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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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 "This is not a zombie, its retarded. If this is how dayz is making zombies harder then it's dead to me."

Sure it is. See you on the next update.


 "Zombies don't sprint."


How do you figure? Why exactly should a Zombie stumble slowly? Furthermore if you would like to get into what zombies 'should or shouldn't do' you must consider that the "Living Dead" shouldn't and wouldn't even exist at all, dead heart means bloodless muscles = No movement.

But if you take the side of: A Virus that morphs the human form into a cannibalistic almost invincible entity that is more or less dead but indeed still living(need that heartbeat) you then see that Zombies would most certainly sprint because the only way one could survive as the Zombie genre always does; multiple gun shot wounds and delimbing, is to have an extreme amount of adrenalin coursing through your veins.(again heartbeat needed). Therefore the Rage Virus in '28 days Later' that resulted in sprinting Zombies is the most probable and likely zombie scenario to date, and contrary to your statement sir Zombies DO sprint.

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Sure it is. See you on the next update.



How do you figure? Why exactly should a Zombie stumble slowly? Furthermore if you would like to get into what zombies 'should or shouldn't do' you must consider that the "Living Dead" shouldn't and wouldn't even exist at all, dead heart means bloodless muscles = No movement.

But if you take the side of: A Virus that morphs the human form into a cannibalistic almost invincible entity that is more or less dead but indeed still living(need that heartbeat) you then see that Zombies would most certainly sprint because the only way one could survive as the Zombie genre always does; multiple gun shot wounds and delimbing, is to have an extreme amount of adrenalin coursing through your veins.(again heartbeat needed). Therefore the Rage Virus in '28 days Later' that resulted in sprinting Zombies is the most probable and likely zombie scenario to date, and contrary to your statement sir Zombies DO sprint.



resin i didnt say those things, that was a double quote i quoted and it came out only quoting the last person. the only thing i said were the 2 lines before the first quote.

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Look we have a medical expert trying to explain a fictional concept... how awesome is this... xD

The bottom line is this. According to Dean, these are Infected, not Zombies, not some 1920's Voodoo zombies flick of ultra lame, slow and useless zombies.

From the looks of it, Dean is going the route of 28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later. Either way he takes the Infected... whether slow or fast... it ultimately doesn't matter. It's HIS vision of what they should be, at this moment and time.

He's listening to constructive criticism from EVERYONE to find out if people like his solution. If this will change his view on what his vision is, that's up to him.

I was afraid of writing the post. I was fearing the responses of people missing it's point and here we have it. Bullseye.


@Strawman - thanks for the explanation, I saw the movie but only remember that I considered it time wasted in my life that can never be gotten back. Even your summary does not allow me to recall it better, I seem to really have repressed those memories.


But back to the problem. First, I am not a medical expert but such an opening line is great. The original poster is immediately shown as lacking intelligence and all following statements are of hightened value for the audience. "...how awesome is this... xD"


If "these are Infected, not Zombies" for Dean, then he should stop calling them zombies, like on March 10th on twitter. There is plenty of arguments thrown around in this forum concerning the question if infected are zombies or not. I don't care. I can only guess that Dean also doesn't care or he would not  use the words interchangeably.


"not some 1920's Voodoo zombies flick of ultra lame, slow and useless zombies." - How exactly did we get here?


My intention was to critizise the often brought up argument that zeds ingame can be fast BECAUSE "they are infected, not zombies". To achieve that I brought up the point that someone with an infection that results in you looking like an ingame zed should actually not be running around like there is absolutely no problem with their health.


I also wrote:

"Zeds are a fictional thing guys. Traditinally I always saw them as undead that just keep rotting away, but that's just me and results in me having raised eyebrows whenever I see one developing superhuman abilities or just speed even close to a healthy human. That's just my opinion though and irrelevant on how they are in DayZ."

INCLUDING: "zeds are a fictional thing" and that how I tradionally see zombies is "irrelevant on how they are in DayZ"


I was not (constructively or otherwise) criticizing Dean or influence how he thinks zeds should be ingame. I am critizing the fact that every other post contains some enlightening information about how zeds are infected and can therefore move so fast. Maybe I'm doing this the wrong way. Let me try something new...


