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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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I thinks it is okay that the zombies get a little bit harder. But its not fair when the bug with the glitching zombies isnt fixed. Please fix the Prob that Zombies glitch throu the walls. It cant be that i get so many problems cause a zombie comes in my back and hit me.


Sorry for my english.

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thanks for understanding, and what is your source that this spawn system of zombies is prowisory ? ;)


greets rigz

in a old changelog Rocket wrote something that he wanted to write a better system in a second time

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I thinks it is okay that the zombies get a little bit harder. But its not fair when the bug with the glitching zombies isnt fixed. Please fix the Prob that Zombies glitch throu the walls. It cant be that i get so many problems cause a zombie comes in my back and hit me.


Sorry for my english.


The new team that's brought in to work on the hunting system is supposed to also look at pathing in the game. Hopefully they'll figure out a fix for the bug.


Patience. ;)

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As per the latest changelog, post your feedback here. Keep it constructive.


"New zombie animations in testing (they are considerably faster). We will be engaging with the community to decide if these new animations result in the zombies being too fast."




thanks for understanding, and what is your source that this spawn system of zombies is prowisory ? ;)


greets rigz


New zombie animations in testing


They are in testing, meaning they're not a final solution.

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Ha Ha cant believe loads of you want this to be a "run as fast as you can simulator". The zombies are shit now and I'm out, well it was decent while it lasted have fun.

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The new team that's brought in to work on the hunting system is supposed to also look at pathing in the game. Hopefully they'll figure out a fix for the bug.


Patience. ;)

I forget exactly where and who said it but iirc they are having a team handle the infected pathing and AI as an overhaul when they decide to do it.  Unfortunately there is a lot of uneducated guessing going on I will have another rummage and see if I can find who said it when, sometime in the last 2-3 weeks and it was a developer.


Ha Ha cant believe loads of you want this to be a "run as fast as you can simulator". The zombies are shit now and I'm out, well it was decent while it lasted have fun.

hit it with an axe and you will be able to casually stroll away.

Edited by Window Licker

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Hello, new player here....and my thoughts on the speed is fine. What I do not like is them respawning on top of you when you kill one (even in the woods with a melee weapon). Also, LoSing is not working with them by my experience (I have even went in the woods, not see them, sit down open my inventory only to have them catch up...then). Seems impossible to LoS them in the city (no matter how many tall walls and buildings you run around). And, they get through walls and closed doors. Also, fenses should be able to stop them, along with walls and doors (unless there are many to break the fense). Other than that, the game is fun.

Edited by zombie1

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Ha Ha cant believe loads of you want this to be a "run as fast as you can simulator". The zombies are shit now and I'm out, well it was decent while it lasted have fun.


...says the guy that made this remarkable comment:


I was playing yesterday in random servers and the zombies seemed fine , not too difficult etc. Then I moved to a server my clan has to play on it with clan members (CQF) and the zombies were ridiculously tough. I sincerely hope they do not stay this way as this has taken all the enjoyment out of the game. At one point I was being chased by 7 Zombies who could all run faster than me and I was armed with an M4, which obviously did nothing to help me defend myself.


Tip: Don't run with a weapon in your hand. You are slower. No weapons+fists up = sprint = fast enough.

Tip2: Zombies should be hard. And I mean REAL hard like freaking dangerous, so that you have to plan what you are doing and every encounter with Zs is dangerous, be it, because they can infect you when they hit you in melee (and/or break your legs, and/or cause bleedign and destroy your gear), be it, because you rang the dinner bell (aka shot your weapon) and are swarmed now.

Tip3: Zombies are NOT hard at the moment. Get a decent melee weapon and you are set

Result: If these Zs are already too hard for you, I'm sorry' but you've picked the wrong game, I think :/

Edited by LaughingJack
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AGREE 100% with both these below posts. This is EXACTLY how a Zombie, Apocalypse game should be. Guess I wasted my money if it doesn't go the below way.



Agree 100%.


