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Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)

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The new zombie specs do a fantastic job of highlighting how clunky and shit the melee combat is, and how badly we need better physics.

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The new zombie specs do a fantastic job of highlighting how clunky and shit the melee combat is, and how badly we need better physics.

U idiot? There really can't be better one.. Meaby some easy fixes to make it better a little but how is melee combat is shit? Meaby little melees are shit, cause they are little!! But axe is very good but only problem is that it hits funny, cause my friend hit a zombie, i was to his back and i died ...

i killed 21 zombies with a farming hoe ....

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WRONG!  They do not give up!  Also you CANNOT OUTRUN THE ZOMBIES/INFECTED ANYMORE!  Do you understand that?  Is that now clear to you?  Stop talking down to others in this thread.  You are not the badass you think you are.  Imagine you are a new spawn.   You get agro'd by a zombie, other zombies are alerted by the noise.  They also are SPRINTING to your location and are now leaping at you and ripping you to pieces.  You try to run,  They outrun you, you have no weapons.  The black screen appears.     YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS!    then a shorter message appears.   YOU ARE DEAD!    Do you get it yet?   




You don't need to outrun them.  You just need enough space to run round them in a circle, hitting them in the head.  Any melee weapon will do it, even a newspawn with just fists.  They can't (for the moment, at least) turn fast enough to keep up with you to hit you.  If you run figure eights, you can lead them away from their spawn spots so they're out of range when they respawn.  It also helps with keeping them pointing towards you.  There's nothing badass about it, just perseverance.


Do you get it yet?

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Faster zombies,

Stronger zombies

Zombies that re spawn instantly within 100m from you, and they already know where you are when they do

Zombies still walk trough walls. 

Hit detection for melee still is so bad I can't even describe it.  

Suppressor still does not work, (how will can it take to fix the attachments?) 


Seriously ? You want constructive criticism for that ? Zombies are more broken with each patch, and you don't see that ? Today I wanted to clear krasno from zeds to do some looting, I ended in a 5 minute fight against infinite stream of zeds coming from all directions. I had to hide in a shed so that at least some had to go trough the door, most still just walked trough a wall. A guy who tired to kill me while I was fighting zeds was shot by me and that torn to shreds by a horde of 20 zeds because he was outside the shed (he saved my ass, because when zeds were killing him I managed to reload all my SKS mags). After firing something like 30-40 SKS rounds and 20 FN45 rounds I had to run away because I was going to run of out of ammo. After I escaped I hid in some bushes and left the game. 

Zombies were supposed to be a thread not a bullet sponge with infinite capacity. 

Right now firing a shot = either a suicide or a desperate escape. 

Zeds should take enough time to re spawn that when I clear a small town I can loot it without any zeds present, that's the purpose of killing zeds. 

I'm not coming back until zed re spawn is adjusted. 

You guys have made some bad decisions in a past, but with this patch you outdid yourself. 

Edited by General Zod
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U idiot? There really can't be better one.. Meaby some easy fixes to make it better a little but how is melee combat is shit? Meaby little melees are shit, cause they are little!! But axe is very good but only problem is that it hits funny, cause my friend hit a zombie, i was to his back and i died ...

i killed 21 zombies with a farming hoe ....


I'm not talking about the effectiveness of particular melee weapons (although it is disappointing how under-powered things like pipe-wrenches and bats and crowbars are, and how overpowered bare fists are). I am talking about the overall mechanics of melee combat, which are clunky and shit. Circle-strafe-running while swinging an axe does not feel like realistic melee fighting - it feels like a gamey pseudo-tactic.


The new zombies force you into more frantic melees now, and this really shows up how crap melee combat is. I don't mind the way zombies are in the new patch, but it'll be so much better when there is some semi-realistic ragdoll physics and less glitchy melee collision-detection, as well as better balancing for the various weapons.

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Can't believe that a lot of other players are actually enjoying the new 'broken' zombies --- in my opinion they have just pretty much ruined the game - I don't mind getting chased from zombies but they are broken - they spot you from the middle of towns before you are even close - they run straight through every building like it's not even there and run straight at you a quarter mile away!! absolute bullshit - they also jump through buildings to attack you, they don't even use doors.


There should be zombies aggroing on you, but they shouldn't be able to run faster than you when you have no weapon equipped & also through everything - you can't even lose them through line of site anymore - they need to be fixed before the dev team make them more aggressive or more plentiful.

