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Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

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I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I'm quite sure 8 is a bit of an exaggeration. =)


I dream of the day I can be attacked by 8 at once. Can't happen though, as they all have to take a number and get in line. =(

ever went to elektro? found dozens there yesterday

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this happen to me 2 time is red text say 'server admin warn dont using group chat' i was get 5 warn then kick after i was join again server i was kick again after i was type in the direct WAT IS GROUP CHAT??? why is punish for type???? is racis against no mic persons

noun: racism
  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
    • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
      "a program to combat racism"
      synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia,chauvinismbigotrycasteism
      "Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"


And just in case you don't know what a race is:


noun: race; plural noun: races
  1. each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
    "people of all races, colors, and creeds"
    synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
    "students of many different races"
    • a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc.; an ethnic group.
      "we Scots were a bloodthirsty race then"
      synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color More
    • the fact or condition of belonging to a racial division or group; the qualities or characteristics associated with this.
      "people of mixed race"
      synonyms: ethnic group, racial type, origin, ethnic origin, color
      "students of many different races"
    • a group or set of people or things with a common feature or features.
      "some male firefighters still regarded women as a race apart"
      a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies.
      "people have killed so many tigers that two races are probably extinct"
    • (in nontechnical use) each of the major divisions of living creatures.
      "a member of the human race"
    • literary
      a group of people descended from a common ancestor.
      "a prince of the race of Solomon"
    • archaic
      "two coursers of ethereal race"
Edited by evidica

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Wait... what? There is side and global chat in the SA?

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Funny thing I thought I was the only with this problem. Today on Stable I was at the military base close to Vybor gearing up with a new player and there was some guy in a barrack changing his shirt. I put 10 rounds in him with AK 101 but I didn't hear MY own shots although the dude I was with did. All I heard was some of the bullets hit the wall and that's it.

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Its hard to rely on gunshots 100% of the time. Often my friends will shoot a deer or something just to mess around, and all you hear is the "sss -thud-" and it sounds like we are being sniped.


This is something that will likely be worked on when a dedicated effort is put into the sound engine. Hopefully they'll take some inspiration from other projects doing indepth sound work.

Edited by Hells High

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Speaking of updates, anyone else ready for an update? .48 went stable which makes me wonder when the next experimental build will be released. Kinda got used to the fast pace of recent updates.

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Speaking of updates, anyone else ready for an update? .48 went stable which makes me wonder when the next experimental build will be released. Kinda got used to the fast pace of recent updates.


There was an update scheduled to the experiemental prep branch a day ago so there's a possibility we get one soon. If you see an update to this page and the changed depots line says: branches/experimental/buildid and then number changes it means there is an update incoming. I am not exactly sure how everything on this page works I just know that when there are updates it shows up on here first.


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Anyone else finding these servers completely broken? No loot can be found anywhere do to over population of areas & poor spawn timers. People killing people for absolutely no reason? Killed 2twice with absolute not a thing on me. Died of thirst the 3ed and final time. All building have been looted, no enough food or water to break free of grip hold. It is just awful. It is a bore fest in these servers. There needs to be more food & water 100%%%%%% so that people can leave these death-match areas. 


Dieing of thirst after searching every building in 3 towns is an unacceptable game state. 

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I don't know how anyone ever dies of thirst or hunger with apple trees and wells in pretty much every town.

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I don't know how anyone ever dies of thirst or hunger with apple trees and wells in pretty much every town.

Funny you mentioned that.  That's how I got by for a couple of days.  Sure takes a lot of apples to get your hunger level status good tho :(

Edited by Caboose187
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I don't know how anyone ever dies of thirst or hunger with apple trees and wells in pretty much every town.


EXACTLY, AWFUL SPAWN. Awful. I was in NOVOD and I couldn't fine one, hit 2 small towns after that, none to be found. 

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Yeah every spawn being northeast needs to change. Once 1 person goes through the next 100 get no loot.

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you all play the game wrong... u CANT starv....





Edited by quantum2k6
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you all play the game wrong... u CANT starv....





Or thirst. Apples and berries gives you hydration also. I'm thinking a whole lot of people got spoiled by having everything they need in front of them and able to collect in 5 minutes. This is a show of entitlement in a very miniscule setting. Wut? I have to go look for stuff? Really? Come on? I checked Novo. There's no loot spawning anywhere. Cough, cough. Chernarus is pretty big. Explore a little.


Quantum, I live upstate NY. Apples everywhere. I live next to a large open field. Lots of berries too. 

Edited by RAM-bo4250
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I also suspect that a lot of these people starving to death sprint everywhere. Sprinting *seems to* gobble up calories and without a steady food supply, it just hastens your death. If you feel like where you are has nothing for you, stop sprinting from empty building to empty building and move on.


I also noticed somewhere someone noting that it takes so many apples/berries to get to "good" health. Don't worry about that, if you're having to forage to survive, I worry first about just getting rid of or improving my hunger level and will occasionally stop while travelling to replenish calories. It's probably far better to just make sure you stay hydrated and not starving while you try to get somewhere where more substantial calories can be found or you find gear to enable that (fishing/hunting).