THIS zombie game should be about avoiding the herds, not running like hell.
We need more zombies, not faster ones.


Maybe they should spawn on the beach and at graveyards, And then drift towards towns or make herds.


 This is not a zombie, its retarded. If this is how dayz is making zombies harder then it's dead to me. Zombies don't sprint. 


The zombies movies with sprinting zombies are the most ridiculous retarded shit movies. and now this game. It's turning into left for dead, or serious sam. Not bad games, but ridiculous. This is not what I got the game for. 

There is no atmosphere, either there are no zombies, or they are sprinting at you. Thats not suspenseful, doesn't seem like you're surviving tucked away in a ruined town creeping around finding supply's trying to avoid the ROTTING CORPSES walking around. Now you just go to town kill the zombies that sprint at you and it's over. What kind of lame experience is this? 


What happened to us having stamina? What happened to the horror? I know it was weak before but I thought it was getting there with the classic slow zombie walking animations. And now they are back to the old mod version of runners. This is bullshit. 



You might like it because it's new about now they are harder, thats true, but this is going the wrong way, this is not how dayz should be. Dayz should be 1000's of zombies, and the danger is from their numbers. you can't run forever. thats where there difficulty comes from. 


Going in this direction I promise you there will never be loads of zombies, it's will just be sparse, with fue zombies that run at you. This is the wrong direction to take the game in. I know I'll get hate from people here, but you'll be building your own lame game. Just another shooter with no style, flare, soul. It will be shallow. I guarantee it.   Just look at all the other games that increase enemy difficulty by adding health or damage or bullshit ability's to the enemy's. Soul less. shallow.  


Go on, flame me, ruin the game. 



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thanks for understanding, and what is your source that this spawn system of zombies is prowisory ? ;)


greets rigz

As the game is not finished, different tasks take different amounts of time. We are not in the rebalancing stage at all, so there is no buffing and debuffing going on. We have recently implemented entirely new animations for zombies movement, as well as implementing a placeholder zombie spawn mechanic. The new AI collision and pathfinding system is underway, but takes longer than the other tasks.



Edited by Window Licker

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AGREE 100% with both these below posts. This is EXACTLY how a Zombie, Apocalypse game should be. Guess I wasted my money if it doesn't go the below way.


...at which point was this promised? At which point did anyone of the devs say: "Well look at this 3 guys in the forum. All others think Zs should be fast. But this 3 mean they should be slow. Let's make them happy and change our plans totally."

WHO the heck defines that a Zombie apocalypse game shoudl be THAT way and not any other? You? Romero? The voodoo priests that came up with the zombie system?

And here is the shock of the day for you: The Z in DayZ does NOT stand for Zombie, it stands for....Zero.

Zero like: Day Zero of the new age after the apocalypse, caused by infected people that are clearly no classic undead corpses wandering around.


Additionally: That comments you quoted are so horrible naive, it hurts. "ayz should be 1000's of zombies, and the danger is from their numbers. you can't run forever. thats where there difficulty comes from." ah yeah. What a BS. So if you run 500m in a wood behind some trees you are safe, because they wont follow you anymore? Or do you just run that you have enough time to log off safe? Or should they be able to follow you always? I don't think so...

Some months ago the devs stated that they could run on their internal system 4000 Zombies at once on a server if they turn off the loot completely. This number should be higher now since server performance was increased - it doesn't mean that we get that soon, but that it's possible. 4000 FAST zombies ;)



Just look at all the other games that increase enemy difficulty by adding health or damage or bullshit ability's to the enemy's. Soul less. shallow.

That's my favourite. The cheapest way to make a game "harder" is increase the number of 0815 enemies, "bullshit abilities" - yeah, that's shallow. *chuckles*

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AGREE 100% with both these below posts. This is EXACTLY how a Zombie, Apocalypse game should be. Guess I wasted my money if it doesn't go the below way.

first off they are not dead they are infected living human beings that apparently can sprint and jump and in the game respawn - just like you but in a slightly different manner. secondly, these are just placeholder zombies, remember the A-word. thirdly if you had been following the devtracker you might be aware of server load problems with huge amounts of zombies, you do still want to be able to play right? I'll end it with that but it kinda looks like you wasted your money - oh and you can pass this on to the uninformed individual you quoted since you seem to admire his work so much.