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OMFG guys, the zombies will only aggro TO YOU if you shoot them, they then respawn with your last position locked into memory and come running as if you just fired the shot, im gonna make a video when i get some bullets of how the mechanic works and how to effectively deal with zeds and what guns are best used for just to prove that it is peoples playstyles causing issues not alpha testing mechanics that are nothing to do with end result, merely different mechanics being thrown into the game to see how they work and if could be implemented, they clearly will not be putting in the insta respawn mechanic, the actual feedback is about ZOMBIE MOVEMENT and the new animations, which increase their speed just enough that you have to sprint for a while to get out of range. the main issue is the clipping (being worked on with the new ai system that WILL make the final release) and the audio and visual alert zone the zeds have, (granted right now in the placeholder mod code zombies we have, it sucks) yes they do aggro when your quite away away AND behind them, but u know what, i just expec t that to happen now, and use my trusty melee weapon to sort them out. im hyped to make this video just to show people need adapt to the game, or give up on it

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It's not so much the zombies I'm enjoying - it's the tears of the 'broken' KoS/PvP'ers and their tiny fists of internet rage.  Why, this game isn't even fit to be called a beta.

Edited by alphadogmeat
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commence operation ou5trun some zombies and record it to debunk "infected run faster than humans" rumour




*rolleyes*  mod patch deja vu :) lol much crying commenced, and the hardcore gamers and the devs rejoiced in the fears

of the new playerbase

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OMFG guys, the zombies will only aggro TO YOU if you shoot them, they then respawn with your last position locked into memory and come running as if you just fired the shot, i

We know

And it's fucking retarded.

Zombies should not re spawn instantly, what is the point of killing them when they come back without delay ? 

Also new zombies already being aggroed at me is also fucking retarded. I does not matter what I kill them with, they should re spawn with a delay and without knowing my position. 

If I want to commit and shoot 30-40 zombies in large town I should end up with zed free city for enough time to loot it, but no, it will make 30 zombies instantly re spawn close to me and already running to kill me. 

Edited by General Zod

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It's not so much the zombies I'm enjoying - it's the tears of the 'broken' KoS/PvP'ers and their tiny fists of internet rage.  Why, this game isn't even fit to called a beta.

internet high fives you and does the ner nah nah nerr nerr dance at all the noobs'z

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We know

And it's fucking retarded.

Zombies should not re spawn instantly, what is the point of killing them when they come back without delay ? 

Also new zombies already being aggroed at me is also fucking retarded. I does not matter what I kill them with, they should re spawn with a delay and without knowing my position. 



so let me get this straight, when you walk near a town (generally populated by say at best 10 zeds) and you shoot one, and the other 9 aggro at you, ur surprised that (in the real world setting) a lot more zeds come running at you to where they heard the gunshots, which is in my opinion all this mechanic is set to mimic. as mentioned will record some footage of how to play dayz sensibly and how to play dayz like a gooch face. I for one can tell you now, if they take respawning out (which they will) and then fill the cities with say 50 to 100 zombies, and you try shoot any single one of them, the horde of 100 zombies will fuck u a lot quicker and a lot more buggily than the current respawn mechanic does. im not saying the mechanic is good, or bad, just that is PLACEHOLDER and not what you are supposed to be feedbacking. as it is they are hyper aware which is an issue, but the speed feels good and while they cannot turn very fast on the spot we still have the upper hand if we use the tools we have been given to take them out silently. anywho i shall record some video to debunk the stupidness of some of these claims

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Ok let me get this straight, no I'm not surprised that all zeds in vicinity converge at my position when I shoot, also I don't want spawn removed. At no point I said that, stop arguing with things I did not say. 

I clearly said that zombies should have a re spawn delay and should not be aware of players location when they spawn. There is not excuse for zombies re spawning within one second and already aggroed at you. 

This makes playing this game pointless. 

Also the ultimate get out of jail card aka place holder does not make up for retarded decisions. Have you considered what will it look like with current mechanics when they add hordes of hundreds of zeds ? The game will become unplayable. 

Also I know I can use axe, and that using guns is going to attract zeds but current mechanics are broken beyond words. 

This game preaches realism, in what aspect instantly re spawning zombies that walk trough walls is realistic ? 

