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90 Good

About Rancor

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  1. Rancor

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    DayZ ist constantly crashing for me since the stable patch. Error Message ist Dayz stopped working. Appears apparentyl after 15 - 30 minutes..
  2. Does anyone now if loot respawn is implemented ?
  3. Nothing patched afaik.
  4. The Lack of information suxx :/
  5. On Experimental ? Are the servers up again ?
  6. In my opinion it is a litte bit disapointing, that there is no information about why the exp servers are down and when the exp server will be up again. I know Hicks said that they will be up when they are pushing out a new version I Think it is the first time, that the exp servers are down for such a long time..
  7. Are the exp severs up again ? Can't look, because i am still @ work :/
  8. Ahh okay thank you ^^ :)
  9. Did someone found a bioncular on experimental ? Can'T find it :/
  10. Does someone figured out how the loot respawn mechanic does work ?
  11. Can confirm, Police station, the blue medic centers, and the shelves in the supermarket dont't spawn any loot
  12. Rancor

    DE Experimental Server 45.123906

    Some Lootspawns are broken, like the police station, the new medical centers and most of the shelves.
  13. Was there an update for the experimental Servers? Client version is still 0.44 and theres no update on steam