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You really are a contradiction in terms aren't you.


He Says "WHO the heck defines that a Zombie apocalypse game should be THAT way and not any other? You? Romero? The voodoo priests that came up with the zombie system? " WHILST trying to tell me that the


"Zombies should be hard. And I mean REAL hard like freaking dangerous, so that you have to plan what you are doing and every encounter with Zs is dangerous, be it, because they can infect you when they hit you in melee (and/or break your legs, and/or cause bleedign and destroy your gear), be it, because you rang the dinner bell (aka shot your weapon) and are swarmed now."


Hmmm so we are not allowed to have an opinion on how the Zeds behave but YOU are do me a favour and FUCK OFF.

...at which point was this promised? At which point did anyone of the devs say: "Well look at this 3 guys in the forum. All others think Zs should be fast. But this 3 mean they should be slow. Let's make them happy and change our plans totally."

WHO the heck defines that a Zombie apocalypse game shoudl be THAT way and not any other? You? Romero? The voodoo priests that came up with the zombie system?

And here is the shock of the day for you: The Z in DayZ does NOT stand for Zombie, it stands for....Zero.

Zero like: Day Zero of the new age after the apocalypse, caused by infected people that are clearly no classic undead corpses wandering around.


Additionally: That comments you quoted are so horrible naive, it hurts. "ayz should be 1000's of zombies, and the danger is from their numbers. you can't run forever. thats where there difficulty comes from." ah yeah. What a BS. So if you run 500m in a wood behind some trees you are safe, because they wont follow you anymore? Or do you just run that you have enough time to log off safe? Or should they be able to follow you always? I don't think so...

Some months ago the devs stated that they could run on their internal system 4000 Zombies at once on a server if they turn off the loot completely. This number should be higher now since server performance was increased - it doesn't mean that we get that soon, but that it's possible. 4000 FAST zombies ;)



That's my favourite. The cheapest way to make a game "harder" is increase the number of 0815 enemies, "bullshit abilities" - yeah, that's shallow. *chuckles*

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...at which point was this promised...

aww jack ya beat me to it - nice by the way ;)

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I have read several similar statements now about zeds being infected not dead and therefore there is no reason for them to be slower than survivors. Serioulsy, look at them. If you have an infection your body fights it. And get weaker if the infection is a real problem, even a flu can make you feel exhausted. The zeds not only look like they have the flu or do they? The look like they are rotting while standing there. Imagine an infection that completely shuts of your brain and results in you looking the way zeds do. Let's ignore the fact that attacking the brain (behaviour) would probably also influence your motoric abilities to the negative.

Look we have a medical expert trying to explain a fictional concept... how awesome is this... xD

The bottom line is this. According to Dean, these are Infected, not Zombies, not some 1920's Voodoo zombies flick of ultra lame, slow and useless zombies.

From the looks of it, Dean is going the route of 28 Days Later/28 Weeks Later. Either way he takes the Infected... whether slow or fast... it ultimately doesn't matter. It's HIS vision of what they should be, at this moment and time.

He's listening to constructive criticism from EVERYONE to find out if people like his solution. If this will change his view on what his vision is, that's up to him.

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Would be cool to see something like the following..


#1 Would like to see many more zombies - especially in urban/military area - everybody says this :)

#2  Would like to see different types of zombies with different kinds of animations, levels of speed, attack strength, appearance.