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this is one guy who i used to frequent the testing group for the mod with and between me and him we helped to really get the zeds in the mod honed to a annoyingly formidable level without being totally impossible to play around. this thread shows some great ideas for what aggro could and should be like so i thought i would share his thread and try to show people a good way to give feedback for devs. :) go check it out

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Ok let me get this straight, no I'm not surprised that all zeds in vicinity converge at my position when I shoot, also I don't want spawn removed. At no point I said that, stop arguing with things I did not say. 

I clearly said that zombies should have a re spawn delay and should not be aware of players location when they spawn. There is not excuse for zombies re spawning within one second and already aggroed at you. 

This makes playing this game pointless. 

Also the ultimate get out of jail card aka place holder does not make up for retarded decisions. Have you considered what will it look like with current mechanics when they add hordes of hundreds of zeds ? The game will become unplayable. 

Also I know I can use axe, and that using guns is going to attract zeds but current mechanics are broken beyond words. 

This game preaches realism, in what aspect instantly re spawning zombies that walk trough walls is realistic ? 


no i have not considered what the respawn mechanic will be like if added with hundreds of zeds in game, mainly because (PLACEHOLDER MECHANIC) it will not be in the game by then. why would they have a mechanic to mimc the feeling of aggroing a hundred zeds, when you really aggro hundreds of zeds... i mean please, think man. it is not a gety oput of jail free card it is THE SOLE REASON the mechanic is there, it is a placeholder while the ACTUAL zombies that will be seen later in development are being coded and worked on in house till they let us test those too. why not stop shooting the bloody zeds and melee them like any normal person does... then you might see they NEVER aggro to your location when you kill them they just spawn not too far away and will aggro if you alert them by making noise etc...

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Ok, see there is the problem.

I should be able to shoot zeds if I have a fuck ton of bullets and eventually kill them all. This is how it's supped to work all zeds in a given area can be killed for at least measurable amount of time be it 5 - 10 minutes not one fucking second. 

What is the point of killing zeds if they re spawn instantly within the same area ? 

Edited by General Zod

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@Ninja_Meh - love the way you keep mentioning 'call of duty noobs' - like everyone who doesn't like the latest broken zeds should go play call of duty - step down from your high horse if you can.


I have been playing the dayz mod since way before it was even popular- I hate call of duty type games & i'm definitely not a noob - i haven't died in well over two weeks & I am killing the zombies with ease - but all this zombies running through walls, spotting you from stupid distances - and by the way, they do aggro on you when you've not shot at them, it's happened to me - how can a zombie spot me on a hillside in a treeline when I'm so far away that the town doesn't even render?


I have watched them running straight at me  - through several buildings on the way, with no shots fired and nothing being done to attract them. And they can also run up hills, where the dayz character is reduced to a slow walk - then you just have to zigzag like a right tit - all hopes of stealth gone.


I want the zombies to be chasing me, it's one of the major things which is good about the game - but they need to fix them, so you can lose them by cutting through houses and terrain, like it would be for real - it ruins the game when they can see you inside buildings and over any obstacle.

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they run straight through every building like it's not even there and run straight at you a quarter mile away!! absolute bullshit - they also jump through buildings to attack you, they don't even use doors.


Some of you guys need to actually READ what the developers are posting with the change logs. The have said that the zombies through building issues is on their list to fix, among other things such as developing an AI. Let's not forget this is an ALPHA version of the game - it seems that many of you haven't a clue as to what that means.

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Yes they are fast, however you can outrun them by putting your fists up ( turbo mode). When you get to a point they will slow down and then just stop. I know it can be very annoying to a point, your so far out of the city/town the time you get to the next one. You might have the same problem, when trying to get into a building looking for food/drinks/guns etc


but zombies can sprint up hills...

Edited by LazyPoet91
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WRONG!  They do not give up!  Also you CANNOT OUTRUN THE ZOMBIES/INFECTED ANYMORE!  Do you understand that?  Is that now clear to you?  Stop talking down to others in this thread.  You are not the badass you think you are.  Imagine you are a new spawn.   You get agro'd by a zombie, other zombies are alerted by the noise.  They also are SPRINTING to your location and are now leaping at you and ripping you to pieces.  You try to run,  They outrun you, you have no weapons.  The black screen appears.     YOU ARE UNCONSCIOUS!    then a shorter message appears.   YOU ARE DEAD!    Do you get it yet?

My friend and I both did it several times Friday night and Saturday night... so... whatever your deal is... I don't know. And I by no means said I'm a badass or talking down to others... you can stop being a troll any minute.