...here we go: "Infected zeds are soooooo lame! Just think about how fast undead zombies can run with their super duper unholy gasoline running through their intestines. I bet they can do the 100 meters in 3 seconds, jump easily 30 meters and rip of your little survivor's head with two fingers!!! Run, unholy super duper zed, run!!! Show them infected loosers what a real zed can do!"


I'll probably regret writing this, too. I should just stick to game mechanic things and not take part in discussions about how and why zeds are this way or that way.

Edited by bautschi

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I honestly think that it was the best move DayZ has made so far making the Zombies run so fast in this latest patch (about 3 hours ago released). I'm on stable and I've never had to experience the Zombie Apocalypse as fun as this. Now, you have to actually care about the zombies, they are not just annoying now and the thing keeping you from having fun. They are now things that you have to worry about, and scare you. Me and my friend just ran through Elektro and almost died ~8 times from zombie attacks where 15 of them were flourishing from all directions at super speeds and almost tore us apart. 


The game is amazing with this new addon? And they are now thinking about bringing it down back to normal because people will complain....



The fact that when running with my M4 out makes the zombies catch up to me and overpower me and kill me is a really good feeling now. I know it sounds odd, but the Mod was a PVP fest, a call of duty on a big map. Now we have a real zombie game. Something that makes us work to loot, its not the player that is the enemy anymore, its the zombies. 


Do not let this happen? Show the love, its a zombie apocalypse, we need to fear the zombies.

What I really like now is that other users are more likely to resort to gunfire to hold off the hoard.  This alerts other users of the action in the area and creates more suspense.  Even better would be greater densities of Zeds in the high loot areas, such that we then require group activity to approach.  Or we have to use a baitman to lead them away.  If you could get them to redirect based on loudest noise as well rather than only on proximity, like to the gun that is firing at you to take advantage of you busy beating them off with a hoe. :)


And of course you need to fix the walking through walls bit.  Heard that one before?

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I was afraid of writing the post. I was fearing the responses of people missing it's point and here we have it. Bullseye.


The point is you're trying to apply logic to a fictional instance of what someone's concept of an infected person or "zombie" is. And that my friend, doesn't make sense.

Did you see World War Z, 28 Days Later, or 28 Weeks Later? Infected people in these movies can look all messed up and don't need to necessarily have issues with their musculoskeletal structure. So, now I'm going to apply this science and logic that I was tought in Field Med school in the Navy... if you pump enough adrenaline into someone, you'd be amazed the feats they can accomplish, with broken bones and a host of other traumas. So standard medical/scientific explanations don't really hold up in a lot of cases.

You mentioned rotting and infection... Who knows?! We don't know what infected these things... a virus... some bacteria... some weird mutation... we can not know what effects it has, on what once were human beings, in the game. This includes necrosis of tissue, aging, pain reception, cognizance, synapses firing, genetic changes, etc... do you see what I mean?

I was merely trying to keep things short with my initial statement and yes... it included sarcasm. So, apologies.

Aside from that... even I resort to using the term zombie, because ultimately are we really going to categorize what a zombie is?? Are we going to apply the term to only 1920's voodoo magic zombies or John Romero zombies? I think the genre has grown into a lot of variety of zombies... fast, slow, intelligent, dumb, etc... i mean there's a friggin' highschool sweetheart movie about a zombie kid that falls in love... I mean... there's no logic applicable to something that is fictional... and that is the point of my statement.

And if you were trying to make a point, it definitely wasn't clear.

Edited by sniperdoc
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I forget exactly where and who said it but iirc they are having a team handle the infected pathing and AI as an overhaul when they decide to do it.  Unfortunately there is a lot of uneducated guessing going on I will have another rummage and see if I can find who said it when, sometime in the last 2-3 weeks and it was a developer.




hit it with an axe and you will be able to casually stroll away.




They still respawn on top of you regardless.

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They still respawn on top of you regardless.

Only if you're in their designated spawn location after you kill them. Which all of this is just tentative.

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They still respawn on top of you regardless.

If you look through this thread you will see where I have done several experiments with the respawning mechanic unfortunately the only thing false here is your claim.

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Only if you're in their designated spawn location after you kill them. Which all of this is just tentative.


Then their 'spawn location' must be wherever they're killed because that's about where they've been popping up.


Or just close enough to insta-agro regardless of weapon used to kill.

one more thing real quick (not directed at you sniperdoc).