#3  Maybe something like the following - with all types mixed together in most areas (save military areas where almost all spawns would be military level)


ZOMBIE TYPE #1 - weak citizen

% of total zombies on map = 20

Speed - 20% of player sprint

Animation - shambling, limping

Hit Strength - 30 hits to kill a player

Models - elderly, badly injured adults


TYPE #2 - Normal citizen

% of total zombies on map = 40

Speed - 60% of player sprint

Animation - previous animation to patch .43

Hit Strength - 20 hits to kill a player

Models - variety of professions, doctors, guys/gals in suits, factory workers, repairmen, office workers, grocery store clerks, lots of variety...normal citizenry


Type #3 - Crazed Infected

% of total zombies on map = 20

Speed - Current speed they are since last patch (.43)

Animation - current animation since last patch

Hit Strength - 10 hits to kill a player

Models - bums, hobos, mental patients, escaped prisoners, idea here is they look crazy and scary


Type #4 - Military/Police/Fireman grade

% of total zombies on map = 15

Speed - equal to full player sprint - yikes!!

Hit Strength - 6 hits to kill a player

Animation = something cool and challenging, but definitely not the easy to predict/defend, zombie leap

Models - military/police/fireman


Type #5 - Elite Military - ONLY SPAWN in high military loot areas...bases, airfield, barracks, etc

% of total zombies on map = 5

Speed - faster than the player.....

Hit Strength - 4 hits to kill a player

Animation = something terrifying

Models - fully kitted, buff, military looking

Edited by roninhg
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aww jack ya beat me to it - nice by the way ;)

I've really got to learn how to type faster....


I'm going to have a think back to before they introduced respawning INFECTED, humm oh yes I didn't give a shit about them because I could loot an entire town without having to deal with them. I could run into any town guns a blazing and it didn't matter, I didn't even keep bandages or any medical supplies on myself aside from morphine, because they where a total waste of space.


Then the respawn system came into play I got beaten around, had to think about how I was going to do something because if I messed it up I would be hurting, not dead but defiantly have some punishment for not thinking things through.


I don't understand how people are so against a game mechanic that provides a mild challenge.  It's not a whoops and dead its a bit of a slap about for being careless, unless you really fuck up big time in which case you deserve to die.  Infected are now a threat, instead of a flock of puppies that follow you around while you loot a town.

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who the hell are you guys to say how fast zombies "really" go? i laugh every time someone says that shit.


you guys must be pathetic because the zombies are ezmode. sorry you cant run away from all of them now, i hear warcraft calling for you.


EDIT: fixed this cuz of bad quoting.


AGREE 100% with both these below posts. This is EXACTLY how a Zombie, Apocalypse game should be. Guess I wasted my money if it doesn't go the below way.



Curupira, on 26 Mar 2014 - 09:26 AM, said:snapback.png

Agree 100%.


THIS zombie game should be about avoiding the herds, not running like hell.
We need more zombies, not faster ones.


Maybe they should spawn on the beach and at graveyards, And then drift towards towns or make herds.


 This is not a zombie, its retarded. If this is how dayz is making zombies harder then it's dead to me. Zombies don't sprint. 


The zombies movies with sprinting zombies are the most ridiculous retarded shit movies. and now this game. It's turning into left for dead, or serious sam. Not bad games, but ridiculous. This is not what I got the game for. 

There is no atmosphere, either there are no zombies, or they are sprinting at you. Thats not suspenseful, doesn't seem like you're surviving tucked away in a ruined town creeping around finding supply's trying to avoid the ROTTING CORPSES walking around. Now you just go to town kill the zombies that sprint at you and it's over. What kind of lame experience is this? 


What happened to us having stamina? What happened to the horror? I know it was weak before but I thought it was getting there with the classic slow zombie walking animations. And now they are back to the old mod version of runners. This is bullshit. 



You might like it because it's new about now they are harder, thats true, but this is going the wrong way, this is not how dayz should be. Dayz should be 1000's of zombies, and the danger is from their numbers. you can't run forever. thats where there difficulty comes from. 


