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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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Because of the fact is was a mod, thats why. It was using arma's enemy coding, thats why they zigzag to avoid getting shot. I ALWAYS thought the intention was to make them better than that. 


And zombies are not sprinters.


walkers, joggers, some runners maybe, not all sprinters. ARE WE IN FUCKING JAMAICA?!


This whole enraged people thing, thats not a zombie, thats just crazy people. It pisses me off because I came into this expecting zombies. Not crazy people.


What does the Z stand for? Zimbabwe? 

Apparently you never watched the Dev blogs before the alpha was released. It was said multiple times that they would run, run inxoors, ect.

These ARE infected humans. They are NOT dead. If you wanted retarded Lvl-1 Cod type zeds, you should have waited to see what it would be like before you bought the game. This isn't TWD. 

Z stands for Zero.

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anyone moaning about zombies needs to wath dean halls talk at rezzed. bohemia bought out a WHOLE studio who specialise in PATHFINDING and all sorts MAINLY for the zeds... i knew they had some tricks up their sleeves regarding this topic of development but what dean said in rezzed really should get everyone to calm down.



for those too lazy to google information (which after reading this thread through from start you can see is a hell of a lot of people)





Edited by Ninja_Meh
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I don't mind the new zombies being faster. The respawn rate is definitely too quick though. I'd say make it so you have at least 60 seconds to bandage up or reload before a new one appears.

And as always:

Tone down the aggro range! Seriously, that's just ridiculous that they can see you from like 800 yards away.

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Tone down the aggro range! Seriously, that's just ridiculous that they can see you from like 800 yards away.

Can you see things 800m away?

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After playing alot more i definitely feel that they need to replace the fast sprinter zombies with alot of slow zombies even with the respawning system once it gets fixed. Fast zombies with the current glitches, bugs and spawning system is so terrible that it breaks the immersion of the game completely. I would definitely much prefer a TON of slow zombies in every city that swarmed you when you tried to loot a city or whatever. Slow zombies can be alot more scary than fast zombies since right now all i feel is annoyed and frustrated every time i get attacked by a fast zombie that see me through a building then chases me down through the building.

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Apparently you never watched the Dev blogs before the alpha was released. It was said multiple times that they would run, run inxoors, ect.

These ARE infected humans. They are NOT dead. If you wanted retarded Lvl-1 Cod type zeds, you should have waited to see what it would be like before you bought the game. This isn't TWD. 

Z stands for Zero.

Than they need to STOP calling them zombies and call them infected instead because zombies are associated more frequently with undead.

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Can you see things 800m away?


sadly sometimes no.


The game seems to render players at like 800m max when it should be much further atleast 3km.


But thats besides the point.


Should a sick infected person with a super bad virus be able to have the same vision as a healthy human being ?


of course not.

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Can you see things 800m away?

With a scope I can. Apparently, all zombies come equipped with LRS vision built in.

New and improved cyborg-zombies. :P

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC

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With a scope I can. Apparently, all zombies come equipped with LRS vision built in.

New and improved cyborg-zombies. :P

Thats already being worked on with this game.


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its nice to see that you are working on the zombies but how you make them fast as fuck when they can hit you from meters away, hit you from downstairs, spot your from kilometers away, see trough walls, run trough walls, hit you trough walls and completely ignore solid matter or any physic law is beyond me.

furthermore they seem to be able to track down your exact position if you shoot your gun, ruining your pristine stuff with 1 hit and are autoaggroing you when they respawn. why dont you fix all that important stuff first and then make them stronger and faster, why dont you push it on experimental only if you are testing it, why, why, why

this game would improve if you delete them right now.

Edited by oxymoron

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Some of the new features regarding Zombies are definitely an improvement. All of this is in my own opinion, feel free to disagree. 



  • Increased numbers are good, I Think that the respawn amount should be high in towns but gradually drop off as you leave (though there could still be wanderers in the woods). 
  • Increased speed is good, Zombies should cause some issue to you.



  • The Lunging attack and general Zombie range. It is too high. Yesterday I was looking at a Zombie across the other side of a room stuck in a doorway, and he swung and managed to hit me from about 20 feet (this may be issues with desync etc.).
  • The respawning constantly aggro'd. I think this is a point that has been brought up by many so I will leave it at that (improved stealth should fix this or as mentioned the curve in Zombie spawns as you leave towns).
  • One Hit Bleed, It is a little bit to prevalent. 
  • The path-finding and no-clipping, especially with the increased speed and power. I know in the roadmap Dean mentioned the polygons, so once they fix that the ability for players to escape zombies will be improved so the other qualms wont be as big of an issue. 


All-in-all a good step to moving Zombies in the right direction.

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I was playing with a buddy and he shot a zombie with an SKS in the open field south of NEAF.  Zombies started spawning in a circle around us. At first it was fun.  But it wouldn't stop. Even when we switched to using our axes.  For a little while it was pretty exciting.  I couldn't see them spawning and thought, "Wow these zombies are coming from a long ways away to get to us."  Then I started seeing them appear out in the middle of a field and that kind of broke the immersion.  We had to fight them off for about 10-15 minutes after we stopped shooting.  I don't mind zombies re-spawning, but they shouldn't spawn directly around you and already aware of you IMHO. I would like to have them re-spawn in the nearest town, out of site and unaware. 


  It's better than it was, I like that they are somewhat of a threat. 

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ZOMBIES see players from far, even if they are lying in the ground.
ZOMBIES can run throught walls.
ZOMBIES now run super fast.
ZOMBIES respawn almost instantly.


SO... they are a bit  overpowered now hahaha  oh ALSO:

PLAYERS dont have stealth system to avoid zombies.


SO i dont complain about the actual state of the game but PLEASE! add stealth to the game.

STEALTH was a very cool part of DAYZ MOD , and was funny to enter cities like chernogorsk avoiding zombies, crouching and moving slowly if you had patience.

Edited by xtharkusx
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Sometimes I stand still and try and hit a zombie,he tries to get behind me so we're spinning trying to hit each other.


Basically shooting zombies is a massive risk whilst melee is just broken.

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How about this for respawning?

Let's say a map starts with 300 Z's (I have absolutely no idea how many Z's are out there, but let's say 300)...you go and kill some of them while looting happily in your favorite town...what if they only respawn when a player is killed or disconnected? Something like the dead players became infected. 

This makes more sense to me then just reappearing out of thin air. This way when you go to a full server with more action, you can expect many Z's, but there would be way less on a nearly empty server.

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Just ended a little looting raid, while i quite enjoyed the fact the zombies are running like Usain Bolt fast. The fact they respawned after about 15 seconds wasn't fun... We had to fight off about 10+ zombies in the timespan of 3 minutes and they respawned like 20-50meters away...


Would rather see them spawn a bit further away and less frequent.

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Had a problem at NE airfield earlier. Was engaged by two zeds and then any time I'd kill one they'd respawn and come running. I kept dancing with them and wound up in a rotating fight with 2-4 zeds at a time. It was kind of exhausting. The respawn, ultra-vision, and wall walking can't get fixed fast enough. Otherwise, I love their speed, strength, and aggressiveness.

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I love the new speed and animations of the zombies. I'm actually a little scared when I get mobbed by more than 3 zombies at a time now! However, fixing the wall clipping, aggro range, and other such problems should come before making the zombies more difficult. I have noticed that zombies tend to run around objects more frequently than before, though. So that's a step in the right direction.


Edit: Once the devs implement the 'quadrant' idea for loot respawning, they should use that same idea for zombies. For example, you clear out a town and loot it then leave the 'quadrant'. The loot and the zombies would respawn for the next person to come through. Maybe a little addition would be to respawn 1/2th of the zombies that were in the 'quadrant' outside the town and have them move towards it after a 10min delay or something to that effect. This would enable people to clear an area, but still have pressure to move on afterward so they don't get blindsided.

Edited by sess130

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Ok, first, to start off, lemme get this off my chest.  This has to be the WORST AI ever used in a game, which is being used as the current Zombie A.I.  I know this is alpha, but still, I feel that anything put into a game should only improve it towards the finished product, not set the game back and purposefully annoy people with a poorly thought-out concept.


The respawning would be fine, if it were random, gradual, and happened at a longer range.  How it is currently is just idiotic.  Whoever thought up this respawn system is an idiot, IMO.  Now, don't all go "they've acknowledged this" or "they tweeted about different changes", because I do not care about 'what might be', but only care about 'what is'.  Currently, the Zombie respawn is just about game breaking.... there is NO WAY to kill them without respawn and instant aggro onto your character.  You hit them with an axe, they respawn, you shoot them, they respawn, they kill themselves off a cliff, and guess what, ZOMBIES RESPAWN!


You get whacked once and possibly break your legs, you are screwed, because it's a never-ending cycle unless you can out-run them.  You need a second to bandage?  The area looks clear?  NOPE, RESPAWN RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!


So, before I get to my story of why this game is nearly unplayable for me at this point, I'll give a video which sums up the current Zombie A.I. and respawning, which I think should be addressed immediately... but that could just be me.




So, story time now, which is where this video comes in at...


I'm in this jail, its location will remain withheld, and I hear zombie aggro, and I think they're coming for me.  I drop my 2nd primary and come out of one of the jail rooms with an axe, only to encounter a player, bleeding heavily, with 2-3 zombies on his butt.  He is slinging an M4, and now I'm worried.  I run out of the jail and take cover, pulling out a pistol for a "close encounter."  Running back into the jail for my dropped M4, I pass my contact in crouched position on top of the steps.  We exchange words, and he said something like, friendly friendly, do you want supplies?  We've all heard this before, am I right?


I run out of the jail just worried about gettin' out of the first floor, where I have no cover.  He has the high ground and positioned in a spot which I cannot take even if I wanted to do so.  I run out to the forest outside just glad I'm not riddled with holes and my pristine autumn hunter pants are still pristine.  I lay in wait, hoping that after a few minutes, I will be safe, and able to continue on my journey of collecting food and water to prolong my existence... however, this is not the case.  I hear gunshots... one... two... a few more in succession.  Mr. M4 is firing at something.  A few seconds later, I see a figure come running down the hill not even 200 meters from me.  Phew, he is shooting zombies, hasn't seen me, and I still feel kind of safe.  He drops one zombie, two zombie, three and four, he seems to be enjoying himself... I feel happy that someone can find such amusement in the zombie apocalypse... it makes me feel as if there is still hope...


After about a minute, he is still in the area.  I feel myself gettin' a bit nervous again.  Did he see me run this way?  Is he hunting me?  Is Mr. Friendly M4 not so friendly afterall?  The only comfort I find is the fact that I have a bit of cover which I can observe from, and hopefully stay safe until he has a fill of slaughtering zombies.  Then, *WHACK*, what is this?  I am randomly hit by a zombie.  Wait, another zombie aggros from afar.  It appears that Mr. M4 is causing respawns on me just being in the area.  My safe haven, my stealthy cover, is gone.  I have become a target with two zombies chasing me, which were not previously in my area.  He is fully geared and at this point can probably see me clearly and shoot me in my back.  Tactics, stealth, cover, all goes out the window.  Zombies coming from out of nowhere makes it where I should have just ran up behind the guy and took a mouth full of 5.56, because just being in the area of zombie killing means, there is no escape for you as well.


Anyways, this was my experience today.  It was very aggrevating that I had retarded zombies aggroing onto my chracter, which was prone and not even moving, from someone 200-300 meters away killing zombies like crazy.  I don't mind that zombies are fast, I do not mind if zombies attack in numbers or if they hit hard... what really irritates me is the fact that they spawn next to me and aggro on me, when they weren't originally there.  If they're gonna respawn and instantly aggro, it should be on the person who is killing them.


All-in-all, I just wanted to express my feelings on the issue of the A.I. and respawning of Zombies.  It's a horrid system, and I'm pretty sure if a little bit of common sesne went into it to begin with, it would be 1,000x better.  Yes, it's alpha, but why add such a stupid system to begin with?  Is this what they're planning for the full game, is non-stop respawning of zombies next to players?  Where once you have aggro, you are locked down fighting zombies until someone else pops you with a long range??  Bad system is bad...

Edited by VoidingNixx
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As you sais 'its alpha' remember we are testing it as a whole and rocket has gave us a chance to give our suggestions, he has a lot on his plate you know :)

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"This has to be the WORST AI ever used in a game"

Rage thread is useless, the current Al is a placeholder as zombies are a continuous work in progress.

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Wow...it's sad when I can read the first half of this thread and already predict the next 3 - 5 responses...


*sigh* Doesn't anyone have something different to say in response to some of these threads?

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Thats all good and well but they implemented this crappy shit now.. They also could have waited untill they fleshed out the respawn mechanic a bit more.. This just feels like cheap ass programming

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Wow...it's sad when I can read the first half of this thread and already predict the next 3 - 5 responses...


*sigh* Doesn't anyone have something different to say in response to some of these threads?

This thread was written by AI

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