I'm reading a lot of comments from people saying things like "You asked for more zombies and now you're complaining?!?!"

ok, sure.  People asked for more zombies.  Not infinite -broken- zombies.

and sure, this is alpha, but the devs knew about the pathing problems and STILL programmed the zombies to spawn in 2 seconds with instant agro.

What exactly was this intended to be a placeholder for?


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If you look through this thread you will see where I have done several experiments with the respawning mechanic unfortunately the only thing false here is your claim.


sorry duder, I've put in about 5 hours since the patch.  I haven't fired a single bullet in that time.  Fire axe only (it's black now!).


I guess it's cool that you have intimate details of everyones seperate alpha experiences?

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In and of themselves, the zeds are fine. The problem is the rest of the game mechanics.

The zombie super senses have them aggroing on you from incredible distances. The lag in and around cities (rubber banding and freezing) means getting hit multiple times with nothing you can do about it. The still wonky melee system (not hitting where you aim, difficulty swinging in close quarters due to ceilings, etc.). The phasing through walls.

add it all up and it's not really fun anymore. I think I'll be waiting for the next patch to play anymore.

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You really are a contradiction in terms aren't you.


He Says "WHO the heck defines that a Zombie apocalypse game should be THAT way and not any other? You? Romero? The voodoo priests that came up with the zombie system? " WHILST trying to tell me that the


"Zombies should be hard. And I mean REAL hard like freaking dangerous, so that you have to plan what you are doing and every encounter with Zs is dangerous, be it, because they can infect you when they hit you in melee (and/or break your legs, and/or cause bleedign and destroy your gear), be it, because you rang the dinner bell (aka shot your weapon) and are swarmed now."



Hmmm so we are not allowed to have an opinion on how the Zeds behave but YOU are do me a favour and FUCK OFF.


1) Telling somebody to "fuck off" is only appropriate if you do it face to face and not like some chicken hiding behind a monitor, writing it in Caps makes it even more childish. But everyone is strong and tough when he is alone at home behind his keyboard. Another tip: Try it to be in real life. And be friendly and polite in the web, because that is the only way that people might listen to you instead of piling a huge tower of crap on your posts like it happened already. Sorry for the harsh words.

2) Don't take things out of context. I answered to your rant with an opinion in one post, and answered to another quote of you that there is no definition of how a zombie apocalypse game should be. Mixing these two answers up - an opinion and stating something obvious - to make it look contradicting is quite a dastardly move and not polite at all (see point 1)


Read. Think. Post.

Don't skip a step.


Would be cool to see something like the following..



Nice idea :) And since there are already military zeds that differ a little bit from the standard Zs, chances are good, that something like your idea may find the way into the game - would be nice to see (even if they are too weak for my preferences ;)), also Dean said somethign about a Zombie lifecycle...would also be interesting mixing this up with your suggestion ;)




If you look through this thread you will see where I have done several experiments with the respawning mechanic unfortunately the only thing false here is your claim.

Why do you even bother talking to that obvious troll that hasn't read a single line of information on this topic?


I mean:


Then their 'spawn location' must be wherever they're killed because that's about where they've been popping up.


BS. Played on exp, now on stable. NEVER a Z respawned on the place he was killed. Never.


Or just close enough to insta-agro regardless of weapon used to kill.


BS. I only get insta aggro if a) I shot with a gun or b ) I was so unlucky that the respawning Z saw me (if he spawned not looking at me, I was fine). But that is the "Zombie wall glitch" department here...


I'm reading a lot of comments from people saying things like "You asked for more zombies and now you're complaining?!?!"

ok, sure.  People asked for more zombies.  Not infinite -broken- zombies.

and sure, this is alpha, but the devs knew about the pathing problems and STILL programmed the zombies to spawn in 2 seconds with instant agro.

Yeah. Because holding back something that needs to be tested for something else that might take a while is pretty useful.

Oh wait, my bad, wrong word, useless.

Writing "and sure, this is alpha" in a statement that exactly criticizes the nature of an alpha (if something is ready for testing put it in. Don't wait for other components) is kinda weird.

Edited by LaughingJack
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BS. Played on exp, now on stable. NEVER a Z respawned on the place he was killed. Never.