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So finally had a chance to play the new stable and I naturally ran straight for Cherno to test out the new zombies. And yes they have certainly become more aggressive, the first couple of zombies managed to ruin my much beloved green checkered shirt (now replaced with a black wool coat), but after the first shock of their indeed super fast attack had subsided I managed to take them out easily with my axe.


So I ran around the apartment blocks on the outskirts of Cherno and eradicated zombies and very soon they were as easy to take out as the old ones. To make matters a bit more interesting I fired a couple of shots, first with my magnum, then with my SKS. The first one managed to get the attention of a few faraway specimens, but the last shot really got them going, 5 or 6 six came at me from different directions. I took them all out with my axe and in no time took them down without further zombies appearing.


As it seemed I had cleaned out the suburbs of Cherno of zombies I entered the city itself to test zombies and find myself some clothes. Armed with the axe it was no problem at all looting houses and clearing a path by killing zombies. So I managed to go straight through Cherno with no problems, wielding my axe when outside and drawing my revolver when entering dubious buildings which may contain players. Only when I had passed through (even the firestation, found my first fnx mag in ages, but unfortunately no fnx pistol), did a zombie manage to surprise attack me and draw blood. It seems the beach on the outskirts of Cherno is a popular spawn for zombies (one even spawned a considerable distance out in the sea). But again, with the axe, I took them all out, and bandaged, moved to a safe spot and logged out.


So all in all, it is an improvement, but far from enough. They are predictable and often aggro from so far away that it is very easy to take countermeasures a long time before they actually reach you. I only noticed the respawning of them a couple of times, when I shot at the beginning, and at the beach, but none of those were problematic, they spawned relatively far away, and those on the beach didn't even aggro until after some time.


As such I must profess surprise at people claiming the new zombies are too difficult. Going to urban areas is certainly more of a challenge, but it was already an area where there was no excuse not to move around with a heightened sense of awareness, and therefore not really a change. The difference being if you beging shooting, and keep doing it. You won't be let alone until you stop shooting, and either flee or dispatch all the zombies with a melee weapon. This will make for some very interesting situations, and I very much look forward to seeing the usual videos of people camping the firestation or other wellknown places in Elektro recorded after the latest patch. It may very well look much more like a zombie game than the usual boring military simulator/deathmatch fps.

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After playing the game for a while, my main issue with Zombies, as has been stated by lots of others is thier aggro range. Be sitting on a hill and all of a sudden zombies coming running from each and every direction. This is really annoying and where the devs will need to turn thier attention to in my opinion. We need to be able to sneak past them to loot villiages and towns, and if we kill one with an axe, it shouldnt aggro the whole city on you. fair enough, discharge a fire arm, they will come running. Do another activity that makes noise, you're zombie dinner. Sitting on a hill, crouched, just observing the surrounding, you should be safe from those zombies 1km away in the valley.


Other than that, I think they are great. Thier speed and abilites are quite fun and challeging. everything about them at the moment in my opinion is working well. Just need to fix that aggro issue. :)

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After playing the game for a while, my main issue with Zombies, as has been stated by lots of others is thier aggro range. Be sitting on a hill and all of a sudden zombies coming running from each and every direction. This is really annoying and where the devs will need to turn thier attention to in my opinion. We need to be able to sneak past them to loot villiages and towns, and if we kill one with an axe, it shouldnt aggro the whole city on you. fair enough, discharge a fire arm, they will come running. Do another activity that makes noise, you're zombie dinner. Sitting on a hill, crouched, just observing the surrounding, you should be safe from those zombies 1km away in the valley.


Other than that, I think they are great. Thier speed and abilites are quite fun and challeging. everything about them at the moment in my opinion is working well. Just need to fix that aggro issue. :)


I haven't quite been able to figure out exactly how or why they aggro. My recent test indeed had lots of zombies aggroing from far away and come running, but I experienced at least an equal amount that didn't aggro, even when facing me, allowing me to walk straight up to them before they had a chance to react. So it is definitely not "the whole city" that is getting aggroed by your presence.


I think that perhaps sprinting will aggro zombies within line of sight regardless of distance, but any movement slower than that only aggroes zombies within a certain perimeter. But it is just a guess.

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Like a majority of people before me have said. Keep their speed and damage. Fix the respawning. Takes the game in a new better direction. No longer have to just worry about just bandits. Zombies are an actual threat and that is great. Once the respawn is fixed, Maybe add more to higher population areas so they swarm more Like they would in a real apocalyptic scenario.

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