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DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

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Not just Altis Life. I have never played a single Arma 3 mod that works well with 100 players.

Wasteland, King of the Hill, Breaking Point has 90 slot servers now, I assume 100 is right around the corner. Breaking Point in particular runs as smooth as silk at 90 people.


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I dunno if it's just me but while performance is fine frame rate-wise, I get massive amounts of desync in Breaking Point.

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I dunno if it's just me but while performance is fine frame rate-wise, I get massive amounts of desync in Breaking Point.

Huh. On full servers, or all around?

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Huh. On full servers, or all around?

Well I only ever join servers that are pretty much full, but I don't have the same problem in Wasteland.

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This is true but in all honesty, it wasn't really all that difficult to deduct a reasonable conclusion to what he was talking about as it has been talked about for months.

again you assume that everyone follows every possible feed. ive said this before that this game needs a comunity manager to post ALL relevent information in an easy to search and understand way on a page on dayzgame.com. one single source for ALL information.


Dev blogs





really? all this needs to be in one place. also as we have seen, rocket for all his vision isn't the best at choosing wording- again it would be nice to have the ariticles on the main page "explained for dummies" with link backs to original posts/interview/whatever. having this done would stop alot of the sky is falling threads after every tidbit comes out and is taken out of context.

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I agree with many posters here that this was going on before but i think the reason is Rocket HAD TO SAY SOMETHING. It is E3 after all, so with all the other games/developers making noise they had to make some kind of "news". (common business practice)


And lets stop this "hater" "fanboy/girl" stuff ffs, we are all consumers and competition fuels innovation and is good for US. We would all still be carrying brick sized cellphones if not for competition.

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Well I only ever join servers that are pretty much full, but I don't have the same problem in Wasteland.

Weird, I can honestly say I've never experienced this. In any Arma 3 server with a decent ping, for that matter. To be fair though, I play on Thirsk more often than Altis (just too damn big for DayZ IMO), but my experience trying out the 90 person Altis servers was shockingly good. I don't know what kind of witchcraft the Breaking Point team worked to optimize their mod, but I hope the teams making Epoch, 2017 and Arma Life rip it off just so I can have some of that sweet 70fps action on their mods too.

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again you assume that everyone follows every possible feed. ive said this before that this game needs a comunity manager to post ALL relevent information in an easy to search and understand way on a page on dayzgame.com. one single source for ALL information.


Dev blogs





really? all this needs to be in one place. also as we have seen, rocket for all his vision isn't the best at choosing wording- again it would be nice to have the ariticles on the main page "explained for dummies" with link backs to original posts/interview/whatever. having this done would stop alot of the sky is falling threads after every tidbit comes out and is taken out of context.

Again, this was talked about for months. Hell, there was even a thread about changing engines on these very forums where it was explained. The majority who are whining want personal phone calls with information on all updates. Use the goddamn forums. All the info is here.
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rocket for all his vision isn't the best at choosing wording

Now, to be fair to Rocket, a lot of times it seems like it isn't so much "He doesn't choose his words well." as it is "The internet is filled with angry spastics that read way too far into pretty much everything and get off by shitting on other peoples work."

That could just be my perception of events, I dunno...

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I dunno if it's just me but while performance is fine frame rate-wise, I get massive amounts of desync in Breaking Point.


More than likely down to them trying to hide absolutely everything in serverside-scripts, so the people don't know what's going on.


Not only so they're the only ones being able to host the server, but also due to antihack-measures:




But this means it puts a lot of stress on the servers, resulting in desync.


Yet again - good performance for client, but poor performance serverside -> bad optimisation.

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I think the new engine should have been called The Poop Train.


But I might be playing too much BL2 as Krieg right now..

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More than likely down to them trying to hide absolutely everything in serverside-scripts, so the people don't know what's going on.


Not only so they're the only ones being able to host the server, but also due to antihack-measures:




But this means it puts a lot of stress on the servers, resulting in desync.


Yet again - good performance for client, but poor performance serverside -> bad optimisation.

Well... Have you experienced this first hand as well? You phrased this like you haven't and that is an awful lot of lofty assumptions to make if that is indeed the case. Because I never haven't experienced this, nor have any of my friends I play with, nor have I heard anyone complaining about this on Global chat.

Edited by Hefeweizen

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Well, the game definitely needed a new engine.  I think its about time to put this game on the shelf for awhile and come back in a year or so.  Seems like a lot of development needs to be done.  Hopefully it will be pretty legit come next year. 

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Well, the game definitely needed a new engine.  I think its about time to put this game on the shelf for awhile and come back in a year or so.  Seems like a lot of development needs to be done.  Hopefully it will be pretty legit come next year. 

By god. I think the concept of an alpha might just be getting through to one of them...

Can it really be true? Can someone possibly decide to take a break from the game because it is going to take some time to get near completion without ranting that the game will never be done, that the engine will always be crap or that Rocket is a scam artist?

Oh happy day, joy to the world!



Edited by Hefeweizen
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I am actually a software developer and database engineer for a game publisher. I have a pretty good working knowledge of the application deployment/release cycle.


Bullshit, its happens all the time. Off the top of my head, without any research Team Fortress 2 and Rust both come to mind. Its clear you don't know dick all about software development.
Hell, DayZ isn't even changing to completely new engine like Team Fortress 2 did, or Rust did, they're just crafting an new engine for their game by modifying an existing engine to suit their needs just like countless other titles have before. Half-Life 1 springs to mind as an example.