Well... I do know that just shooting Infected from a medium distance, such as 300+ meters, means that the killed Infected will respawn shortly after. near the area he/she was killed, in a designated zone for that Infected, of sorts. And in 100% of those instances... without aggro to the shooter. I could say that I have tested this with a friend from highrises in Berezino a LOT... ;)

So, even the Infected aggroing the shooter after respawning... doesn't hold weight some of the time. But, I feel that particular areas have zones have n Infected respawning within that zone.

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I am really glad there is a legit level of difficulty with the zeds now. The single, solitary and only complaint I have is that zeds have x-ray vision. Everything else is perfectly fine, really. X-ray vision is real immersion breaker, though. I have only seen a few posts to this effect...perhaps it is my graphical settings? Anybody have any thoughts? 



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Well... I do know that just shooting Infected from a medium distance, such as 300+ meters, means that the killed Infected will respawn shortly after. near the area he/she was killed, in a designated zone for that Infected, of sorts. And in 100% of those instances... without aggro to the shooter. I could say that I have tested this with a friend from highrises in Berezino a LOT... ;)

So, even the Infected aggroing the shooter after respawning... doesn't hold weight some of the time. But, I feel that particular areas have zones have n Infected respawning within that zone.

in cherno with an axe, got myself a lil agro from a couple o zeds so I axed em. moved about 5 meters and had to axe the respawns, now I'm bleeding so I bandage and have to axe three more - ima dumbass... 50 meters later I killed em all with no probs and no more agro. what you say holds true with an axe for sure (well as long as you stay outta sight too).

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The single, solitary and only complaint I have is that zeds have x-ray vision. Everything else is perfectly fine, really. X-ray vision is real immersion breaker, though. I have only seen a few posts to this effect...perhaps it is my graphical settings? Anybody have any thoughts?



That's part of the pathing problems. Houses are fairly non-existent for Zombies and so they see (and move) through them appearing out of nowhere for you.

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I think, what some people fail to understand, is how some AI programming works. For example, with poor AI programming, in some RTS games, the AI actually needs to know where you are before the game starts. This gives it the ability to choose how to react to you. Call it an artificial knowledge how to react properly. It's not clean, nor is it really fair.. but most of the time the easiest way to program without overhead. Now, I'm not saying this applies to DayZ, because he're we're talking Line of Sight and Auditory queuing. But, buildings generally don't exist. They are an afterthought to the AI. So, just because a player can't see through a building, a whole lot of extra programming has to be done that essentially (and in a very basic form) says, this if the player is within the visual range/cone of the AI zombie:

Is player in my visual cone, run towards player.
Are obstructions between player and myself.
How tall is the obstruction?
Does it block a direct line from player to me completely?
Is the obstruction supposed to block the view, if yes, do nothing. If no, run towards player.

That doesn't even include zombies reacting properly to the obstructions.

So, bear with the devs... they're working on it. These Infected are far from überpowerful and can be handled without firing a shot, or having to take them out with an axe. Is it inconvenient... for sure... but then again... that's the price you pay for trying to avoid killing them. :)

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Have you seen the movie 28 days later? The idea is, and although they're fictional it's supposed to be believable, that they are infected. Since they're still human they can keep some of their physical traits but over time they would degenerate. In the movie this happens and the survivors are basically able to "wait the zombies out". In this game something similar could be implemented maybe, or to keep it simple there could just be different zombies in different stages of degeneration. But, muscular decomposition assumes they're rotting. They're not rotting, but maybe starving. That could allow for what you suggest. But the "not dead but infected" comment above was directed at the idea that they're not able to move fast because they're decomposing.

Yes and it was a shit movie, I thought it was boring. 



If you ask most peop-le what dayz is about, they will say zombies.


Not a few super fast running people with a virus. 



Also what is this thread called? ZOMBIE feedback. 


This game is sold on the idea of zombies, changing that is cheating the players that paid money for A CLEAR ZOMBIE GAME. 

Edited by sai
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Yes and it was a shit movie, I thought it was boring. 



If you ask most peop-le what dayz is about, they will say zombies.


Not a few super fast running people with a virus. 



Also what is this thread called? ZOMBIE feedback. 


This game is sold on the idea of zombies, changing that is cheating the players that paid money for A CLEAR ZOMBIE GAME. 


