for ages, but waiting for host "Forever" is a slight *Massive* exaggeration, 10-60 seconds is the maximum we have experienced.


And we have been reporting them properly on the Bug Tracker as well as on our website so we all know about them. These are the only ones found by dozens and dozens of players on all different servers, hundreds of combined hours ingame. So that's hardly "Unplayable" is it. Maybe you should look closer to home....... Your internet, Your rig, the specific server you're on.....

Edited by euphoria4949
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Normally I would agree 100% but I'm seeing all of my lowest ping/more popular East coast servers having DC issues after about 15 minutes (similar to Experimental).


If I play on servers between say 50-75 ping I get the best balance of performance.


I believe server DC issues may be tied to persistence (hicks said this?), and it seems that due to load + overall usage if the server is high traffic it brings out the bug to it's fullest.


This is total conjecture on my part and I could be way off but I can only speak from my personal experiences regarding servers and this update.


I just played on a 60 ping server with rain for over an hour with good synch, door states, and zombie interactions, and decent frame rates.

Thats were Im at to 50 to 75 ping, even lower is better if I can find one.


My theory is......and this is just a theory. My best logical guess. Is after .47 persistence and all the stuff that came with it was added to the engine, it added more of a strain to our connections. Was it working all of the time...no, but is was more then likely still part of the engine. There was also many other changes to the game. Which causes DayZ SA to be much more effected by bandwidth and ping then ever before, and much more noticable, and causes worce issues. So it probably is persistence, which in a nut shell puts much more of a load on our connections....This is all a theory. 


I do know this much. Bandwidth and Ping are were at the root cause of the issues I saw after .47. There is a vary good chance this is due to persistence. I do know when I started to monitor bandwidth and ping during game play. Also selecting servers based of this, my game play issues were much less. I have far less issues. The game is vary playable.

Edited by CJFlint

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even tho i got killed by hackers 5 times on different servers I still think this is an awesome update.


Found so much new stuff already :)

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This is not my experience.

Nor does it appear to be the experience of most people playing 0.49.


Any word on the missing STATIC Heli crashes? (Not DYNAMIC-ones that change) 


None in any 3 locations. 

Balota swamp-0


abandoned city-0

You mean they're gone?? Like, completely? Or they just don't spawn any loot?


Its probably one of those cases where they accidentally mentions it wrong. We find those every patchnote

Ugh, more often than the community-at-large realizes. Do you know how much time I spent researching Nettles in 0.49 only to come to the conclusion that their mention in the patch notes was a mistake?  :|


I could of sworn I got his chest (head? :) ) but the "you are dead" screen comes up before I could tell ...

Here's a tip: if you hit Esc to bring up your game menu after you die, you can vaguely see what's going on around your dead body. It's very, very dark of course... but you can still see people walking around, looting your body, stuff nearby, etc.

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