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Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

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I wonder what they trying to test...how fast people gets bore with nothing to do except shocking each other with electricity ?

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over 800mb update and whats major news ? Except broken electric catttle prog and baton. After 1 hour gameplay I get bored and just quit game.. Fail again. Also when I log out ang log in I allways spawning as hypothermic


Then do us all a favor and uninstall the game, instead of crying like a little girl here.

Or even better, provide constructive critisism and feedback, instead of a rant.....


any update notes for new exp patch? can't find any... where to look?


Experimental doesnt have patch notes.

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over 800mb update and whats major news ? Except broken electric catttle prog and baton. After 1 hour gameplay I get bored and just quit game.. Fail again. Also when I log out ang log in I allways spawning as hypothermic


An whole hour... I don't know how you can jump to a conclusion like "failure" based on such a small session... I know things are broken ATM, but it is called experimental for a reason and unfortunately your personal entertainment isn't guaranteed ( I mean who can guarantee that ...).


If you want to discover what new things have been added with the patch, without having to spend hours in game, maybe you should check out the reddit link one page back... but somehow I don't think you will be bothered...

Edited by Hoik
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Has any one found a way of getting around the hypothermia bug?

How to not die from hypothermia.  Seriously, I am not being flip.


Find matches and an axe and make a fire. 


I tested this in this manner on Singapore 1.  I ignited my camp fire and logged off next to it, then logged back in right next to my campfire and I did not have hypothermia at all.  Now, what I did NOT test was logging with hypothermia and starting a camp fire.  I'll leave that to someone else.

I did try coming in with hypothermia and igniting one of the gas stoves. The stove came on, I could see the blue flame but that was just useless and did nothing. 


I have to admit, after I finally found matches, I started finding them with some regularity.  Then I couldn't find an axe, I had several deaths before I finally found, oddly enough, a pristine fire axe in, of all places, a low yield farm house.

I love my stun baton, glad I made it a habit to keep my battery!!

Edited by Barnabus

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Well thanks for that, Not much help though when I haven't found an axe and my game crashes through a bug that they have not fixed so when I log in I'm fucked. 

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How to not die from hypothermia.  Seriously, I am not being flip.


Find matches and an axe and make a fire. 


I tested this in this manner on Singapore 1.  I ignited my camp fire and logged off next to it, then went back into the same server right next to my campfire and I did not have hypothermia at all.  Now, what I did NOT test was logging with hypothermia and starting a camp fire.  I'll leave that to someone else.

I did try coming in with hypothermia and igniting one of the gas stoves. That was useless and did nothing. 


I have to admit, after I finally found matches, I started finding them with some regularity.  Then I couldn't find an axe, I had several deaths before I finally found, oddly enough, a pristine fire axe in, of all places, a low yield farm house.

I love my stun baton, glad I made it a habit to keep my battery!!

Stun baton doesn't work.  I just ran into some random in Novo who asked if I had a battery so I gave him the one from my flashlight.  He said thanks and as I was about to walk away I told him he could test it out on my.  All that happened was getting spammed with a status message of "you feel a jolt of electricity jolt through your body" and nothing else.

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looks like the hunger and thirst system is broken. I'm not getting any hungrier or thirsty as a fresh spawn. But drinking and eating doesn't do anything either.

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I'll not dissect this one. you should realize that once "off grid" living as you put it is easily available to everyone then your person to person encounters in the woods become more likely and the map will become more useful overall. its a very good thing that recent changes are drastically changing the way people play the game because at the moment there is still a huge amount of players that treat this game like CoD or BF4 and that is more annoying than anything else I have encountered in the game to include buggy zeds and that shitty glitch death I suffered yesterday. I cannot count the number of vids I have seen that seem to open with players saying things along these lines... "hey you got ammo? cool lets go find some action..." what is that if not the CoD mentality? so yeah I will be living in the woods somewhere keeping an eye out for the likes of you. so keep that in mind when next you venture into the forest for a few sticks.

You've referenced FPS like BF4 and COD twice to my points now and I don't know why. I certainly don't maintain that attitude when I play this game but I can see how you would see many that do. My total characters are low because of my gamestyle. I'm no YOLOer. The game IS changing and the things they are putting in are not obstacles. If anything the game is easier for the random noob now because of respawning random loot. 


The guys that get ammo and look for action are Youtubers looking for hits and KOSers who have no social skills and like to kick puppies. 

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fair enuff


Although reddit is very good at throwing unofficial patch notes together.

If you go one page back in this thread, theres a link to one for 0.49 exp, on reddit :)

Its all we got to work with, im afraid.

