Gugolas 228 Posted January 30, 2014 You noticed that you will get killed in real when you get a bulllet right throu your head? It is one of the features I defenetly won`t miss in DayZ.Not in CSI Miami.Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) IS Rocket claiming loot spawns in log cabins? XD I think he's claiming that it's supposed to. Edited January 30, 2014 by Mos1ey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted January 30, 2014 Rocket PLEASEWe need 4 things before anyone even thinks about berries and SILLY SPRAYPAINT so can you please make your sacred dev team prioritise these FIRST for the next updateDrop the crafting sawn-off-shotgun-in-69-different spraypainted colours team to add at least one type of car, just one or two models to save time, that come in wrecked bodies in twos and threes; RUNNING IS REALLY GETTING OLD. I don't care if it's basic or buggy just as long as we get just one land vehicle that speeds travel and gives players something to build and work towards. Please. Priority to damage indicators on zombies so players can tell when the melee hits, a gore spray on every collision in the next update would be a great help Can you please work on loot drop on zombies before you add new items, so that players have a motivation to kill zombies. There is like no reason for killing a single zombie unless you're trapped. Adding a reason to kill zeds earlier in the alpha will make players more likely to use ammunition on zombies than each other. Priority to fixing of player models badly clipping through terrain. Honestly even zombies going through walls isn't that bad but teleporting through 2nd story structures to one's death is a needed fix! In short: Save me obi wan rocket you're my only hope I don't want violet pants I want more basic gameplay first 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 30 Posted January 30, 2014 When is something gonna be done about char wipes? To me its the biggest issue the community has with the game so far and its one of the oldest issues reported! Lost a 15 hour character last night because I had to go to the WC...Whats more important than fixing central hive? When private hives are released I will never ever play on central hive again, buggy as hell... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dimitryrock6 0 Posted January 30, 2014 EX banch server not live yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rancor 90 Posted January 30, 2014 When is something gonna be done about char wipes? To me its the biggest issue the community has with the game so far and its one of the oldest issues reported! Lost a 15 hour character last night because I had to go to the WC...Whats more important than fixing central hive? When private hives are released I will never ever play on central hive again, buggy as hell... My CHar never get wiped... you knosw that there are two databases for regular and hardcore ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dez1nd 2 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) - Zombies: Different types of Military zombies now have tougher attack values and improved durability holy shit we really need headshot only zeds or very high health for them Edited January 30, 2014 by dez1nd 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zappi_Brutus 9 Posted January 30, 2014 Hi all; About patch and frequency: Thank you to the dev to give us more better update.And thank you to give us less patch but stronger patch.Thank you to deliver the patch in low frequency ( around 10 days for patch) and not each couple of day with a new small patch... About patch error, bug etc: Well we are in Alpha and we are all Alpha tester so it's our duty to test it, detecting bug, reporting bug.You'v been warning early about this.Of course all patch released will bring older bug back or new one.It's not a problem; it's part of developing game from Alpha to Beta to final release.And it's our part to test it and report it. About tents, combat logger, ghosting,...: Stop to complaining about adding this, fixing this etc.Dev know from where they are and where they go.You dont.Keep wait for what you wanting to see in Alpha and be a smart guys and play your duty... Test the Alpha!If you are looking a game to take fun, take a break from standalone and back to play on Arma2 Dayz mod.You will get tents and tons of script to fight against what u dislike.The server arent enought stable and performance dont be enought maybe to allow more objetc to handle the server like tents, vehicles, zombies etc...So please stop to call for this object or this fix, just test the Alpha that's all. About the community: For sure, a lot of guys that testing the Alpha look like children crying anytimes about this or this.They, certainly, didnt read the warning about the Alpha game status and feel to bought a Game...It'snt alreaady a game guys, it's a sckeleton of a game.When i see this post ( but every Pending Changelog topics are the same) i just dont want to read over the first topic.Because i will read complaining from guys with no brain ( i mean at 80% of the replies) who will ask for the same things and will speak about the same issue.And it's tired to read them back with all their solutions to fix this or that. About my own feeling: After waiting over 1 year to see the standalone released i didint wnted to bought it when i heard it will be in Alpha status.Beacuse i was feeling than if this game was taking so long to bring it on a Alpha maybe it will means the game will suck and will take an age to be playable.I admit i was wrong.I brought the game because all my friends brought it and then i will decided to follow them but i wasnt sure to be happy about this.I admit i was wrong.You made a perfect work Dev.I'm very happy about what you did so far and look forward for what you will do in a future. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexploit 19 Posted January 30, 2014 Rocket PLEASEWe need 4 things before anyone even thinks about berries and SILLY SPRAYPAINT so can you please make your sacred dev team prioritise these FIRST for the next updateDrop the crafting sawn-off-shotgun-in-69-different spraypainted colours team to add at least one type of car, just one or two models to save time, that come in wrecked bodies in twos and threes; RUNNING IS REALLY GETTING OLD. I don't care if it's basic or buggy just as long as we get just one land vehicle that speeds travel and gives players something to build and work towards. Please. Priority to damage indicators on zombies so players can tell when the melee hits, a gore spray on every collision in the next update would be a great help Can you please work on loot drop on zombies before you add new items, so that players have a motivation to kill zombies. There is like no reason for killing a single zombie unless you're trapped. Adding a reason to kill zeds earlier in the alpha will make players more likely to use ammunition on zombies than each other. Priority to fixing of player models badly clipping through terrain. Honestly even zombies going through walls isn't that bad but teleporting through 2nd story structures to one's death is a needed fix! In short: Save me obi wan rocket you're my only hope I don't want violet pants I want more basic gameplay first Drop spraypaints to make cars. WTF dude. I thought you gonna say fix bugs, wall cliping, player movements,dsync, performance fix but no. You just want fucking cars. What rocket needs to do is get more ppl on fixing bugs we want to be fixed since mod, while art team can still work on new content. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whothehellishe 81 Posted January 30, 2014 - Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player) This is not the collision fix for zombies right? What is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hexploit 19 Posted January 30, 2014 Because i will read complaining from guys with no brain ( i mean at 80% of the replies) who will ask for the same things and will speak about the same issue. You know whats more annoying than complainers? Ppl complaining about them.... Dude because this is alpha it doesn't make it bulletproof for any criticism. Obviously ppl shouldn't cry about lack of content or bugs, but in same time they are allow to state their concerns about game. So stop shouting "ITS ALPHA" every time someone have something to say. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted January 30, 2014 HexploitDrop spraypaints to make cars. WTF dude. I thought you gonna say fix bugs, wall cliping, player movements,dsync, performance fix but no. You just want fucking cars. What rocket needs to do is get more ppl on fixing bugs we want to be fixed since mod, while art team can still work on new content. I did say fix wall clipping. Learn to fucking read. Priority to fixing of player models badly clipping through terrain. Honestly even zombies going through walls isn't that bad but teleporting through 2nd story structures to one's death is a needed fix!Oh, wow, would you look at that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zappi_Brutus 9 Posted January 30, 2014 You know whats more annoying than complainers? Ppl complaining about them.... Dude because this is alpha it doesn't make it bulletproof for any criticism. Obviously ppl shouldn't cry about lack of content or bugs, but in same time they are allow to state their concerns about game. So stop shouting "ITS ALPHA" every time someone have something to say. I dont say stop to complaining, i say stop to complaining in THIS topic. It's a changelog topic.If you wanting to bring us your solution or criticism, go away from changelog topic and open your own topic about it. And yeah IT'S an ALPHA so you will not finished to heard about this arguments mate.Because it's a fact! Alpha Tester isnt here to bring us their solution, they are here to report bug and test the game.But in anyway this topic isnt the right place to made them on 120 pages complainings... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 30, 2014 Honestly I don't understand why people have their panties in such a bunch over vehicles. You know there will only be a few on each server and you won't have one 90% of the time anyway, right? 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted January 30, 2014 Please to learnings the Englishes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted January 30, 2014 Honestly I don't understand why people have their panties in such a bunch over vehicles. You know there will only be a few on each server and you won't have one 90% of the time anyway, right?No shit, that's the point: the cars will be valuable and drivers will be a target, so they will be something to work towards. But there shouldn't only be a few, there should be 20 repairable car spawns to start off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 30, 2014 No shit, that's the point: the cars will be valuable and drivers will be a target, so they will be something to work towards. But there shouldn't only be a few, there should be 20 repairable car spawns to start off. Currently that's 1 for every 2 players in the server. Way too many IMO. I think that what we need right now is more items. Gearing up does not take long enough. You can have a 'maxed out' char in a couple of hours, where it should take weeks. Vehicles should be an after thought, more of a long term thing. 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whothehellishe 81 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) Screw cars, bring tanks! :D :D awesome update btw, just awesome, the log timer....time to make new friends :) Edited January 30, 2014 by whothehellishe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted January 30, 2014 Currently that's 1 for every 2 players in the server. Way too many IMO. I think that what we need right now is more items. Gearing up does not take long enough. You can have a 'maxed out' char in a couple of hours, where it should take weeks. Vehicles should be an after thought, more of a long term thing.Considering DayZ is a game influenced by realism, you have it all wrong. For a start, don't think so coast-centric. Vehicle spawns would be scattered across the whole map, so only about 5 would be available to bambis. Vehicles would require repair as in the mod, which leaves you vulnerable while doing so and forces you to look for parts. Jerrycans to fuel cars would be needed, so players would go through a well trafficked area and find it empty of fuel. As for gearing up, it already takes a decent amount of time to get some stuff; weeks is a ridiculous expectation. I would suggest removing Balota Military Camp and decreasing the amount of full on military loot spawns if you don't like how easy it is to get a full kit, but we don't need many more items at the moment, especially cosmetic shit. What we need is vehicles, because they could potentially decrease banditry and make players explore the 225km squared map which is currently being ignored and wasted, which stops players from finding bugs in the far corners as they test. Vehicles are a "now" priority for letting players explore deeper; not different types, just one for now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_Agony_ 0 Posted January 30, 2014 'Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player)Does this mean zombies can't walk through objects anymore? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mos1ey 6301 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) Considering DayZ is a game influenced by realism, you have it all wrong. For a start, don't think so coast-centric. Vehicle spawns would be scattered across the whole map, so only about 5 would be available to bambis. Vehicles would require repair as in the mod, which leaves you vulnerable while doing so and forces you to look for parts. Jerrycans to fuel cars would be needed, so players would go through a well trafficked area and find it empty of fuel. As for gearing up, it already takes a decent amount of time to get some stuff; weeks is a ridiculous expectation. I would suggest removing Balota Military Camp and decreasing the amount of full on military loot spawns if you don't like how easy it is to get a full kit, but we don't need many more items at the moment, especially cosmetic shit. What we need is vehicles, because they could potentially decrease banditry and make players explore the 225km squared map which is currently being ignored and wasted, which stops players from finding bugs in the far corners as they test. Vehicles are a "now" priority for letting players explore deeper; not different types, just one for now. I never mentioned the coast or new players. All I said is that 1 vehicle per 2 players is too many... If anything that's worse because half the server (usually more, in all honesty) is on the coast, that means every player up north would have a vehicle... It really doesn't take long to gear up. I'm fully geared within 2 hours pretty much every life. All that's left after that is replacing items with pristine versions and finding TTSKO clothing. In the mod finding your favourite weapons and a full toolbelt (including night-vision, range finders and GPS) used to take a decent amount of time. In fact you were very lucky to ever have all of those things on one char. The sense of progression just isn't there right now. Edited January 30, 2014 by Mos1ey 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ministelis 118 Posted January 30, 2014 Considering DayZ is a game influenced by realism, you have it all wrong. For a start, don't think so coast-centric. Vehicle spawns would be scattered across the whole map, so only about 5 would be available to bambis. Vehicles would require repair as in the mod, which leaves you vulnerable while doing so and forces you to look for parts. Jerrycans to fuel cars would be needed, so players would go through a well trafficked area and find it empty of fuel. As for gearing up, it already takes a decent amount of time to get some stuff; weeks is a ridiculous expectation. I would suggest removing Balota Military Camp and decreasing the amount of full on military loot spawns if you don't like how easy it is to get a full kit, but we don't need many more items at the moment, especially cosmetic shit. What we need is vehicles, because they could potentially decrease banditry and make players explore the 225km squared map which is currently being ignored and wasted, which stops players from finding bugs in the far corners as they test. Vehicles are a "now" priority for letting players explore deeper; not different types, just one for now. I for one explore the entire map checking out everything I can. I like finding all the streams and potential future spots for my base. I think the idea of taking 2 weeks to gear up the perfect amount of time as it would be more realistic. think.. if there are only 40 odd people in the entire 225km square map, then it must be taking place a long time after day 0. that would mean thousands of people would have come through before you and lost themselves to the fate of reanimation and also consumed the majority of the resources that you would gear up with. this would include vehicles. enough parts for 3-4 vehicles for the whole map would be enough I think. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RSF TheCapulet 45 Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) SKS was my first assault rifle, and likely the only gun I could realistically assemble and dissasmeble with my eyes closed (It's a very simple weapon). I can't wait to start killing bandits with it. For the SKS though, I'd really like to see some of the more awesome aftermarket stocks as possible upgrades for it. For instance: The SKS is one of the more widely avaliable Russian assault rifles in civillian space, since Russian produced a massive shit ton of them, and then immediately switched to the kalishnakov. Due to this and it's overall simplicity, it has a HUGE aftermarket parts selection that really lends itself well to DayZ. I can't wait to see all of the awesome combos for this weapon. Edited January 30, 2014 by TheCapulet 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted January 30, 2014 Test servers still down? I just can't wait to test the anti-combat log. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frosti 2165 Posted January 30, 2014 SKS was my first assault rifle, and likely the only gun I could realistically assemble and dissasmeble with my eyes closed (It's a very simple weapon). I can't wait to start killing bandits with it. For the SKS though, I'd really like to see some of the more awesome aftermarket stocks as possible upgrades for it. For instance: This SKS gun can actually be good thanks to semi automatic fire. But in game m4 still will be better becouse more bullets in magazine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites