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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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Zombies spawning period is stupid. Especially when they spawn anywhere near a player.


Could be worse I guess remember the stupid spawning zombies from the mod , even spawning in the middle of the woods 20 feet away from a player.

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I figured I would get flamers on this thread.  Afterall, I merely pointed out how the current system is, and my disappointment towards a poorly engineered system.  I figured I'd step on a few fanboy toes.  Just because it is Alpha, doesn't mean systems should be intergrated without thought.  Testing is what dev and experimental servers are for.  It seems this has passed and this A.I. is acceptable, because it has progressed farther than the experimental server.  Sorry that everything can't be sunshine and lolipops people, but the first step to fixing a problem, is acknowledging that there is a problem... not just accepting what you get.  What kind of low quality games would we have if no one gave any kind of feedback, good or bad?

Edited by VoidingNixx
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Well said.

I can't stand the Zombie AI neither.

It's so incredibly bad.. I thought the dev's were joking at first..

But you have a zambie respawn every goddamn time you killed it? NO! Who thought of that!?!! Seriously! Go punch yourself in the face 12 times and repeat "I made zambies infinite respawn"


Maybe if the zombies had a set number of how many times it can spawn after you killed it (2-4) THEN I wouldn't mind it.

But infinite respawns? FUCK NO! That's just idiotic.

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Didn't read, too long.


The AI is a placeholder and might possibly be being worked on by the same team working on the Animal AI for hunting.

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Well this thread has gone as usual:



OP: Zombies suck


Reply's: Alpha


OP: Fanboy



Remember, the current zombies are placeholders and the DEVs are well aware that they suck currently. ;) It's not that they passed experimental testing and got into stable, but rather respawning was added to appease those complaining about zombies being too easy, though it may have been done a bit "rough". Anyway, they told us that they were placeholders - and thus there is no need to test them. They'll probably make an intermediate adjustment to the current placeholder system to appease the community once again, but that's just my guess.


Also, there are PLENTY of these threads already, two of which are on the first page and one that is stickied. Trust me when I say there is no lack of feedback on the current zombies. Your feedback is indeed welcome, but there are already threads on the issue. 

Edited by solodude23

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Listen, I HATE the standalone, it looks lovely but plays terribly and clown masks??? Deary me. I bought it in late December, quickly thought this is a piece of shit, and went back to the mod. I notice that the poster boy of dayz Frankie is even trying to let Dayz standalone fans down gently by gradually bringing the mod back, whilst trying in the nicest way to show in his vids what a mess standalone is. & lets face it folks, love him or loathe him Frankie has the power to make or break standalone. The laddie made his name from dayz mod, so when hes bitching about standalone? You know something is seriously wrong.




I understand standalone is in alpha, and being an older gamer I have more patience than the young guns. We were all given fair warning that Standalone was a work in progress, but going too heavy on the realism aspect is hurting the standalone terribly IMO. there is a fine balance, and where the mod was great but not quite real enough, standalone is a bit TOO real. Playing mod and standalone is like going from one extreme to another! Mod too much fun and skimping on survival, Standalone too much survival and forgetting about the fun. Standalone needs time, but I fear the rocket man in his quest to make the perfect zombie survival game is trying to make it 'too' perfect and that's why its struggling.

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Lol @ the poster above me who thinks one person has the power to make or break the SA.  

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Rocket has got more stuff on his plate than a fat kid at Christmas Dinner

I looked for the right meme for 5 minutes. SO ENJOY MY GOD DAMN MEME




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I don't think they suck, they do have issues but devs are aware of it.

We have all been complaining about glitching through walls, and nothing is done about it, and the reason is, there is no point fixing that glitch now, because by the time they finish the zombies other glitches will surely pop up. At the moment everything is a place holder and nothing is finished. Yes it's frustrating, but at least we get to play the game.

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Lol @ the poster above me who thinks one person has the power to make or break the SA.  


well, he may be not able, but the one million people that watch every dayz video that he makes, well, that people could leave an big gap in the community.


together with at least 10 other famous streamers that left dayz standalone streaming and went back to the mod.


Actually i think the only streamer that puts out standalone content is sacriel, because he's a close friend to rocket, and nothing more.

Edited by lipemr
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The zombies currently are just a little to fast but the main thing for me is that they can spot through walls, i could live with the speed if they couldn't see through walls ect.



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well, he may be not able, but the one million people that watch every dayz video that he makes, well, that people could leave an big gap in the community.


together with at least 10 other famous streamers that left dayz standalone streaming and went back to the mod.


Actually i think the only streamer that puts out standalone content is sacriel, because he's a close friend to rocket, and nothing more.


I gotta say, playing DayZero and DayZ Epoch lately has really made me realize how shitty the standalone is. It has potential, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Frankie hit the nail on the head in his last video.

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I gotta say, playing DayZero and DayZ Epoch lately has really made me realize how shitty the standalone is. It has potential, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Frankie hit the nail on the head in his last video.


dayzero is for sure the best mod out there, The gun variety is awesome, they made a ton of improvements on the already improved mod, new town layouts, more realistic weapon sway (in a way that the vanilla mod could never do) plus the attachment system.


The sad part is that there's no US servers anymore, so i cant play it =/


PVP wise i think DayZero>Overwatch>Epoch>Vanilla, feature wise epoch and origins take the lead.


Standalone is a shame compared to what the mod community made to the mod, just look at how the origins crew modified the engine, they even implemented quests, bulletproof vests, progression and inventory expansion.

Edited by lipemr

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Listen, I HATE the standalone, it looks lovely but plays terribly and clown masks??? Deary me. I bought it in late December, quickly thought this is a piece of shit, and went back to the mod. I notice that the poster boy of dayz Frankie is even trying to let Dayz standalone fans down gently by gradually bringing the mod back, whilst trying in the nicest way to show in his vids what a mess standalone is. & lets face it folks, love him or loathe him Frankie has the power to make or break standalone. The laddie made his name from dayz mod, so when hes bitching about standalone? You know something is seriously wrong.




I understand standalone is in alpha, and being an older gamer I have more patience than the young guns. We were all given fair warning that Standalone was a work in progress, but going too heavy on the realism aspect is hurting the standalone terribly IMO. there is a fine balance, and where the mod was great but not quite real enough, standalone is a bit TOO real. Playing mod and standalone is like going from one extreme to another! Mod too much fun and skimping on survival, Standalone too much survival and forgetting about the fun. Standalone needs time, but I fear the rocket man in his quest to make the perfect zombie survival game is trying to make it 'too' perfect and that's why its struggling.

Sorry, it isn't like Super Mario Kart or Titanfall.....I mean it is only like labeled for SURVIVAL


dayzero is for sure the best mod out there, The gun variety is awesome, they made a ton of improvements on the already improved mod, new town layouts, more realistic weapon sway (in a way that the vanilla mod could never do) plus the attachment system.


The sad part is that there's no US servers anymore, so i cant play it =/


PVP wise i think DayZero>Overwatch>Epoch>Vanilla, feature wise epoch and origins take the lead.


Standalone is a shame compared to what the mod community made to the mod, just look at how the origins crew modified the engine, they even implemented quests, bulletproof vests, progression and inventory expansion.

1. They themselves didn't "modify" the engine, they just added onto it.

2. Quests were made years (1-2 years) before DayZ/Origins mod.

3. Bulletproof Vests are just reskinned from ArmA's base vests.

4. Inventory Expansion, also made before DayZ/Origins mod.

Edited by DJ SGTHornet
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Well I agree on the zombies and realise there place holder, but it doesn't stop them being annoying as hell. My biggest problem is how much damage they do to your inventory, I was in the police station in svetlo when I got swarmed by about 5 zombies the terrible fps really screwed me and I felt like a piñata. But I survived and eventually axed them all but everything I had was wrecked, my clothes I can understand but they managed to ruin individual bullets in my ammo stacks.

I do understand its alpha and hope they sort this eventually, but it seems like a rushed zombie respawn system for the hell of it which should of remained in development until a little more stable.

And people comparing the mods to the standalone are just wrong, this is supposed to be about survival, not lets see how many guns I can stockpile and how many people I can kill. Which honestly is all Dayzero is about. Last I played Dayzero me and my friends had tents full of guns and all there was to do was shoot people. Which we found boring as hell eventually.

Edited by Ricky Spanish
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Well I agree on the zombies and realise there place holder, but it doesn't stop them being annoying as hell. My biggest problem is how much damage they do to your inventory, I was in the police station in svetlo when I got swarmed by about 5 zombies the terrible fps really screwed me and I felt like a piñata. But I survived and eventually axed them all but everything I had was wrecked, my clothes I can understand but they managed to ruin individual bullets in my ammo stacks.

I do understand its alpha and hope they sort this eventually, but it seems like a rushed zombie respawn system for the hell of it which should of remained in development until a little more stable.

And people comparing the mods to the standalone are just wrong, this is supposed to be about survival, not lets see how many guns I can stockpile and how many people I can kill. Which honestly is all Dayzero is about. Last I played Dayzero me and my friends had tents full of guns and all there was to do was shoot people. Which we found boring as hell eventually.

Your one of the few smart people around here. ^-^

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Wow...it's sad when I can read the first half of this thread and already predict the next 3 - 5 responses...


*sigh* Doesn't anyone have something different to say in response to some of these threads?


It's the umptieth thread on exactly the same topic. We even have a stickied megathread about it with currently 644 posts in it. There is nothing new to say about it anymore.

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Well I agree on the zombies and realise there place holder, but it doesn't stop them being annoying as hell. My biggest problem is how much damage they do to your inventory, I was in the police station in svetlo when I got swarmed by about 5 zombies the terrible fps really screwed me and I felt like a piñata. But I survived and eventually axed them all but everything I had was wrecked, my clothes I can understand but they managed to ruin individual bullets in my ammo stacks.

I do understand its alpha and hope they sort this eventually, but it seems like a rushed zombie respawn system for the hell of it which should of remained in development until a little more stable.



Zombies should be annoying as hell, and they should be able to destroy your precious loot. That is simply the only way they will ever be thought of as a real threat by players. Sad but true.

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It's weird as I have yet to encounter this aggro other people talk about. All my zed encounters involve me killing them with an axe and I'm clear. The most zeds I had on me was about 6 or 7, some of which respawned but when they do respawn, they're msotly facing away from me and I just walk behind them.


Remember that just because they put in a stupid mechanic from your point of you, how do you know they're not testing how servers handle the extra load and are collecting data and making predictions based off those for the next update?


It may be annoying but it's tough. We all agreed to play a game that might play out like this and nobody has any right to complain. Be thankful it's even being made - there's always Ripoff!!: The Sergey Titov Diaries ;)

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Somebody firing wildly, zombies everywhere. Isn't this what the game is all about? Sounds like an interesting encounter to me.

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The initial clause screen doesn't do enough.  DayZ needs a little training mission before players can enter servers.  Make it the most broken obstacle course with giant signs plastered all over saying "Alpha."  Maybe an instructor who constantly reminds the player what an alpha is.

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It is great to have more Zombies and that there are faster attracted.

But I have a problem with their speed. Also it would be way more fun, if the Wall physics work better, so that they can't see you through, or follow you trough walls and closed doors.

I would have more fun, if It's possible to ran into a building and close the doors, just to get a little lead over them. (Like it would be in real world too  ;)).

For someone (like me) who had recently started playing DayZ its really hard to get familliar to the gameplay. Also finding Items is really hard with the zombies now, because there are to fast, clever, glitchy, fast aggrowed and the following range is to high.


Also the Spawning range is not that ideal now. Maybe it's better to spawn a killed zombie in the next city. 


Even if I fight with my startig problems, and the zombies, I love this game!

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