Please note, I said "rendering engines". Also Team Fortress 2 did not change from the Source engine after reaching Alpha status, AFAIK. Rust has always run on Unity and they only changed the way the game engine renders skyboxes/entities, not the rendering engine itself. I am not aware of any game (esp. outside of the Steam Early Access program) that actually changes such huge parts of the game engine in the way that DayZ has.

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Well... Have you experienced this first hand as well? You phrased this like you haven't and that is an awful lot of lofty assumptions to make if that is indeed the case. Because I never haven't experienced this, nor have any of my friends I play with, nor have I heard anyone complaining about this on Global chat.



What do you mean? I was just pointing out the causes of Desync and I know for a fact that mods like Breaking Point and Origins and Aftermath are hiding a lot of code serverside, which only the server can execute, which will lead to desync due to the amount of code the server has to execute.


The reason they're hiding that code is because noone has access to it other than the Server-Admins, which in those cases are only the developers of said mod.

Edited by kichilron
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 I am not aware of any game (esp. outside of the Steam Early Access program) that actually changes such huge parts of the game engine in the way that DayZ has.

Off the top of my head, Half-Life 1. Started with the Quake two engine, ended up with Gold Source.

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What do you mean? I was just pointing out the causes of Desync and I know for a fact that mods like Breaking Point and Origins and Aftermath are hiding a lot of code serverside, which only the server can execute, which will lead to desync due to the amount of code the server has to execute.


The reason they're hiding that code is because noone has access to it other than the Server-Admins, which in those cases are only the developers of said mod.

As a modder/coder myself this guy speaks truth :)

In my times managing ArmA II servers the number of missions ive had to edit due to sloppy coding causing poor performance on bigger player counts is insane. anyone who can read the BIS wiki and to a bit of critical thinking can do basic coding in A2. Desiging a set of scripts for a mission file that do not run unecessarily putting excessive load on the server for every single player instance conected is another matter.


I am by NO MEANS an expert or professional programmer. i have no formal education in the field; but i have done enough of it to know first hand what having a ton of server side scripts running can due to player's performance.

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What do you mean? I was just pointing out the causes of Desync and I know for a fact that mods like Breaking Point and Origins and Aftermath are hiding a lot of code serverside, which only the server can execute, which will lead to desync due to the amount of code the server has to execute.


The reason they're hiding that code is because noone has access to it other than the Server-Admins, which in those cases are only the developers of said mod.

Do you ever post anything positive about DayZ mods aside from vanilla? Seems like you've always got a massive axe to grind. It gets hard to take any of your negative analysis' seriously when you shit on every other mod every chance you get.

I'm just assuming your obvious confirmation bias has filled in the blanks between "Mos1ey in particular experiences desync while playing Breaking Point" and "Breaking Point has bad optimization".

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Off the top of my head, Half-Life 1. Started with the Quake two engine, ended up with Gold Source.

GoldSrc is based on the Q2 engine and HL1, AFAIK, didn't change engines after commercial release.

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I agree with many posters here that this was going on before but i think the reason is Rocket HAD TO SAY SOMETHING. It is E3 after all, so with all the other games/developers making noise they had to make some kind of "news". (common business practice)


And lets stop this "hater" "fanboy/girl" stuff ffs, we are all consumers and competition fuels innovation and is good for US. We would all still be carrying brick sized cellphones if not for competition.

Or a brick sized gameboy! 83


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Do you ever post anything positive about DayZ mods aside from vanilla? Seems like you've always got a massive axe to grind. It gets hard to take any of your negative analysis' seriously when you shit on every other mod every chance you get.


It's hard to like other mods if they're destroying the essence of what you have wanted for a long time.

I don't particularly dislike the people behind the mods and if I do, it's not because of what they've done for the players - it's what they've done to the community in general.


In Origins case stealing code and making money out of it and at the same time threatening others with legal actions if they were stealing Origin's Code.


In case of Breaking Point it's including a Key-Stealer in the launcher stealing people's keys and using DayZ Code in ARMA III, even though this is against the licensing agreement.


Pretty hard to ignore that.


In the case of Aftermath I can't say anything bad about the modmakers, as they're working together with us and I like all of them. I can't think of anything they have done wrong in regards to the community. I'd even go as far as saying that it's a shame that Aftermath died out.

Edited by kichilron
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Again, this was talked about for months. Hell, there was even a thread about changing engines on these very forums where it was explained. The majority who are whining want personal phone calls with information on all updates. Use the goddamn forums. All the info is here.

You are the angriest person on these forums, is everything okay? 

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More than likely down to them trying to hide absolutely everything in serverside-scripts, so the people don't know what's going on.


Not only so they're the only ones being able to host the server, but also due to antihack-measures:




But this means it puts a lot of stress on the servers, resulting in desync.


Yet again - good performance for client, but poor performance serverside -> bad optimisation.


Makes sense. I actually like the fact that they don't allow everyone and their mother to host a server...


1) There aren't 10 billion vehicle easy-mode servers

2) There aren't 10 billion half-full servers because everyone wants to own a server and feel important


But the desync I do not like... :(

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