While you are right in what you are saying, remember, 28 days/weeks later, I am legend etc. are all classified as Zombie movies, even if there are no zombies (read: Undead) in them...and the only zombie movie where zombies are called zombies is shaun of the dead i believe...("Dont call them that!" ;))


And to "Zombies spawn where they were killed"...well...maybe they respawn where they initially spawned? Most of the times I kill a Z it has aggroed me and followed me...

Edited by LaughingJack

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- I like the faster zombies.  More intense of a threat.  .  

- I like that there are MORE zombies.  

- I like that gun shots alert nearby zombies causing you to get swarmed


These things make it better. 



- Zombies re-spawn right next to where you killed them, and sometimes fairly quickly.  I am not sure how that mechanic works at the moment but I think they should re-spawn on the perimeter of towns and villages, OR a safe distance away from player location. 

- Hit detection still sucks.  Zombie on top of me swings at me, friend behind me takes a hit...?   

- I feel like I have to shoot the female zombies (specifically) 3-4 times before a hit registers.  

- zombies see thru walls

- zombies walk thru walls

- zombie line of sight is too far, should be at most be 100 meters.  Consider state of decomposition, eyes would be the first to go. Should be alerted by sound more than by sight.  


These things make them annoying. 


Overall tho the items on the CONS list have been outstanding issues not related to the zombies new speed.  I find the new zombie speed acceptable but could MAYBE be dialed back just a little bit.  I haven't died in awhile but I imagine being a fresh spawn sucks even more now.



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While you are right in what you are saying, remember, 28 days/weeks later, I am legend etc. are all classified as Zombie movies, even if there are no zombies (read: Undead) in them...and the only zombie movie where zombies are called zombies is shaun of the dead i believe...("Dont call them that!" ;))


And to "Zombies spawn where they were killed"...well...maybe they respawn where they initially spawned? Most of the times I kill a Z it has aggroed me and followed me...

Just lazy classification, doesn't make super people with a cold a zombie. 



The definition of zombie is clearly not set in some peoples minds, but this game is without a doubt sold and presented as a zombie game.


This is like what happened to resident evil, sure everyone liked it at first when it changed from zombie to crazy people. But it ruined the franchise. It destroyed something special. 

Edited by sai

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Yes and it was a shit movie, I thought it was boring. 



If you ask most peop-le what dayz is about, they will say zombies.


Not a few super fast running people with a virus. 



Also what is this thread called? ZOMBIE feedback. 


This game is sold on the idea of zombies, changing that is cheating the players that paid money for A CLEAR ZOMBIE GAME. 


Yet, zombies can vary in appearance (not only physical). You might prefer the slow, stumbling type of zombie. Someone else might prefer faster and superhuman zombies. The genre is very broad, and the reason for this can be found in the background of the "zombie" concept, which touches a large number of old folklore and mythologies from various places. The actual name "zombie" is a later construction.

Edited by Strawman

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the age old problem with zombies has always been the aggro,


it hit a sweet spot a few times in the mod where being stealthy was rewarding, but the truth is the zombies arent fun if you cant stealth past them, at the moment when guns seem to have the same audio effect, zeds see you through walls and from far away when you arent moving, and other bullshit, expect to hear people complain about it, you would have to be completely blind with fanboyism to accept the current state. Maybe acknowledge that a bit of criticism in the right places can help the development?



edit: just to be clear this post was in response to an OP that got merged and removed, OP was ridiculing people on reddit for complaining about zeds. While sometimes people on reddit need to be ridiculed, the OP was a bit over the top :)

For once I agree with someone

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Yet, zombies can vary in appearance (not only physical). You might prefer the slow, stumbling type of zombie. Someone else might prefer faster and superhuman zombies. The genre is very broad, and the reason for this can be found in the background of the "zombie" concept, which touches a large number of old folklore and mythologies from various places. The actual name "zombie" is a later construction.








A virus that gives ALIVE people added strength and makes them crazy is not a zombie. 

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A virus that gives ALIVE people added strength and makes them crazy is not a zombie. 


Wikipedia only covers some of the background to the zombie concept. I'm gonna have to get back to you after the weekend however. I'll provide you with some neat history, and you'll see what I mean.


EDIT: Note that I perfectly respect your preferences when it comes to what you think a zombie should be like. All I'm saying is that there are several different variants of zombies, all different, but all are zombies.

Edited by Strawman

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