Edited by Ebrim
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Yeah - with a few apples or a couple cans of kvass, you can get pretty much across the map.  If everything NE is looted, get down to Cherno or Electro or Balota.




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I also suspect that a lot of these people starving to death sprint everywhere. Sprinting gobbles up calories and without a steady food supply, it just hastens your death.



Did that change? The consumption values I still have from Merino Dayz's youtube videos are 20 water/minute and 15 energy/minute when moving, 8 water/minute and 4 energy/minute when not moving. The moving speed did not matter according to his tests back then.


Berries are perfect for energy, but have only little water. Apples have the same amount of energy, a lot of water, but take more than 3 times as much space in your stomach. With the right mix of berries and apples a bambi can easily wolf them down without puking until highly energized and hydrated. Everyone is always going on about apples, but I prefer berries...at least as long as water sources are still as readily available and water purification tablets or cooking water are not necessary.


I was always worrying about that time and if water supplies might become a problem, but with apples water purification and boiling water will be a convenient luxury, not necessary. Why carry around canteens or water bottles, if they make you dependant on boiling or purification. Just take apples along the way. If the values at dayzdb.com are correct, an apple has enough water for 8m30s of running around. So now I worry about boiling water and using tablets might get obsolete... :(. That balancing...

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Did that change? The consumption values I still have from Merino Dayz's youtube videos are 20 water/minute and 15 energy/minute when moving, 8 water/minute and 4 energy/minute when not moving. The moving speed did not matter according to his tests back then.


I don't actually know, I haven't done tests. I should have said "seem", it could be entirely placebo based upon expectation. If it's not true, it's probably still a good habit to develop for when it is though. :D

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EXACTLY, AWFUL SPAWN. Awful. I was in NOVOD and I couldn't fine one, hit 2 small towns after that, none to be found. 

Why didn't you drink from the ponds east of Novo? (Or south of Chernaya Polana? Or west of Novo? There's at least 6 ponds and a few streams around Novo...) Or any wells? I truly don't have any problem finding anything I need on experimental....  Dying of thirst or hunger is currently impossible, unless you really want to... :huh:

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If you start to die of hunger or thirst and can't be bothered to make a straight run north or south - west (I always find some canned goods there , especially in that civilian building with stars on the trim) then you should log off of experimental and check out a couple stable servers ... This game is no walk in the park nor should it be , and experiment is even more brutal seeing as all the mechanics are ... Being experimented with ?

Tl;dr : if you are having a tough time on experimental go to stable , if you are frustrated with stable, log the bugs/issues and take a break for a day or even a few hours .. :0 !

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Well I took the advice of some of the posters in this thread, even after loot started spawning again I still foraged for apples and berries. Haven't starved since the first few days of the new patch. This would definitely add to the survival aspect of the game but I realize some folks are too busy going pew pew to stop and look for food.

I enjoyed those first few days of no loot, had another survivor give me some rope and a fishing hook, chopped down an ashwood tree so I could fish and I haven't looked back since. Now if I could make some arrows I could hunt some of the critters in game but I can live on fish and pond water for now. All you really need anymore to survive is sticks, matched, rags(for fireplace) and a fishing pole.....this makes me happy

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Well I took the advice of some of the posters in this thread, even after loot started spawning again I still foraged for apples and berries. Haven't starved since the first few days of the new patch. This would definitely add to the survival aspect of the game but I realize some folks are too busy going pew pew to stop and look for food.

I enjoyed those first few days of no loot, had another survivor give me some rope and a fishing hook, chopped down an ashwood tree so I could fish and I haven't looked back since. Now if I could make some arrows I could hunt some of the critters in game but I can live on fish and pond water for now. All you really need anymore to survive is sticks, matched, rags(for fireplace) and a fishing pole.....this makes me happy


If you want to use those rags for bandages, I suggest using paper instead. There are books almost everywhere, just tear a page out and use that instead of precious rags for your fireplace kit.

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I could not find a thing, and I do not know that part of the map. Saw no lakes, streams, wells, apples,and etc... There needs to be a consistent food & water wave to allow you the time to explore other sources. Food should be hard to find, but if you're going to spawn people with out hunting, fishing, & defensive materials. There needs to be a little shove to get you on your way. What good are looted towns? People just run around with crowbars and swing at each other. & When you die, you spawn back up were you originally were, where there is no food, water, etc. It gets BORING REAL FAST. Give new spawns a push in the right direction, able them the chance to get materials to survive. Don't just make it the "Luck of the spawn", make it playable, Unacceptable experiential game state, absolute boredom. Nothing is obtainable = absolute boredom. Towns need food. Towns need supplies. Or else they are worthless. 


I did not pay 30 dollars to run around for 40 mins & starve to death. I would not mind starving to death, if I had materials to look & hunt for food myself, but failed.(Could force me into a town? Put me in a disparate situation were I need food or water now. Could make for interesting combat.) But heaving freashes survive on towns spawns, they need to have supplies. Or else this game is gonna suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hardddddddd.

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