Going in this direction I promise you there will never be loads of zombies, it's will just be sparse, with fue zombies that run at you. This is the wrong direction to take the game in. I know I'll get hate from people here, but you'll be building your own lame game. Just another shooter with no style, flare, soul. It will be shallow. I guarantee it.   Just look at all the other games that increase enemy difficulty by adding health or damage or bullshit ability's to the enemy's. Soul less. shallow.  


Go on, flame me, ruin the game


Edited by vprgtsr001

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I've really got to learn how to type faster....


I'm going to have a think back to before they introduced respawning INFECTED, humm oh yes I didn't give a shit about them because I could loot an entire town without having to deal with them. I could run into any town guns a blazing and it didn't matter, I didn't even keep bandages or any medical supplies on myself aside from morphine, because they where a total waste of space.


Then the respawn system came into play I got beaten around, had to think about how I was going to do something because if I messed it up I would be hurting, not dead but defiantly have some punishment for not thinking things through.


I don't understand how people are so against a game mechanic that provides a mild challenge.  It's not a whoops and dead its a bit of a slap about for being careless, unless you really fuck up big time in which case you deserve to die.  Infected are now a threat, instead of a flock of puppies that follow you around while you loot a town.

yeah my first real oops encounter with em was in a bunk room in a barracks building - too tight to swing the axe so I pulled the ole .45 and shot the SOB... his sister comes thru the wall behind me with her aunt and brother-in-law meanwhile the original has respawned and is coming through the other wall as I am steadily emptying one mag after another so I can manage to get a clear path to the door just terrified I've alerted every player on the server to my whereabouts and I would be shot runnin out. I was all bright green on all statuses when this all started but I was seeing hard greyscale when it was over. It took almost 20 mins a bag of rice and a few gallons of water to recover and I had to go find some more gear, seems I had shat my pants in all the commotion.


so yeah I changed my methods after I changed my pants - I like the zeds a lot better now

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Alright here we go day two of surviving and frankly I don't know what so many are complaining about, the new zombies actually make this game intense, at first they seem too hard but hey how have we all been playing lately? I know i gained courage due to the lack of Zeds and just sprinted everywhere. But now that's no longer an option like in real life you must be stealthy to avoid detection.
So adjust your game-play and you'll see it really is an improvement, and once you get a fire axe you got no worries the zombies become bumbling harmless children again. Easily dealt with via a bonk to the head. But more realistic!!! 

It's amusing the Fan-flak for not updating fast enough, and then the fan-flak after updates come!!?? Nothing's good enough for folks.

Overall its cool but could use some tweaking as far as endless respawns, path finding and line of sight, to appease those who wish for effortless survival perhaps offer different variants of Zeds like Slow, Medium, Fast or something.

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This was posted a couple of days ago it was in response to people complaining about why bino's weren't in the game but I feel it has some relevance to this thread, Remember nothing is set in stone for this game until they have their RC (Release Candidate) and even there I'm sure there will be on going fixes. The spoiler contains is just the first part of the comment. 

It can't be more than a few lines of code to fix this 1. What makes you think something is broken? I.e. that to deliver this is somehow a fix 2. Can it absolutely not be more than "a few lines of code"? You could assume we are lazy, or stupid. Or you could also assume that we have been focused on other priorities. Another option would be to make no assumptions at all, and politely ask why binoculars are not in the game yet. To that question, I would say that we currently have not done any additional work on binoculars. They were completed as part of art development, but there is no assigned programming and design resource to configure the item as it has not been considered a priority.

We have prioritized redoing:

* Zombie and Animal AI pathfinding/collision

* Player controls (mouse acceleration bugs)

* Loot Respawn

* Zombie Respawn

* Desync/lag

* Excessive bandwidth utilization (non-guaranteed updates)

* Client performance due to need for proxy object occlusion culling/lodding methods needed.


Plus much, much more. I'm sure you can agree, the list of things more important than binoculars is rather large right now. Previously on weekends, some of the team have devoted time to pet projects of getting things they really want into the game. Unfortunately any remaining spare time has been spent by the team on the multiplayer desync/lag issues - thus binoculars will remain unused for some time.



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