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Stop the petty bickering both of you are off-topic.

how very right you are sir. my apologies.


on topic...


so is running up stairs going to be a thing again because that was awesome. with the thermometer I have been thinking about the timing of my untimely death and I have to wonder if maybe the really bad condition of the thermometer might have poisoned me and I died from that as I died about 5 seconds after I got the temp reading. coincidence I'm sure. mercury isn't that lethal is it?


and matches. my kingdom for some matches....

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Damn the stuff they found in this build. Its all so awesome. If only 1/4 of the people on redit helping the wiki

Also. Get ready for nade spam

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New zombie animations are awesome, they just can't seem to aggro anyone :(


Oh and a new resuscitate option for unconscious players?!

Edited by akpe

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Is it possible the zombie aggro was turned off for this build to allow a closer look at the new animations?

Seen it... very nice... did few screenshots, tried to peep upskirts, pretended that one of them was a dog, high five few of them...fun, fun...now... put the aggro back on...  :P

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I do look forward to logging on later and just running around like a crazy person free from hunger and want. :D

Edited by Ebrim

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Yea this patch is pretty rough , I think switching to stable is the only option at this point , me and a friend searched all last night literally all night , scouring the eastern hemisphere for an axe ...

We saw and killed many people that tried robbing us for our matches and our imaginary axe (everyone was hard up for that lol even though we were looking for one too ) I even became a bandit for an hour with my cray cray bandit friend ..

We held up many souls and cattle proded (tickled) them until we were satisfied that they truly didn't know where an axe was (lol) and then at the very end of the night after going through many small villages , novo, berezino , and svetlojarsk we ended up dying by a guy we couldn't even see !

We were in the blue medical building (in Svetlo I think ) and both of us were crouched down , I was about to leave the room so I turned around towards the door , nobody was there and as I turned to my friend in real life (he was next to me) I looked at his monitor and saw a few bullets hit next to where I was as I look back on my computer screen to see I went unconcious - not seeing anyone .. My friend waits silently behind the door and we hear him(m4 fuck) tap his m4 trigger once more as I see my "you are unconcious" turn into " you are dead " I wait watching his screen (he's now laying down to avoid m4 deuche bag from shooting him from outside from behind ) all of a sudden he moves backwards to be in the corner more and he just gets "glitched pushed" towards the door opening , and without seeing anyone he dies ..

A sucky way to end 3 hours of searching for one item ! I have no idea if he was glitched In a wall or what cuz we heard that m4 all day when we were in Svetlo , he must have been doing something sketchy unless he was just the best dayz player ever and just happened to have 100's of m4 bullets cuz we heard that m4 go off at least in 10 different occasions before we were met by him

So long story short I can't wait for all fear of duplicated mags to be gone , I can't wait for all buildings to be unclippable (if he was somehow clipping through and seeing us) and I can't wait to really get this hypothermia fixed cuz you can play on one server but as soon as you need to log out your screwed unless you make a fire first :/ ... I really enjoy the weather effects and I don't wanna stay on stable for long devs please hot fix our asses soon please ? :,(

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Not having a problem finding axes.  Splitting axe or fire axe, my choice.


My strategy?  Don't log out.  Find a place where you really are hidden, and Alt-Tab.  Leave it running - unless somebody finds you, nothing changes.  The other option is to keep stashing your stuff and dying, then re-spawning again, or do the fire thing and hope it helps before you die, again.







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Not having a problem finding axes.  Splitting axe or fire axe, my choice.


My strategy?  Don't log out.  Find a place where you really are hidden, and Alt-Tab.  Leave it running - unless somebody finds you, nothing changes.  The other option is to keep stashing your stuff and dying, then re-spawning again, or do the fire thing and hope it helps before you die, again.







Play Stable ?..no sure why people is so determined to play Experimental if they don't want to help testing stuff...is a "fashion" thing ?

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Play Stable ?..no sure why people is so determined to play Experimental if they don't want to help testing stuff...is a "fashion" thing ?

No , "is" a fun thing ! I don't like to run around for kills and experimental felt like home when it worked last experimental . I never had a problem with the temperature system of the old experimental patch , it was perfect for me and now it's unplayable for me . I guess the tables have turned but I think people were truly complaining without reason last time but now it's truly bad... Considering I can't leave my PC on all day because she's an energy sucker (and also that's very bad for your PC ) but now that I think about it you/ exorade said it best : switch to stable/ don't play for 48 hrs , so I think I'll just pretend there is a temperature system and look for a tent or something in stable til they hot fix this bad thang !

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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Play Stable ?..no sure why people is so determined to play Experimental if they don't want to help testing stuff...is a "fashion" thing ?


So... I am testing stuff!  Easier to test stuff when you have stuff to test; this is a way to keep stuff in order to test it. 


Seriously, though, as I come across stuff to make a fire, I will consider making a fire to log off next to.




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